

Lightning strikes across the dark shrouded sky, lighting up the shadowy curves of the huddled up cumuli clouds. The growl of thunder shook the ground underneath his feet. The wind blowing harshly and pushing the tree's branches against the windows of the large mansion, scratching and clawing at it. The sounds of raindrops hitting the windows were like bullets, wanting to penetrate the stone hard glass.

His feet met with the shaking marble floors again, his steps heavy but graceful, quick but steady. He held his head up high in pride, his heterochromatic eyes narrowing down the hallway as something other than thunder was infiltrating his hearing. The sounds of laughter and voices sneak through the peek of the large double doors in front of him, spilling out and echoing throughout the hallway. The closer he got, the louder the voices became.

And before he knew it, he was face to face with the double doors. All sounds ceased when he blew through them, the wind from the doors swinging combed its fingers through his crimson colored locks. The jacket that hung around his shoulders flowing gracefully behind him. Behind the large double doors led into a grand library. The walls were built in bookcases that held thousand of books from all over of the world. Information from Math to English, Science to History. Famous authors like Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, and Scot Fitzgerald. All knowledge known to man was present in this library.

Five pairs of eyes stared back at the man who entered the room. He stopped before the three steps under him and returned the gaze, a small smile on his lips but not necessarily an inviting one. The men in the room remained silent and waited for him to speak. All five men were sitting on classical cream colored sofas with a personalized marquetry. In between them was a cherry wood coffee table and in front of that was a large brick fireplace that was burning a hefty flame and filling the room with warmth.

"Men." His smile grew wider, his eyes as well. His voice came out smooth and pleasingly graceful. "It is time to commence our mission. Daiki. Tetsuya." He turned his gaze to the two men that sat besides each other. One of them groaned and sank deeper into the sofa, the other replied back politely. "You will cover position A."

"Hey! I wanted to go with Kurokocchi!" One of the men that sat opposite from the two exclaimed.

"Shut it, Kise."

"But, Aominecchi! You're always partnered up with Kurokocchi!"

"Ryota." The heterochromatic male narrowed his eyes at Kise and lowered his voice. Kise sighed and sat back on the sofa, resting his head on the ball of his hands and averted his gaze away. The male didn't continue to speak until Kise's eyes returned to him. "And... that is all."

"That is all?" The one who spoke pushed up his glasses with his fingers that were wrapped up by white tape.

"Yes." The crimson haired man then turned around, his back facing towards them and his head turned to the side to allow his sight to remain on them. "That's all we'll need to complete this mission."


Ah! A new idea I thought up. I hoped you guys like the prologue. Hmm... Akashi's so fun to write!

Please review so that I can read your thoughts or concerns, loves. hates, etc. Thank you!