Okay people- This is my new DBZ story which takes place at the end of the GT series when Goku and the dragon Balls merge.

It's been over several hundred years since the Dragon Balls and their keeper- one of Earth's strongest fighters- came to rest in an old crypt. And in that time both Goku and Veget'a bloodlines have merged and produced several generations of Sayians. However due to the nature of those people- the normal humans have been living in fear and are now about to commit a heinous crime to attempt to wipe out what is left of the last true warrior bloodline.

Make sure to R&R!


Year 2020-

It was supposed to be an ordinary day in the life of an university student.

She woke up at eight or nine, smacked her alarm clock and broke it...again... Then lay in her cozy little bed for several minutes before getting up and showering. Then took about five minutes to pull out her newest turquoise colored shirt and jeans then got dressed, put on a touch of makeup and some of her favorite perfume made out of lilies and a touch of jasmine. Then went into the small kitchen just off to the left of her tiny living room and made herself a small breakfast of eggs and toast and then grabbed her books and went over today's lesson.

Today in class she and everyone else were going to be studying the epic story of Son Goku, one of the most legendary fighters that ever lived- and his (also) legendary friends. Which would probably be worth a laugh or two since the history and biography books about Son Goku and his friends must have been greatly exaggerated in the past few hundred years since their deaths.

I mean seriously, people who could fly, and preform inhuman feats like destroying entire cities during fights? These people didn't sound like much in the hero department to her. They sounded more like really inept villains or highly destructive lunatics.

Well in all honesty to her they sounded more like cartoon characters that were part of a really weird anime show. But she tried not to think on that as she grabbed up her keys and wallet and headed out the door. Lightly pulling it closed as one of her friends came by in their brand new car, probably to show it off to her as she started walking to the gate of her apartment building.

"Hey Gin, what's up?" She called as she started to lift a hand to wave and very nearly dropped her books on her own feet before she could manage to catch them. Gin, a twenty two year old blond grinned at her as he got out of his Capsule Corp car and made his way over to her and took her books from her before she accidentally planted one of them in the concrete like last time.

His home girl was mega strong, whether she cared to admit it or not. But then strength alone wasn't the only ability he'd witnessed her using. Her astonishing reflexes and speed were nothing to shake a stick at either. "Morning Gale. Going to your cousin's place later today?" He asked curiously, though he did sort of have an ulterior motive. As a first cousin to the latest Capsule Corp heir, she had access to things most people didn't.

Cars, houses, luxury liners, robots and tech, money-

And he just wanted to know because he wondered if she or her cousin would mind if he checked out some of the newer models of vehicle's coming out soon. His parents had spent almost their entire life savings on the car he was driving now, as a sort of late birthday present and then their car had broken down and they no longer could fix it. He wanted to see if he could find something within his price range to give to them as a gift since their anniversary was just around the corner.

Gale was silent for a moment as she checked her cell phone for the day's date and sighed tiredly when she noted that today was the day everyone in the family got together at Capsule Corp for 'family bonding'. Which meant that after classes at school she'd probably find one of her cousin's limo's waiting to take her straight to the company where she'd find her parents, her siblings, her aunts and uncles and cousins all gathered for the entire rest of day and part of the night to bond.


"Is it wrong of me to want to hate my family for today?" Gale asked in a peeved tone as she started by him when she recalled running into his mom walking home just the day before yesterday as well as the conversation that they had had, and remembered calling her cousin and asking him for a favor. Which wasn't something that she did often considering that some of her favors often came back to bite her in the ass. "Yeah, I'm going," She said as she climbed into his car and waited for him to snap out of it and follow suit before saying, "And you're coming with me."

Gin looked at her, his expression a little bit startled for a second before he squeaked, "I am?"

"Yeah. You're picking out a new car for your parents right?"

Gin looked at Gale for a moment as he fastened his seatbelt and then let a slow grin curve his lips as he started up his car. "Have I ever told you how much I like you?" He said more to himself than her as he slowly pulled out onto the street. Gale let her turquoise eyes wander the passing scenery for a few heartbeats then replied.

"Not today you haven't."

"Well my girl, you are awesome!"