Happy Wednesday! Before we begin, a little disclaimer: No. I do not own/have any rights to The Walking Dead cause if I did this is how S4 would have gone down, also do I profit from this story in any way except for the warm fuzzies reviews bring me. Enjoy.


Beth curled in on herself, the hard linoleum floor a cold contrast to the overly warm air in the room. She wished she could open a window to get a breeze in or at the very least to let out stagnant air. Her stomach churned, her head thrummed and her eyes were crusted over with dry tears and sleep; all in all it was one of the worst mornings she had experienced. It felt like a hangover without the experience of booze, not that she had a baseline for comparison. The soft even breathing of Judith let her know that she was still asleep and Beth tried to regain her composure to face the day.

Rubbing the flakes of sleep from her eyes she dared to crack one open thankful for the dingy windows limiting the amount of sunlight let in. Struggling to sit up the pounding intensified and the churning of her stomach worsened, she reached for a nearby bottle of water and downed the warm liquid in a few gulps. Her blue eyes drifted to Judith who lay prone with her arms splayed out to her sides, hands clenched in small fists. She would need to tell Carl that they needed more water if she was going to make the morning formula for the strawberry blonde.

Struggling to her feet she squeezed her eyes shut part of her wishing she hadn't cried yesterday with her sister. However, now she could think about her father in Block A without feeling the weight of an elephant sitting on her chest. It had been therapeutic in a way to let out everything she felt with every tear drop, now she had nothing left to cry and nothing to get in the way of her doing her job.

A shiver ran down her spine, her jaw clenching instinctively before she bowed forward with a dry heave. She made it for the waste bin as her stomach twisted again, trying to expel anything it could from her empty gut. After another unsuccessful attempt her stomach decided to rest. Beth wiped her brow, a thin sheen of sweat taken away. She placed her hand on her lower back and was about to reach for her pack to look for another water bottle when the door opened revealing Carol, her face covered with a bandanna and both women looked at one another with wide eyes.

Daryl was the first of the group to get up and he had his things packed before the sun began to rise, Michonne joining him after his shuffling woke her. They had found shelter in an old boarded up shack, it had once been a homestead that had been left to rot in the woods. They had considered it a stroke of luck stumbling across it and it seemed like they needed all the luck they could get considering they were still a few miles away from the college with no transportation to get back to prison once they'd completed the raid.

Daryl nodded towards the two sleeping men, he would let Michonne wake them not trusting himself yet with Tyreese. Breakfast was doled out from one of the bags a bottle of water, jerky, and dried fruit, the breakfast of champions. Nothing was said among the group, everyone knew what was at stake and that they needed to move quickly. They set out walking along an old dirt road Michonne and Daryl leading the way while Bob and Tyreese brought up the rear. It felt nice being outside, away from the stuffy confines of the prison, a break from the worry of what was going on. But it still weighed on the back on everyone's minds, the lives of their friends and community depended on them bringing back the medications on the list.

Daryl still couldn't stop beating himself up mentally, he had two strikes against him already with this run; a third would make him question his ability to lead a decent run. The first being his distraction and messing with the radio, if he'd seen the accumulation of walkers maybe they would have had an opportunity to backtrack and go straight through Atlanta, it would have taken more time, but a hell of a lot less time than by going on foot. His second strike was in thinking that Tyreese was capable of going on this run. Michonne had tried to talk him out of it but he'd been too hard headed in thinking that this was the best, he should have left him babysitting the sick.

A glimmer in the dirt road caught his eye and he stopped to pick it up, rubbing his finger over the surface a grin on his face. Maybe taking this detour hadn't been for nothing. He licked his thumb and ran it over the stone again getting a better look at the color before palming it.

"Is that jasper?" Michonne caught a glance of the stone surprised that he had even bothered to pick it up.


"It's a good color, brings out your eyes."

"Since when do you notice my eyes?" She rolled her own at him and kept walking.

"Mrs. Richardson went into A block. When we were leavin' asked me to keep a look out. Gonna use it for her old man's marker."

"You know all of them back there?" Her surprise didn't shock him, nobody would think of Daryl as a people person. Hell, even Daryl didn't think of Daryl as a people person. But people had a tendency of opening up to him and he never had the heart to send them away.

"Stay in one place longer than a couple of hours you'd be surprised what you pick up."

"Yea, what else you pick up?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." He gave her a wink that caused the woman to blush before scowling at him and walking ahead leaving him to watch her go.

They'd been walking for roughly half an hour before they finally hit a main road, not once had they seen a walker. Considering the herd that they had encountered the day before it was something to be thankful for. The group passed multiple signs, each one indicating they were getting closer to their destination, it was just a matter of time before they hit the outskirts to the town and hopefully they would be able to find a vehicle that ran and had enough fuel to get them where they needed to.

Their pace picked up when they saw a white building covered with overgrowth, a downed tree leaning up against it. Daryl stopped, his eyes scanning the green foliage before walking towards it letting the others check out the worn down building.

"See something?" Bob hollered.

"Dunno, maybe."

He grasped the branches, throwing them aside to reveal a white van. Daryl went around the side and opened the passenger side door grateful it was unlocked before sinking down to remove the cover underneath the steering wheel. He stripped the wires, touching them together hoping to hear the sounds of the engine come to life but had no luck. Fortunately enough the vehicle was right next to a small car garage and they would have luck finding what they needed to get them back on the road.

"We gotta find us a new battery." He checked the window, jumping when a hand slammed against the glass he had tried cleaning, "Got some friends inside. Gotta clear a path, it's the only choice we've got."

The four of them lined up and began removing the climbing overgrowth not knowing where the door was. It didn't take long before they slowed their work to watch Tyreese, huffing as he hacked away noisily. His machete embedded in the building and he tugged aggressively, when it freed a clump of wires could be seen.

"Man go easy." Daryl barked at him, it wouldn't be any good for them to attract any nearby walkers while they were trying to gain entrance in the building.

Daryl jumped when he felt something grasp him, gray hands reaching for him the smell of death hitting his nostrils. The grip was tight and he tried to get out of the grasp but no matter how hard he struggled there was no prying the dead fingers from him. His heart was racing and his mind was having trouble thinking of anything else but the body trying to pull him in. Suddenly he fell on his ass, the air rushing out of his mouth. He looked over to see Michonne take care of the walker Bob was tangled up with. Daryl jumped to his feet producing his knife and dispatching the armless walker with a blow to the head.

Their relief was short lived when suddenly Tyreese was grabbed, his meaty arms grasping at the walker in front of him. It was a battle of wills and as Michonne stepped forward to end the struggle she couldn't find an opening, not with Tyreese pulling at the corpse.

"Ty, let him go!" She yelled as adrenaline coursed through her veins.

Two bodies fell to the ground as Tyreese pulled the walker free of the vines. Daryl saw red in that instant and marched forward pulling it from the hulking man's grasp and throwing it to ground. He was grateful when Bob drew his weapon and fired a round through its skull.

"Why the hell didn't you let go?" Michonne questioned and Tyreese remained silent avoiding the groups stare.

Daryl gripped the larger mans' shirt in both his fists and gave a heave to get him standing his breathing harsh and loud. Still Tyreese avoided looking at him and that's when Daryl gave a shove causing the dark man to stumble back and finally look at him, his own rage starting to build.

"Ya know I don' get you man," Daryl started, his voice gruff, "ya say you want Sasha safe. But all this bullshit you're pullin'." He shook his head in frustration, "You've got a chance to do somethin' for her, to help her live. An' you're out here doin' the stupidest shit! You want your Sasha to die?"

"Daryl!" Michonne chastised, he was crossing a very thin line.

"Don't start with me!" Tyreese took a step forward but Daryl wasn't backing down.

"We've got a fuckin' block full of sick an' you're actin' like you don' give a flyin' fuck if we get to the school! You're gonna sit your ass out here an' think if that's what you want. Cause if it ain' we're leavin' your ass here."

Daryl motioned for the others to start looking for the opening of the building to finish clearing. They remained still for a moment before slowly stepping in to help. Tyreese stood watching them before moving to a position furthest away from Daryl and began hacking, his momentum not what it had been before.

Carol took a step into the room, her eyes shifting from Beth to Judith sleeping on a blanket laid out on the floor. Beth didn't like the look in her eyes and took a step back in reflex. They stared at one another and Beth had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach knowing that Carol was one of the one's in charge of rounding up the sick.

"I'm gonna need you to come with me Beth." She recoiled at the older woman's extended hand.

"It's not what you think. I'm not sick." It felt like ants were crawling through her veins, her whole body tingling.

"I just heard you. We can't have you getting Judith sick."

"Carol, I'm not sick. It's just nerves," As much as she wanted to see her father again she didn't want it to be inside A.

"We really should do this the easy way." Carol took an imposing step forward and Beth felt trapped.

"I swear, it comes an' goes. I've been like this for a while now. It'll clear up as soon as I get somethin' in my stomach. You know I would never do anythin' that would risk Judith." The blond pled her case hoping she could sway Carol from taking her away.

She was relieved when Carol didn't immediately take action but was still wary of the persistent frown that had yet to leave her face.

"How long?" It was a tone she wasn't used to hearing from Carol, it commanded immediate response and left no room for argument.

"Maybe two or three weeks. If it was this flu wouldn't I be dead already?"

The wheels were turning in the older woman's brain and her eyes widened a fraction before narrowing.

"Symptoms?" Another curt command.

"I dunno," She paused to think, "nausea that hits every blue moon, some light headedness, cramps. But it comes and goes, I swear!"

Carol nodded, "How stupid are you?"

Beth was left speechless, her mouth opening and closing.

"You've been taking care of Judith since she was born! You saw Lori go through her bouts of morning sickness since the farm. Didn't you ever learn about safe sex?" Carol let out a deep sigh her hand raising to her head.

"Michonne gave me condoms." It was a pitiful answer and they both knew it.

"I take it she didn't tell you that you actually had to use them?" Sarcasm dripped with a tinge of anger.

"Does Daryl know?" She held up her hand to stop Beth from replying, "Silly question, you didn't even know."

"We don't know. It could just be somethin' else."

"Oh yea? Is that what you're gonna say when you start showing?"

"I-We." Beth snapped her mouth shut knowing it was better to not say anything versus something stupid.

"Carol!" Her sister's voice made both women turn to see Maggie slowly walking towards them.

"Don't say anythin'. Please!" Carol turned her head and nodded.

"You won't have too long. You'll need to tell them an' Daryl soon."

"I will. I jus' want them all together. When this is over."

Carol nodded and stepped away from the room meeting Maggie halfway.

"What's up?"

"Rick needs to see you, somethin' about a run. I told him I could go but he wants you. Is everythin' ok?" Her brown eyes drifted to her younger sister who looked so small standing in the doorway and she feared the worse.

"Everything's fine." Carols eyes crinkled in the corner with a smile, "Just checking in."

Maggie nodded and Carol gave a wave to Beth over her shoulder before leaving the two in search of Rick. The older sister continued down the hall until she stood face to face with the petite blond.

"Are you alright?" Concern was etched onto her face.

"Yea, I'm fine. We need some more water though. And something to eat would be great." A half smile made it to her face.

"Alright. I'll get them to bring you somethin'."

"How are things out there?"

"I'm gonna go see Glenn a lil later, I'll ask about Daddy an' come let you know."

"Thanks," She looked back to see Judith begin to stir, making small grunts, "Do you think you could do it? Bein' a parent I mean, could you?"

"Are you-" Hazel eyes narrowed raking over Beth's form.

"It's just…kids have lost their parents. Parents their children. Could you risk it, them losin' you or you them?" She trailed off.

"I didn't used to think so, but things are different here Beth. We've managed to build a home," Maggie's eyes followed her sisters, "Glenn an' I had a scare recently," The elder sister opened up, "He had more reservations than I did. But I think I'd like so. We've got a good thing here, it'll be a good place to raise 'em."

Beth nodded processing what her sister had said.

"I know Rick hasn't said anythin', but I know he appreciates you lookin' after Judith. You're her mother figure Beth, you should know it's possible to do it better than anyone."

"Tell Glenn I say hi. An' for him to tell Daddy I love him." The blue eyed woman changed the topic.

"I will. I'll be back to see you."

"Don't forget the water, please."

She watched her sister disappear from view and slumped against the frame of the door. Her mind was being pulled in a million different directions and it felt like the world would cave in on itself. Pregnant. It wasn't proven, but if it walked like a duck and quacked like a duck.

Judith let out a drawn out wail and Beth shut the door behind her before grabbing the diaper bag before going to the baby's side. She pulled out a cloth diaper and wipes, changing the fussy girl. Beth wondered how soon until she would be doing this for her own child. It didn't scare her as much as she thought it should, she had plenty of experience with Judith and knew that she'd be getting plenty more before her own arrived. Images of little boys and girls pranced through her mind and she couldn't decide which she wanted more. As cliché as it was she just wanted a healthy baby.

Daryl. She didn't know how he would take the news of being a father. He'd always been so great with Judith it would stand to reason that he would be the same with his own child. A smile appeared on her face as she picked up the drowsy girl and rifled through the diaper bag for her bottle. She scowled and wondered if he'd want to name a son after his brother Merle. It wasn't that she didn't like the name, it's just the man she'd met had been a perverted ass. She chuckled at the thought of having to explain that to him.

Shaking her head she tried to clear her mind of anything concerning pregnancy. For one she didn't have any definitive proof and she realized that she might not until she began showing with the way her period was skewed. Secondly there were more important things to worry about like getting Judith fed and then herself. She'd work on a way of letting Daryl and her family know about the possible addition to their family when Judith napped, her journal was always a good outlet for these sorts of things.

When Daryl and Bob exited Bit Tony's Express Mart he paused mid-step watching as Michonne and Tyreese sat on the curb sitting close to one another. He didn't want to be the bearer of bad news if he didn't make it back to the prison. He was sticking to his guns on this one, there was no room for him in the vehicle if he was going to be slowing them down. When it came down to it they would either have to leave him here or risk leaving him behind when shit undoubtedly hit the fan further along. At least here he had a better chance of making it in the long run.

Reaching into his vest pocked he pulled out two cigarettes, offering one to Bob who took it with a small thanks. Daryl lit his first before tossing the lighter to Bob who fumbled with it before lighting his own. He set down his supplies in front of the van before popping the hood and getting to work. As he pulled the old battery from the vehicle and replaced it he looked at Bob through the fringe of his hair.

"Never told us about the group you were with before."

"Which one?" Daryl raised his eyebrow at him. "You know when you found me out on that road I almost kept walking."

"Why's that?" He questioned through his cigarette before taking it from his mouth to flick the cherry away from his work space.

"'Cause I was done being a witness. Two times, two different groups. I was the last one standin' like I was supposed to see it over and over. Like it's some kind of curse. But it's just you out here with the quiet. Used to be I'd drink a bottle of anythin' just so I could shut my eyes at night. Figured the people, the prison it'd be easier. The run to the Big Spot did it for me."

"Well ya gotta keep busy," He was half listening as he worked, he had just wanted some background noise but instead was getting so much more.

"No, I did it so I could get me a bottle of Fifty," Daryl paused what he was doing and finally looked up, "I picked it up held it in my hand but I put it down. Put it down so hard it took the whole damn shelf with it. That's what brought on the walkers, that's what got Zach killed."

Daryl stared at Bob his mind working through what had just been said.

"That's bullshit." He stepped away from the vehicle and motioned at Bob with his cigarette in his hand, "Why don't you get in there and try the engine, it's the red and the green wire. Go on it ain't rocket science. Give it some gas." Daryl slammed the hood down as he waited for it to start and when it roared with life he gave a celebratory clap before turning and giving a sharp whistle to get the other two's attention.

"You know, Sasha and me picked that spot, we took you with us. Ain't no way anyone coulda known. You aint' gonna be standing alone. Not anymore."

Michonne walked past him as he walked towards the passenger side door. He stopped Tyreese with a hand on to the chest causing brown eyes to look at the hand before meeting blue eyes. His stare was harsh but the returning gaze wasn't any less fierce from Daryl. Both bodies were tense at the situation.

"You comin'? Cause if you are, I ain't havin' anymore of this crap you're pulled."

"Ain't gotta worry about it."

Daryl dropped his hand after a moment trying to gauge the man's sincerity before taking off to the other side of the van, climbing in and pulling the door shut. Tyreese loaded in behind Bob and they were off, the distance between them and the college shrinking as the anticipation of getting there grew.

Beth knew she would be going postal if it wasn't for her journal and what she had been busy writing. There were so many ways it could go when she finally told everyone; Maggie could lose it and finally kill Daryl or decide she didn't want anything to do with her sister anymore. She knew her father might be disappointed with her poor decisions and lack of birth control, but would warm at the arrival of his first grandchild. Daryl was a complete wild card since she didn't even know if he wanted children or not.

"Beth?" She closed her book and smiled.

"Hey Maggie. Did you see Glenn?" The telltale sniffle from the opposite side of the door answered before her sister could.

"Dad said he got tired out helping him. I didn't get to see him." A sob tore from Maggie's throat and it pulled at Beth's heart.

"Daddy will take care of him. He knows how much he means to you, I know he'll do everythin' he can to make sure he makes it 'til Daryl an' the others get back."

"I know." A sniffle and what sounded like Maggie rubbing her face drifted through the door.

"What else is goin' on out there?" She tried the tactic of changing topics.

"Rick an' Carol still aren't back from their run. Rick was gonna have them look for medicine in a nearby neighborhood but I didn't expect it to take this long. A few more have had to be taken into A so anything they bring back will be helpful." Maggie picked at the dirt under her nails as she spoke.

"What time is it?" She couldn't tell from the sun because of the dingy windows.

"Not yet noon." Maggie sighed, "I jus' wanna crawl somewhere an' sleep 'til this is all over. I want Glenn an' Daddy."

"Daryl too." Beth added.

"Yea, him too. I guess." The blond smirked, it was a baby step but still a step.

"Well, what are you gonna do til they get back?" This was one of the reasons her father always reminded them they had a role and job to do. Letting grief consume wasn't smart.

"Gonna get suited up and check the fences. It was on the list to get done yesterday but…" Maggie trailed off and Beth understood. Everything that had been going on in the prison just left no time to accomplish what needed to get done.

"Well I've got a busy schedule myself so I think it's best if you get to work. We've got our jobs, let's do 'em."

"Thanks Beth." Maggie laughed at Beth's poor attempt at humor and was grateful for it.

When they managed to find a street from Hershel's hand drawn map they pulled into an empty parking lot across from a tall building making this their reference point. They had passed a few walkers but it didn't raise any alarms for the group, it hadn't been like the herd they had encountered the day before. Bob shut off the vehicle and removed the keys from the ignition handing them to Daryl who pocketed them before he scanned the vehicle.

"We do this quick an' quiet. No guns unless we got no choice." They all nodded opening the doors and exiting. Michonne took care of two stumbling dead that had been attracted by the noise of them pulling in.

Daryl gave the signal and they moved quickly, spread evenly with their weapons at the ready. Tyreese unfolded the map, buildings had been marked and they knew it wouldn't take long for them to reach their destination. The streets were quiet, they managed to slip past a majority of the walkers undetected, and it wouldn't do to have a trail leading to them in case there were more than just walkers about. An old red brick building was to their left as they cut through an alley and Tyreese looked down trying to get a sense of how much further they needed to go.

"Looks like we're getting closer."

"The building we want is just up ahead."

"C'mon let's pick it up." Daryl jerked his head as he sped up, the others following close behind.

The building came into sight and it had to have been one of the most beautiful sights that Daryl had seen in a while. The building itself wasn't anything special but what was housed inside would be the pearl to the oyster. They just had to hope that in the span of almost two years it hadn't been raided by another group who had similar ideas. There was a handful of walkers in the area, stumbling slowly towards them, without breaking formation Daryl put a bolt through ones' head before pulling his knife out and taking down a second. Michonne, Bob and Tyreese were at his side quickly taking care of the remaining three. Without missing a beat they each withdrew their weapons from the skulls of the dead and moved along entering the building.

From the point of entrance they were greeted with a giant map housed inside a glass frame which didn't stand a chance against the butt end of a crossbow. The glass shattered and everyone paused, their ears straining for the telltale groans that indicated the presence of the reanimated. When nothing was heard he nodded towards Tyreese who looked from Hershel's paper to the giant map before pointing to the area that they needed to get to. The four of them peered at the map, a giant 'You Are Here' star let them know their location in relation to where they needed to be. Ripping off the portion of map they needed they took off, their senses on high alert as they wondered through the dark halls.

Their footsteps were the only sound as they crept along, no sign of movement other than their own. It was decided that the fasted route would be to move through the library and exit out the other side to the science labs. The library was large, a multitude of books filled each shelf, Daryl made note to bring it up in another council meeting that a raid of books might be beneficial. Books on agriculture, medicine and mechanics could provide the prison with more knowledge than they already had and increase the limited volume of their own library. As they reached to doors he gave the signal and Bob stepped forward from behind him and opened the door, holding it open as Daryl stepped out into the hall to give the all clear.

There were a multitude of rooms lining both sides but they were on the lookout for the classroom with the storage room attached to it. A room caught the eye of the group, a white sheet hanging and belongings strewn about, they entered it carefully, clearing it before looking for anything useful they could find.

"Alright, make this quick." Daryl grabbed a bottle tossing it into his pack along with anything else he could get his hands on, he'd let somebody more qualified decide if it would be worth keeping.

"Jackpot!" He found himself trailed by Tyreese as they left the lab and came into an area which housed a multitude of vials and bottles behind glass cabinets.

"Don't see no IV's or nothin'." He nodded to Tyreese who was opening cardboard boxes and tossing them to the side when they proved fruitless.

Michonne and Bob finally joined them.

"Gonna check out the other rooms, see if we can't find what's on the list." Daryl told them before tapping Tyreese's shoulder for him to follow.

They went across the hall and checked to room but came up empty. It wasn't until the next room that they found what they were looking for, the room was set up as an almost exact replica of a clinic. Models of animals were on display and they knew as soon as they saw it that they would find what they were looking for. Sure enough as they opened the cabinets underneath the work stations they were met with bags of saline solution, lines, pumps, and boxes of hypodermic needles and catheters. They were the proverbial kids in a candy store each one stuffing their bags to the brim with whatever they could get their hands on.

Daryl had filled his bag to the point it almost couldn't shut and went looking for something else to store supplies in. He found an old laundry bag and emptied the soiled lab coats before going back to fill it with what was left.

"You know I love my sister. Sasha, she's the only family I got." Tyreese stood with his bag shouldered watching him, "It's hard. What happened to Karen-"

Daryl looked up, pausing in his stuffing of the bag, "I get it, people handle grief differently. Just don' let it take ya out along with it."

"We good?" Tyreese backed up as Daryl stood eyeing him.

"Yea we're good." He nodded, "Let's get back an' see if we got everythin'."

They hurried back into the dark room to see Michonne placing bottles in a bag before walking back to the cabinets to do a final sweep.

"How'd you do?" Bob questions while zipping the backpack closed.

"Bags, tubes, clamps, connectors. Everything on the list." Tyreese let them know with a grin.

"How 'bout y'all?"

"We got it all." Bob affirmed and Michonne backed him up.

"Yea, we're good."

"Alright, let's roll."

Daryl took the lead taking them down a long hall, wires torn from the ceiling and tables and chairs strewn about making them weave through to get by. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted movement shining his light inside the room to get a better view he saw a walker come out from behind a makeshift curtain. Without hesitating he began to run down towards the door marked 'Exit'. He waved everyone through the door before making his way into the dark room, it was impossible to see without a window to let in light.

"Hey guys! Door's busted!"

"Alright hold up." Daryl ran for the door to move whatever he could in front of it to prevent the dead that was chasing them into the room. They could hear growling from the other side and they knew they had to find a way out.

A scuffle in the dark was heard and when they finally got a light on Tyreese he had dropped a stray walker. They all headed for the padlocked door, hands and fingers reaching out to them in attempt to grasp onto a food source. It was almost impossible to estimate how many there were on the other side waiting for them.

"How many do ya think?" Michonne was right next to him, her sword drawn ready for a fight.

"Can't tell."

"We can take them." Tyreese took a step towards the door but Bob rushed to prevent him from going any closer.

"No! They're infected same as at the prison! We fire at them, we get blood on us. We didn't come all this way to get sick."

"We gotta do somethin'. Either we face the ones on our ass or the ones through this door." Daryl grabbed a pair of bolt cutters he found next to the door and waiting for any input.

"Do it!" Everyone tightened their grips on their weapons and prepared themselves to face the onslaught of dead on the other side.

As Daryl cut open the locked door the walkers behind them finally made their way inside, pushing ever closer to the group. Luck was on their side, only three were in front of them as they chopped them down pushing forward into the bright stairwell. They raced to the top, their thighs protesting from the rate at which they took the steps. On the next floor the door slammed shut behind them attracting a group of walkers that had been lurking in the halls. Four pairs of eyes darted around searching for an exit route but were coming up empty.

"It doesn't have an exit." There was a rare panic in Michonne's voice.

"So we make one." Daryl had learned a thing or two from the CDC as he jumped up on the ledge of the window ready to attempt busting the window.

"Look out!" Tyreese shouted, his voice strained as he lifted a large fire extinguisher to his shoulder and hurled it through the window causing it to shatter.

Daryl held out his hand helping Michonne up and out, jumping over to a landing that would provide them safety. Tyreese followed next and Daryl took a look behind him to see Bob waiting for him to jump. When Daryl landed he made room for the last member of the group to get across, his heart skipping a beat when it looked like the thin framed man had overshot it and would go over the edge. Bob clung to his bag tightly was the walkers down below pulled, trying to drag him down along with it.

"Bob let it go!"

"Let it go man!"

"Just let it go"

All three were pulling at Bob, trying to get him to release his grip on the bag and make sure that they didn't lose him over the side. The struggle didn't last long before they were finally successful in getting him up and away from the swarming walker group below. Red flags were flashing all over Daryl's mind as he stalked towards the bag that had landed with a clunk.

"What's in the bag man?" He flipped open the top and grabbed the bottle.

"Ya got no meds in your bag. Just this?" Bob was silent, his eyes trained to the bottle, "Maybe you shoulda kept walking that day." Daryl prepared to fling the bottle when out of the corner of his eye he saw Bob reach for his holstered gun.

"Don't." Bob's voice was small, Michonne and Tyreese looked at the quiet man in stunned silence.

Daryl pushed past them to get to Bob, pushing him back physically with his body their foreheads touching as blue eyes glared down into avoiding brown. He grabbed the gun his eyes never leaving Bob's face before grabbing Bob by the front of his shirt.

"Just let it go Daryl. Man's made his choice nothing you can do just gotta let it go." Tyreese called out but this wasn't something he could let go.

"You really gonna shoot me over a bottle of booze?" Daryl asked him incredulously, "You have the balls to think these two wouldn't drop your ass? For what, huh? That sob story about the Big Spot run. You really sorry for what happened to Zach?"

"I didn't want to hurt nobody. It was just for when it gets quiet." There was remorse and fear in Bob's face.

"I should beat your ass in the ground for the shit you just pulled." Daryl detached himself from the man, gun and bottle still in hand.

"What are you going to do?" Bob watched through shame filled eyes the movement of the bottle in Daryl's hand.

"We're leavin' with what we came for." He passed the gun to Tyreese before picking up his crossbow.

Looking down at the group of walkers he took a look at the bottle and flung it as far as he could where it landed with a crash, the liquid seeping into the concrete. As soon as it landed heads turned sharply and the slow shuffle towards the sound began giving them an opportunity to get down from their perch and make it back to the van. Daryl ignored the angry tears of frustration that rolled down Bob's face, this was strike three. He was grateful that it was almost over because the next time a run needed to be made he'd think twice before weighing himself down with the burden of situations like this.

A loud thump from outside caught Beth's attention and she paused herself from stroking the crown of Judith's head. Letting Judith know where she was going she slunk off to the door, opened it a crack and peeked out. Rick and Carl were down the hall and she could tell they were both tense, their tones gruff with one another. She couldn't make out what they were saying but the body language alone screamed that it wasn't something she should really be watching. When Rick turned and left she was caught under Carl's gaze like a deer in the headlights, big blue eyes wide from the crack in the door. She watched as Carl picked up the bag that had been slid to him and walked over to her in a mock authoritative way, like a child who was playing cop.

"Aren't you supposed to be separated from everyone? Door closed?" She opened the door a little wider and frowned at him.

"I heard you an' your dad, just wanted to see what was goin' on." She rested her head against the frame and watched him.

"Well you saw. Get back in your room." Beth laughed outright at the command.

"You do know that I'm older than you right?"

"Dad put me in charge. I'm responsible for everyone here, making sure none of the sick slide by." Beth let her eyes dip to the gun at his side and frowned, there was nothing worse than a person on a power trip. Let alone a boy with a gun who thought he had something to prove.

"I ain't goin' nowhere. Been locked up for two days already, goin' on three. At least you get to walk around in the halls."

"I shouldn't even be in here. I need to be out there. I can help them! My dad just doesn't see that." Carl kicked the floor in frustration.

"He's just worried about you, that's all. It's different when you have somebody else to look after."

"I'm taking care of Judith for him. Can't he see that I am capable of taking care of myself out there too?"

Beth raised her eyebrow at him. She'd heard Rick asking Carl to look after Judith and she hoped that they seriously didn't think that looking in on her once a day qualified as actually watching her. It had been two days and Rick hadn't come to talk to Beth about Judith, hadn't asked how she was doing. Beth could understand that there were things out there that required his attention with so many of their own either sick or away, but Judith was his daughter.

"Taking care of her? When was the last time you changed her? Or fed her? I've been taking care of her, you've been checkin' in on her." An angry look crossed the boy's face.

"What else would you do? Your first run you almost die, responsibilities should be given to those who can do them. I can do them." Beth reeled back as if she'd been sucker punched.

"You need to remove that self-entitled stick you have up your ass," She spat at him, "You think you're somethin' special running around with a gun. Too cool for story time with the other kids, too cool for the Legos an' toys that get brought in. You think you know so much Carl but let me tell you, you don't. Yea, I almost died on my first run. You got shot on a walk through the woods with your dad! Things out there can kill you, an' every time anyone goes out there they risk not coming back. An' if they don't, it don't mean they were weak, or did somethin' stupid, or weren't capable! If you want your dad to take you seriously then act like you deserve it! Listen, an' do what you're told, we've all got jobs to do. Do 'em right or don't do 'em at all."

She slammed the door on him denying him any chance at responding to her tirade. She wince when Judith started crying but knew that it had been worth it. The look of shock and outrage on his face had been worth it. She remembered the boy who had arrived at the farm and the one that had stood before her appeared to be a warped individual. A man-child who demanded the respect and privileges that came with age but was still a spoiled and selfish child crying over what he wanted and when things didn't go his way. Beth would eventually have to talk to Rick about it, she knew why he had given Carl the gun but once the risk of people turning in the prison diminished she'd ask for him to take it away once more.

Evening came quickly marked by dinner being left at her door; dried fruit and two bottles of water was hardly anything but she wouldn't complain. The monotony of being shut in the room was a draining experience, she found herself slipping off to sleep more often than not. If Judith sensed anything was amiss she was shy of showing it instead playing with the limited toys and keeping herself amused. When the first wave of gunfire came she had called out to the empty halls for Carl, when he didn't come she knew he had gone off leaving those quarantined alone. She hadn't been the only one to come out of her room, she could see other heads poking out looking up and down the halls.

"Everyone, get back in your rooms. They'll send somebody to let us know if we need to move to the bus." Beth tried not to let her voice waver and belie her own fear.

"What's goin' on out there?" She heard a voice call out.

"Everyone get ready in case we gotta move. Get your bags packed and wait. I don't want anybody leaving!"

Mumbles and the sound of doors closing met her and satisfied that nobody would go running out to investigate the gunfire she closed her own. As time progressed the echoes of gunfire tapered off, only the occasional shot rang out indicating that whatever was going on outside was drawing to a close. Beth strapped Judith in her car seat and waited for word from anybody, if something came she'd be ready to get the two of them out safely. The minutes ticked by and still nothing, she decided to open her door and watch the hall where she knew somebody would be coming through.

The creak of the door caught her attention and caused her to look up; Rick, Carl, Daryl and Michonne walked in. A deep scowl formed on her face when she noted how clean each of them were, they'd been at the showers and had left everyone anxious. Her movement caused them to look up at her and she headed over to them, Judith left by the door in her carrier content to chew on an oversized set of keys.

"What happened?" She looked at each one before Rick straightened up stepped forward.

"We've all talked an' we're gonna have everyone stay here for the night. There isn't enough room in B for everyone an' they've already got a room here." The information made her scowl deepen, she didn't want to spend another night locked away.

"It's been two days for them Rick. Can't we at least walk around now?"

"I'd rather y'all didn't. We still don't want to risk this spreading when we've only got so much to treat it. Tomorrow we'll regroup an' see what the council says."

"Rick, I've been locked in a room for three days. I am sleepin' in my bed tonight." There was a bubble of resentment stewing inside her, "Daryl, Michonne, you're on the council. Do you think it would be alright if I go back to my cell for the night?"

She watched as they glanced sideways at one another able to communicate without verbalizing. They seemed to be weighing their options and what was best for the group.

"It can't hurt any." Michonne finally broke down.

"She's watching Judith." Rick piped up, two sets of blue eyes were on him in an instant.

"I was watching Judith. Her parent is here now, you are here." She challenged him.

"I don't want to risk exposing her, you're the only one who hasn't been in direct or indirect contact with it."

"What about Carl? He's responsible enough to watch his sister for a night isn't he?"

"No," Rick shook his head, his voice firm, "He's been outside now. Around me, around us."

There was no way in hell she was staying another night, and as much as she love Judith, Daryl was back and she wanted needed to talk to him.Daryl thought Beth, she let her eyes linger on him, both watching one another. She stalked forward breaking into his personal space and with one hand she reached up and grabbed him by the back of the head pulling him towards her. Their lips met, Beth's pressed against Daryl's and as she slipped her tongue along the closed seam of his lips she felt a wave of relief when he opened them for her. Beth sighed as she felt his tongue brush against hers finally overcoming his initial shock. She pulled back but didn't step away from Daryl.

"Looks like I'm in the same boat as all y'all now. But you've been symptom free Rick, you can either take Judith back to your cell or spend the night in that room there," She pointed to the room that had housed her for the last two nights, "Tomorrow I'll be more than happy to watch her if you want but not tonight."

Beth saw the internal struggle of Rick, his jaw visibly ticked and Beth knew that she had acted out. Her job had been to look after Judith, but she had to wonder where her job ended and Ricks began. He shouldn't be allowed to shoulder off his responsibilities as a parent to her and she hoped that Michonne and Daryl could understand her frustration. When nothing was said she stepped back into Daryl's chest hoping to gain some strength from him and was glad when he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"We need to let these people know what's goin' on. Ease their minds an' let 'em know what's goin' on so we can get some rest." Daryl offered and it seemed to appease him as he nodded and stepped towards the door and peered down at his daughter for the first time in two days.

"I'll handle everyone here, you two enjoy yourselves," Michonne gave them a wink before eying Rick who was fumbling with the buckle on the carrier to get Judith out.

They whispered a thank you each before heading out the doors, Beth was shocked to see the mayhem that filled the yard. It was no wonder it had taken them so long to reach the administration building, tomorrow would be spent clearing the bodies from their lawn and picking up the downed portion of fence. The walk was quiet but not uncomfortable, Beth noted that Daryl hadn't removed his hand from her shoulder, keeping her at his side as they headed for their block. He stopped her at her cell and she looked at him questioningly.

"Aren't you comin' in?" She watched him debate what he should do, "Or am I goin' up?"

"Thought you wanted to spend the night in your own bed?" His eyes shifted to her cot.

"Yours. Mine. Ours. The way I see it I'll be sleeping in my bed either way."

Daryl gave a grunt and nodded his head towards the stairs and they both began their ascent, the sound of their feet hitting the metal reverberating off the walls. When they reached his dark cell he promptly tossed aside an old shirt that had been laying on his cot, not caring where it landed or if it even ended up in the laundry. Beth watched him as he slowly moved, taking off his vest and boots before climbing on top of the small cot and with a hand behind his head motioned for her to join him.

Beth shucked off her boots before removing her pants and her outer tanktop leaving her standing before him in just her socks, panties and thin tank. She hurried to him, working to position herself comfortably against him, curling into his side her head on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around her. They lay together like that, Beth concentrating on matching her breathing with his own and before she knew it her eyes began drooping slowly.

"Did everything go alright? Everyone make it back." Beth waited for a response and looked up to see his eyes watching her.

"Everyone came back."

"That's good, right?" She smiled up at him but it was short-lived when he didn't return it.

"I think it'll be a while 'fore I go out there again with anybody." She nodded settling back into his chest listening to his heart pound in her ear.

"That bad huh? Shoulda taken me, I'd've kicked ass an' taken names." She smiled at the rumble of his chest as he let out a chuckle pulling her in tighter.

"What was with you an' Rick? Ass Kicker gettin' on your nerves that bad?"

"Nothin' like that. It's been stressful, I've been locked up, you've been gone, Daddy took off to A. I had nobody to talk about with except when Maggie came to visit but that never went past a few minutes." Beth played with his shirt, "I'm glad you're back Daryl. I was worried about you."

"Missed you too." His words slurred together and she knew that sleep would be claiming him.

"You too tired to fool around?" She let her hand dip low but received no response from him.

Beth glance up once more to see his eyes closed, his breathing even and deep. She would have to be satisfied with him just holding her tonight, they'd have many more nights ahead that they could be with one another. As her own eyes struggled to stay open she knew she'd missed the opportunity to talk to him but she knew tomorrow would be the day. Daryl needed a bit of happy news with the week that they had been having, especially after hearing about the trouble he had on the last run. Tomorrow, she vowed, tomorrow she would tell Daryl about her talk with Carol and the very real possibility she was pregnant.

So I have tweaked a few things that happened in the show here like the Tyreese getting a beat down for legitimate feelings by Rick. That could have definitely been diffused. And I don't think that Daryl should have backed down from Bob who put himself at risk and did threaten to shoot him so I 'fixed' it. Yes! You all already knew that she was pregnant but now so does she (and Carol) and this is going to make things much more interesting for the chapters ahead.

Thank you for reading. If you catch anything wrong or just want to let me know what you think so far let me know in a comment. I appreciate everyone who has left one so far and those of you who have favorited/followed this story it means a lot.

Thank You,
Ozark Girl

Thank you to everyone who's left a comment so far, remember that voting is through comments, it's up on a poll on my page.

Lydia88- Completely agree, the relationship between sisters is always deeper than what the writer's had made it. I felt that Maggie not writing something for Beth was a huge slap to the face for both of the characters. I don't care for her on the show but I am trying to give her some redeeming qualities. Maggie is a strong personality and it can easily rub people the wrong way.