A/N so here it is end of another story :( sad times! thank you all so so much for your amazing support! I love you all. I promise I have a new one on the way, hope to get it up end of next week so would for you to join me again. Same characters and a new one too :) for now enjoy a happy ending and of course let me know your thoughts


Aramis's eyes flew open as he felt something dig hard into his skin. He blinked a few times trying to figure out what was going on. It wasn't until it happened again that he realized it was his wife's nails digging into his arm as she gripped it tightly, that had woken him.

"Marie, my darling what's wrong?" he asked worried by the pain evident on her face.

"Aramis, the baby!" she gasped. Aramis's eyes opened wide as he understood what she meant.

"Constance!" he shouted, gently removing Marie's hand off his arm, and pulling himself out of bed.

"It's okay my love," he comforted as he helped Marie to a sitting position, moving a strand of hair from her face, and kissing her on the lips, just as Constance rushed into the room, D'Artagnan right behind.

"D'Artagnan go fetch the midwife! And find the others," Constance ordered him, he nodded heading back out the room. She turned back to Aramis who was looking around helplessly not sure what to do. But before Constance could say anything to him Marie spoke.

"Please don't go just yet," she begged, as she reached out her hand to her husband, who took it without hesitation sat on the side of the bed, and leaned in to place a kiss on her head.

"I am right here darling, not going anywhere," he assured her glancing up at Constance "Just breathe. Constance is also here, she'll take care of you," he added flashing Constance a smile, who returned it seeing the worry etched on his face. She knew that when the midwife came and he would have to leave, panic would take a hold of him. That is why she had told D'Artagnan to get the other two. He would need all three of them to keep him calm especially as the labor progressed.

"I am scared Aramis," Marie whispered, bringing her out her thoughts. She watched as the musketeer ran his hand through his wife's hair planting another kiss on her forehead, not even flinching as she all but broke his hand in a death grip as another contraction came.

"You are going to be amazing my darling, just like you are in everything. And I will be right outside. I am not going too far," he assured her, just as the midwife appeared at the door. He reluctantly let go of her hand and got up leaning in and kissing her lovingly on the lips.

"I love you," he muttered.

"I love you to," she replied kissing him again before he pulled away.

"Look after her Constance. Please don't let anything happen to her or my child," Aramis begged her as the midwife went to Marie checking her over.

"I will not leave her side I promise. Go wait outside. I will keep you posted," she assured him, planting a kiss on his cheek. Aramis nodded, before leaving grateful to find his three best friends waiting in the kitchen. He needed them so much right now.

"I can't do this." Marie cried weakly as she fell against her friend, closing her eyes, her body trembling and covered in sweat. Constance glanced at the midwife who smiled wearily at her.

"You are doing great my dear. Not much longer," the midwife assured Marie, just as another spasm took over causing the young girl to cry out in pain. Constance ran her hand through Marie's hair offering soothing words of comfort.

"Aramis would you stop your pacing please? You are making me nervous!" Porthos pleaded with him. Aramis sighed dropping down on a chair, his hands finding their way back into his mop of curls that were even more wild then usual due to the stress and worry of the last hours.

"What if something goes wrong? I should be in there with her. She sounds like she's in so much pain," he muttered worriedly. Porthos was about to say something when the door open and D'Artagnan and Athos walked in. They both glanced at where Aramis was still sat head in hands breathing deeply. Porthos looked up with relief on his face at having their support back.

"Any news?" Athos asked Porthos quietly, trying to ignore the cries coming from his sister's room. The musketeer shook his head in response, just as a different cry rang out through the house. Porthos and Athos smiled at each other, before looking at where Aramis was now on his fee,t eyes trained expectantly on the door.

A few moments later Constance appeared looking tired but with a smile on her face. She walked straight up to Aramis and hugged him tightly planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Congratulations, Aramis you are a father to a healthy baby boy," she told him happily, watching relief and joy wash over him.

"And Marie?" he asked, Constance nodded.

"She is okay, exhausted but okay. She did amazingly. You can go in and see them," she replied, laughing slightly as he rushed past her.

Aramis stood silently at the door taking in the scene in front of him. His wife was sat up in bed holding a small bundle in her arms, she looked exhausted but to Aramis he was sure she had never looked so beautiful to him as she did that moment as a new mother. She looked up at him and he smiled warmly at her before walking in and taking a seat on the side of the bed.

"Say hello to our son Aramis. He is just perfect!" she told him, as she handed the wrapped up bundle to Aramis. Aramis took him carefully feeling an intense love rush through him as he laid eyes on his little boy.

"Hello Little Thomas," Aramis whispered, holding the tiny baby gingerly. Marie looked at him in surprise. He tore his eyes away from his son's face and looked at his wife. "Just like your brother."

"Thank you," Marie said softly, as she leant into him, exhaustion taking over. She closed her eyes resting her head on his shoulder. He smiled down at her planting a kiss on her head.

"I love you so much thank you my darling for making me the happiest I have ever been. And giving me something I never thought God would bless me with...a family," he told her.

"I love you too," was all Marie could reply, not opening her eyes.

"Rest my love," he soothed, his eyes falling back on his son, thanking god for this amazing gift.

"Your majesty," Treville greeted the queen bowing as he did so. Anne smiled fondly at him.

"Captain Treville, what can I do for you?" She asked.

"I thought as you are very fond of Marie you would like to know that she has given birth to healthy baby boy this afternoon," Treville replied. Anne's face broke into a huge smile, happy that all had gone okay for the young couple who had gone through so much.

"And Marie is she well?" she checked. Treville nodded.

"Tired but well your majesty."

"Please send them my prayers and good wishes," Anne said.

"Of course your majesty." Treville assured, before bowing again and leaving her. Anne watched him leave, a smile still on her lips, pleased that now Marie and Aramis could finally be happy in their home.

Aramis walked into the kitchen later that evening seeing his friends still sat there. Porthos grinned pouring him a drink of wine and handing it to him.

"How are they both?" D'Artagnan asked. Aramis nodded taking a seat.

"Both asleep and both well. He is so perfect," Aramis gushed, things still sinking in.

"So now you are a father does that mean you will be abandoning us?" Porthos inquired. Aramis looked at each one of his friends, his brothers and shook his head.

"I would never abandon you. You are my family as well. I will always be a musketeer, being a husband and a father doesn't change that. No this is just the start of a new chapter that is all," Aramis replied sincerely.

"Well I think this deserves a toast!" Athos said raising his glass the others followed. "To new beginnings"

"To new beginnings!" the others echoed, clinking there glasses knowing to each of them that that simple sentence meant so much in different ways.