(A/N: I suppose first I should apologize for being gone so long. Of course I've been busy with school but I've also spent the last few weeks practically playing the entire Phoenix Wright series… well almost all of them and because of that you are now seeing this. After playing them for awhile and going through my head, I pretty have a way to do the trial sessions and everything so hopefully it pleases all PW fans. So anyway, hope you all enjoy the story and hopefully I'll stick to the characters as Capcom would, which reminds me I do not own Ace Attorney or any of its characters. And before that, the song I'm using here is "Dahlia Hawthorne – Distant Trance" from Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations.)

Episode 1: Turnabout Return

July 9 7:35 pm

Café Nuevo


Phoenix Wright was used to being nervous. Or perhaps anxious was the word. In his younger days as a lawyer, he would feel anxious before each court case, probably because every case he had ever done had never been as simple as they seemed. But he was no longer a lawyer, and this was no court case.

Instead of the old blue suit he used to wear in court, he was wearing his familiar hoody, jeans, and light blue beanie. He took a sip of his coffee, checking the time. "She's still not here yet…" he thought. "Maybe she's just late… after all she didn't exactly say where she was staying…"

"…Feenie?" The name quickly broke him out of his thoughts as he looked behind him. *Even after seven years, she looked exactly the same as he last saw her, although instead of the Kurain robes he remembered, she was wearing a sweater and black pants.

"Iris…" He practically breathed the name out and he already felt himself losing his composure. "Definitely should've stuck to chamomile…" "Hey… how's it going?" He was ready to slap himself.

Iris smiled and giggled. "Even after seven years, you're still the young I remember," she said as she sat down opposite him. She then saw the cup. "Oh, I hope I wasn't keeping you for long…!"

"Not at all," Phoenix replied. "Is jasmine good?"

"You remembered!" She then took a sip. "To be honest, I was kind of nervous showing up, even calling you. It's been so long I wasn't sure what you'd be up to now…"

"Same here, although it's been about the same as it has over the years…" There was a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"I know it was long ago, but I'm sorry about your lawyer career," Iris said, bowing her head slightly.

Phoenix then smiled. "Don't worry about it, what's done is done. And even though it was a dark period for me, some good things came out of it. Besides, the whole thing got resolved not too long ago so technically if I go and take the bar exam again, I could earn back my badge."

Iris gasped slightly. "Are you going to do it?"

Phoenix smirked slightly. "I might… actually I'm still not sure yet. I think in time the decision will come to me. But enough about me, how have you been?"

"To be honest, I didn't realize how warm it would be here," Iris said, laughing. "When you're living up in the mountains, one becomes accustomed to the cold."

"Still helping Sister Bikini out?"

"Yes, her poor back is even worse now but she's still as determined as always, and we've had plenty of visitors come up for spiritual training over the years so we're both happy. Have you spoken to Mystic Maya recently?"

Phoenix's sudden frown was disguised as he took another sip of coffee. "No… although I'm sure she's been busy, being the Kurain Master and all now…"

Now Iris looked uncomfortable. "I've… wanted to go visit Kurain Village for some time now, since I am a Fey after all… and I've wanted to see Pearl too, being her sister and all. But… I still feel as if it's too soon…"

Phoenix knew exactly what she was talking about. That case… the one that ended up shattering the lives of so many… It was one he would remember for the rest of his life. "Maya never blamed you for anything, and knowing her, she would welcome you with open arms. You two are cousins, after all."

"I suppose you're right… Hey Nick, I was wondering… perhaps we could get out of here and go back to my place. I… rented a motel so it's nothing fancy but since I figured I was going to be here for a few days."

"I… um…" "Come on Phoenix, get a hold of yourself! I'm sure it's nothing and an hour or two wouldn't be too bad." But he hadn't been expecting it, nor had he told Trucy. She was going to be suspicious… although if worse came to worse he could always give Apollo a call. "Sure, we have lots to catch up on."

"Yeah…" Iris said as she reached out and took his hand. "I've… missed you a lot Nick."

"Ah… you too Iris." It was strange. Before that case, he had loathed the girl in front of him, who somehow he thought to be her twin Dahlia. Dahlia, in fact, never cared for him and in the end he found out it wasn't really her but Iris, who did in fact share the feelings he had with her. Maybe now it was time…

As they both left, Iris looked around. "The motel isn't too far; I can get us a taxi though." That was when Phoenix heard it, a sound he had come to recognize in his years as a lawyer. The loud bang rang loud and he suddenly heard Iris gasp. He then turned to her, seeing her stumble slightly as blood was suddenly pouring from her stomach.

"Iris! No!" Phoenix yelled as he caught her and held her close. It didn't look like a fatal wound but she was losing blood fast. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed 911. "Hang on Iris, help is coming!"

Iris suddenly smiled as her eyes drooped. "Feenie… before I go… I just wanted to tell you…"

"Don't talk Iris, just hang on!"

"I… I…. lo…"

And then Iris went limp, as Phoenix felt her soul leave her. Everything in him went numb, as he stayed at her innocent face… It had happened again… another Fey had been taken away from this world. When would it stop? He held her close as tears came to his eyes and for the first time in years, he wept.
