I know, I know I hate author notes too! I'm sorry *on knees begging forgiveness* I just wanted to let all of you know that I am not giving the stories up and I am working on them now. Real life has been a complete and utter bitch. In one month my son totaled his car (the police officer told me that another few inches over and he wouldn't have lived). The next week my appendix ruptured and I had to have emergency surgery and spend 4 days in the hospital because it was gangrenous...luckily it had walled itself off so it didn't spread but I was one sick puppy! I was 8 weeks pregnant when I had surgery. I spent the next week recovering, found out the week after that we lost the baby around 9 ½ weeks and had another surgery 2 weeks after my appendix surgery for that. And like I said, all this happened in ONE MONTH! So I have been a little off lately and writing just wasn't on my radar.

I am now juiced on happy pills and feeling better and a little more like myself and my inspiration (ummm that reads I am thinking clearly again LOL) is back and I am working on getting them updated regularly again and finished! But thank you for all the reviews and favorite/following even when I wasn't updating. I am so happy to say...I'M BACK!
