"You shall not intermarry with them,giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly." -Deuteronomy 7:3-4

"Come on Princess, you're not that tired."

One glance at the wall clock in the diner and he knew they were right on time. 11:30. The couple hardly ever missed their scheduled Sunday morning brunch date. He was holding her hand, practically pulling her over to an empty booth.

"I might be a little sore and tired from the five extra laps you wanted to do, Derek," the brunette woman replied to her husband's teasing. "But I can still kick your ass."

God, she was pretty. Even with her dark hair tied back and drenched in sweat from a vigorous morning workout, she was pretty. She was tall and in good shape, just his type. He always liked when woman took care of their bodies. Yet, that beautiful woman on God's good earth was a sinner. She was tainted and openly living a sin and for that she would be punished. The Lord does not like sinners and she would pay. Like the bible said, sinners would be destroyed quickly. She went against the word of God. You shall not intermarry. It was plain as day in the bible, yet she chose to marry that black bastard. As much as a waste it would be to see one so pretty destroyed for her wrongdoing, it must be done. Even if she confessed her sin, it'd be too late. So the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them from his presence.

If only she had met a real man, a righteous man before she decided to openly go against the truth of the Lord. But soon. Soon, he would show her the error of her ways. Soon, she would beg for mercy. Soon, he wouldn't only be watching her from the zoom lense of a camera.
