Authors note at the bottom.

The wind pulled in heavy patterns kicking up the limbs and spreading leaves. They whipped and danced to a song you only heard in the quiet of the woods and the stillness around you. It was the song before the storm. People often though that things got quiet before storms but they were wrong. Deep in the woods you heard the song of life battening down the hatches. There was a storm coming and it'd likely start soon. There were no walkers. He heard no groans on the winds and or the snapping of branches to signal their clumsy walking. No just the wind and with it the knowledge that the seasons were again changing.

Things really changed in a years time. Merle was with them now and he was like a solid wall banking and committing to bedrock. He didn't budge once his mind was set. He'd made the comment about how he'd checked Jay's for them when he'd finally came down off his drug induced stupor but it was to early and the second time around too late. Merle's mood changed like the seasons as well. Sometimes they came in like a lion and went out like a lamb or the other way around; you never knew. This was something that held on though. He'd clung to this idea for a month. By that time he'd already talked to Mac and had his ass agreeing and then him and Kira were left to deal with two sulking over grown children. A year here and still they were working. Today was it though and then they could breathe easy.

"You going to come down?"

Daryl's eyes swung around to her watching Kira below him. The wind caught her hair tangling leaves in the long raven locks and she smiled up at him. She was beautiful and despite her start she was just as made for this world as they were. They didn't come from happy homes or cherishable memories. They came from pain and rot to thrive in a world that dealt that to the weak and the strong climbed and devoured this world already knowing how to handle it all. Thrived. That was what Merle said they were doing and Mac was inclined to agree. Daryl, well he believed they weren't surviving anymore but living. For the first time in his life it wasn't about just making it but watching the leaves fall and knowing that the first snow would be soon.

Daryl swung down from the tree and a loud whoop in the distance made Kira smile. "Think they're done."

Daryl grunted something and she elbowed him. "Wasn't much left to do."

Kira nodded and they walked toward the house. Mac been apprehensive to come back here after the shit with Shane. Daryl though knew that she wasn't some frail doe eyed little girl who needed to be coddled. For as rough as Mac could be with her sometimes he was just as sweet. It amused Daryl.

"I want a hot shower." Kira sighed.

Daryl eyeballed her and she smiled at him. Even after the time they'd been together almost from the start his longing for her never dimmed. It only grew and he knew he loved her. Kira linked her arm through his and pulled him towards the house.

"Now admittedly I'm not the best cook but I did make something. I figured Mac and Merle would be hungry after working today. Also after you being on watch that you'd want something warm."

Daryl nodded jerkily and stepped through the door. They were back at Jays. The decision to leave the group came after Kira threatened to decapitate Andrea. He thought she over reacted and telling her as much got him slapped in the mouth and then Mac. He could overlook getting hit just because the stunned look on Mac's face was beautiful. After that Merle had his foot in the door and the decision was final.

Rick knew where they were as did Hershel and the others. Glenn wanted to come back here as did Maggie. Daryl had no issues with it because it was better than the prison. You had heat, water, the old coal stoves and wood stoves. The irrigation was set and the water was coming from three different wells. Jay worked hard over the years on this place and it was a good set up now. Hershel though was adamant to stay with the group and Maggie didn't want to leave her family.

Though Daryl had a feeling that they'd show up one day. Things would be different than. Merle, Mac, and Daryl worked around the clock on building a wall around this place. They had the terrain helping them in a lot of ways. They had sheer rock faces, valleys, and thick forest that ran with a river. Walkers could only really advance from a few places. Though today was the day the wall was finished. Last of it in place and he was sure that was what Mac's whoop was about earlier.

Daryl kicked out in the chair by the window watching his brother's come back. Mac and Merle were at ease around each other in a way like never before. With that it brought a sense of ease to Daryl and Kira. They didn't feel the need to monitor them all the time like they were kids to be put in time out. Though their fights could get out of hand when one did start.

Merle had his own issues to deal with and his were fundamentally amusing to Daryl. He kept his mouth shut though because he sure as hell wasn't explaining shit to him. His brother was a crass disgusting man most of the time and Kira deserved better than that. So if the relationship between him, Kira, and Mac confused Merle at times then so be it. He didn't say much and like he said it was amusing.

Kira flounced down in his lap and watched out the window. "You think winter is going to be bad?"


Kira scowled at him and Daryl smirked, "You can feel it." Daryl looked towards the window. He was right when he said a storm was almost here earlier. He could see the thunderheads on the horizon, the flashes of lightning brightening the sky, and the howling of the wind.

She hummed and the door opened with a frigid blast of cold air as Merle and Mac stepped inside. Mac was already shrugging out of his extra layers. His eyes were on her on Daryl's lap and Daryl ran his finger over her thigh and then between them. Mac's jaws clenched and Kira shifted her hips against his lap. Mac's eyes watched every movement as Daryl's hand cupped against her feeling the heat coming from her pussy. He knew if he slid his hand down her pants she'd be soaked right now.

Mac shot him a withering look when Merle slapped him in the back. Daryl pulled his hand from between her thighs and gripped her hip and leaned back taking her with him. He could feel her breathing easing up and she slipped to sleep right there on top of him. HIs boots were kicked up in the window and he watched leaves chase the sunset.

Mac crashed down close by and Merle did as well. Both groaned having ate too much and Daryl smiled. He felt calmer than ever before. He would always have the issues of what happened with his father but they didn't consume him like before. He done what needed to be done. His brothers would have done the same thing as him. He wasn't a monster; he was a survivor. He had the marks to prove it just like his brothers and just like Kira.

"Need to go hunting." Daryl yawned.

Mac nodded and looked up at him, "I'll go with you."

"It's going to storm." Merle scowled.

Daryl nodded, "We go early we'll catch it in the break of the storm before the next hits. We can't afford to waste what time we have, winter is coming."

Mac nodded and looked over at him. He didn't know the woods like Daryl and couldn't read the weather as easy but he trusted Daryl with his life. Daryl nodded and Mac relaxed accepting that they'd be find.

Merle chuckled, "Bitch watch it is."

"Yeah she's going to have fun keeping watch on your salty old ass." Mac sneered, "You old bitch."

"Suck my dick, Mac."

Mac kicked out, "I think they stopped producing that little blue pill about the time everyone decided to die. SO sucking a limp dick wont do a bit of good." Mac chortled, "Old man."

Merle leaned up, "I got half a mind to kick your teeth down your throat."

"I got half a mind to let you fucking try so I have a reason to beat your ass."

"We get it; together you all might make a half intelligent waste of space." Daryl snapped, "Shut the fuck up."

"OH looks like Darylina has his period."

"Fuck." Daryl huffed.

Merle stood fluidly and looked to them and then Kira. She was asleep a mess of tangled limbs on Daryl and wild hair. He shook his head and Mac stood up stretching. A bright flash of lightning lit the world up and Daryl's eyes followed it riding the night sky. The thunder rolled over head and he felt fatigue hitting him. He loved sleeping during storms. Mac shot him a leering smile and ran his over Kira. Yeah he knew what Mac was thinking about. How could he not. The firs time they'd took Kira they'd been a storm like this raging and bringing winter in as well. Daryl smiled at him and Mac's face lit up.

It wasn't long after that he was walking behind Mac as he carried Kira down the steps. Merle was locking the rest of the house up and they were going to fucking bed. They were all wore out. Kira was just about tossed on the bed before Mac was pulling her boots of and stripping her jeans away from her. She just grunted at his efforts and rolled over. Daryl snorted and jerked the covers down and crawled in. Kira immediately moved to wrap around him and her fingers started lightly tracing his tattoos. She was always touching him and Mac, always.

"What time we leave?"

"First light."

Kira yawned into his neck, "I'm babysitting Merle?"

"Need to put meat up for winter." They said in unison.

KIra nodded and Mac fell into bed. He rolled till she was sandwiched between them. Mac's fingers were idly running through his hair. It was lulling him to sleep in the same way her fingers tracing tattoos were. They soothed his demons and stripped his fears. Without them he'd be a far cry from the man he was now. Though the same could be said for the both of them in regard with each other.

"I love you both." Kira's voice was soft, "Come back to me." she breathed.

"Always." They said in unison, voice gruff carrying emotion neither were good at talking about. It was more than just coming back, it was coming home. Something they'd both been waiting to do together for years.

AN: So this is it; the last chapter. I've been prolonging writing on this story and put off doing chapters because I was unsure where to end it. I know this started as a one shot that morphed into something else altogether. Those of you who stuck with me from the start and encouraged me; some pleading for more ;), and the new arrivals I want to thank you. All the reviews, favorites and follows as well as the silent readers. You are all amazing.

I hope this ended on a note that is satisfying. There were a lot of rough patches in this story for our trio. I wanted them to have something of their own though.