Alright everyone what is going on and welcome to the final chapter of Brothers At War. With everyone out of the Jedi Order and with Saber Team shut down what will everyone new lives be like? Star Wars is Property owned by Disney. Okay everyone here is the last chapter.

Epilogue: New Life On Naboo

Naboo Lake House: Three Months Later (Adam's POV)

A few months have passed after all of us decided to shut down Saber Team and leave the Jedi Order. Annd after my face recovered, all one us moved into a lake house Anthony and Barriss went to on their honeymoon,and thanks to the money Lux earned in his job as a Junior Senator, we had some money to buy the house.

The house had four regular bedrooms, and two master bedrooms. All of us agreed that Ahsoka, Barriss, Anthony and I would take the master bedrooms, while Jason and Lux took two of the other rooms and we decided to use the two remaining rooms for the kids. Because we needed to find a place to keep the all the vehicles, equipment, and the suits we had an underground lab, medical room, armory, and hangar bay installed beneath the lake house.

Since we were finished working for the Republic Army, the boys and I decided to open up a speeder repair shop to earn some money, while the girls stayed at the house. And sometimes when we have free time, Anthony and I will think of ways of how to get us back to Earth, but without the technology from Fixer's warehouse, this may take some time.

(Ahsoka's POV)

While the guys were at the shop working, Barriss and I were at the house talking about many things while we did the clothes. "So Ahsoka have you and Adam decided on what you are going to name the kids?" Barriss asked.

"We've been thinking about that lately and we've decided that if we're having two boys, we're going to name them David and Adam." I said to her. When Adam and I were thinking about names for the boys, Adam wanted to name one of them David while I wanted one of them to be named after him. "But if we have two girls, Adam wants to name one after his sister, Victoria and I want to name one Alexis."

"What if you have a boy and a girl?" Barriss asked.

"Then we'll have the boy be David Adam Amor and the girl be Alexis Victoria Amor." I said to her. As we were folding the clothes I felt a small amount of pain in my stomach. I ached a little bit, and placed my hand on my stomach.

"Ahsoka are you okay?!" Barriss asked me as she comforted me.

"I'm fine, it's just the kids." I said to her as I sat down on a nearby bed. "Their kicking around like crazy." I said to her. "I can't wait for these kids to get out of me. For the past few months they've been kicking around and I've been having weird food cravings every now and then."

"Just wait for a few more months and it'll be over." She said to me. After I was calmed down, I forgot about the pain and continued talking to Barriss.

Lab: A Few Hours Later (Adam's POV)

A few hours after my shift ended at the repair shop, I went down to the lab just to go down there and relax. I don't know why I usually go down there, maybe it's because I go down to the lab just to look at the suits and remember all the adventures we all had when we were still working for the Jedi and Republic. But then they also reminded me why the team and I retired. All the pain and death we saw when we went on missions and the betrayal we went through when Trickster framed us.

And then it got me thinking about something. I realized that the Jedi, Senate, and even Trickster were right about something. If a Jedi could fall to the dark side so easily then the there would be death and destruction. I then took out Zeta's chip from my pocket and inserted her in the labs main computer. "Zeta I need you to open a new file and call it, 'Protocol Rogue'." I said to her.

"Yes Adam." She said to me as a small hologram of her appeared on the computer. "Should I put this on the main desktop?"

"No let's keep this on one of my personal files." I said to her, not wanting anyone to see this file.

"Very well then." She said to me and then asked, "Is there anything else you want me to do?"

"Yeah." I said to her. "Do we still have the files of the members of the Jedi Counsel, and their padawans?"

"Yes." She said as she pulled up files on the screen.

"Good. I also need you to pull up every file of every weapon we have right now." I said to her.

"Mind telling what you're doing?" She asked while she pulled up more files on the screen.

"Remember when everyone believed that Ahsoka as the rogue Jedi and that she was responsible for attacking the temple?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said.

"Well this made me see something. If a Jedi went rogue and turned to the dark side we need to be ready if that happens." I said to her.

"So you're making plans on how to kill them?" Zeta asked.

"Yes and no." I said, which confused her. "These plans are only for neutralizing rogue Jedi but if the situation is too much to handle, then we'll have to resolve to use lethal force to terminate them."

"I know what Trickster did was crazy but I think you're being over dramatic." She said to me.

"The Jedi and Sith are the most powerful beings in the galaxy." I said to her. "If we can't see the potential danger of this, then we're all dead." After I said that Zeta looks at me and nods.

After she agreed with me, I started typing up plans on how take out different members of Jedi Counsel including: Master Windu, Master Fisto, Master Shakti, Master Plo, Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker.

Alright everyone that is it for Brothers At War. Well it looks like this war is far from over. Shout out to those who followed this story and added this story to their favorites. See you guys tomorrow for the final installment of the Amor Brothers series.