Okie Dokes Folks! Last chapter of this little adventure! I hope you enjoy it. I'm sure I will be writing more CS fun in the break, but this weekend will be full of homework and preparation for my new job!


Emma turned to scrutinize Killian's face when he gave a harsh, wet cough. He pointedly ignored her gaze while he parked David's truck, and got out gracefully. She followed suit, but grabbed his elbow before he could enter the hospital. Killian raised an eyebrow at her, clearly reluctant to face her concern. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Emma," he murmured, trying to sound sincere. Despite the fact that she didn't need it to know he was lying through his teeth, Emma sensed the tension in his words.

"Killian…" she reached forward to touch his cheek. "You're burning up," she murmured, feeling his forehead as well. Worry filled her eyes, but he grasped her hand and lowered it to his chest.

"It is simply from all of the excitement, love. I am fine. Come, let's go meet the little royal, shall we?"

With a skeptical quirk of her eyebrow, Emma sighed and followed his lead into the hospital. Her worry was briefly forgotten, however, when he led her to her mother's hospital room, where her father and son were huddled around her bed. She could hear sniffles coming from her parents before they turned to look at her, and Emma couldn't hide the beaming smile when her eyes fell upon her new baby brother. David offered him to her, and Emma felt an irrational fear overwhelm her. What if she dropped him? What if he didn't like her?

"It's okay, Emma…hold him," Mary Margaret encouraged, reading her daughter's hesitation perfectly. Emma gently took him from her father, and felt overwhelmed by love. Tears filled her eyes, and she looked up to her mother who was in a similar state.

Killian looked on with a tender smile from the door, feeling himself fall even more in love with Emma. The look of tenderness and adoration stole his breath away, and an image much like that one, an image where the child were their own and not her sibling, flashed across his mind.

When he felt eyes on him, the pirate looked up at David, who was giving him a knowing grin. The prince waved him over, and so Killian stepped up behind Emma. He gazed over her shoulder at the infant, and placed a gentle hand on his beloved's shoulder. Emma glanced back at him with a watery smile. Once she looked back to her brother, Killian placed an affectionate kiss to her temple, and then rested his chin on her shoulder. His heart fluttered as her head leaned against his own.

The perfect moment was shattered when racking coughs threatened to overtake the pirate. He abruptly turned away from Emma and the baby, leaving the room to distance himself as much as possible from the vulnerable infant. He braced himself with his good hand against the far wall, the force of his coughing leaving him dizzy.

"Killian, come on, sit down you stubborn pirate," Emma murmured, gripping both shoulders and steering him gently to a nearby chair. He dropped his head back against the wall and struggled to catch his breath. "Hey, look at me," she murmured gently.

Tired blue eyes met worried green. "I'm sorry, love. I wanted to be sure you had time with your family."

Emma rolled her eyes and shook her head affectionately. "And what, you don't think you fit in to that family yet? I would have hoped by now you'd realize your place here. Let's get you checked out."

"Both of you need to get checked out," David interrupted, standing before them and crossing his arms over his chest. "You've both been through quite the ordeal the past few days. Dr. Whale!" he called over his shoulder. Victor looked up from the desk where he'd been talking to one of his nurses, and jogged to them. Before he reached them, Killian fell into another coughing fit, nearly doubling over into Emma's arms.

"Oh, that sounds lovely," Whale muttered sarcastically, easing the pirate to his feet. "Care to fill me in on what might've caused this?" He led Killian, Emma and David into another room, with David stopping in the doorway as if he were standing guard.

"Zelena had Gold try to drown him. He inhaled a lot of water," Emma murmured, her fingers tightening on his hand as images of Killian's pale face and blue lips flashed across her mind. Killian squeezed back, drawing her attention. The reassuring smile warmed her heart, and gave her the strength to banish the memories.

Whale slipped the stethoscope into his ears, and softly instructed Hook to inhale deeply while he listened to his lung sounds. He had Killian then lay down on the table, and listened some more. "It sounds like he's got the early stages of pneumonia, not at all surprising with near-drowning. I'm going to send you for a chest x-ray, Hook, just to confirm it." He smiled wryly when he got a clueless look in return. "I'm going to get an image of your lungs so that we can see for sure what's in there." He nodded to the orderly, and turned to Emma. "And how are you feeling?"

Emma watched after her pirate for a moment. "I'm fine."

"I've seen you hold your ribs since you got here, Emma. Lay back, let me see." The blonde begrudgingly obeyed, and Whale determined that the hit from Zelena had bruised her ribs. By the time he was finished, Killian had returned and the nurse handed Whale a developed X-Ray. "Yes, I was correct." He turned to the nurse. "I'm going to need a round of antibiotics."

"Antibiotics?" Killian questioned uneasily.

"It's medicine," Emma explained. "And until you're done taking all of it, you're going to be resting."

"As will you, Emma, until your ribs heal," David interjected. She turned to throw a glare at her father when Hook tensed. She turned her eyes to him and tried to reassure him.

Whale shook his head with a chuckle. "The meds will be ready soon, then you can head home. Once your son and wife are checked over, they should be able to go home to rest as well."

David nodded, and reached out to shake the doctor's hand. "Thank you, Doc."


When David, Mary Margaret and their son make it back to the apartment, Mary Margaret stopped in the doorway with a teary, tender smile. Emma looked up from where she was reclining on her couch, and raised a finger to her lips. Killian was stretched out longways with his head resting in her lap, fast asleep. The pirate had never looked so young, so carefree, as he did resting in the arms of the woman he loved.

Henry ducked around his grandparents, grinning like a madman at his mother. She raised an eyebrow at the paper in his hand. As David ushered his wife and son upstairs, Henry explained to Emma in a hushed voice that he'd been looking for places for them to live so that they could give Mary Margaret and David some space with the new baby. As she looked over the places he'd circled, Emma recognized that all of them had views of the ocean.

"Come on, mom, you know why they're all ocean front," Henry teased, looking to Killian. Emma ran her fingers through the sleeping man's dark hair, and smiled. "You might've been in denial, but the rest of us weren't. I totally knew this was coming."

A low, gravelly cough paused their conversation, and Emma continued to stroke his hair and murmured comforting words as Killian woke himself with a coughing fit. He groaned softly when the episode passed, and rolled onto his back to look up at his beloved and her son. "'Lo, lad," he breathed tiredly. Henry grabbed his cup of water and offered it to him. Emma smiled warmly, and helped to support his head as he drank.

"I found some places for us to look at…this place is getting pretty crowded, after all," Henry explained with a smile. "What do you think?"

Killian exchanged the water for the paper, and looked at the highlighted pictures. Understanding dawned on him, and his eyes snapped to Henry's face. Emma couldn't tell if his face was overcome with awe or adoration, but either way the fact that he was looking at her son like that made her heart skip a beat. Henry beamed back at him, and leaned slightly over Emma to point out his favorites to the pirate. Killian continued staring at Henry for a moment, before he shook himself out of his stupor, glanced fleetingly at Emma, and then directed his attention to what Henry was pointing at. Emma simply sat back, continuing to stroke Killian's hair, and watched the two most important men in her life bond.