A/N: Okay, hi guys! This was the story I promised which has depressed Leo. Fair warning, Adam, Bree, and Chase a.k.a the sibling trio aren't really nice in this fic, not even a little bit, which is why I like this story. I want it to be one where they begin to get to know Leo and finally realize that they do like him. Also, the reason why the sibling trio are so mean is going to be revealed further into the story. Don't worry, they're not mean for nothing, not that I'm defending their actions.

A/N: This is a Marcus/Leo and this chapter has a fair amount in it, but it won't always focus on them because this is a family fic and will focus on family bonding. This is an AU btw, so the no one has bionics and they're all normal teenagers and whatnot. Kay, you can read sorry for the long author's note.


Leo froze, hands on the handlebars of the school's door, and closed his eyes briefly. Irritation and something he couldn't quite identify began blooming in his chest. He'd know that voice anywhere, in fact, it was probably the bane of his existence. He refused to admit to himself that it was also the voice of someone who he had fantasies about, which made him feel vaguely guilty.

Exhaling sharply, Leo clenched the strap of his bag tightly and turned around, forcing a condescending smile onto his face. It was the only way to deal with this guy. And, it wasn't like now was the time to be having an internal crisis. He'd deal with that later, but now, he had to focus on the person in front of him.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

A slow smirk began taking over Marcus' lips and he pushed off of the locker he'd been leaning against. It bugged the hell out of Leo that Marcus was immune to his snark, but he didn't let it show. Instead, he kept his smile on place and waited for the other to reply.

"Where's your siblings?" he asked, shoving his hands into his pockets and leveling Leo with a heavy stare.

Leo bit back the need to make things difficult for the teen standing before him. He knew it would get back to the Davenport children, and they never did approve of his hatred of Marcus-didn't really approve of him actually-so that option was out. Leo didn't want to get bullied more than he already was by the trio, thanks very much. So he opted to just reply to the boy and get out of this hellhole of a school as quickly as he could.

"Home," he answered shortly, intent to leave it at that. He swiveled around and tried to exit, but Marcus grabbed ahold of his bag, effectively hindering his process.

"I wasn't finished talking to you," the other said, annoyance lacing the tone of his voice.

"Really?" Leo asked, "because I was done talking to you. I mean, if you're going to give mixed signals and make me think that we're finished talking, I don't think you should be offended that I want to-"

Marcus gave him a warning look, causing Leo to abruptly cut himself off with an audible click of his jaw. He huffed and crossed his arms. "Fine. What else did you want?"

"Tell them I'll be coming over there in a few hours," he said, and then grinned smugly. "I'm sure they miss me." Marcus then turned and began walking away, tossing a careless wave as he left.

Leo stared after him, watched as he disappeared around the corner of the hall, then ran his hand down the length of his face. He really hated that guy. And that's what he'd keep telling himself as he turned and swiftly exited the building. Leo hoped the bus hadn't left yet.

A high pitched, furious scream of his name traveled into his room, causing him to visibly flinch. He set his book down just as his door burst open, an angry Bree glaring down at him. Leo raised his hands in surrender, unsure of what exactly she was angry at him for. With this family, he could never tell.

"Um." He inched back against the bed's headboard when she took a step closer, her expression turning from malicious to downright murderous the second he moved.

"Leo Dooley," she hissed, "You've got ten seconds to convince me not to kill you."

"I, uh, what exactly did I do?" He stammered his way through the question, all the while keeping an eye on the brush she had in her hand, less she tried to clobber him with it. Contrary to popular belief, Bree could be quite deadly when she wanted to. He'd learned that the hard way when him and his mom first moved in to this house.

Venom laced her tone as she spoke, knocking him out of his inner rambling. "You know exactly what you did." When she only received a blank stare, she threw hands up in exasperation. "The painting that Owen gave me, the one in my room? It's totally destroyed and it wasn't like that when I left this morning."

"That wasn't me," he protested, "I don't even know how that thing looks! It was probably Adam or Chase. Unlike them, I don't actually have a problem with your boyfriend."

Bree snorted and glared at him. "You need to work on your lying, and maybe try to be more discreet because Chase told me he saw you sneaking into my room. I'm going to go tell Tasha so she can deal with you. Next time, stay out of my things or else I'll deal with you personally." The door slammed shut behind her.

Leo sighed and let his head fall back against the headboard. He wasn't lying. He doesn't even know why he's surprised anymore, honestly. Ever since his mom, Tasha, had decided to marry Davenport and they moved in with the family, he'd been blamed for things that weren't his fault. His mother wouldn't actually punish him because she knew that the siblings didn't like him but still. Still, Leo resented the fact that he didn't have the choice to move in with his father, because if he did, he would leave this place in a heartbeat.

This place didn't feel like home, home felt warm and inviting. No, this was a prison. He laughed mirthlessly. Prison fit so much better.

Running his tongue across his teeth, Leo picked up his book once more and turned on the radio that was on his left. At the moment, the only thing that mattered was the book in his hand. He didn't know when he slipped off into slumber.

He was woken up by a hand caressing his cheek. Or, at least it felt like it. The first thing he registered was cigarette smoke, and when he got out of his groggy state, he peered up at the person, heart jumping in his throat once he realized that it was Marcus. The boy was smirking down at him, like always, but there was a look in his eyes that Leo couldn't place.

Marcus was leaning against his window at the right side of his room, the frame opened slightly to allow some breeze to filter in. His leather jacket was placed carefully in one of Leo's chairs-the one's he deemed "comfy"-which left him in a white shirt that had the words "Arctic Monkey" splayed across it. In his left hand was a cigarette that dangled loosely from his fingers. Marcus was careful to angle his arm out the window so that the ash wouldn't fall onto Leo's carpeted floor.

How he didn't notice the boy entering his room, he'll never know. Swallowing his nerves, Leo sat up and glanced at his clock, grimacing at the time.

"What are you doing in my room?" He asked, voice sounding a bit hoarse from sleep. "You weren't Edward Cullening it up, right?"

Marcus' lips quirked up slightly, and he crushed the remnants of the cigarette against the side of the house. "I told your family that I needed to use the restroom, then came in here because it seemed like a good enough place for a smoke, and," he chuckled, "I've only been here a few minutes, so I didn't exactly have time to 'Edward Cullen it up.'"

Leo clenched at his bedsheets, ignoring the embarrassment that decided to show, and changed the topic. "Couldn't you have found a better place?"

This was definitely not how he imagined it would be when Marcus came into his room. What he wanted instead, was tongues clashing, shirts being lifted, and the inevitable hitch in his voice when things got too heated.

Marcus shrugged, bringing him out of his thoughts. "This was as good a place as any. And I have to leave for my own home in a few minutes so I needed a place to smoke. My dad doesn't know I've picked up the habit again." The older teen picked up his jacket and slung it over his shoulder. "See you later." And then he exited Leo's room.

Leo looked at the clock once more as he chewed on his finger nail and slipped out of bed. Now that Marcus had left, he realized the severity of the situation presented to him. He was only five minutes late to the mandatory family dinners they had every Thursday, so he could still make it. Leo groaned in annoyance. He wondered why he even bothered to go to these things.

He trudged down the stairs, almost hesitant to enter the dining room. He could hear peals of laughter accompanied loud chatter and he didn't feel like interrupting the conversation, didn't feel like going in there at all. Having a lot of attention focused on him was anxiety inducing because Leo preferred to blend into the background more often than not.

But, he'd have to deal with it. When he stepped into the dining room, Davenport glanced at him. His mouth was set in a firm frown. "You're late."

Leo shrugged jerkily and took his seat next to his mother who immediately put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm only a few minutes late, Davenport. It's not like it's the end of the world."

"You know you're not supposed to be over a minute late," he said, "so you get to wash the dishes after everyone's finished."

Leo's hand gripped his fork tighter. He struggled with the impulse to leave the table right now and go find solitude. It's not like he had a problem with Davenport, in fact, it was just the opposite. Davenport was a pretty cool dude, a bit egotistical, but cool. He only acted like this in a few situations but it always managed to raise Leo's defences. He hated that this man tried to act like his father when he clearly wasn't. Leo ignored the siblings as they watched on with interest.

When he realized that Davenport was waiting for an answer, he muttered a quick, "Yes sir."

The sibling trio weren't even bothering to cover up their sniggering. Leo bit the inside of his cheek, hard, then turned to his mother who was staring at him with concern etching her features.

"I'm not feeling hungry," he said softly, "Could I please leave the table? I'll come back to wash when everyone's finished."

His mom looked ready to protest, probably because he had just came down, but he did not want to stay in a place where he didn't feel comfortable, where he didn't feel wanted. "Please?" He asked again.

After a moment, she allowed him to leave. He pushed away from the table and headed to his room, ignoring the eyes that followed his trail. He could hear his mother hissing something to Davenport, but he couldn't care less.

A/N: Please tell me what you think? I spent a fair amount of time working on this fic and I do have most of the chapters typed up. All I have to do is edit the rest and write the last few chapters. I'm sorry if this chapter is kinda choppy but I'm half asleep and editing isn't something I'm the best at

A/N: New characters should be introduced next chapter or so, and you guys will be in for a shock (hint: it involves Janelle and Trent) lolololol I can't wait for you guys to read it, but only if I get enough reviews.

A/N: Favorite, follow, and review ;D