Hello! I guess I'll start this off by saying that I ship JoexAbby shamelessly, and that's putting it lightly. I do realize that ***SPOILERS FOR GG6*** Abby and Townsend are together, (It's safe to open your eyes, now!) but I can't help but notice that Joe and Abby seem to have history, and an interesting one at that. Full of a lot of shirtless Joe Solomon, amiright? ;) Needless to say, I'm a sucker for these two, and I certainly hope I do them justice. Happy Reading!

"Any sign of activity?"


"Jesus, you'd think they'd make a move by now. How long can they hole themselves up in there?"

"For as long as they like. What's the time?"

Abigail looked at her watch. "Nearly one o'clock."

Joe didn't take his eyes off of the telescope. He had been standing there for nearly an hour, watching the lit up apartment just across from theirs. The hotel room was fairly nice; tan walls, potted plants, paintings of Barcelona and ancient Gothic structures framing the dimly lit room. Their bed was folded and the pillows were neatly pressed, every crease down to a T. She thought it would have been an awful shame if anyone disturbed the maid's obviously hard work, and settled for laying down on one of the cushioned chairs. She flopped down onto its chestnut material, legs draped neatly across the arm rest. Joe gave her a sideways glance, raising his eyebrows.

"Tired?" He asked, his own voice showing traces of fatigue. Abby yawned and shook her head, waving loosely at him.

"Not a bit." She lied. "How much longer do you think we have?"

Joe looked contemplative and checked his watch. He didn't look pleased with the time and looked back through the eye of the telescope. "I'd give it another hour or so."

Abby groaned.

Joe looked at her, resting his elbow on his knee. His green eyes appeared brighter in the shallow light of the moon that filtered through the window, catching the side of his face in a curious way. Abby was too tired to admire him, though, and far too concerned about the course their mission was taking.

"Didn't Gallagher Academy teach you that patience is a virtue?" He asked in a light voice, snarky but playful. Abby crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Did Blackthorn teach you about punctuality? Because Langley wanted us back by tomorrow, and we haven't gotten a credible lead in the last 48 hours." Abby raised her eyebrows at Joe, who begrudgingly gave up on a snarky reply. He looked back out the telescope intently, showing no signs of any new activity.

A few minutes passed before Joe spoke. "You can fall asleep, you know." He didn't take his eyes away from the telescope, but did raise his eyebrows. Abby was snapped out of her drowsiness and sat straighter, taken off guard.

"I'm not tired." She lied again. Joe cracked a smile.

"Please. I can hear your eyelids closing from here."

"I'm resting my eyes."

Joe turned to her, his expression genuine. "Get some rest. I'll wake you incase something comes up on the radar."

Abby hesitated. She was tired, and jet lag was never kind to her. It would be stupid to carry on the mission without proper rest, and while she was trained in the art of staying awake for extended periods of time (thank you, interrogation tactics and long, boring meetings), she still felt that she should leave the all-nighter to Joe.

Joe waited for a reply, but the only sound that met his ears was the sound of light snoring.