Hey there everybody! First things first, Some of you know, and some of you don't know, that I make video tributes to different things (mostly Red vs Blue of course!) and am having a hard time getting input before I publish them up on Youtube. My sister doesn't always have time to take a look at them and by the time she does I've wanted to publish it for a few months. So, I'm looking for someone that I can send the videos to so I can get some input on what to do with them! You will have to be able to watch on QuickTime Player or something else that will work with Mac video files. If you are interested add me on Skype! Petchricor-117. And hell, even if you aren't add me anyway! I love chatting with people~

Anyway, enjoy!

Wash tossed the empty shotgun shell up in the air and caught it absentmindedly over and over again as he looked the canyon over, Valhalla had been pretty peaceful considering they hadn't had any major adventures in quite some time and that was a good thing since dealing with the daily squabbles was bad enough. Wash sighed and caught the shell once more, going still as he saw Caboose running towards the base quickly holding something in his arms. Wash froze in an uncomfortable manner and got to his feet quickly to head back into the base. He went down the ramp, watching Caboose enter through the door swiftly, and was heading down the hall when he heard Tucker speak up from the kitchen.

"Where did you find it?" Tucker exclaimed from the kitchen, Wash went still as he listened. He could tell Tucker was panicking and could hear someone pacing but he couldn't tell whether it was Caboose or Tucker.

"It was in a box on the canyon wall, I was up there exploring and I found it," Caboose said, even more panic in his voice than in Tucker's. Wash's eyes narrowed suspiciously and he crept closer towards the kitchen to hear better. Tucker groaned a bit in irritation.

"So you just grabbed it?!" Caboose made a soft clicking noise with is tongue and Wash swore he heard Tucker whisper a soft apology. "Ok, nevermind, for once I think you had the right idea, you couldn't have just left it there. But, what the hell are we supposed to do? Wash is gonna flip!"

"I don't know! But-but we have to try, right? I mean, we brought Wash in didn't we?" Caboose said slowly, Tucker giving out an irritated growl.

"Yeah, but he's a full-grown man with special training! This isn't! Caboose, you probably just got us in a ton of trouble!" Caboose mumbled something and Tucker growled again. Wash got closer to the door and furrowed his brow. "What the HELL were you thinking?! Uh-oh." Wash's furrowed brows flew up at the sound of crying, but it wasn't Caboose.

"Now look what you did, Tucker! Shh, it's ok," Caboose said and Tucker groaned yet again. Wash stood up straight and entered the kitchen, both soldiers going completely still at the sight of their commanding officer. Wash stared down at the bundle in Caboose's arms, wrapped in a light blue blanket and crying loudly in fear of Tucker's shouts. Also, Wash noted, Caboose had no idea how to hold a baby.

"You're holding him wrong," Wash said softly, walking over and taking the baby carefully from Caboose. Caboose let him without hesitation and Tucker watched with a mix of wonder and admiration as Wash held the baby gently against his chest, looking down at it. "Hey there champ, what's a brave soldier like you crying about?" Tucker resisted the urge to laugh and Caboose grinned as Wash bobbed the baby gently up and down. After a few moments the crying stopped and the baby looked up at Wash, cooing and reaching a hand up. Wash looked between Tucker and Caboose, who were both staring.

"Well…?" Tucker prompted, looking almost hopeful. Wash looked over at Caboose, who was staring down at the baby as if thinking of a way to say goodbye, they both knew that Wash would say they had to give it to a town nearby or something, they couldn't take care of a child without the right resources. "Wash?" Wash looked down at the baby, bright blue eyes looking back up at him and a smile covered its face. He sighed and looked up again, eying them both.

"I'm not taking care of him myself, that's final." Wash jumped as Caboose and Tucker cheered, hugging him from both sides, though careful of the baby, and the baby giggled at their excitement. "I mean it though! If I end up taking care of it all my myself I'm taking it away."

"You got it! We will totally help!" Caboose promised. "Maybe we can even get the Reds to help us sometimes! Yeah! Major Cupcake will know how to help!" Wash shook his head but smiled despite himself.

"I will totally help, I'm not a fan of kids but this one is ours and I'm helping! God that sounded weird," Tucker said, getting Wash to laugh a bit in reply. "Is it a boy or a girl…?" Wash looked down at the baby, who was looking between them curiously. Caboose and Tucker released Wash so he could carefully unwrap the baby to see the gentiles. "Well?" Wash wrapped the baby back up.

"It's a girl," he told them and they both started chattering instantly. "Quiet." Wash didn't shout, more or less just used a stern tone, and half expect them to keep talking but despite his worries they went silent and looked at him. "I seriously don't trust you guys with naming her, so I'm going to list three names and you guys have to choose one. Ok?" They nodded eagerly. "All right then." Wash thought quickly of three girl names he could use and only three came to mind. "Amanda, Jessica, and Allison." He forced himself not to jump at the last one, why had he said that? Both looked at each other, then back at Wash.

"Allison," they said together and Wash blinked, looking down at her thoughtfully.

"We can call her Ally for short!" Caboose said excitedly. "Oh! Oh! Can we show her to the Reds now? Please?!" Wash nodded. "Yay!" Caboose pranced out of the kitchen with Tucker and Wash right behind. He looked down at the child he was cradling and found himself smiling as she giggled, blue eyes sparkling with happiness. Wash looked ahead as he exited the base to see Caboose and Tucker talking to each other, discussing chores by the sounds of it. Wash chuckled in amusement at the two of them and looked back down as she cooed, reaching a tiny hand up towards him. Wash hesitated but let her hold his armored finger, she squealed and wiggled with a huge baby grin. He smiled.

"Welcome to Valhalla, Ally," he said softly. "I think you're going to like it here." Wash looked up to see Caboose running towards Red base shouting while Tucker ran after him telling him to wait for him and Wash. Wash grinned and looked back down at her. "You're really going to like it here." By the time Wash got into Red base Red team was just hearing the end of Caboose's story about Ally, with Tucker fixing some details, and they looked very interested, even Sarge who was rubbing his chin. "Hello." Everyone turned and Donut gasped, going over to look Ally over a bit.

"She's adorable!" he said with a grin. Wash smiled and watched as the Reds came to get a good look at her. Sarge was the first to ask if he could hold it and of course Wash said yes, handing her carefully over to Red team's leader. Sarge gave a soft chuckle and Ally gave a soft, happy squeal as she smiled. "Why Ally?"

"It's short for Allison," Wash answered. Grif blinked and looked up at Wash.

"Wasn't that Tex's name?" Everyone looked up at Wash and he blinked, just nodding slowly. "Well, I doubt she'll be a much of a bitch." Grif smiled as Ally held onto his finger, giggling. "And if you are, you will be in so much trouble I swear." Everyone laughed at that and Wash smiled, glad no one asked. Though Tucker was curious, but he figured it would be better to ask later. Wash watched from the sidelines as everyone started talking about different chores and things, never budding in with their joy and happiness. Wash was vaguely aware they had come to the discussion of titles, many joking ones of 'godfather-dickhead' and 'uncle-dirtbag' coming into the mix.

"Oh! Oh! I want her to call me Auntie-Donut!" Everyone burst out laughing at this but didn't object in the slightest. In the end Sarge gruffly agreed to be called 'grandpa', Grif and Simmons were her Uncles and Tucker and Caboose were her big brothers. They continued to chat as Ally seemed to be falling asleep yet again, her eyes drooping and she yawned quite a few times. Wash found himself resisting the urge to take her from Sarge's arms and back to Blue Base for a good rest. "Oh! Oh!" Donut said with a huge grin, everyone turning to look at him. He pointed over at Wash, who jumped and stared at the hand gesturing towards him. "Wash should be Daddy!" Everyone went quiet, there was no laughing or mocking stares as they waited for Wash to respond. He blinked.

"Uh..." Wash glanced down at Ally, who was practically asleep now, then back up at everyone's faces. Tucker raised a brow and Wash sighed. "Yeah, all right, fine." Caboose grinned and clapped. "But if any of you call me that I will kill you, understand?" They all laughed and Wash grinned, but it faded as Ally began to cry at being woken up. "Uh...why don't I take her back for a nap or something?" Sarge nodded in agreement and walked over.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." He handed Ally over and Wash nodded in farewell before leaving Red base and heading across the canyon. He could hear the others all talking as he left and glanced down at Ally, who was settling down in his arms with a yawn. He smiled softly and chuckled a bit at the sight, looking back up at Blue base as it came closer. He sighed in content and glanced back down at the now sleeping child he held.

"Welcome home, Allison."

This is the first chapter in a mini-series I will be doing of them raising little Ally. If anyone wants to see them doing something silly let me know and I'll do it~ Of course there will be the 'firsts' chapters, basically about her first words, her first steps, etc. It may be awhile before I make her a toddler, just because them with a baby is gonna be hilariously sweet~

Thanks for reading, please review, and have a bow chicka bow wow day!

Petchricor, QotG, signing off ;)