The Land Before Time Advance Season 3: The Trilogy Orbs

(K+ Fanfiction Rating for Mild Language and Mild Violence)


I do not own Phineas and Ferb and The Land Before Time. They belong to Disney and Universal/Amblin respectively.

Chapter 1: Good and Evil Don't Mix

Main Characters: Team Dinopals, Monty, and Vanessa

Supporting Characters: Team Phineas

Antagonist: Major Monogram and Johnny

Author's Note: I have now an author's note for every first chapter of the season or any fanfictions I'll write since the First Season of TLBTA. In this Season, I dropped the Regurgitator as the main villain and replaced Rodrigo as the main villain of the season. The reason is because of this two-part Season Premiere. Rodrigo will be replaced as Blacklist No. 4, mentioned in Season Two, and the main objective will be revealed in the next chapter. So begin few months from the Second Season Finale because the Adventure Begins!

The Official Opening

-Phinopolis Warehouse City, 1:55PM-

The warehouse area of the city is embedded in flames as the people of Phinopolis scream for Firefighters or Fire Station Emergency. Since they are about to run out of time, Team Dinopals dashed into their metropolis to help their people to wash the fiery warehouse into dilution.

"Don't worry everyone." Littlefoot announced to the people of Phinopolis "We're here to help." as everyone cheer for Team Dinopals, they arrived instantly from the east and start setting up a plan to put out the fire off.

"I'll set up the water." Ducky said in unison as she spray a large cannon of water from the fire hydrants "Yep, yep, yep!" She stopped the hydrant and took only a few of the fire of the area. In surprise, Vanessa Doofenshmirtz and Monty Monogram appeared beside her.

"Or you can use my dad's Douse-Inator." Vanessa said with the Inator "I borrow it from him to save your work. Meet my boyfriend, Monty Monogram." Monty runs into Team Dinopals as he charged for their assistance while Vanessa uses the Inator as cannon.


Inator Type: Weapon Inator

Uses: Removes Fire from inflammable areas

"Team, split up." Monty commanded under the firewall "The fire's too thick due to the flammable materials nearby. Vanessa and I will take it care from here."

"Is that a question or a mission?" Vanessa asked with a confident look to aim on the Douse-Inator.

"Team Dinopals Roll!" Team Dinopals cheered for their mission "Welcome to the Party."

Everyone co-op together to remove the bonfire of the warehouse as they watered every building of the area to clear the mission with cold water. Every meter, they started to wave the water into the flames. Along the way, someone knew that they're being watched while in action. It is a boy in a jacket and his hair is down so they cannot see him and/or his face. The teenage punk recorded a footage focusing on Monty and Vanessa. He is starting to get angry as he flees from the scene before anyone can get a good look at him.

"Roger that!"

...And so the Adventure Continues!

Synopsis: First Two-Chapter Saga will begin as Two Teams helped Vanessa and Monty to protect themselves from their warring fathers. Terra, on the other hand, must keep his accreditation level of Zero-to-Hero Headquarters to its latest level and must avoid the said main characters to be dating in front of Major Monogram or not will lose his best possession rank of the HQ.

Act 1

-Zero-to-Hero Headquarters, 9:00AM-

Today is a very special day at the Headquarters as Monty and Vanessa are officially affiliated with Team Dinopals and also Team Phineas. Ducky is counting her money to reward the said characters as they approach her recipient counter.

"Hello, Ducky." Vanessa greeted in ecstatic "You called us for something?"

"Just going to say thank you for helping us last night." Ducky said gratefully, gladly to meet them "The mission wouldn't be done without you two. Here, I know we're going to convert it into US Dollars but here's Dinosaurian Sol." the receptionist offer the reward to the good-evil couple as Vanessa chuckled in clarity.

"Two Hundred Sol, high price." Vanessa said.

"Yep, yep, yep." Ducky said "The high price for the two of you."

"Thanks, I guess I must've split the price for…" While Monty is saying something, Ducky then sensed someone coming inside an intruder. It isn't actually an enemy but a neutral ally, looking through the sliding glass is Major Monogram and his SS SN.

"Okay, this is Zero-to-Hero Headquarters." Major Monogram said through Ducky's ears "Everybody, we're ready for the accreditation day of this company." snapping out of reality; Monty and Vanessa are looking at her in confusion.

"Ducky, are you okay?" Monty asked to her, shaking Ducky's head and snapped her eyes open. She took Monty and Vanessa's hands as she exclaimed quietly.

"Take Cover!" She pulled them into her counter and quickly hid them under the empty space of her counter. Annoyed of her antic, they convinced that she is kidnapping them.

"What's going on?" Vanessa asked as the swimmer shushed her. Keeping it silent, Ducky peeked above the table and saw Major Monogram as he entered the headquarters while she hid back into Monty and Vanessa.

"Terra, Terra!" Major Monogram called around the foyer "Terra, Major Monogram is here!"

"Oh, hey!" Terra greeted as he walked downstairs "Welcome to the Great Valley." Back below the counter, Monty is scared of his father now.

"Crud, my dad is here." Monty said as he facepalmed himself. The girls shushed and Ducky slid her foot from her center she found a trapdoor. Trapdoors are useful for emergency missions.

"Jump into this trapdoor." Ducky whispered "You first, I last." Without further ado, Vanessa slowly slid down the trapdoor first with Monty next and Ducky last.

"...And how to get access for accreditation?" Major Monogram asked to Terra.

"Just talk to Ducky." Terra approached the counter where Ducky is, but he saw that she disappeared "Ducky? Where are you?"

While they slide into a secret location, Ducky curiously noted to them.

"Don't want to fight but…"Ducky meekly said to them about Ferb "Ferb is somewhat jealous when you two hang out each other."

"It's a long story, Ducky." Vanessa replied while she encouraged her old friend "But I hope Ferb is moving on."

-Abandoned Headquarters, 9:03AM-

Most of Team Dinopals are here at the abandoned underground of O.W.C.A. (The Great Valley HQ). It didn't last long for it as Vanessa slid out of the slide. Monty followed last and Ducky took a watery entrance, splashing Monty and Vanessa to be startled.

"Guys, this is Vanessa Doofenshmirtz and Monty Monogram." Ducky greeted to Team Dinopals and Ferb "They are children of the warring fathers."

"Hello!" Everyone greeted as they're shocked if they're going to frame them in unison.

"So wait, you guys are trying to frame us?" Vanessa asked reluctantly.

"No, we're here for a meeting." Littlefoot said as they precede an immediate meeting "We do heard a problem with you two. Today is the accreditation of Zero-to-Hero Headquarters, every year is Major Monogram inspecting the workflow of the HQ and if we passed, and our accreditation level is now passable to level 3."

"Level 3 is what Terra dreamed of his HQ." Ruby dreamily said until she normally frowned "We're ready to fate the day until you guys come in."

"I know" Vanessa explained "We come for a reward but Major Monogram come in and we need your help."

"Ferb, you saw us at the party." Monty said as he pleaded to the green-haired boy "Can you help us?"

"Wait, how did you know my name?" Ferb asked.

"Well, Vanessa told me about you." Monty replied as he rephrased "No offense but can you help us?"

"Okay then but we need Phineas and Isabella first." Ferb skeptically said and they heard familiar sounds of Phineas and Isabella. The Mexican-Jewish Girl slid out of the pipe first and Phineas last, falling themselves into a safety pillow carpet.

"Whatcha Doin', guys?" Phineas asked while he raised his head.

"It's an emergency, guys." Chomper said as he started the meeting directly "Now that we're all here, we're all here that I formulated the plan through Ali's Chrono Tablet." Everyone gathered in to formulate the plan. But Isabella focused on the camera as she introduced herself to the readers for fourth wall message.

"Hi, Readers. I'm Isabella Garcia-Shapiro." She introduced herself "I'll tell you what happened after the second season. From now on, I cannot have dreams full of Timeline Spoiler. I know, it's a downfall but someday, I'll get it back. Next, we passed only a month because of these guys. Lastly, Terra retrieved my memories of Season One Finale."

"Isabella, were you narrating the story?" Phineas asked as he approached his best friend.

"Uh, yeah. Talk to them." Isabella replied as Phineas turned to the camera.

"Anyway, what Isabella said is true." Phineas explained further "In the meantime, our mission is about Monty and Vanessa. Two-Part Season Premiere."

Sometime Later… (9:07AM)

"So, how do we get Monty and Vanessa date without seeing Major Monogram?" Littlefoot asked to his circle from Monty and Vanessa to Ruby and Ali.

"That could be a problem, Littlefoot." Monty complained "Just because you guys are ranked Golden Heroes doesn't mean you can fix everything."

"Monty, be patient." Littlefoot said "We made great head starts for it after we declared Team Phineas being Bronze Heroes. They are Silver Adventurers back when we fought Battle for Elmore and being Gold Adventurers when they cooperated us on the Golden Weapons and..."

"Enough, Littlefoot. We know everything about your silly story." Vanessa annoyingly replied as they go back into the plan "In any way, how do we get protected?"

"Carl joined us temporarily so he can make up an idea." Chomper said "Although our plan is with Inators, he is short-handed to trade someone very clever. Any blueprint board?" they noticed that Monty is whispering Vanessa all along, confused of their curiosity.

"No need guys, Monty and I have a route to declare." Vanessa said as she made a map with her paper and pen "We'll be chatting at Chez Platypus, pass through the Cottonball Hills, and finally, the Waterfall to the Valley Suburban. Pretty Easy?" Ali is mouthing her words but someone took her line, someone who first saw Monty and Vanessa dating.

"Sounds good to me." Carl said as he arrived into the abandoned underground. His voice took their attention as the team turned to him.

"Carl, you took so fast." Cera said impressively.

"I think I have the riskiest plan for the first two routes." Carl made a plan as he tugged his held rope to drag the Inator from Phineas and Ferb 'Where's Perry?' "With Dr. Doofenshmirtz's Ultimate-Evil-Inator, I can change myself into evil to chase Major Monogram away."

"Are you crazy? Remember what happened last time?" Ali asked in demeanor "You almost took over the Tri-State Area by Africa."

"Uh, Major Monogram can catch me fast." Carl said to Ali, configuring how the plan works "But with me being evil, it'll take long to catch me like playing tag."

"Agree!" Team Dinopals said in unison but Ali doubted.

"Alright, the rest of the plans are on us." Littlefoot said as he pressed a button to roll down a metal tube "Monty and Vanessa, you'll be in safe hands. Not see you later!" The strong wind is now pulling Monty and Vanessa as they waved goodbye before being pulled up. The team watched them goodbye as the start their plan in a few minutes.

-Chez Platypus, 9:30AM-

At Chez Platypus, before the sight, Team Dinopals hide in disguise with the Ultimate-Evil-Inator as Vanessa and Monty arrived first before Major Monogram.

"Here it is, Chez Platypus." Vanessa arrived with her voice "And by the way, why is Phineas and Isabella here?" Phineas and Isabella are wearing the clothes from Phineas and Ferb's Chez Platypus.

"Oh, you know, hanging out like best friends do." Isabella replied while a nervous giggle.

"Okay…" Monty answered awkwardly as they served a table for two. Phineas and Isabella approached the table with a menu.

"So, what is your order?" Phineas asked to give them the menu. They couple picked the order they want as the camera pan fast into the forest with Major Monogram and Terra. "Ah, the Couple Special, eh? Isabella, call Order 33 for Table 17." Phineas clapped his hands as the kids walk away, Monty and Vanessa giggled as Monty saw Major Monogram and Terra coming up.

"Over here, this is Chez Platypus." Terra instructed off-screen "Created by Phineas and Ferb…" While Terra's voice is trailed off, Littlefoot send private communication to Ali.

"Littlefoot to Ali, Team Dinopals Roll."

"Roger Roll, Littlefoot." Ali, on a midsection of said location and forest with Cera and Ducky, said "Activate the Ultimate-Evil-Inator." The team nod as Carl, in his Ultimate Evil Costume, is not prepared to become evil.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Carl asked in fear.

"What else, you made the plan, we do the plan." Cera skeptically said as Ducky swiped her tail to activate to Ultimate-Evil-Inator with a countdown "Cinco, Cuatro, Tres, Dos, Uno."

"I changed my mind." But the words are too late for Carl to speak as he got hit instantly. Afterwards, he collapsed and raised his head evilly "And I'm good." He started to attack the team as his sleeve pointed to Ducky and shot her with rubber knives. She fell down with real knives almost touching her body as the Team panicked.

"Carrera!" Cera screamed "Ultimate Evil Carl, we're your enemies." the team run into the forest as Carl shouted while catching them.

"Get back here!" This caught attention to Major Monogram and Terra as the girls run through them.

"Carl, what are you doing?" Major Monogram scolded as he briefly froze and threw a cage to trap at Major Monogram and Terra. The green oviraptor broke the cage with rocks and interjected.

"Catch that fool!" He and Major Monogram chased him as he communicated to his team "Team Dinopals Roll, can you hear me?" only to find out that his communication is blocked on a flyer's nest, Ruby eyed her audience to be sadistic, an out-of-character way.

"We blocked Terra's communication so we cannot know it." Ruby said with her evil grin as she apologized to him sarcastically "Sorry to betray you, Samson." She bailed the communicator as the team follows Carl the Ultimate Evil.

-Danville Scrapyard, 10:00AM- (12:00PM in the Great Valley)

The punk named Johnny is showing his friend named Lacie his laptop. But it is not just about the laptop, it is also a recording of Team Dinopals, Monty, and Vanessa helping the people of Phinopolis. Lacie are interested about the topic, Vanessa and Monty start dating from now on.

"So, Johnny." Lacie, the pink-haired Goth girl, said to Johnny "Is there any idea why you wanted to show us this?"

"It's because of Vanessa." Johnny closed the laptop "She didn't tell me who is the guy and why is she dating?" he started to grow anger as he set aside the laptop negatively.

"Whoa, Johnny." Lacie comforted, telling of his relationship with Vanessa "Slow down, Vanessa broke up with you few months ago. That is why Vanessa is moving on with a good guy. She told me who he is because of what I said."

"Then what is his name?" Johnny snapped by pushing Lacie against a wall of scrap. She sensed fear being acknowledged by him as she confessed.

"Monty Monogram!" Lacie confessed in fear "Son of Francis Monogram."

"Monogram? Doofenshmirtz." Johnny released her as he felt like he is threatening a girl who is a friend of Vanessa "He must the enemy of Vanessa's Father but why?"

"I don't know." Lacie answered with an advice "Good and Evil Don't Mix. But apparently, they mix at the end like Romeo and Juliet. The Capulet and the Montague are enemies until Romeo and Juliet died."

"That goody two-shoes jerk." Johnny argued "He must know."

"Johnny, calm down." Lacie pushed her self-esteem into action.

"I won't calm down, Lacie." Johnny circles around Lacie, being now jealous and arrogant, and later bail the scrapyard to drive away "Don't you know I have ever been so jealous from that guy? I say 'Kill him off' before she knew it." As he drives off with newly-bought car after his driving license, Lacie tried chasing him but stopped to cross her arms.

"You wouldn't dare!" Lacie sternly said as she saw a nearby telephone booth. She forgot her smartphone so she picked up a quarter coins and calls one of Candace's Best Friends, Stacy Hirano.

-The Hirano House, 10:20AM-

At Stacy Hirano's House, Stacy at her room about to text Coltrane about her trending news but a call screen stopped her. She slide up and put her phone into her ear to call Lacie.

"Hello, Stacy." Lacie introduced to her Candace's equivalent "I'm Lacie, Vanessa's Best Friend like you for Candace."

"Hello, Lacie. What's going on?" Stacy asked calmly.

"I need a head start call for you. Watch out for a boy in jacket named Johnny." Lacie warned her earlier as she saw Johnny walking in the pavement "He is here to catch after you to know if Vanessa is dating Monty Monogram." A doorbell rang and someone or Ginger opened the door.

"I'm Johnny, here for Stacy Hirano." He replied innocently.

"Oh, good, Onee-chan is upstairs." Ginger guided him into her room but Stacy gasped as she tends to hide before Johnny catches her.

-The Flynn-Fletcher House, 10:50AM-

At the door of the house, a doorbell rang, and Candace picks it up. Upon opening, Stacy arrived immediately who is tired for all of the running and hiding.

"Candace, I need you to hide me." Stacy pleaded while kneeling.

"But why?" Candace asked as she heard an engine roar. Stacy quickly hid inside the house as Johnny's car arrives. Candace knows what he wants as she stood up, closes her door behind, and let wind blew her hair in encouragement. Johnny walks into the house pavement and hides his hands into his pockets like a 'whatever' guy.

"Have you seen Stacy Hirano, Candace?" Johnny asked.

"You seem a noble person." Candace faked her flirting with a question "What is her nationality?"

"Japanese." Johnny answered reluctantly, shoving Candace before the door "Now get out of my way."

"No you aren't, forward this door will show your busting urge." Candace guarded the door "Trust me. Onward this door will see my brothers making the craziest thing that will send you to let my mom bust Phineas and Ferb."

"What nonsense are you?" Johnny asked while pushing Candace.

"Don't call me nonsense, mister." Candace replied arrogantly with her index finger pointing at him "Get out of my house, my property, and my friends around the neighborhood. Got it?"

"Fine." Johnny said casually and later walks away with an evil glare at her, entering his car to drive away the street. Isabella, at the sidewalk, curiously looked at Candace as they don't know what might cause Stacy to be traumatized of him.

Act 2

-The Flynn-Fletcher House, 11:30AM-

In the Flynn-Fletcher House, at the living room, Stacy is burying her disappointing face with her hands, Isabella stroke her shoulder to soothe the sorrow while the Flynn-Fletchers quietly observe.

"Stacy, Whatcha cryin'?" Isabella asked.

"I'm not crying but Johnny is trying to reveal the secret." Stacy said worriedly "Vanessa trusted me not to tell anyone about Vanessa dating Monty Monogram."

"Stacy, I know Vanessa before she owes you help." Candace said "I know Vanessa is dating Monty and I keep it a secret."

"Yeah, but Johnny is jealous and somehow may be Vannesa's Ex-Boyfriend." Stacy confessed as everyone gasped very surprisingly because they didn't know Vanessa has a relationship with Johnny before.

"Well that's unorthodox." Phineas said as he turned to Fern with his notepad "Ferb, make a note of that."

"Don't, Ferb." Isabella contradicted, turned to Stacy again "Stacy, I hear you. It's like Baljeet is either two-timing Mishti and Ginger or just letting them become friends."

"You just made that up, didn't you?" Ferb asked while discarding his junk mail on his tablet.

"Sadly, yes." Isabella sighed as Linda Flynn-Fletcher arrived with a tray of frozen popsicles.

"I got frozen popsicles, everyone." Linda said in unison as everyone turned to her, getting their popsicles while Linda wondered "I don't know why there is a Chemistry Set in the Backyard."

"Oh, that was us." Phineas volunteered it was theirs as Linda facepalmed.

"Phineas, Ferb, backyard now." Linda mildly scolded while pointing her finger to the backyard.

"Sorry, Mom." Phineas apologized as he and Ferb head back to their yard "I wonder how Team Dinopals are." Ferb shrugged.

-Cottonball Hills, 1:35PM- (11:35PM in Danville)

At Cottonball Hills, Monty and Vanessa are seeing the flowers and hearing the peaceful ambience. They were having a stroll here while Team Dinopals tried to catch Carl who trapped Major Monogram with a sinkhole in the distance. Lucky for them, Major Monogram cannot even see before and after.

"So, Vanessa. What do you say about Cottonball Hills?" Monty asked while he sneaked his hand into holding Vanessa in his arm.

"It reminds me of Cotton Candy." Vanessa said curiously "My dad hasn't let me taste cotton candy but he said 'Back in Drusselstein, his father disapproves the food as if he may cause bad luck.' Perhaps, his father is stricter than I thought."

"Boy, I feel it." Monty said reluctantly, expressing of his somewhat annoying father "My dad forced me to follow his dream and not mine. I haven't signed up for acrobatics but I have crime-fighting skills well enough for his acrobatic combat."

"If you were an acrobat," Vanessa then asked as she twirled into holding hands "Why don't you show me how?"

"Sounds like tempting to me." Monty smirked as they walk away the hills.

-Ducky's Terrarium, 1:45PM-

At Ducky's Terrarium, Carl is now thrown into an evil-proof cage designed by the O.W.C.A as Team Dinopals clapped for the Monogram success. Cera turned on the reverse switch of the Ultimate-Evil-Inator as a purple beam hits the intern. He collapsed and woke up with no memory of being evil.

"Good work, keep him caged, will you?" Major Monogram asked for them as he continued the tour but Terra caught him up later as he is with Team Dinopals.

"Nice work, Carl." Ducky congratulated "You give us extra time to give Vanessa and Johnny a wonderful time. You did, you did." As Terra heard Team Dinopals' plan, he is shocked that Monty and Vanessa are here at the Great Valley.

"What?!" Terra snapped with question "What the heck do you guys are thinking? Monty and Vanessa are dating while Monogram's here? Today is Accreditation Day and you're all gonna kill the Headquarters by just one simple but alignment-opposing couple."

"Terra, we can explain." Chomper said "Ducky said that they're here for just a reward last night." Spike groaned and Ali nodded as Terra froze for a second.

"A reward." Terra then argued like scolding "A reward? Next time, send them it through Mail. I don't want them to blow up the reputation. Is everyone going to apologize?"

"No, Terra." Ruby turned down on Terra "We're not apologizing. You don't understand them well."

"Ruby right." Petrie said as he explained "You no trust them last night. They help us, now time we help them."

"I believe he and Ruby are right." Ali said as she pleaded "We need you to join us and cover them from Major Monogram, and then it'll be the time to apologize."

"No matter the damage." Littlefoot added.

"Okay, but make sure they leave before sunset." Terra finally accepted calmly with a condition "Major Monogram wants an overnight inspection around the valley. Okay?" Team Dinopals nodded and Spike groaned in agreement.

-The Flynn-Fletcher House, 12:30AM-

Inside the house, Isabella won over Phineas' Videogame while Ferb, Candace, and Stacy talked about Monty and Vanessa's relationship. For Phineas and Isabella, it took her five tries to defeat Phineas after the Giant Videogame Invention in Brain Drain.

"Yeah!" Isabella taunted after winning over Phineas "I won over your stupid game!"

"Wow, Isabella." Phineas said hurtfully "I didn't know you were a good competitor in Videogames."

"Really? I didn't mean to." Isabella apologized for her bragging "It's just a competition. I may be competitive but not against you."

"No, it's cool." Phineas forgave with a whisper "Next time, beat Buford in this game less than 60 seconds."

"Whatever." Isabella said as they laugh together. Isabella sparked her thought that she regained her friendship towards Phineas and later moving on into something surprising.

Meanwhile, Ferb and Candace are talking to Stacy how Johnny wanted to reveal Monty and Vanessa's Relationship. Ferb noted a bit jealous but respectful if he can help her support her future.

"Has Vanessa and Monty told you about something?" Ferb asked while taking note on his notepad.

"Back at the Haunted Castle Halloween Party…" Stacy said as she started her flashback from a Phineas and Ferb episode.

-Haunted Castle, Night- (Flashback)

In the Haunted Castle, Candace already introduced Stacy as she and Vanessa meet together before the Haunting Tango. Since Stacy is the Scarlet Pimpernel, she is so annoyed that she almost leaves the castle and changes her costume.

"Can I beg not to change costumes anymore?" Vanessa asked to Stacy "The one who is looking the scarlet pimpernel."

"You're looking for me?" Stacy turned with a smile.

"No, my boyfriend Monty." Vanessa answered while the female Pimpernel frowned "Listen, there is a guest wearing in knight armor and if he is near me, replace my boyfriend with you. Is it okay?"

"You had me at replace." Stacy agreed as she tips her hat to scout out for her close friend.

Sometime Later, at the Haunting Tango, Monty bumped on Sir Major Monogram the Knight while tango with Vanessa. He apologized and Francis noticed his son dancing with his enemy's daughter.

"Monty, is that you?!" Francis asked he started to confront the truth "With the daughter of my sworn enemy?! It can't be!" As Major Monogram is charging, Stacy poked Monty's shoulder and whispered.

"Monty, psst." Stacy whispered luckily "I'll dance with Vanessa."

"Who are you?" Monty asked.

"Stacy Hirano." She introduced as they make the switch, leaving Major Monogram to confront her.

"Alright Monty, you've got a lot of explaining to-" Before Francis could finish his sentence, Stacy turned to mistaken him for her as his son.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Water and Power Guy." Stacy greeted, confusing Monogram in the process.

"I, uh…" The man stuttered "Better check the… thing. Yes." Major Monogram leaves as she smirked to her a good job done tonight.

"Thanks, Stacy!" Vanessa thanked her "I owe you!"

-The Flynn-Fletcher House, 12:33AM- (End of Flashback)

"No thanks are necessary for that darned elusive Pimpernel." Stacy said the last line as Ferb finally took notes which are a script "And that's it, I help the couple to move on and Johnny wants to take it back."

"So Johnny must've been trying to unveil Vanessa's Secret, thus breaking the couple badly and move on with him." Candace cracked the code as she knew what Johnny is doing to Stacy "We have to help her and her boyfriend, she is our friend."

"Well, Team Dinopals said they can take care of these themselves." Phineas

"Well, right." Candace said as she started reading a book called 'Gluttony Games: Frying Food' "That'll be their fault."

"So you're not helping them?" Stacy asked as Candace shrugged, staring at the camera as a broken fourth wall.

-The Waterfall, 2:45PM- (12:45PM in Danville)

At the waterfall, Monty and Vanessa are tripping over a chasm where they can practice their aerobic combat skills. Team Dinopals made the schematic design while Terra toured Major Monogram around the waterfall with the other two-footers.

"First, you hold the trapeze." Monty instructed with her "Second, jump and don't let go. Third, let go at the right time to land safely." He jumps off one chasm and hold on to the trapeze, jumping to another side of the waterfall.

"I bet I can do that." Vanessa impressively said as the trapeze comes back. She flips vertically and grabs the trapeze, giving a speedy push of it. She jumped another side as well and makes a beauteous landing.

"Wow, you're a good acrobat than me." Monty complimented as Vanessa slides down a chasm to land on another platform.

"Try it yourself, OWCA Boy." Vanessa said as Monty chased her inside the waterfall. Team Dinopals signaled Major Monogram in here as they whistle the couple to hide in the secret cavern.

"The Waterfall is she a beauty." Terra, keeping the secret, described the waterfall "As to call it the Thundering Falls, the water is safe to drink and no germs or bacteria can plague their bodies."

"What's above the waterfall?" Major Mongram asked as he is about to look up but Terra lowered his head for a reason.

"It's a secret." Terra reasonably said "You won't know it until you've done your overnight inspection."

-Newton Forest, 3:00PM-

Monty and Vanessa are Flyer Watching with their binoculars as they saw flyers flying in the flying V formation. Meanwhile, Terra averted routes near the couple as Team Dinopals lay out booby traps.

"So, what do you think about the Flyer-Watching?" Monty asked to his girlfriend.

"It's basically bird watching" Vanessa answered as she saw a Pteranodon family in a tree "But to me is a Pteranodon feeding their children with food."

"They sure are." Monty chuckled while Vanessa raised one eyebrow in assurance "I wish my dad could do that, well… not like what the flyers did." They are now hearing Major Monogram in the distance as Vanessa made a good idea.

"Speaking of dad," Vanessa then requested "Let's runaway somewhere they cannot see us." Their eyes now locked to each other as they know what they're going do. Suddenly, Ducky popped out of a tree.

"Guys, will you hurry?" Ducky whispered as they turned to her "Major Monogram has dodged all of our booby traps. Yep, yep, yep." She then hides and the couple jumps down the tree, running away from Major Monogram. Meanwhile, Major Monogram is taking a stroll to meet up a Fast-Runner whom Team Dinopals knew it was Furiza.

"Oh no." Petrie said in fear "Monogram heading to Furiza."

"Yeah, so she'll be part of our traps." Cera said in demeanor.

"I didn't ask my sister to lure him." Terra said as he summons his Viridian "Let's get her!" he, Cera, Petrie, and Spike charge Furiza as Spike roared nonchalantly.

-Secret Plains, 4:00PM-

At the Secret Plains, Monty and Vanessa and resting in a bed of grass as Ducky and Petrie scoped through privately. Although Major Monogram didn't mind to come here, they seem to be looking at the clouds.

"What are Monty and Vanessa doing?" Ducky asked while Petrie handed over the monocle to her "It's not part of the plan, right?"

"Me no know." Petrie replied "Me think they confess love."

"So far…" Ducky said as they saw in the distance a surprise. Monty and Vanessa pressed their lips together and she felt so awed that her heart warmed up.

"Me do believe." Petrie said in confusion "Romance Real."

At the bed of grasses, Monty and Vanessa looked each other like they've never been seeing each other longer. They didn't even bother to talk about their fathers as Petrie and Ducky leave the plains.

"You know, Vanessa." Monty started "You must be finding a good guy like me."

"Come on, Monty." Vanessa lied inoffensively "No way."

"Yes, you are." Monty teased "I can read fluffy scenes coming up."

"You just got that from romance movies." Vanessa crossed her arm with a smirk "Notable about Titanic."

"Really?" Monty asked "What about you being a Vampire Queen? You like vampires the other night."

"And you a hero last week." Vanessa said about Major Monogram "You're helping your father's job while he sick, only to know that he is taking a break at Hawaii."

"What about you?" Monty debated "You stole a scooter back at Paris with the boys named Phineas and Ferb. I knew it on your profile."

"Please don't brag." Vanessa said as she saw the sun halfway into touching the western ridge "I suggest we should head home now. Team Dinopals did say we have leave before sunset." As they leave the Secret Plains, Monty and Vanessa walked peacefully and Team Dinopals saw them leaving the plains.

For them, Major Monogram made a successful result on Zero-to-Hero's Affiliation.

"Terra, the Great Valley has nothing but traps." Major Monogram evaluated "But you can clear the foes out of it with the help of your friendliest allies ever assembled; you deserve the accreditation level to Level 3." He then awarded Terra a certificate titled 'Accredited Affiliation: Level 3'

"Thanks, Major Monogram!" Terra thanked him with the certificate in his hands "I won't let you down next time." Major Monogram salutes as the Fast-Runner done so.

"Team, let's set a camp." Major Monogram said as he leaves Terra alone "Tonight will be an overnight inspection." As long as he is long gone, Terra whistled in victorious as Team Dinopals gather around for a celebration with a cheery music.

"See, Mission Accomplished!" Littlefoot exclaimed cheerfully.

"We knew we can do it if we know we can do it." Ruby cheered as she gives him a high-five.

"Repetitive and Not allegedly." Terra gratefully said "Thank you, guys." Ducky and Petrie dance like a tango and stopped to let the flyer fly.

"Me fly Monty and…" Petrie said but interrupted when he saw Major Monogram is still here "Me mean, me fly Monty see he okay."

"Okay, Petrie." Major Monogram undoubtedly said.

"We almost blew it, Petrie." Cera said annoyingly.

"Me sorry." Petrie apologized as they call it a day to see Monty and Vanessa travel back home.

Act 3

-Johnny's House, 5:00PM- (7:00PM in The Great Valley)

In the room of a certain punk, Johnny is typing the report of the incident and readily sending it to a certain website. It may be a risky website because of being controlled by a private government but he has no choice but to get revenge on his ex-girlfriend.

"Johnny, whatever you do, do not send a report at the O.W.C.A." Lacie ordered "It's making the worst of it."

"You know nothing about them, Lacie." Johnny said as he pressed his email application to copy his draft "And I do care about her even if she broke up with me."

"If you don't stop being jealous, I won't move on with you and your future wife." Lacie said because she knows Vanessa's happiness but not against it by Johnny.

"Now, what makes you think you're doing so if I join an evil alliance?" Johnny asked evilly as he proceed to send the draft to the receiver, Lacie gasped as she knows her friend is part of an evil alliance.

"You're joining an Evil Alliance?" Lacie asked in a desperate shock.

"That's right, Lacie." Johnny replied "Don't regret what I said as I'm taking a risk upon it. If Stacy can't tell me, I'll haunt her in her dreams… Unless, you may give her a head start call, didn't you?"

"I make the Head Start Call for Stacy." Lacie confessed as her anger no longer kept her self-esteem as she argued considerably "Rephrase this; this sent report is making the worst of you, Vanessa, her boyfriend, and the rest of our social circle. Just please! Let it go!" Before Johnny could catch her, Lacie shoved him away and leave the house intolerantly. Johnny started getting angry and more jealous as the report is now sent to a website. In this case, the O.W.C.A.

-Danville Downtown, 6:00PM-

In the Downtown area of Danville, Team Dinopals cheered delightedly because the accreditation is worth more than a Sky Color Stone. They made a feast of their own in a nearby restaurant as vegetables are served for Herbivores and meats are served for Carnivores and Omnivores.

"All in a day's work." Terra said in unison.

"See, what did I tell you?" Chomper asked as he eats up a slab of meat "We are as simple as latte."

"I am drinking Latte, not you." Ducky said with the Latte Cake "It's very unusual of this restaurant to serve cakes like this."

"Either way, we can home, Vanessa moves on with Monty secretly, and everybody wins." Terra said as he dreamily looks at his Accreditation Certificate "I will marry my Level 3 HQ."

"Us too!" The team jokingly said as they laughed together, Terra summons this certificate and transport into Zero-to-Hero Headquarters. Team Dinopals' Team Pin then started beeping and blinking in red lights as Littlefoot opens his team pin to show the system. The Operating System shows a 'Warning!' sign as it shows the map of Danville and Vanessa and Monty's faces at Steam Noir.

"Mission Alert!" The Female Voice said as it shows red blips about to chase Monty and Vanessa 500 meters away "Monty and Vanessa are near approach of your adversaries." The team's celebration sparked to cut and crash the party as Terra spat out water into Cera.

"What the?" Before Terra could complete his phrase as Team Dinopals yell in encouragement.

"Team Dinopals Roll!" The team stormed out of the unnamed restaurant with their bills charged within their online banking system.

-Steam Noir, 6:01PM-

At the coffee shop near the team's unnamed restaurant, Monty and Vanessa seem to have a wonderful time together. It is not just they avoided Major Monogram, but also explore into the best date ever so far.

"Gladly this is was the most uninterrupted day to go for a date." Vanessa said while drinking her coffee, her eyes flirted Monty.

"Yep, Vanessa." Monty said "You know what they say about my dad…" As he starts to speak, an annoyed screaming heard in their ears.

"D'oh!" Petrie screamed off-screen. Arriving at the couple's table, Vanessa is surprised.

"Petrie, Team Dinopals!" Vanessa exclaimed as she asked surprisingly "What are you doing here?"

"You two, your location is now spared by the O.W.C.A." Ali said while breathing normally as Littlefoot replied cautiously "Get out of here fast!"

"What?" Monty asked but there is no time as they stood out of the chairs.

"Get out of the shop fast!" Chomper said while sniffing for trouble as they run away from the coffee shop

"Hey, you didn't even pay yet!" A male employee yelled to the customers as Team Dinopals fling the money into the former table, costing 7.50 US Dollars.

"Sorry!" Vanessa apologized off-screen, continuing their pursuit in the street with Blueprint Haven.

-Town Hall, 6:06PM-

Running past Blueprint Haven, down to Bobbi's Emporium, they've reached the Town Hall where they can cool down the heat. Noticing the team is now almost near from the heat 200 meters away, they've only made it three buildings and the search lights are now running for the runaway ensemble.

"Searchlight Danger!" Chomper warned while they run "It's too fast! We're not gonna make it!" as the light nears behind Chomper, the helicopter finally spotted Chomper and the rest of the gang. The SS SN finally caught Team Dinopals, Monty, and Vanessa in the act.

"Team Dinopals, Stop at Advance!" A SS SN said in unison as the adversaries froze in fear, the police cars and black sedans finally circle around the culprits at full-scale captivity. They know that the Black Sedans belong to the O.W.C.A. as Major Monogram gets out of the sedan and the wind blew around for the suspense.

"What is the meaning of this?" Major Monogram asked in anger as Team Dinopals and the couple no longer freezes to let him approach at will.

"We can explain, Major Monogram." Littlefoot settled the misunderstanding "We're just doing a mission." Team Dinopals agree as well but Major Monogram finally saw his own son holding his enemy's daughter's hands, convincing that he is now unfavorable to the couple.

"With the daughter of my sworn enemy?! This is a felony!" Major Monogram argued as he scolded to the team "I want all of you get out of the crime scene right now! Terra, I'll deal with you later!" He shooed Team Dinopals except Terra as he stood on the course of judgment beside Monty and Vanessa.

"You don't have to do this." Vanessa said but one SS SN is aiming an assault rifle at her while Terra formed his rock knuckles on his hands before it can shoot her.

"You can tell it to justice, Vanessa." Francis said in demeanor "Because you dated the wrong guy."

"Dad, you can't do this." Monty said to his father "She is important to me."

"To her about what?" He argued "Taking over the Tri-State Area and help your future father-in-law to become evil."

"That's not what I meant." Monty said the truth "She and I are just dating normally and you can't even understand who she is."

"And plus, she hasn't even got any criminal records to the HQ." Terra added "She is not against us, she helped us last night."

"I know her, but I can't trust her more than her excuses." Major Monogram dissolved his trust into distrust as she pointed the Goth to expel "Men, seize her!" The SS SN grabbed Vannesa's arms and dragged her into the black sedan with handcuffs.

"Monty!" Vanessa screamed in distress as she is pushed into the sedan and locked the car before letting her escape.

"Vanessa!" Monty called out as he snapped to confront his father "Dad, if this isn't for you, I'd rather talk to her privately than to follow your decisions."

"Don't pressure me, son." Francis scolded "You got a lot of nerve trying to disobey my rules." Nearing his face, Terra shoved him away to interrupt.

"Major Monogram, Vanessa is different!" Terra argued in his judgment "Don't weasel out like Doc disobeying Chomper's trust."

"You forced my mouth." Major Monogram crossed his arms to declare "From now on, your Headquarters is now in One-Month Suspension for doing an evil mission and allying an evil-to-good hero without my permission. In addition, your Headquarters are down to Level 1 Accreditation. Forewarn your Dinopals, that's an order!" Terra and Monty gasped in shock, but Terra is more desperate than him because he knew his Headquarters is no longer a great hero's building for kids.

"Dare to insult me next time." Terra turned his eyes into an angry and evil glare as he push up one platform he stepped into an escape jump. Monty knows that it is his fault for ruining his possession of the worthy Level 3 Accreditation. He decided to leave the spotlight while the SS SN surrendered to confront Monty because of him being Francis' son.

"My son, you better is discharged for a month so we can discuss about your future." Francis decided to punish but upon his turn is that he disappeared "Monty? Monty! Where'd you go?" unknown to where he had gone, Major Monogram decided to punish Vanessa Doofenshmirtz first as the vehicles run away from the crime scene. In the alleyway, Monty I actually hiding in a dumpster as he has made a mission. He jumped out and find Team Dinopals to apologize for his sins.

-Danville Streets, 6:24PM-

On a dark and thundering night in the same streets, the rain drizzled as Team Dinopals saw Terra looking down in shame. Ducky, Ruby, and Petrie walked to Terra's bench as the team decided to make up for the mistake.

"Can you believe it?" Terra asked to slowly argue at Team Dinopals "None of this would've happened if you guys just threw them away, recovering our wrongdoings from them." Littlefoot, Ali, and Cera started looking each other and they know what to do.

"This isn't wrongdoing, Major Monogram is confused." Littlefoot said as he remembered an advice from his grandfather "Sometimes, fear makes grown-ups do strange things."

"We could've almost thirst back when Littlefoot and I were kids." Cera added about the story "My dad forbids me to see him because he thought that he wasted water. We also feel the same way."

"But this is different!" Terra debated "Do you know how long it takes to make this HQ recommended? It all takes 6 Months for the citizens to know and now it's back to square one thanks to all of you. I knew you should've all apologized before continuing the couple mission."

"Terra, please don't get angry for us." Ruby pleaded while her offering her hand to him "We can start over, with us, Phineas, and his friends as well."

"I've been thinking now, not like I like to apologize for debating," Terra then asked to Team Dinopals "What shall we do to take the accreditation back?" as the rain slowly dies, Team Dinopals and Terra started thinking about it as they don't know what will unfold until it does.

-The Flynn-Fletcher House, 7:00PM-

Dinner has given the Flynn-Fletcher Family a Taco Night. Isabella rings the Flynn-Fletcher Doorbell as Phineas opened the door to see her.

"Isabella, what'cha doin'?" Phineas asked with her catchphrase, Isabella mildly blushes as she held back of what restored their memories earlier.

"My mom won't come back before 9:00AM." Isabella said as she reveals her sleeping bag for a somewhat Flynn-Fletcher sleepover "So maybe if I can sleep with you two."

"Sure, Ferb and I don't mind." Phineas agreed "Is there any reason?"

"My mom looked at the crime scene thinking that Vanessa and Monty are broken." Isabella sadly said the news earlier "Team Dinopals has failed the mission, Phineas."

"Really, come in." Phineas asked reactively as he lets her in the house, Isabella walked to Ferb in the dining room as she confessed "Bad news, Ferb. Vanessa is grounded."

"What happened to her?" Ferb turned to her.

"She is under arrested by her boyfriend's father." Isabella said in unison of the bad news as Candace gasped that she dropped her taco.

"Ay carumba!" Candace interjected as she sat on her chair "Vanessa is arrested by that Mr. Water and Power Guy."

"I believe I can answer." Stacy suddenly appeared at the door as everyone looked at her who has her hair drenched in the rain.

"Stacy, I thought you're hiding from Johnny." Candace said.

"I was, I only come back because I scolded Ginger to not tell where I am to Johnny." Stacy said as she then doubted "She is likely to be persistent, right?"

"Absolutely." Isabella replied. The girls started thinking of a plan to hide themselves from Johnny as Phineas snapped his finger for a reused big idea.

"Ferb and I still kept our S.H.E.D." Phineas said in unison as he jogged out to the backyard "Follow me so I can show you. I know what we're going to do tonight."

-Secret Hideout for Emergency Defense, 7:08PM-

As Phineas unveils the cloak of the defense, Stacy is awed that he built this for missions and other emergencies. The building is small but the room is large enough based on the Mission Control Building.

"Holy Guacamoley!" Stacy said marvelously "Did you build this big?"

"Ferb and I recycled the idea from the Mission Control to find my star." Phineas said to Stacy about the big idea "I also invented the supercomputer with an antivirus mod to prevent vulnerabilities, notably the Heartbleed, and malicious evil trackers." The ensemble then approached the supercomputer which is a 50-inch LCD Screen in Full HD and the CPU is varyingly made of high-end components. Phineas turns on the supercomputer and uses the holographic screens to navigate it with solid-free touchscreen.

"Where should we start?" Candace asked as Phineas types a website where he found his beloved pet's profile from the first season.

"The O.W.C.A." Phineas said as he entered a website that started Perry's secret career.

"You don't have to visit this website." Candace replied "Johnny has a DanBook account. I think."

"No, Ferb and I can browse the Mailbox of the Organization." Phineas said as opened his developer tools and browse the website in HTML mode, rummaging for secret buttons.

"So you're now hackers? I know it's bad." Stacy said curiously.

"Ferb doesn't affect other computers in other areas thanks to this operating system." Phineas answered Stacy's question as he found a mail that is exclusively hidden in Major Monogram's Admin Email "Got It! Subject: Monty and Vanessa."

"Read it." Isabella ordered as Phineas clicked the mail and made it readable by downloading and viewing it in a Document Writer.

"Dear, O.W.C.A." Phineas read the message aloud "If you're reading this message, I have found your son who is moving on with. She is 16 Years Old, practically wearing black clothes, 5-feet and 10-inch tall, and a daughter of Dr. Doofenshmirtz. If you know this girl, you can find them at Steam Noir. Fully Sincerest, Johnny."

"That's the guy that wanted me to know." Stacy noted as Phineas started typing Zero-to-Hero's website.

"We must warn Team Dinopals." Phineas said to visit the website, only to find that it is blocked under the US Private Government "What? The Website is no longer online?" The gang then started talking and gossiping how it took down as a certain intern visited the S.H.E.D without its S.H.E.D. ID.

"Perhaps, you're looking for Vanessa?" Carl asked as everyone gasped to turn who knows it was Carl "I know what Major Monogram is doing now." The suspense abruptly hasten as they leave Carl into a cliffhanger. With the cliffhanger, how will Team Dinopals take back their accreditation level? Will Team Phineas finally crack the broken relationship?

To Be Continued... (End of Chapter One)