AN: I wrote this a while ago and think it's good enough to post. This is the first chapter of Nikki and Vix's life in Berlin, hence the title. This chapter is based on a song called "Help" by London Grammar, which is in fact thr song behind the scene! It is a beautiful song, and I suggest you listen to the lyrics. Enjoy!
Nikki was pretty sure she was breaking the speed limit but she couldn't care less. All she could care about was getting to the woman she loves before she's too late and loses her for ever.
She pulls her car up outside the grand house right on the coast. Grabbing her duffel from the boot, she runs up the driveway, praying she isn't too late.
She's panting by the time she reaches the porch. She takes a deep breath and rings the bell.
"That'll be my taxi. Hang on a sec."
Vix bounced off of the step, shoving her phone in her pocket and to the door, expecting to see some grubby, fat cabby ready to help with her bags. The figure on the other side of the door was the polar opposite of what she had in mind.
"Nikki!" She said shocked. The brunette stood proudly on the porch step, trying to control her breathing. Vix noticed the worn duffel bag in her hand. Nikki took a few steps towards her.
"I quit." She stated plainly, proudly even. Her slender fingers reached into her back pocket, pulling out a small burgundy coloured book and holding it to her chest.
"Will you have me?" The brunette asked, all the courage drained out of her, worried that the younger woman had changed her mind since this morning. Her thoughts were put at ease when Vix smiled wide.
"Yeah," Nikki sighed with relief and the two woman stared at each other with awe. Nikki returned her passport to her trouser pocket and dropped her bag by Vix's. The younger woman put her phone back to her ear and addressing her younger sister who was still yelling frantically on the other end.
"Sorry Sue, we'll send you a postcard!" Vix hung up the phone and closed the front door.
Nikki turned to her. "Are you sure?" She said, worry spiking in her voice. Vix nodded, looking right at the brunette's worried face.
"I promise, I will never hurt you again." Nikki said sincerely. Vix took a step towards her. "You can't promise that," she said, looking down.
"But I can." Nikki said. Vix looked up at her.
"I love you." Nikki went on. "In fact, I don't just love you. I am in love with you." Vix smiled slightly. "Like, fallen head over heels, topsy turvy kind of in love with you. And that scares me to death!" Nikki scoffed in spite of herself. "I've realised these past few months how much I've come to need you in my life." Nikki continued, stepping closer. "I've always been an independent person but you've changed that. You've changed me." She smiled wide, taking Vix's cheek in her hand. "Ever since I met you at Sue's wedding I knew you were different, one of a kind and that I should hang onto you for dear life because I know I'll never meet anyone else like you ever again in my life." Nikki's face was deadly serious. "And since then, I knew." She paused and looked straight into Vix's intoxicating eyes. "You're the one, Vix."
And with that, she got down on her knee, taking Vix's warm hands in hers. "Victoria Spark," Vix smiled at the use of her full name. Nikki never used it. "Will you do me the absolute honor of becoming my wife?" The brunette looked up at Vix, hopefully. She was absolutely sure there was no one else out there for her other than the woman standing before her.
Vix's face broke out into a huge smile, the tears that had pricked in her eyes threatening to spill over. She took Nikki's cheeks in her hands, urging her to stand up. Nikki stood, not breaking their eye contact once.
"There is nothing I want more, Nik." Vix smiled, almost giggling. Nikki sighed, relieved and pulled Vix into her arms, rocking her back and forth.
"I love you, I love you." She whispered into her ear. Vix smiled. "Ditto." She said, giggling into Nikki's shoulder in pure delight.
They heard a car horn, both woman jumping in fright. "That'll be the cab," Vix said, pulling back and rubbing her hands up and down Nikki's arms. "Are you ready?" She smiled rushing over to her bags.
"Wait, can I just..." Nikki began. Vix stood up straight and walked back over to her. "I was scared of being happy, that's why I slept with Hector," Nikki continued, her voice shaking.
"Okay, you don't need to explain..." Vix began, Nikki cut her off. "No no, I do. You love me, and I guess I was scared of that, you see, and I didn't feel like I deserved it so I did what I always do and I just pressed the button, I pressed the, self destruct, button..." she said, in a rushed ramble.
"But you were happy?" Vix broke in. Nikki smiled.
Vix smiled back, placing her hand on her cheek lovingly. "Well then don't be scared, be happy." Nikki smiled thankfully at her. "You're strong," Vix continued. "Brave, and beautiful." She stroked her cheek with her thumb. "And from today," she locked eyes with the brunette. "You're mine."
Both of their smiles grew goofy as they leaned into each other, their noses touching as their lips met, fingers entangling with hair as they began their new life together.