Double the Pleasure Double the Blond
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, he belongs to Kishimoto.
This is a continuation of Blonds-verse, Blonds Have More Fun.
Chapter 1
Ino Uzumaki's voice suddenly became muffled and Naruto pulled back from the kiss he'd used to see his wife's eyes closed and a soft satisfied smile on her lips.
It had been a month since Ino literally crushed Sasuke Uchiha and the time was approaching for the Chunin exams. Both Uzumaki's were concerned about the changes with the removal of Sasuke as they now couldn't predict Orochimaru's movements.
But the current discussion had nothing to do with that, it had to do with Ino had just been told that her husband had been out drinking with her father at a "Gentleman's Club" and he was diffusing her anger with his kisses and soft caresses.
"Sweetie, you know I wouldn't go there voluntarily. Your father and his friends dragged me in there and every time I tried to escape they cornered me. I drank yes, but I wasn't watching any of those girls because they weren't you."
Ino looked at him and saw the honesty in his eye and her heart melted as he kissed her lightly and pulled back. "No woman matches up to you."
Ino nodded and leaned in to his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. "I'll deal with my father and his friends later." She said.
"Anko wants us to go over several plans." She told him.
"Don't we need a third teammate?" Naruto asked as his mind flashed back to past Chunin exam attempts in his last life.
"Anko said that she will take care of it." Ino said as she enjoyed being close to her husband.
Naruto smiled as his wife relaxed. "Your mom wanted to know when we were giving her grandchildren."
Ino's eyes opened and she gazed at him. "What do you mean?" Ino asked.
"Have you seen the den?" Naruto asked.
Ino shook her head and taking his hand led him into the house. They had continued to live with her parents, not that they weren't able to afford a place with all the mission pay they banked, but her mother had been adamant that they would stay with them until they had more than enough for a house and furnishings and the unspoken "Grandchild" was hinted around.
Ino dragged him into the house and stopped at the entrance of the den. "Oh, mother." Ino said seeing the various magazines, and even a baby basket with a blue and pink ribbon on the handle. There was also a book with baby names and Ino's own baby pictures.
Naruto snickered.
"Its not funny." Ino said. They had talked after she wiped the floor with the Uchiha and with the now alternate path, they decided to hold off and that meant that even if they did have a child it wouldn't be their Saru.
"It is funny if you think about it." Naruto said. "She's basically ordering us to have sex."
"Like we don't have plenty of that." Ino said with a leer.
Naruto nodded and they'd added several seals to Ino's room. One was a silencing seal to prevent anyone hearing what went on in the room once it was activated.
Another measure they added was seals to the door that would make it as hard as steel and prevented Inoichi from kicking it down or in.
Naruto smirked as Ino looked around the den. "I think your mom expects babies to be popping out any day now."
Ino snorted. "Not yet." She said and shared a look with her husband. "But soon."
Naruto nodded. "Soon." He echoed.
Izumi was sitting in the kitchen sipping some tea when Ino entered. "Hello dear. How are you and Naruto doing?"
Ino shook her head. "Not pregnant if that's what you're asking."
Izumi sighed. "Dear, I just worry. I know you haven't been married a year, but…is there something wrong?"
Ino closed her eyes. I do not want to talk about this. But I can't tell mom I came from a future where her and daddy were dead and the bastard I destroyed killed my husband and son before the Kyuubi took revenge and destroyed him then.
"Nothing's wrong. Naruto and I both feel that we just want to wait a bit when we're more secure in our careers as ninja."
"But dear…"
"Mom. Naruto and I want to wait at least until we're eighteen for children. I know you would love to spoil some grandkids now, but we just want to…"
Izumi smiled. "Its okay dear. I guess I have been hinting a bit too much since you got married. I'll back off."
Ino nodded. "Thanks mom. Its not that we don't want children." Izumi poured her a cup of tea and Ino smiled. "We've talked about them, Naruto would be a great father." She looked at her mom's look.
"I mean, have you seen him around Konohamaru and the other kids? He's a natural." Ino said realizing her near slip she corrected throwing her mother off the trail.
"Yes, well…speaking of children…"
"Mom, you said…"
"You're going to be a big sister." Izumi said. Ino froze. Her mind tried to start several times, but the pull cord refused to catch and her mind made a puttering sound of an outboard motor before she looked at her mom.
Izumi smiled and nodded.
Ino made a "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" and went around the table to hug her mother. Naruto rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen, a kunai in hand as he looked around wildly for danger.
"Does daddy know?"
Izumi shook her head. "He stayed with Shikaku last night, they had a mission this morning."
Ino saw Naruto and leapt at him and hugged him. "Mom's pregnant!" she said with a huge grin.
Naruto's eyes widened and he looked at his mother in-law who smiled. Ino saw her husband's mind had shorted out like hers had and smiled.
"Wow." Naruto said after a moment. "Congratulations mom!" he said and Izumi smiled.
"Inoichi's going to be shocked." Naruto said as Ino began to get the kitchen ready for lunch. I might suck at cooking, but I can prepare things for Naruto. Ino thought and smiled as her mother chatted with Naruto who asked the proper questions and gave her mom the royal treatment that she remembered getting when she told him she was pregnant with Saru in their future-past lives.
Ino stopped getting things from the cabinet. The decision not to have a child soon meant Saru might not be born, even if they wait till the proper time, because of changes around them.
My sweet little baby Saru. Ino felt a tear slip from her eyes and with the now uncertain future looming Ino felt an unknown fear clutch at her even harder. With the changes we already made…oh Kami…we could die during the Chunin exams.
Training Ground
Anko tapped her foot as the pair of blonds finally showed up. "About damn time." She said and to the surprise of the Uzumaki's tossed them a pair of Chunin vests.
"What the hell?" Naruto asked in surprise, as he looked at her in question.
Ino too was wondering what this meant.
"Performance review by the Hokage. You both show skills beyond Genin, hence a field promotion to Chunin."
The pair exchanged looks and saw Anko's grin widen. "What does this mean for us?" Naruto asked uncertainly.
"We're helping run the Chunin exam, well the first and second part so far." Anko said grabbing the pair by the arms and looping arms with a blond on each side started to drag them towards the village center.
"Look, an Anko sandwich." She said.
"In your dreams." Ino said with a grin. The pair were used to Anko's antics.
"Nightly and fondly." Anko said with a wink. "So when can I test drive the stud machine?"
"In your wet dreams." Ino said.
Naruto shook his head as he was thinking of what this would mean for them and their friends.
"Don't give her ideas." Naruto said before Anko could respond. He gave his friend/sensei a look "And stop hitting on my wife."
"Jealous?" Anko said with a grin.
"Damn right." Naruto said as Anko's throaty laugh had civilians looking at the trio as they walked towards Anko's favorite dango stand.
"Now then, before we talk about the exam, the Hokage has a task for us. But I'm hungry and you're buying."
Naruto sighed. Is this how Iruka-sensei felt all those times I dragged him to Ichiraku's? the blond thought.
"Two orders only." He said knowing Anko could eat dango like he could eat ramen.
Anko mock pouted.
"But…don't you love me anymore?"
Ino spoke up. "No. And we don't love you any less either. You want sex see Iruka."
Anko pouted. "But he's busy teaching and I was told I can't enter the academy while students are there."
Naruto snorted as he heard about the restraining order the headmaster had placed on Anko after he and his secretary found her and Iruka using a desk for something not related to school.
"I think the headmaster was upset that you and Iruka were using the desk he wanted to use with his secretary." Naruto said.
Anko shuddered. "She was like three hundred pounds. The desk would never have supported her fat ass."
Naruto shook his head. "And the headmaster is married to that woman that looks like a chicken right?"
Ino smacked them both on the shoulder. "Can we not talk about the fetishes of the older ninja and the insane civilians please."
Naruto nodded as he slipped around Anko and hugged his wife to his side. "So, what is it we're going to be doing before the exam?"
Anko muttered and watched as the two blonds stopped and looked at her.
"Tell me she did not just say that." Ino said.
"She did, she did say that." Naruto confirmed.
"No, no, no, no, no. She did NOT just say what we heard." Ino said again coming to a complete stop in front of her husband and Anko sighed and slipped her hands into the pockets of her trench coat. "Can we not do this in the middle of the street. Dango is calling."
"Fuck dango!" Ino said and looked at her husband. "And fuck whomever came up with the idea of us teaching at the academy. I will not…"
"Please." Anko said and she looked away. "Iruka should be healthy by then, it's just a couple of classes…"
"Kiss my ass." Ino said and stormed away.
Naruto looked at Anko and shuddered. "You want us to cover for Iruka…is he really hurt, or was this just so you can have uninterrupted sex?"
Anko pouted. "Do you think I could actually convince Iruka to take time away from the brats for sex, even if it is with me?"
Naruto looked his teacher slash friend up and down and snorted. "Anko, you could get a dead man to stand at attention and sing the Konoha Academy's school song while having them wear drag."
"NO!" Ino's voice came back and the pair saw her waiting twenty feet ahead with her arms crossed and tapping her left foot.
"No, absolutely not."
Naruto paused. "Konohamaru is in that class…"
"Naruto don't you dare agree." Ino warned.
Anko smiled. "Please…for me?" she said batting her eyes. Ino looked at her in horror. "Don't. Don't ever do that again. Its just creepy when you act all…."
Anko snorted as she grabbed Naruto by his belt and Ino by her shirt and dragged them into the Dango stand. "You'll do this for me…and I'll owe you."
Ino's whine could be heard across Konoha.
At Team 8's training ground Akamaru gave a whine as well and looked in the direction while Kurenai was preparing her team for the upcoming exams.
Couple hours later found the Uzumaki's standing outside the academy gate wearing their new Chunin vests. "You owe me." Ino growled at her husband.
"Don't I always pay you back with interest love?" Naruto said standing behind her, his arms wrapped around her and pulled her back against his chest.
"Mmm. Yeah, you do." Ino said as she tilted her head back and kissed his chin. "But is still don't want to teach."
"We'll do something fun with the kids. Iruka's probably got them doing history right now."
Ino whined.
"Stop that. You'll attract the Inuzuka dogs."
Ino snorted. "Ew."
Naruto grinned. "Come on. Lets get this over with." He said and left her. Ino staggered and sighed. "But I hate teaching!"
Naruto's laugh filled the academy yard and teachers who knew that laugh stopped their lectures and looked up in fear.
The Headmaster was behind his desk and he looked out the window. "Kami strike me down. I thought he passed."
His secretary the rather chunky Dolores Akamichi entered. "Sir, the Hokage is sending over two Chunin to teach Umino's class until he returns."
The Headmaster looked at the files. "I'm going on vacation. When Umino returns tell him he's the new headmaster. I will not be here with one Uzumaki, much less two now."
The woman could only watch as the Headmaster shushined away. "B-But I thought I meant something to you." She whispered.
Chapter 2
Konoha Ninja Academy"Alright class, take your seats." Ino said as the bell rang.
She waited and counted to fifty for them to listen and tried again. She turned and glared at her husband who had chuckled. "Kind of familiar, don't you think love?"
Ino breathed in deeply through her nose and faced the chattering students.
The sound of butts hitting chairs and jaws snapping shut was the only sound in the room as the students looked at their new teachers in shock.
Naruto couldn't help it, his laughter burst out and Ino glared at him, and he turned away and started wiping the board off while he let his wife do the roll call.
"Where's Iruka-sensei?"
Naruto smirked at hearing Konohamaru's voice.
"Sick." Ino said as she continued take roll.
"I don't believe you!"
Naruto groaned as Konohamaru was going out of his way to pick a fight with his wife. They hadn't seen him since they left him with Anko after the trial of Sasuke.
"Hey, Ko…How's Anko-sensei treating you?" the spiky haired blond asked and everyone looking at Konohamaru saw him flinch.
"She's big time super scary still. I thought you said it would get better."
Naruto shrugged. "You're able to run more and how's your chakra control?"
"DO YOU BOTH MIND?" Ino snarled and Konohamaru sunk into his seat while Naruto leaned against the blackboard. "Not at all dear. Just pointing out to Konohamaru all that training he did with us wasn't for nothing."
Ino snorted. "He's lucky that we talked Anko out of having him retrieve kunai and shuriken from the Anbu range while it was in use."
Ino looked over the class. "Now then, for the next couple days my husband and I will be in charge of this class until Iruka-sensei can return from his illness."
"What does he have?" a student called out.
"We don't know, we weren't informed, only that he would be out a couple of days."
Ino who was already hating teaching. Gah, were we this bad? She thought and shook her head negative.
"Now then, according to the notes Iruka-sensei left, you were studying about the last great war…"
"Uzumaki-sensei…" a girl raised her hand.
"You can call me Ino-sensei, and my husband Naruto-sensei since we're both here. What is it…Moegi?"
The girl nodded. "Is it true you killed Sasuke Uchiha?" she asked.
Ino sighed as all the eyes in the class were on her. She could hear Naruto snort and mutter something and she shook her head. "No Moegi. I did not kill the bas…Sasuke Uchiha. I beat him in a duel and he is now serving time for his crimes he committed."
"But…" Moegi started to say and Ino held up a hand to stop her. "Alright, I will say this once and only once and then I don't want to hear the name of Sasuke Uchiha again. Sasuke disobeyed orders during a mission and attacked fellow Konoha ninja not once, but twice. The first time was with intent to kill and the second time he tried to rape a teammate."
Ino looked at the students. It was Naruto who spoke up. "Those who disobey orders are trash, those who abandon a teammate are worse than trash. Konoha is about working as a team. There are no ninja that make it alone." He said as he stepped away from the blackboard.
"Yes, you hear about exceptional ninja, but they don't make it on their own. Jonin Kakashi Hatake is a well noted and respected ninja of Konoha."
"What about his teammates? No one hears about them!" A boy in the back says.
Naruto nods at this. "Because his teammates died. Obito Uchiha gave his life to protect Kakashi and his other teammate Rin. Obito's newly awakened Sharingan was transplanted to Kakashi who had lost his during a fight with Iwa." Naruto looked at the class. "That sacrifice haunts Kakashi to this day. It nearly cost him his students. His other teammate Rin is listed as MIA. She was lost like so many ninja during the Kyuubi's attack on Konoha."
"My grandmother says you're a monster." A boy says arrogantly.
"Your grandmother's an idiot." Ino said. "My husband is a hero several times over. Those that think otherwise are basically traitors."
Naruto put a hand on his wife's shoulder and when she looked at him he shook his head.
"Alright class." Naruto said. "Open your books to chapter…"
Class ended and Ino looked over to see her husband asleep at the desk. She smiled. Never changes. A lecture puts him right to sleep. She smiled. She was about to wake him up when she noticed Konohamaru arguing with Moegi and Udon, the boy who had called Naruto a monster at the start of class.
She slipped closer.
"TAKE THAT BACK!" Konohamaru yelled.
"My grandmother said so!" Udon said.
It took Ino to recall who his grandmother was. Koharu, you old bitch. Corrupting the young against him.
She watched as Konohamaru hauled off and punched the heavyset boy right in the nose.
It degenerated into a fistfight and Ino stepped closer, but stopped seeing Naruto appear there and pick each boy up by the scruff of their necks.
"ENOUGH!" the blond male snarled and shook both boys.
Moegi tried to sneak away. "Freeze Moegi." Naruto said. "Since the three of you wish to act like kindergarteners, then from now on I'm putting the three of you together. As of today after school you will report to training ground six for the rest of the school year."
"You can't do this!" Udon said wiping his bloody nose and adjusting his glasses.
"I can and will. I will inform Iruka of your punishment. You three will be a team. Your actions will result in rewards and penalties for the whole team." Naruto said. "You will either learn to work together, or you will fail together."
Moegi sputtered. "But that's not fair! I didn't do anything!"
"Did you try and stop them from fighting?" Naruto asked.
The girl shook her head. "You three will learn that actions have consequences. Konohamaru, I'm disappointed in you. With your training you could have seriously hurt your teammate."
"But Bro…he said…" Konohamaru started to say, but Naruto cut him off.
"People are entitled to their opinions. Fighting over something like words is not how the ninja of Konoha should behave, and who your grandfather is you need to be a shining example to your classmates. The old man doesn't need you fighting in school, he's depending on you growing strong and becoming Hokage, better than him."
"Really?" Konohamaru said in a soft voice.
"Yes. Yes, you are honorable grandson, but in his eyes you are more than that. You are his grandson, he's proud of you even if he can't show it."
Naruto put both boys down. "And Udon, despite what your grandmother thinks and says, I am not a monster, but that is her opinion and she's hated me since I was a baby and no I won't tell you why." Naruto said as the boy opened his mouth. "But if you want to be a ninja you need to start thinking of what you say and do." He looked at Ino who stepped forward and clapped her hands to get their attention.
"Alright you three. Scram. Remember tomorrow after class to show up at training ground six."
The Uzumaki's watched them go and Naruto sighed as he pulled Ino into a hug.
"You're going to get them to be a team."
Naruto nodded silently. "I didn't know that them not meeting earlier would have resulted in this. Moegi acts like Sakura, and Udon is acting like…"
Ino put a hand on his mouth. "We'll fix it. Now then, we can either go home and be naughty, or we can hunt down our sensei and disturb her from committing acts on our favorite Chunin and protect his dwindling virtue."
Naruto pouted. "That's not fair love. Can we do both? We bother Anko and Iruka, then go home and be naughty?"
Ino laughed. "You fell asleep during class. Perhaps I should punish you."
Naruto smiled as he lifted her up onto the desk, her legs went around him as her arms rested on his shoulders. "OOOOO. Detention with the sexy teacher, have I been bad Ino-sensei?" he asked with a light kiss on her neck.
"Hm, yes. Sleeping in class is punishable offense…oooo." The last moan came out as Naruto's hands squeezed her breasts from outside the shirt.
"Tell me what I have to do teacher." He said kissing her neck and collarbone.
"You two could start by not doing that on my desk."
The Uzumaki's jumped apart and Naruto growled seeing Iruka with a laughing Anko on his arm.
"Funny, does he look sick to you love?" Naruto said as he ignored the howling Anko and looked at Iruka who blushed.
"No. It must be that twenty-four hour bug. But I heard he's going to be out for several days, do you think that it comes and goes?"
Naruto nodded. "Seems that way. So, did you get any nookie while playing hooky?"
Iruka blushed and Anko grinned. "Damn right he did."
Ino shook her head. "Why are you here Iruka-sensei?" she asked ignoring Anko's pout.
"I got called. Apparently the Headmaster resigned and named me as his successor. Of course the secretary quit as well, so I need to hire…"
"Hell no." Ino and Naruto said at the same time. "We're here three days." Naruto said.
Ino looked at Anko who supplied "That was the deal."
Anko nodded. "Iruka is going to be speaking with a couple of people he knows. Don't worry brats, I wouldn't confine you to a classroom like that."
"She knows you'd get even." Iruka said and winced at the punch to his shoulder. "They didn't need to know that." Anko hissed.
Naruto sighed. "You can buy us dinner and we can tell you about the class…Headmaster."
Iruka groaned seeing the glint in Naruto's eyes. I just know there are going to be jokes and I know Anko's going to help.
"Fine, but no ramen or dango. We go and have a real meal." Anko and Naruto pouted while Ino smiled. "Agreed."
The twin whines were cute and Ino took her husbands arm and led him out while Iruka walked with a protesting Anko about no dango. Ino looked to see Iruka whisper something to Anko and the woman's whole face brightened.
Hm. Iruka and Anko. This could be a good thing that it happens sooner. She thought as they walked.
From across the grounds three pairs of eyes watched and planned.
Chapter 3
Konoha Ninja AcademyThe bell rang ending another day. Ino sighed and thought. One more day of this and we're never doing it again. Just one more fucking day. She turned to kiss her husband and found him gone, leaving her with the stack of tests to grade alone. "I'm going to kill him."
Training Ground
Naruto stood in the middle of the training ground with his arms folded, his back to the entrance. He knew they were there.
They aren't quiet. He thought. But they are academy students. Konohamaru is doing better than last time around thanks to Anko working with him.
He waited as he heard them charge. Well Moegi and Konohamaru…where is…ah, there's my little piggy. He thought. Naruto sidestepped Konohamaru and Moegi sending her into him and thus making a small heap of tangled arms and legs.
He smirked and looked over his shoulder to see Udon struggling with a crossbow. Must be a gift from his "grandmother" to deal with the monster.
He Shushined behind the heavyset glasses wearing boy and took the weapon from him.
"Let me." He said and cocked it put the bolt in for him. "Remember to aim, account for wind and lightly squeeze." He said handing it back to Udon. The boy aimed at him at point blank range and squeezed the release as hard as he could.
Naruto vanished and the bolt shot into the air where it landed no one cared.
Naruto appeared again and finger flicked Udon who flew and landed in the heap with Moegi and Konohamaru who groaned at the added weight, and then started to yell for Udon to get off.
"Do you know what you did wrong?" Naruto asked them when they were finally separated all three were looking at the ground in shame.
"Well, first you attacked a Chunin. While Moegi and Konohamaru had the idea to work together, you three are nowhere skilled enough to attack even a Genin right now. Remember teamwork is the key. Udon…" Naruto shook his head. "I don't even know what you were thinking. But let's start with the crossbow; don't use a weapon if you don't know how to properly use it."
He lifted the boy's chin so he was looking up. "I know your grandmother said shoot the demon." He laughed at the shocked look on Udon's face. "And I'll speak with her later."
He looked at three kids. "I'm not here to teach you techniques, most of those that I know use too much chakra and would most likely kill you." He looked at them. "I won't lie to you. What I will do is help you build your stamina, your confidence and teach you taijutsu…or I'll have a friend of a friend teach you." He thought of Gai and knew the taijutsu master would do anything as a challenge.
"The book learning in class is your responsibility. I'll teach the three of you to work together. When you graduate you'll be the greatest Genin team ever."
"What makes you think we'll be a team?" Udon asked with a sniff from his runny nose.
Naruto laughed. "I'm recommending it. The only way that won't happen is if you fail, but I see great potential in the three of you."
Udon looked away.
"I don't want to be a ninja."
"Then why are you here?" Naruto asked.
"My grandmother insisted I attend the academy."
Naruto sighed. Now what? He thought.
The third day started and Naruto had explained the problem with Ino.
"Without meeting Konohamaru sooner, Udon has no desire to be a ninja." He said sadly. "His grandmother's word is law."
Ino sighed. They both looked up as the academy door opened and Naruto blinked at seeing a pair of pale eyes. He shot Ino a grin.
"Good morning Hanabi." Ino said.
"Hey, little firecracker." Naruto said with a grin. He saw the scowl and knew that getting her in detention was going to be easier as she opened her mouth.
Ten minutes later…
Naruto had to smother a laugh as Hanabi was seated with Konohamaru and Moegi.
There is much anger in that one. Heh, her teaming with Konohamaru is a change but a necessary one that I can use to help the Hyuga better.
He looked to Udon, the boy had come to class during Hanabi's rant about how she should be respected and presented the Uzumaki's with a withdrawal from class form. After training yesterday he'd spoken to his parents and they agreed.
They won't tell the old busybody until after the papers are processed. He felt bad about losing the boy, but Ino said it was a consequence of her coming back. There have been numerous changes. Choji not being a ninja is one. Me and Ino being teamed and working with Anko…
Naruto shook his head at the numerous changes.
"Today will be our last day as your teachers." Ino said and many of the class sounded sad. "I know my husband's comments during lessons has brightened your day, and I look forward to the day when you all become ninja of Konohagakure and we can work together." Ino said standing before the desk. "Now since this is our last day with you, we thought we'd do something fun." Ino said giving Naruto a look as he cheered and the class emulated him.
Ino gave him a look and he winked. "So, leave your things, we're going outside."
This time the students need encouragement as they cheered loudly. Naruto grabbed his three "students" and held them back.
"Remember, the rest of the year after school you are mine. Hanabi, while you and the others enjoy tag today, I'm going to speak with your father so there is no misunderstanding."
The Hyuga looked away in a huff. Naruto knew she wouldn't show up otherwise. "Now, go have fun. Four o'clock you are mine."
He watched them go, Moegi stopped and looked at him a moment and he saw a slight blush before she rushed after the others. Oh merciful Kami…please tell me she isn't. She can't. Not again. He mentally moaned before he shushined away.
Naruto shuddered after his "talk" with Hiashi Hygua. The man is an ass of the highest order. But he smirked as he got the man to agree to the teaming of Hanabi with Konohamaru and Moegi.
He worked the kids for two hours and told them to meet him here every day, if he had a mission or another engagement he would send a replacement teacher or send them a message with other instructions.
He entered the Yamanaka residence. "Hey mom." He said seeing Izumi working the counter.
"Inoichi back yet?"
She sighed "No, and I really want to tell him the news." She pouted and Naruto laughed as he knew where Ino got it from now.
"Where's Ino?" Izumi asked.
"Last minute paperwork and returning the keys to the classroom to Iruka-sensei. I just finished with the students I put in detention."
He told her of his taking three academy students and working them into a team.
"That's nice dear. But don't stretch yourself too thin." Izumi said and Naruto nodded. "You need any help here?" he asked.
"No, its nearly closing time." Izumi said.
"You shouldn't be working so hard either mom." He said.
"I've got months yet before that becomes an issue. When I was pregnant with Ino I worked the shop right up until the eighth month."
She saw his look. "You know, that's the same look Inoichi had when I did it. You two are so much alike at times." She laughed.
Naruto huffed. "I'm going to start dinner. Anything special you want?"
"Fried Eggplant."
Naruto made a face but nodded.
Izumi had been craving eggplant all day, and she was happy that Ino's husband was a good cook.
Ino entered half an hour later.
"Hello dear." Izumi said.
"Kami, how does Iruka do this day in and day out?" Ino said as she kicked off her shoes. "Three days of this and I'm ready to use a fire jutsu on the lot of them."
Izumi smiled as her daughter turned the sign to closed and started cleaning up the store.
"And the three brats my darling husband has…" she shook her head seeing Konohamaru and Moegi across the street plotting some sort of prank for tomorrow.
She scolded her mom for working too hard as she hurried about to do the clean up. "Daddy's not going to be happy to hear your working so hard while being pregnant."
"Oh tosh. I worked until the eighth month when I was carrying you." Izumi said.
Ino grumbled under her breath, but she heard a snort and turned to see Naruto in the doorway. "That explains so much."
She punched him in the gut "Ass."
He smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Miss me?"
Ino relaxed and Izumi smiled at how well Naruto handled her daughter. The pair seemed to fit together like peanut butter and pickles.
Hmmm. I might have that for desert. She thought clearing the register and putting it in the bag to go to the bank later.
Anko sat on the roof eating from a box of dango. She was proud of the pair. Her students had already taken on some protégé's and she knew the grandson, he was fun to mess with, she couldn't wait to play with the carrot top and the Hyuga.
Checking her watch she knew it was time to jump down and join them for dinner. She really did owe them for the last three days. Iruka had shown her some wonderful things.
And the sex… Anko paused a perverted giggle escaping her as she thought how loving and tender Iruka had been.
No one's treated me like a princess. Iruka had been loving, tender and he had rocked her world six weeks to sideways.
She had let Iruka into her apartment, the first one outside of Naruto, Ino and Kurenai. He saw her collection. Naruto and Ino teased her about it in private, but never where anyone could hear. Their date to the trade town was fun and when Iruka presented her with a new addition she had been surprised.
I can't believe I acted all girly and even shed tears. She thought as she dropped into the backyard and entered the Yamanaka residence.
"Hey Anko." Naruto greeted. "Done playing with Iruka for now?"
She mock pouted. "He has to get ready for his duties as headmaster as well as teach the class."
Naruto smirked. "Iruka-sensei is one of those that thrives in pressure situations." He gave her a look and Anko stuck out her tongue.
"Children." Izumi said entering the kitchen with Ino and accepted the dish of fried eggplant.
Anko and Ino made a face and both took the salads Naruto made.
"The chicken is still cooking a few minutes." Naruto said. He looked at Anko. "Now, about the Chunin exams…"
Chapter 4
Yamanaka Residence
"Daddy should be home today. Now remember…"
"Ino, I am quite capable of speaking to your father without your instructions. Now you and Naruto have to get to the tower for your last minute instructions."
Ino looked at her mother. "I'm just…"
Izumi kissed her daughter's forehead. "I'm pregnant not handicapped." She smiled to herself. If Ino acts like this while I'm pregnant, I wonder how she'll behave when her and Naruto finally have children.
"Fine, but be careful, please. That's my little brother or sister you have and I actually want someone to fight with."
Izumi smiled and laughed, promising that she would be fine. Ino turned and saw Naruto had taken care of everything with three clones helping run the shop and haul supplies.
"Your husband took care of many things already." Izumi said. "Now go, before you both are late."
Hokage's Tower
Ino, Naruto and Anko arrived and hung towards the back. They saw several Jonin's they'd gotten to know hanging out with Anko.
"As you know once again it is time for the Chunin Exams which are being held in Konoha this year."
Naruto and Ino got to see the actions of the Jonin and watched as the teams were nominated. Kakashi seemed to hesitate then spoke up offering the newer Team 7 a chance.
Gai and Kurenai both put their teams up for sacrifice…nomination as well then they looked at Anko.
"What?" Anko asked.
"Aren't you going to nominate your team?" Kakashi asked.
Anko laughed. "Would be redundant. They're already Chunin."
Ino and Naruto saw everyone turn and look at them. Ino waved and Naruto grinned. "Yo." He said copying Kakashi's eye smile.
"But…" Kakashi blinked. "Congratulations." He said.
Kurenai smiled adding her own.
"Inside voice Gai." The Hokage said and smiled as several Jonin and Chunin congratulated the pair.
"Very well. We have…"
"Lord Hokage, I need to protest." Iruka said.
"About?" the Third Hokage asked looking at the Chunin that was working as his helper today.
"While I'm aware how talented the Genin are, but is it wise to allow newly graduated Genin to take part so soon in the Chunin exams? With how dangerous it is…"
"You need to back off Iruka." Asuma said from the back of the room. "I was lucky this year not having a group, but I've watched them at my father's insistence and let me tell you I've not seen a batch like this in a long time. Naruto and Ino making Chunin ahead of time shows that. Granted Gai kept his team back a year, but I have no doubt that any of the other teams are ready now."
Asume lit his cigarette. "You were their teacher in the academy, but they are no longer your students. You can't keep being their nursemaid and this is a learning experience that will help them."
Hiruzen nodded and agreed with his son. "However, I will let Iruka test them to ease his mind."
Iruka nodded while Ino and Naruto exchanged looks. "Now while Ibiki is running the first test, the Chunin will aid him in both the room and before hand." The Hokage said.
"The second test run by Anko who is picking her team to run the second test." The Hokage looked to see the snake Jonin smirking. "And the final test will be run by Genma and Hayate."
The smoking Jonin and the toothpick chewing Jonin exchanged looks.
"Now, about security…" The Hokage began and Naruto caught himself from whining. I hate meetings and Ojii is long winded. He thought.
The meeting was finally ending when the door opened to show Inoichi entering looking a bit ragged.
"Mission complete Lord Hokage." He said placing the security sealed scrolls on the desk. "Masa Rayne asked that you keep these under lock and key until the exam."
The Hokage nodded, and seeing the looks from the Jonin smiled. "These are for the second exam. Anko please remain, the rest of you may leave."
Naruto and Ino looked at their friend and sensei.
"Go ahead brats. I'll fill you in later."
Naruto and Ino left with a shunshin while the Hokage chuckled. "I'm amazed they stayed awake for the whole thing."
Anko shook her head. "Naruto wasn't. He's learned to sleep with his eyes open." She said.
The Hokage blinked and chuckled. "Now, these are the scrolls I had Madam Rayne make."
Anko for the next hour spoke with the Hokage about her plans for the second exam and why they needed so many scrolls.
"I'm hoping Ibiki can cut them down to nothing, but just in case I though it best to make the number of scrolls I requested." Anko said preparing to leave.
The Hokage nodded. "One more thing before you go. I understand you and Naruto have taken my grandson under your wings and Naruto has already put forward Konohamaru, Moegi and surprisingly Hanabi Hyuga as a team for when they graduate."
Anko nodded. "Konohamaru is already ready to pass the academy physically." She said thinking of all the exercise they had given the kid. "He could use work on his jutsu's, but he's got henge down and he's even got a bunshin down. He needs to work on his substitutions better." She said.
The Hokage had spied on some of the training Naruto and Anko had been giving his grandson and how they dropped him off several times, and now Naruto had chosen two more.
"Was this your idea?" he finally asked.
Anko snorted, "Hell no. This was all Naruto's doing." She looked out the window. "He saw something in the kid and brought him to me even before we did missions. These other two…" she shrugged. "I understand what he plans, and by the time they graduate from the academy they will be a team and he should be a Jonin."
The Hokage chuckled. "You think Naruto's planning that far ahead?"
"I do. Him and Ino have some plans they want to do, and I bet you a month of dango that those two once they set their minds to something will do it."
The Hokage nodded as he thought about the pair and what they'd done already. Anyone that gets in their way will end up like the Uchiha. He thought. The boy was under lock and key and screaming in pain. His mind shattered as much as his testicles had been by Ino using the Rasengan.
He shuddered remembering the battle the Uchiha had insisted upon and been destroyed in, not once landing a blow on Ino while decimated him.
Walking with his daughter and son-in-law Inoichi tried to ignore their whispered conversation and the looks and giggles they shot at him.
"Alright you two, what's got you giggling like school children?" He asked a block from the house.
"Nothing daddy." Ino said innocently. "Nothing at all. Right Naruto-kun?" she asked looking at her husband who looked away for a moment while swallowing his laughter. "Nope." He said. The pair had talked quietly and placed a small wager on what Inoichi's reactions would be once he learned he was going to be a father again.
Inoichi looked at the pair and his parent monitor was going off telling him that his daughter knew something he didn't and it was going to be in the words of his long time friend Shikaku "Troublesome" for him.
He watched as the pair hurried into the house.
"MOM, WE'RE HOME!" Ino yelled knowing her mother was in the shop. "DADDY'S HERE AS WELL!"
Naruto shook his head as he headed for the shop to take over, in truth he didn't mind working the flower store as much as Ino did. He found it relaxing.
"I heard Ino." Izumi said as she was removing the apron.
"Yeah. Inoichi is here as well." He said.
"Oh." Izumi said suddenly looking nervous. "I…I…"
Naruto saw she was now worried and nervous. He made a choice and turned the sign to closed and took her hand. "It'll be fine mom." He said and saw her smile slightly. "I know when Ino and I have a child we'll be looking at you and Inoichi for advise and help."
Izumi smiled. "You'll both do fine. I've seen how you act around the Hokage's grandson."
Naruto smiled as he led her back into the main house where Inoichi was in the kitchen rummaging for something to eat.
With his head still in the refrigerator he was talking to Ino who was perched on a stool.
"I tell you sweetie, Shika can't cook at all, if we ate what he made we'd be doing the enemy nin's on the border a favor."
Ino chuckled, she and all the Ino-Shika-Cho kids knew that Shikaku couldn't cook, his meals were considered toxic and could be used for warfare.
"If you clear out sir, I'll make you something." Naruto said escorting Izumi in to the kitchen.
Inoichi looked up and smirked, the bit of cold beef in his mouth.
"Really dear, must you be a savage and eat from the fridge like that every time you come back." Izumi asked as Naruto went to the stove and got out some pans. He was planning on making steak and cheese wraps and decided to get started on them.
Ino crept up next to him while Izumi was asking Inoichi about his mission, or what he could tell them.
Inoichi and Shikaku had a two-part mission. One was to retrieve the items the Hokage sent them for while the other was to check on the border patrols.
Ino and Naruto were half listening and when Izumi told Inoichi that she was pregnant.
At first he kept talking and said, "That's nice dear."
Naruto turned and watched as Inoichi was describing something he and Shikaku were doing on the patrol when the words his wife said finally registered.
Naruto held out a hand to Ino and she handed him fifty ryo as Inoichi fell to the kitchen floor unconscious.