Tenten eased her class through their exercises step by step, but they could feel her distraction. More than once one of the students had had to remind their instructor they had already performed a position causing Tenten to flush and regain her place. Then inevitably her attention wandered back to the empty spot Hinata would usually be and she would lose her place again. Eventually she was forced to call the class finished early. Her students left her alone. She stepped outside and locked the studio. She turned around and stopped, wary.

"Hello," a voice behind a pair of mirror lensed glasses said. "My name is Shino Aburame. You must be Tenten. I was wondering if you would answer some questions for me."

Keys jangled as Tenten very carefully let her hand trail into her purse. She made it seem she was putting away her keys but grasped the can of mace inside. It was instinct. She subtly swore at herself when she looked at those glasses. What could would a spray can do? She didn't loosen her grip.

"Do I know you?"

"No. We have a mutual acquaintance though in Hinata. Our circles don't exactly mix."

Tenten loosened the death grip on the bottle. "Oh. And what did you want to ask me questions about?"

"Hinata. I'm a detective and investigating her."

"Isn't that a conflict of interest or something?"

"Maybe. But I like to think I'm looking out for her best interest and don't feel the request interferes with that."

"And you want to ask me about her?"

"Not quite," he said. He raised his voice as a car honked somewhere down the street. "I actually wanted to ask you about Neji."

Tenten started. She gave him a shrewd look but could see nothing past those dark frames. "…We can talk here."

"If you like."

"I do." She leaned against the glass door. She crossed her arms before her and gave him a black look. "What is it you wanted to ask me about?"

"I wanted to hear all you could tell me about Neji."

She shrugged. "What's to tell?"

He was quiet a moment as if measuring her. "If I'm not mistaken, you and he had a relationship while when Hinata was still in the Hyuuga house."

Tentten's lips tightened. "Why do you care?"

"As I said, I am investigating Hinata."

"For who?"

"I am not at liberty to say."

"Do you know?"

"I do."

"But you won't tell me."


"Then why should I tell you anything?"

"Because you care about her. I do too."

"Funny way to show it."

"We all show affection in our own ways." His voice came level and calm, but Tenten thought she detected a certain tension beneath. She raised a brow a little.

The noise of traffic went on unabated. The air stank of exhaust. People gave the pair a glance but hurried on their way soon after. Tenten looked like she could take care of herself. No one really wanted to interfere in something that looked so private.

"Did you know Neji visits Hinata often?" Shino said.

"I do. They're cousins. They're close."

"Certain individuals do not like that. Some would say Neji wanted something from her and is using the visits as a pretext to get it. He did not take Hinata leaving well. Some people know this. You and Neji were close."

Tenten felt herself tense. Goosebumps puckered along her skin from the cold air. It was getting late. "You mean Naruto."

"I am not at liberty to say."

"Fuck you're a shady asshole."

"I am aware." Shino changed tracks. "You and Neji had a relationship. It was broken off at some point during the interval. Was it before or after Hinata left?"

Tenten crossed her arms. "I don't need to answer any of this."

Shino nodded. "That is true. Let me say what I do know. The two of you had a close relationship. Things progressed well. Then, it ended. Very quickly. I would like to ask if it was mutual."

Tenten scowled. "It wasn't, if you must know. He broke up with me."

"Did he say why?"

"Apparently, I wasn't the proper sort of young lady for the Hyuuga family. He was given an ultimatum. Either he broke off the relationship, or he would lose his place in Hyuuga corp. Well." She shrugged. "He did. And here I am. And there he is. Living it up as mister big shot in his uncle's company. Whatever."

Shino nodded thoughtfully. He knew this Tenten thought with a scowl. Son of a bitch. "How long has it been since you've seen him?" Shino said.

She shrugged. "Years. Who knows. It's not important. We've moved on with our lives. Me and him."

"Have you had other relationships since."

"I am not answering that."

"Sorry." Shino ducked his head. "That was inappropriate."

"It was. Look." Tenten leaned forward. "What's this all about? You told me you were looking into Hinata. Why are you asking about this?"

"Hinata knows I am investigating her."


"I told her. You may inform her I was looking into things here. Now, I understand you are still friends with her?"

Tenten leaned back, crossing her arms defiantly again. She felt tense. Tenser. There was something behind everything he was talking about. "I am. And what's wrong with that?"

"Has she seemed unusually stressed lately?"

"I think a friend investigating you would make anyone stressed."

"I meant before that."

"Listen," Tenten said dourly. "I see her three times a week for her classes. Occasionally, we hang out somewhere else together. We all have parts of our lives we close off from other people. I don't pry into hers, she doesn't me. I don't ask to go on dinner dates with her and her husband, she doesn't pry into why I don't date anymore. I there anything else you want to know?"

"No." Shino pushed back his glasses. She hadn't noticed them slip. He stowed into a pocket of his long coat a notepad Tenten had not seen him have out. "You have been most helpful. I thank you for your compliance in this."


Shino gave another bow and left. Tenten stayed leaning against the glass and watched him go. He was visible only a minute more. Then he joined the crowds at the lights. Swallowed by the streets and people filling them. The lights changed. People milled about and she couldn't pick him out despite his distinct dress.

Tenten let out a slow breath, blowing a lock of hair that had fallen across her brow. She felt for her cellphone in her pocket, but stopped. What could she tell Hinata? What did she already now? Tenten felt oddly troubled and adjusted the strap of her purse. She pushed away from the glass and walked away in the direction opposite Shino had gone. Her reflection wavered in the glass of a window, and then she had passed it.


I generally write short chapters for this story because I feel like the pace should be kept brisque and I dislike splitting them up with multiple perspectives and events. Many stories work well with a more diversified chapter strucutre, but I feel like for this story specifically, each chapter should stand on its own as a single event in the story, regardless of length.

Thank you all as ever for your reviews. Every author loves to hear from their readers because it makes them feel like they've made an impact. That they've inspired people to talk about the story and share their thoughts, good and bad. I know I post slowly, but that just makes me more thankful for you all. Cheers!