"Oh goody. An audience." Scourge smiled, his finger inching closer to the trigger…

Hotch held his hands up defensively. "Wait. Wait. Look, see?" weapon poised upwards. Hotch gently set the gun down.

"You don't want to do this." Hotch said.

Scourge's eyes were glazed over, cold and calculating. The gun didn't move from Reid's temple. "I do. Reid is a nice kid. He's been good to me. Taking this job, seeing all these murders, and the bodies. It kept me satisfied. But Reid doesn't have what it takes. I'll take us both out before I get locked away."

"It was you, who killed those people, wasn't it? Not Reid." Hotch asked, trying to buy time.

Scourge smiled. "Reid too good to hurt anyone. Not really, anyways. If he common sense, he'd cut himself to get rid of me. It was me. And-!"

From behind, a shot rang out from across the way. It was a SWAT sniper, placed on the other side of the building. Someone must have given to call to shoot.

Reid- no, Scourge, dropped the gun, grasping his hand in pain. Right below where the thumb and index finger met, crimson flowed freely. Hotch took this opportunity and tackled Scourge to the ground, picking up his gun and whacking Scourge so hard across the head Hotch felt his own forehead aching.

The world faded around Reid, turning it too a blur as Hotch stood over him, bending down and cuffi9ng his arms together. Over the comms, Hotch could hear chatter.

"Hotch, you okay?"

It was Derek.

Hotch gently lifted Reid's head and placed it on his lap to help with the now purple and swelling lump on his forehead. Reid groaned.

"I'm fine. Where's the bus?"

"On the way?"

Hotch felt helpless, almost as helpless as when his ex-wife died. Reid, Reid, Doctor Spencer Reid was a murderer. Hotch knew secretly at Scourge was right. A plea of insanity hardly ever works. Reid was going to rot in prison because of something that he couldn't control. Reid fluttered his eyes open, their dark brown irises confused.

"Spencer Reid, you are under arrest for the murders of Maria Diez, Annette Barnes, Sarah Barnes, Matilda Ramirez, , and Brian O'Malley. You have the right to remain silent…"

The world faded away.