Well here I am, back into smut writing. I hope you all enjoy this. I am also writing for one of my otp, which doesn't seem to have much for it at all, so I yeah.



With one final blow to the underside of his chin, Midnight was thrown backwards into the side of a rocky cliff, his head crashed against a rock, and all he saw was black. Growling in victory Natsu turned around and pumped his fist in the air. Lucy's face cracked into a smile and she ran over to Natsu.

As Lucy and Natsu were conversing, a figure ran up behind them and as Happy yelled out a warning in his small voice, Natsu turned around just in time to be struck in the side of the head with a bare fist. Lucy screamed as blood shot from Natsu's mouth and Happy covered his cheeks with with his hands.

"Natsu!" Happy screached, the figure ran after Natsu. Natsu jumped up and looked at his attacker. "I thought I defeated you? How are you still able to stand?" Natsu growled, raising his fist as he prepared to attack. "You may have struck me down, but you have done something unacceptable." The figure growled.

"And what was that, Cobra?" Natsu hissed, "Just what is so bad that it gave you new strength?" Growling, Cobra round-house kicked Natsu, sending him flying back. Everybody was out of Magic Power, so they could only use their natural strength now. Lucy had run off to get her keys, she had left them at the nearby camp when her, Natsu and Happy had decided to go fishing, only to come across some old enemies.

"You hurt one of my friends! I cannot forgive you!" Cobra yelled, as he took one last rush forward, aimed his final attack, and struck. In a huge explosion of rocks and rubble, dirt and dust, Natsu was thrown backwards, and with a larger force than what was used to throw Midnight back, Natsu crashed against the same cliff.

The force knocked him out, and Cobra knew that Natsu wont wake up for a while, if ever. But Cobra knew Natsu would be ok. He walked over to where Natsu laying, picking up a nearby rock, he planned to drop it on Natsu and kill the pink haired Fire Dragon Slayer. What stopped him was the sound of shuffling and a small groan, inaudible to the human ears, only heard by the sensitive ears of the one still standing.

Turning sharply to the sound, Cobra saw Midnight, still on the ground. Figuring the health of his best friend was more important at the time, Cobra dropped the rock, the rock landing next to Natsu's head, barely missing him. Walking over to Midnight, Cobra knelt down and lifted the smaller boy into his arms.

He was careful so he didn't hurt the other. Cobra walked away into the woods nearby, carrying the unconcious boy. He avoided tripping and accidentally hurting the already hurt boy in his arms. He held Midnight tigther against his chest, pushing himself forward through the woodland. Evetually they came to a clearing. Sure, the clearing was very small but it had over hanging rocks, and a small lake, if it could be called that, beside it.

It was perfect. He'd be able to wash his best friends wounds, and clean themselves off. The rock would provide shelter for them. At least for a while. Walking over to a shady spot, Cobra carefully laid Midnight down, away from the blazing sun. Looking up at the sky, he saw rain clouds in the distance, and not simple light rain clouds; the heavy kind. Looking down at Midnight, Cobra sighed and sat down next to his best friend.

**Midnight POV**

Everythings unfamilliar... where am I? What is this smell... it smells nice...

Slowly opening my eyes, I look around. There is a nice smell in the air, though I cant quite place what it is; my head is pounding and it is messing with my brain. I cant think straight. I try to sit up and I hear a voice telling me to stay still until they could come over and help me up. I try to reply that I'm fine but the words wont leave my mouth.

I recognised the voice instantly, though. It's Cobra. I sigh internally, only he would have the guts to order me around. I hate how everyone seems to be scared of me. Of course I dont show it; or at least I try not too. I do as he says and still, until I hear him approach me; the nice smell getting closer.

Oh that's right. Now I remember the smell. It's Eggs. I always had a small fondness for eggs. I wonder if Cobra knew that. I doubt it. No one would pay enough attention to me to realise I love eggs. But whatever, at least he can cook, because those eggs smell really nice.

Suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around my back, lifting me into a sitting position. "Are you ok?" Cobra asks, I nod, still unable to talk properly. He hands me some eggs, poached. They are placed on a large leaf from some tree. I hope the leaves aren't poisonous. That would be bad.

I pick up a bit of egg from my so called plate, and shove it into my mouth. I didn't realise how hungry I was until now. I shoved down the rest of my food and sighed in contentment. Cobra smiled at me, "So you like my cooking, huh?" He says happily. I nod "It was good." My mouth finally manages to form words.

His cooking is defiantly a bonus to the reason why I love him. But he will never know that. And I shall never tell him. He will think of me as crazy, if he doesn't already. But I really do love him. He doesn't treat me like some dangerous mass murderer, somthing to avoid. He doesn't talk to me like I'm the king, all offical. He treats me like a normal human being. And that is why I love him. I don't care if he is a boy, and that people consider it bad that people like someone of the same sex.

I lean my head on his shoulder smile a tiny bit. He will probably think that I'm just tired or something. Hopefully. What I don't expect is when he slides his hand around my waist, pulling me up against him. Without meaning to, I squeak. Quietly, but just enough that he could hear it. I feel my face heat up a little.

"You ok, Midnight?" He asks me. "Yeah." I say, I can feel his eyes staring at the side of my head, unable to see my eyes. "Are you sure? You're all flushed." He states. But of course, I do the stupid thing by answering, "No I'm not". I turn to look at him. That was stupid thing number two. He smirks. "Yes, you are. Have my good looks gotten to you already?" He muses.

And it is at that moment that I wished I could control my blood, but I cant. And what's worse is I can feel the heat rising onto my face; obviously making my face more red than it already is. "No." I say firmly, but my eyes betray me. They're too wide. Cobra's face goes neutral for a second, before he smiles slightly.

"Do you like me?" He asks quietly. I turn away and fiddle with my hands before playing with my hair. It's so long... but that's how I like it. I don't care if no one else likes it. They shouldn't judge. I stay silent as if he might go away and suddenly forget what he asked. But it's not likely. And of course it doesn't happen. "Maybe..." I whisper under my breath. I know he can hear me, but it comforts me thinking he didn't.

I feel him shift slightly before he pulls me into a hug. My eyes go wide and my breath hitches. He starts stroking and playing with my hair behind my back. Eventually I give in bury my face in his neck. I don't hug him back though, because it might make me look desperate, incase he is only hugging me for admitting my...feelings.

"You can hug me too, you know." He mutters. Oh. Well then that's different. I wrap my arms around him fast, one of my hands around his torso and the other around his neck. "I never thought you would have feelings like these, you're always so...emotionless. And asleep." Cobra muttered. "Yeah well...I'm still human, you know..." I whisper.

I hear, and feel, him chuckle. "Heh. Well, I guess it's a miracle." he says. I frown. "What's a miracle?" I ask. He pulls back from the hug, before saying, "Your confession is a miracle. I thought that you would never ever have those kinds of feelings for anyone; you just didn't seem like the type to have them. I always took you for someone who only cared about being the best, and not about your comrades. But I was wrong. But it's ok that I was wrong, because I loved you anyway. I've loved you since the day I met you." He says.

My eyes go wide. Wider than they were already. But then, I start to cry. Not tears of anguish; tears of Joy. Happiness. I'ts the only feeling in me right now. Normally, I think before I act, but this time I acted before I thought. I throw myself at Cobra, knocking him and myself to the ground. I throw my arms around his neck and hug him tight. I rest my chin on his shoulder, my cheek in the space between his neck and shoulder-blade.

He hugs me back, grinning madly. "Goddamn, you are so cute right now." He says, before he kisses me on the cheek. I blush and look up at him. We stare at each other before he closes the gap between our lips in a sweet kiss. I kiss back gently, and he kisses me gently. We break away and I smile. He grins and kisses me again. This time harder. We continue kissing for a good few minuets, tongues get involved.

Then I feel his hands run down my sides, and glide over my waist. His tongue is in my mouth, and hell that feels good. I twist my hands in his hair and kiss him in with all the passion I can muster. We're both moaning into the kiss. Suddenly, he slips a hand into my pants gropes my behind. I gasp and accidentaly break the kiss. He looks at me with this look, and I know what he's asking. I nod, giving him the ok to proceed.

**Chapter 1 End**
Ok so this only chapter 1 of 2. All the smut will be in the next chapter, so people who don't like smut/sex can happily read the first chapter without it. :)