Hey guys, I am back with another piece. I made this KS facebook cover edit few days ago and this gave me an idea for drabble. A KS drabble based on this my FB cover photo. I'll be posting my Kapil-Sumona drabbles here. (I just like to remind all it's a fiction, whole AU setting where KS are in love and married, not in real life but in story only).

::In Love With... | Kapil&Sumona Drabble::

"So, love..? When did you know, you were in love?" The most expected question or let's say the most anticipated question of evening or recent times. They both glance at each other briefly, their fingers entwined, perfectly fitting. Then turning their attention back at the host, to respond. Interviewer doesn't fail to notice the smile playing on his lips and the coloring creeping at her cheeks.

"I fell for her eyes."

"I fell for his smile."

Applause and some laughter fills the room for their answer and laughter because both of them speak at once, in unison. He laughs and she joins him second later.

Clearing his throat he replies. "What I mean is, first time, when I looked into her deep eyes, I fell in love with instantly. There is something magical and pure about her eyes. They always drawn me towards her." He tries hard not to blush but she does notices his cheeks coloring too and secretly she's enjoying it until the interviewer looks.

"You said, you fell for his smile?" All eyes on her, waiting for her answer. She is no stranger to this attention but still revealing this is making her somewhat nervous. He slightly turns to angle himself on chair next to her, so he can look at her. The intensity of his gaze sends chills down her spine.

"Yes, his smile. First time, when I saw him smile, actually smile I just couldn't help myself. His smile is captivating, so warm and welcoming that you cannot resist it. I couldn't." She adds blushing. The audience goes 'awe' over the couple who are so much in love.

I hope you all liked it.