So I hope you all like this chapter thank you for all of you support and kindness, this will be the last book in 'The New Girl Trilogy' (I just came up with the name) I will make more book just not in this trilogy, if you have any ideas please let me know through a review or PM. Thank you! –Jordan
Mr. Peabody watched his son groan in pain and knew there was only one thing he could do, USE THE WABAC!
"Well I guess we have had our fun, it is time to finish him off, and would you like to do the honors Ahmuto? " Judy asked
"Oh SURE!" Ahmuto said, with that she took the large mallet and raised it high above her head bringing it down on Sherman's head with such a force that brain matter and blood splattered everywhere, the site was terrifying.
"Well Sherman my boy we had our run, but now it is over and I guess the hero doesn't always win." Judy said, "Well now that he is dead what should we do with… MR. PEABODY, HE'S GONE!, well whatever what's the worst he could do, it doesn't matter if he gets the police because by the time they get here we will be gone."
There were ropes laying on the ground that Mr. Peabody had bitten through the rope, he quickly ran to his car and drove to the penthouse, and ran to the WABAC, set the dial, and blasted off. Mr. Peabody ran to the front of Judy's house where he saw Ahmuto ripping through the police tape and breaking down the door, "STOP DON'T YOU DARE TAKE ANOTHER STEP!" He said holding a gun to the back of her head.
"M...Mr. Peabody what are you d…doing here?" Ahmuto stuttered
"Young lady I am not letting you bring Judy back from the dead!"
"How did you know I was going too?!"
"I am from the future and you become a horrible monster, you mutilate three people, one of them being Sherman!"
"Miss I am sorry to say you are a danger to yourself and to everyone around you."
*click* the gun went, "I am sorry Ahmuto, but I am not letting you kill my son or anymore innocent people!" *BANG* the gun went off, blood matter splattered all over Mr. Peabody's once white fur.
Mr. Peabody sadly walked back to the WABAC and set it for the correct date.
He was happy to find that everything was well, Penny was alive, Sherman was alive and he didn't remember a thing. Mr. Peabody was very skittish for the rest of the week and had nightmares about Sherman being killed by Judy and Ahmuto, but months past and they eventually found Ahmuto's dead body but shrugged it off as suicide. Mr. Peabody and Sherman lived in peace for the most part, and never were confronted with Judy or Ahmuto ever again.