'Leonard, you know I hate gift giving! The idea is just ludicrous and stupid.' Sheldon sulked as he and the group sat down in apartment 4A on Christmas Day, having enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner.
'Sheldon, it's Christmas, lighten up!' Penny laughed as she watched Sheldon grumpily unwrap Leonard's present, eagerly waiting until he opened hers.
'Don't tell me to lighten up Penny, I'm already the correct weight thank you very much.' Sheldon huffed as he pulled the wrapping off and raised an eyebrow as he looked at his present from Leonard, 'Really? A Death Star cookie jar? Leonard... we already have a great system where everything is labelled and clear so we can see the contents. How am I supposed to see the cookies and their sell by date in this?'
'You could say thank you Sheldon,' Leonard sighed, 'It took me ages to find you something and I thought this was nice.'
Penny cleared her throat and glared at Sheldon across the room, which really hacked him off. Who was she to scold him for his behaviour in his own home? 'Don't look at me like that Penny, I dislike Christmas intently and the art of gift giving. Thank you Leonard for this gift but if you'll excuse me... I'm going to the comic book store.' Sheldon said standing up in annoyance. He didn't know why he was in such a bad mood, but Christmas just brought the worst out in him. He had held up pretty well up until now, but Penny giving him evils from across the room just tipped him over the edge of his already shady mood and right now, he just didn't want to be here. It also didn't help that he and Penny had been arguing more recently. Her mood was far more temperamental than usual and she wouldn't tell him what was wrong when he asked, which only led to more frustration and arguments.
'Sheldon, it's Christmas Day! The comic book store isn't going to be open, plus Stewart is also here!' Leonard sighed in annoyance but Sheldon just ignored him and walking straight past a waving Stewart to get his coat.
'Sheldon!' Penny cried, 'please stay, stay and open my present to you... please...'
'No, I don't want any more presents. I'll return once all presents and this ceremonial waste of time is over.' Sheldon said, walking out the door and shutting it behind him. Penny put her hands in her head and tried to get her head around what had just happened. The thought that he didn't want to even open her present for him, especially when it was so important and carefully planned out. She thought back to when she and Anna had come up with what to do.
'Anna I still don't know how to tell him,' Penny sighed, holding her hands in her head. It had been a month and half since she had found out she was pregnant with Sheldon's baby.
'Penny, you're nine weeks pregnant now, you need to tell him before you start showing.'
'Relax, I've still got another month or so before it's serious... I don't know how to start...'
'Come on, you've gotta tell him sooner or later.' Anna sighed, sitting beside Penny and taking her hand in her own.
'I'm such a bad person,' Penny started to tear up, 'I get pregnant because of the one time we didn't use a condom. I thought the pill would work but nooo Sheldon's little buggers had to one up me. "Out of the way stupid little pill for you are no match for the mighty Sheldor seed."' Penny said trying to impersonate Sheldon before sighing again, 'I'm not ready for a baby. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy I'm gonna be a mum and all but I haven't even gotten Sheldon a Christmas present yet and Christmas is in two weeks. How am I going to remember presents for my baby when he or she grows up?' Anna looked at Penny and it was as if a light bulb had lit up on top of her head, 'What?'
'I know a way in which you can tell Sheldon you're pregnant!'
'Tell him on Christmas Day, every one will be happy and running off of christmas.'
'Sheldon hates christmas... and presents... he a proper Scrooge.' Penny sighed, 'It's hopeless...'
Anna furrowed her brow in thought before looking at her best friend, 'I think you have to bite the bullet Penny... change his view on Christmas and presents by telling him. Sheldon loves you and he's gonna love this baby, I know he will...'
Penny turned around with a look of defeat on her face before sighing and nodded, 'You're right babe, I've got to tell him and hell if we're starting a family he's got to learn to love Christmas cause my baby is definitely going to be brought up to love it.'
'Right, good... now lets think of what you can say to tell him,' Anna smiled.
'What if...' Penny paused... 'I've got a scan next week, what if I print it off and then wrapped it up and give it to him as his present? That way it's a surprise and it could change his view on presents too.'
Anna smiled, 'I love that idea and I'll deffo be bringing the camera to record his reaction.'
Penny felt tears prick her eyes as she thought about Sheldon had just ruined what could have been the best Christmas ever. Why did he have to ruin everything?
'Penny are you ok?' Bernadette asked, rubbing her friends arm and Penny nodded her head quickly before removing her head from her hands and blinking back her tears.
'Yeah, come on guys... let's just enjoy Christnas without Sheldon.' she smiled as she handed Raj a present. 'This ones for you Raj and it's frooooom... Howard!'
It was about 9.30pm when Sheldon decided to return to his apartment. He had spent a majority of the day at Caltech working on his new project. When he opened the door, the only people still in the apartment were Leonard and Penny, who were both clearing up and tidying the last of things away.
'Hello,' he said quietly, shutting the door behind him. Penny looked up at him, not saying a word, before turning back around and going back to what she was doing. Even Sheldon knew that he was in trouble. 'Penny...'
'Don't talk Sheldon because I don't want to hear it. You've ruined Christmas for me and I am not in the mood to talk to you.' Penny said, throwing the last few dishes in the dishwasher. 'Good night Leonard, I'll see you tomorrow hun,' she smiled before striding past Sheldon and slamming the door behind her.
'Man, you've really hacked her off.' Leonard sighed and Sheldon looked at him.
'She knows I dislike Christmas.'
'Yeah but you seriously just flew off the handle. I mean I just bought you a new cookie jar for your Oreos... it's not like I was asking you to come to a strip club with me.' Leonard sighed, 'She told me what she got you for Christmas and well I just hope... you know what, it's none of my business. Goodnight Sheldon.' Leonard sighed before walking into his bedroom.
Sheldon suddenly felt a wave of guilt cross over him. He hadn't meant to upset anyone, he just had to get out of the apartment. There were too many people and it was too christmassy for his liking. Sheldon observed the apartment and looked at the Christmas tree that stood in the corner, of course by his spot. There were a couple of presents that adorned at the bottom of it and he guessed that they were meant for him. He rooted around and saw that his $10 coupon vouchers that he had provided everyone upon their arrival had been left behind in a pile. It was a little gut wrenching for him to know that his version of presents had been left behind by his friends. He rooted around a little more until he came to a small thin square shaped present. Picking it up, he sat down on the sofa and read the little card that was attached to it.
Dear Sheldon,
On our first Christmas together as lovers. I love you so much.
May this be the first of many happy Christmas's
Lot of love,
Your Penny
Sheldon screwed his eyes shut in frustration. He was angry at himself that he had been gone the whole day, especially as it was his and Penny's first Christmas as a couple together, just like it said on her card. 'Sheldon Cooper, you truly are a stupid genius.' he sighed. He jumped when the door opened to reveal Penny.
'Oh you're still up.' She sighed before she noticed that he was holding her present in his hands. Sucking in her anger, she held her hand out to him, 'Ah just what I came in for. I'll take that back please.'
'No. You choose not to engage in Christmas, you don't get your Christmas present from me.' Penny said, trying to stop herself from getting to angry or upset. She didn't want anything to happen to her baby. The baby which now nearly everyone but Sheldon knew about. She nodded towards her outstretched hand but Sheldon ignored it and began to open his present, 'Sheldon no! I don't want you to open it whilst I'm this angry at you!' she cried but it was too late. Sheldon had taken the photo frame out of the paper. She looked at him and bit her lip as an awkward silence filled the air whilst he surveyed the photo, for once at a loss of what to say. A full five minutes passed before he could say anything.
'Are you pregnant?' he whispered and Penny nodded, a tear rolling down her cheek.
'I wanted to tell you in front of everyone on Christmas day. I wanted to film your reaction so I could show it to our baby when he or she is older.' Penny sniffed and she sat down in Leonard's chair, 'but then you decided that you didn't want to be here for Christmas and well... now you know.' Penny sighed and waited for a response but she didn't get any. Looking up to have a go at him for it, she stopped when she saw the goofy look on his face alongside the Cheshire cat grin.
'You're pregnant? We're going to have a baby?' he grinned, 'A real one this time?!'
A little smile made it's way to Penny's lips, 'Yes.'
'This is amazing! I can't believe it! How far along are you? Do you need to rest... can I get you anything? Are you having any cravings... do your feet hurt?' He cried, jumping up and running to the kitchen to put a cup of tea on for her.
'Sheldon, relax... it's early days... I'm only 11 weeks gone.' she chuckled, letting out a cry of delight when Sheldon picked her up and spun her around, which genuinely shocked her. Since when did Sheldon grow to be so strong. All thoughts of anger and annoyance were cut off when he kissed her with the most passion she'd felt in a while. She was so happy at his reaction towards her pregnancy and it really showed how much he had matured since being in a relationship with her. 'Hey, I'm still mad at you Sheldon! Don't think that just because I'm pregnant you can get off easy.' She said and Sheldon nodded.
'I know but if this baby is a girl, there's always having a boy, twins or triplets.' Sheldon grinned before kissing her again.
Whilst all this was going on, Leonard stood in the doorway with his camera, smiling as he caught the footage of the scene that played before him. He'd show it to them a little further down the line. For now, he was just glad that the two had made up.
Hey guys, sorry for the long wait... I've been really busy. Updates probably won't be so often anymore but I'll try my best... You're reviews will definitely help me motivation wise! Hope you liked it, so let know what you think! xxx