I'm beyond nervous about this.

Please be kind

And enjoy?


Jade's POV

"So we're definitely not going then," Beck formed it like a question but I knew it was more of a statement. I glanced over at him lying under thin sheets all stretched out on my bed and shook my head, laughing.

"Seriously?" I said as I sat up, pulling the covers around my bare chest. I reached over the side of my bed grabbed the pair of underwear Beck had so violently tore off earlier that night.

"Well," He paused to look at the clock on my nightstand. "Oh," He stopped and smirked then shrugged. "The showcase is probably over by now, isn't it?"

"Yeah," I chuckled some more, funny how he always lost track of time when our clothes came off. As soon as I put my bra back on, I felt his hands slide around my waist and his breath hot on my neck.

"Why are you getting dressed?" His voice sounded husky as he moved closer to my ear. His arms pulled me back, closer to his body while his lips planted soft kisses along my shoulder.

"It's 10:30," I said even though he knew what time it was. He stopped kissing and buried his head in my neck, groaning against me. "I know…," I sighed, hating that our time together always seemed to be cut short. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," He sounded perky suddenly as he lifted his head and pecked my cheek. "Your parents can't hate me forever, right?" I heard him climb off the bed and rustle around till he came around to me wearing his jeans and looking for his shirt.

"Here," I said, offering the crisp white collared shirt he had planned to wear to the showcase tonight. He finished getting dressed then looked down at me, noticing my expression.

"Why the long face?" He asked with a fake pout that I found both charming and irritating at the same time.

"I hate when you have to leave," I admitted, wearing a real pout. He grinned big and lowered himself to his knees to talk to me.

"You know I love you, right?" His voice was quiet while his hands held mine. One look at the brightness in his eyes and I had no choice but to believe him.

"Yeah," I nodded and bit my lip. I was never afraid to show my feelings in public, but whenever it was just us two, the feelings kind of scared me.

"Good," He smiled and kissed my hand. "And I cannot wait until your dad's law firm gets another case."

"And my mom finds some new charity to sponsor," I seconded. We both preferred when my parents were too busy to notice when Beck and I had sleepovers.

"Until then…," He stood up and I waited for the goodbye. He was about to speak, but he stopped himself and smirked. "Five more minutes?"










"Dude," I couldn't believe this. "Why are you rubbing my boyfriend?!" I could hear how shrill my voice sounded but I didn't care. I was beyond tired and so not in the mood to fend off the usual sluts who hung around Beck.

This one in particular was already on my "destroy socially" list. Not only was she scrawny and dopey looking, but she had the nerve to stand here and stutter her way through an excuse as to why she had her hands all over Beck.

"Get away from him!" I annunciated, knowing she must be dense. She backed away looking embarrassed while Beck told me to relax while kissing my cheek hello. I barely had a minute to breathe before Sikowitz came in screaming about a fire.

As usual, it was one of his teaching methods but it only added to my irritability. When we finally sat down, I realized why I'd been even more cranky than usual.

"Hey, where's my coffee?" I asked Beck quietly.

"Uhh…," He mumbled then gestured to the stain on his shirt, giving me a slight shrug. Ugh, two minutes in and I already hate this Vega girl. "It was an accident," Beck jumped to her defense, noticing my annoyed expression. The second he said that, my face went from annoyed to curiously furious. "Never mind," He said too quickly.

"No, no," I said as quietly as I could in the midst of Sikowitz's teaching. "Go on."

"That was it," He had clearly decided it wasn't worth arguing over. "It's nothing, let's forget it."

"If you—," My sentence was cut short at the sound of my name.

"Jade!" Sikowitz had said. "You will captain the first group of the day, choose your actors."

This would be fun.




Beck's POV

"I don't understand what you're so upset about," I watched Jade shrug as she knelt down, opening my locker to put her own things away in it.

"Really?" I asked incredulously. "You have no idea why I might be the least bit upset?" She was so stubborn it was frustrating.

"I have got to talk to someone about getting my locker moved," She said as she stood up from mine. "It's way too far away and I feel bad taking up your space," She shook her head and kind out frowned.

For a second I forgot that I was mad and focused on her sweet expression. It wasn't often that she looked so innocent and selfless, but as much as I wanted to bask in the moment, I knew if I didn't make my argument now I'd regret it later.

"You're changing the subject," I pointed out and she rolled her eyes. I knew she did that on purpose!

"Yeah because I hate this subject," She said but she leaned back against the lockers, ready to have the conversation.

"What subject?" I set my bag down and hoped this wouldn't make us late to our next class. "I thought you didn't have a clue why I was upset."

"Ugh," She looked off to the side, annoyed. "Okay, fine. Let's talk."

"Why did you pour coffee on Tori's head?" I seriously wanted to know.

"Who's Tori?" She wrinkled her eyebrows together then dropped the act when she saw I wasn't buying her fake confusion. "Ugh! Tori did so well in the showcase, Tori's really nervous about her first day, Tori this, Tori that! Why do you care so much about Tori?!"

"What?" It was my turn to be confused. "I don't."

"Then what are we talking about?" She threw her arms up, frustrated.

"We're talking about you being crazy jealous," I said, finally getting to the core of my anger. "Admit it: you were only mean to Tori because she was rubbing my shirt earlier."

"I just think…," She spoke slowly, choosing her words carefully. "That you shouldn't be so open to letting other girls touch you."

"Jade!" I felt my eyes widen. "She was just trying to get the coffee out!"

"Yeah well how'd you like it if I let some guy rub MY chest like that?" She asked, putting a hand on her hip.

"It's not the same!"

"You're right," She nodded. "Because I would never do that to you."

"Jade," I sighed, trying to get a handle on this conversation. "I don't even know that Tori chick. And honestly, I could care less about anything she does. I'm worried about us."


"Yeah," I shrugged. "How're we ever gonna make it if you keep going crazy over every female that looks at me?" I watched her sigh heavily and cross her arms lightly.

"Promise you don't give a damn about her?" She arched her eyebrow and I knew she was calm again.

"Promise," I said easily, meaning it. "So can we move on? Can you forget about Tori?"

"Alright, alright stop being so dramatic," She rolled her eyes and pulled me in closer to her. She kissed me slowly, with all the passion she used to argue. Our lips parted and her blue eyes stared up at mine for a moment. "But if you're lying…,"

"Uh huh," Her eyes held me down to her level in a trance.

"I'll rip your fucking heart out," She said with a smirk, but I knew to take the threat seriously.

Please consider the difference between constructive criticism and just plain being mean.

Thanks in advance : )