Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed or any of its characters.

Timeline: Season five's "Oh my Goddess". This story won't follow the canon. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Summary: Rewrite of my story "The Black Swan". In front of the Book of Shadows, Chris Halliwell took a deep breath. That was his last chance to save his family. And he wouldn't fail in this. But he couldn't forget the two most important things in his trip to the past: Save everyone. Trust no one.

To go back in time

"Chris, you're our only hope now", Paige said weakly, in his nephew arms.

"Don't dare do this to me, aunt Paige. Not you too", Chris held her hand, afraid to lose her aunt too. She saved him from the demon's attack. She put herself between him and the demon's athame. And now she was dying in his arms.

"Time to go, peanut... You need to get the book and chant the spell... Only hope", she was almost closing her eyes.

"But...I don't know if I can do this alone", he said sincerely. This wasn't their plane. They would go to the past together.

"You can do it, you're strong. But first, you need... a camouflage...", Paige looking at him sadly.

"What?", he asked in confusion.

"Your powers... You need a pedigree...", she said faking a smile. Paige knew that the former Charmed Ones were quickly to judge. They saw the world in black and white and this wouldn't be very promising for her nephew.

Chris still remained confused, as his aunt started do chant a spell:

In this night, in this hour

I give you my power

To fight the good fight

You will receive my light

Suddenly, a bright light wrapped around their body's. "Aunt Paige, what you've done?", Chris asked, sensing new powers inside of him.

"I trust you... In the past... with them...", she breathed heavily now. She was too tired and barely able to finish her sentences. But she needed to warning him. "You need to orb like me...".

"Orb? But...", Chris interrupted her, but she continued. "Just listen... Orb, never shimmer... in front of them... Be fast. Wyatt is coming", she said, closing her eyes.

"No...", Chris only whispered. She was gone... Like his mother, his father, his sister, his cousins... and his fiancé. He didn't want let his aunt this way, but he had no choice. Soon, Wyatt would appear. His last chance to fix this tragedy was the book. He needed to control himself, he needed to control his pain and his anger.

"Goodbye, aunt Paige. I promise I won't fail!", he kissed her forehead and looked intently to the book.

"I'll do my best", he whispered in his aunt's ear and finally released her hand.

"Where's the damn spell?", Chris flipped through the pages of the Book of the Shadows. "Here!". He pointed to the page: "Spell to go back in time".

He took a deep breath. He was the only one who could to fix this. He needed to save everyone. Before started to chant the spell, he promised to himself to do everything to save his family. He would save them, no matter what.

He was nervous, but his voice remained firmly, while he chanted the spell. When he finished it, a portal opened on the wall behind him. "Now it's time", he had looked for the last time at his aunt's dead body and gone through the portal.

When Wyatt appeared in the attic, Chris was already gone. He stared coldly at his dead aunt "Stupid witch", he said, bending down. Looking around him, he saw no one else. "Where are you, Chris?" He whispered angrily.

A/N: I'm sorry for delete the other version. But I just couldn't write anymore... I'll try again and change some things... Please, don't be mad at me.