Hiiii :)! New story I adopted from, drum roll pleaseā€¦ EveDuncan2! Apparently she has too much on her plate and I was like "Here let me help you out" and now I'm writing a new story :D. I do hope you thoroughly enjoy it!

Oh! And before I forget, I changed my pen name. It used to be 'i am LolaBelle'

#DISCLAIMER: I don't know anything.


"Bye! Oh, my sweet angel is actually leaving. I'm going to miss you so much, my baby," Bridgette, Buttercup's mom, exclaimed as she wiped a tear away.

"Mom! Quit embarrassing me, the bus is gonna be here any minute now!" Buttercup yelled whilst trying to hide her face underneath her black hoodie.

"Oh, don't be like that BC. She's your mother, she just loves you that's all and you're leaving the house for an entire year! Who's knows when we'll get to see you again," her dad told her getting a bit emotional thinking about he's little girl leaving. Buttercup smiled.

"I'm gonna miss you mom and dad," Buttercup said as she hugged them both.

You see Buttercup was leaving to go to an all monster boarding school: Crecher Academy. Every monster has to do that when they're little but Buttercup could only leave now at the age of sixteen since she was a rare species, a mix of two very powerful monsters. She's never really been outside the house and now leaving would be a big change for both her and her parents.

The three hugging monsters heard a loud honk. Buttercup turned to find a big black bus filled with other monsters. To the average human you would think it was a normal school bus collecting teenagers on a Monday morning but no this wasn't any ordinary school bus. It was a special bus that could drive through dimensions.

She sighed and picked up her suitcase and headed towards the bus but not before giving her parents a short wave and a small smile.

"Don't forget to call!"

She entered the luxury bus and put her suitcase away and found a comfy seat. She looked out the window but couldn't see anything due to the heavy tint. She sighed one more time before putting her headphones in her ears and turning the music on loud.

This was going to be one long trip.


Blossom woke up to loud, pop music playing. She groaned and got up. She banged on the wall and yelled, "Bubbles! I was trying to sleep!"

A high, angelic voice screamed back, "Sorry, Blossom!"

She heard the music get turned down a bit but was still very loud for this hour in the morning. She checked the clock: 6 AM. What was Bubbles doing awake this early in the morning?

She slouched all the way to the en suite bathroom. People might think that Blossom's always organized and ready but sometimes she just couldn't care less. Like today, she was having one of those days.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and almost screamed in horror. She most definitely wasn't a morning person. She sighed and squirted the toothpaste onto her toothbrush and began brushing.

Today she was going back to school. Today she got to see Brick. She smiled at that thought but then remembered what happened last year. He got together with her last year. Blossom's blood began to boil. She gripped her toothbrush tighter until her knuckles turned white.

They were friends last year until she came along. That snobby, wannabe, bi-

Blossom gasped as the mirror cracked. She forgot about her temper. Sure, Blossom was always calm and collected but today was one of those days.

How did the mirror crack without anyone or anything touching it? Easy. Blossom's a witch and sometimes her magic can get a bit out of control that's why she's still in Crecher Academy.

Blossom quickly finished brushing her teeth and took deep breaths. She had to calm down. She liked Brick and that girl just had to come along but this was a new year. She had to let bygones be bygones.

She turned the shower on and got undressed and stepped in. The hot water calmed her down that is until she heard a scream.

She quickly jumped out, grabbed the nearest towel and ran to Bubbles' room. She was pretty sure she heard Bubbles' scream.

She ran inside the room to find Bubbles jumping for joy. What?

"Bubbles, why did you just scream?!" Blossom almost yelled. She was really worried and scared the moment she heard that scream.

"Look!" Bubbles exclaimed with joy and showed Blossom her new wings. Bubbles was an angel, literally. And now she finally got her wings. They were a beautiful shade of white. Not that too bright or too dull white, just perfect. They were big but not that big, showing a bit from behind her back when she faced you. It looked soft to the touch and made Blossom stare in awe.

"Bubbles, it's beautiful. You look beautiful too."

Said girl was wearing a knee length light blue dress with a thin black belt around her stomach. A pair of white wedges to match. Her hair was in two low pigtails and no trace of any make up at all. Simple yet gorgeous.

Bubbles giggled and turned back towards her full length mirror, checking out her newly formed wings. This made her extra excited to go back to the academy and show her friends.

Blossom slowly left wondering where her parents were. Anyone with ears could hear Bubbles screaming from a mile away.

She entered the shower again and finished washing herself.

When she was done, she got dressed and looked at herself in her full length mirror. In all honestly, Blossom was a beautiful girl. She just never acknowledged it or was all conceited about it like some girls.

Her long ginger hair fell down her back all the way to her waist. She was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a hot pink camisole. On top of the camisole was a light pink blouse that she recently bought at Forever21 on her forced shopping trip with Bubbles. It was the only time she really got to speak to humans so she reluctantly went with. On her feet was a simple pair of pink flats.

She looked at her face. Just a little bit of gloss on her lips, nothing more. She smiled and got her suitcase.

She went into the hallway and knocked on Bubbles' door. "Let's go, Bubbles! The bus is going to be here any minute now."

Bubbles opened the door and smiled brightly at her sister. They weren't blood related but they still loved each other like they were.

Their parents, who were completely different monsters, got divorced and randomly met each other one day. It was instant love. Soon they introduced the girls to each other. They became the best of friends the very same day. They might have been opposite but they got along.

Their parents, Bubbles' mother and Blossom's father, got married a year after dating. The girls were ecstatic and just couldn't wait to be sisters. That's how Blossom and Bubbles were sisters but as two different species. Blossom's father being a warlock and Bubbles' mother being an angel.

They walked down the stairs to find their parents sitting at the table, eating breakfast. The warlock and angel smiled at their daughters.

"Morning my two gorgeous babies!" Kathy, their mom, exclaimed and kissed each of their foreheads.

"Morning!" they chorused.

They each grabbed a quick bite to eat and were almost out the door when they heard their parents call out to them.

"Leaving so soon?" their dad asked with a smile on his face. The girls smiled and hugged their parents extra tight. After all they were going away for an entire year.

They heard the bus pull up and left after one last hug.

Excitedly they got onto the bus, put their luggage away and found a seat for the both of them. Bubbles squealed a bit as she sat down.


"Of course I am!" Bubbles beamed at her and got comfy. Blossom brought out a book to read and sat back.

It was a long ride there.


Buttercup opened her eyes when the bus came to a stop. She tried to look outside but then remembered the tint on the windows.

"Students, please get ready. Get all your luggage together and form a straight line in the passage between the seats," a bored voice said through the speakers attached to the inside of the bus. Must be the bus driver, Buttercup thought.

She got her luggage and lined up. Slowly everybody made their way off of the bus.

Buttercup looked around. The sky was dark, not that dark but dark nonetheless. As if the sun had just set. Probably for the vampires so they don't burn in the sun, Buttercup thought to herself. The temperature was still warm though. She noticed the bus turning around and driving off into the distance. The bus drove on the only road that was there. I guess this place is in the middle of nowhere.

She turned around to face the school. It was a huge building with two smaller buildings on either side of it. The smaller buildings were still massive though and were joined to the bigger building. It was black in colour with red windows and a big red door in front. The entire place had solid brick fencing around that were about 6"5 feet tall. To finish everything off, Buttercup stared at the big black gate in front of her.

It slowly opened and she walked in with everyone else. They all walked inside the bigger building. Buttercup looked around and just saw teenagers everywhere. She was and probably looked utterly confused.

She turned and saw something that looked like a secretary.

"Excuse me?" she asked politely which was very unlike her.

"Yes?" a skinny but pretty woman answered.

"Uh, is this the office? I'm the new student, Buttercup Preston."

"Oh! Right. We were expecting you. Here's your schedule and dorm room number. Hope you enjoy Crecher Academy," the woman said with a bright smile. Buttercup just nodded and took the piece of paper.

"Room 306, second floor. Wow, this school must be huge," Buttercup spoke to herself quietly.

Once she found the elevator, she got into it and waited. She was a bit nervous. Her first time with other supernatural creatures. This was going to be a heck of a journey, she was sure of that.

When the elevator came to a stop she got out and looked to see her room right across from it. She smiled.

She slowly opened the door after unlocking it. Buttercup first peeked into to make sure she didn't have some kind of weirdo as a roommate. Taking a deep breath, she fully opened the door.

The other girl in the room, startled, turned around and smiled.


"Uh, hi," Buttercup greeted awkwardly.

"You must be Buttercup, right?"


"Nice to meet you, I'm Robin!" the girl clad in purple and black smiled. She had mysterious looking purples eyes and pretty long brown hair, a bit shorter than Buttercup probably 5"5 but was pretty nonetheless.

"Are those fashion magazines?" Buttercup asked slowly to make sure she was seeing the magazines.

"Yeah! I love shopping!" Robin said with a big smile.

This is going to be a long year, Buttercup thought with a sigh.