≈ Age: Ib - 9 ; Garry - 18 ≈

Few weeks had passed since the day both Ib & Garry experienced their worst nightmare. The day when the gallery tried to eat them alive. Fortunately, they managed to get through the traps & puzzles, and got out safely. Today is the day Garry promised to take Ib to the café he mentioned before to eat some macarons. The guy went to to the little girl's house to fetch her.

"Hey Garry, what are macarons?" Ib asked, walking with the guy.

"Macaron?" He repeats the the word, glancing at the girl beside him. "Best pastries in the world!" Garry explained happily.

"Why did they call it macarons?"

"I don't really know, but I'm thankful that it was invented."

"You really love macarons, huh? Then who invented it?"

"I... honestly don't know." He scratched his rear head as he answer. "Do you?"

"I don't even know what macarons are, then you're asking me who invented it?" Uttering those words, she intently stared at Garry.

"Ah," He steps infornt of Ib, getting his face closer to hers. "Sorry." Garry chuckles, straightening his body again.

"Ah, eh." Ib softly blushes, not knowing what to say.

"You're all red!" he laughs, going back to her side again before preceeding to walk. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm not red!" she pushed Garry gently, noticing his height. "Anyway, why is Garry so tall? And why am I too small?"

He stepped aside and chuckled again. "Because Garry is already 18 and Ib is only 9."

"So am I going to be higher than you someday?"

"I'm not sure, because guys are meant to be higher than girls." The young man pats the little girl's head.

"Someday, I'll be taller than you!" Ib stated with determination as a faint smile is seen on her face.

"But... It would be awkward in a relationship if the girl is taller." He explained, sweat rolling down from his forehead.

She tilts her head a bit, scratching it as a sign of confusion. "What are you trying to say?"

Garry shakes his head as he respond. "It's a misunderstanding. I mean... Ib wouldn't understand this because you're too young to understand relationships!" He gave a nervous smile at the girl, opening the café door for the both of them.

"Young..." The little girl stated, entering. "Garry always tell me that I'm young!"

"But aren't you indeed younger than I?" A sigh was heard from the lavender-haired. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah. I'm younger than you," She found a chair and immediately stepped at it. "But I'm taller than you!" She chuckled, struggling on balancing. The gal was about to fall but she managed to balance again. "Oh? And— No."

The male was about to catch Ib but he saw her manage to stand. "No what?" He asked the little girl whilst putting his hand on his coat.

"Why is your hair colored violet? Do your parents have the same eggplant-colored hair?" Ib queried and giggled. Her next action was jumping towards Garry, uttering "Catch me!"

"Becau— Ah!" He caught Ib, stepping a bit backward. He sweatdrops again, putting the girl down. "This isn't my natural hair color. Oh, I inherited the height from my father, by the way."

"Isn't your natural hair color? So what's your natural hair color? And, I'm not interested with your height..."

"My natural hair color is black."

"Black?" She tried to imagine Garry's appearance if he has a black hair. It resulted her to chuckle. "Anyway, where's my handkerchief?"

"It's right here." He shows the gal's handkerchief, but buries it in his pocket again after a second. "I'll give it to you once I've washed it."

"You know how to do laundry?"

"Yes, I can. Is there a problem?" He queried, pulling out a chair for the girl to sit on.

Ib sat down and asked, "What is your surname, Garry?"

"Ah, I haven't introduced myself properly, right?" The guy sits at the opposite side of the table. "My whole name is Garry Kurosawa! How about you?"

"Ib Yamamoto."

"Yamamoto, eh? It suits you!" He chuckled,resting his chin on his palm.

"Ib Kurosawa."

"...Excuse me?"

"Ib Kurosawa is better."

"What are you saying?" He chuckled again but in a nervous manner this time.

"Kurosawa fits me more. Nyan~ Ib Kurosawa and Garry Kurosawa."

"Ib, you can only use my surname if you're married to me..." He explained, maintaining the smile.

"Then will you marry me someday, so that I can use your surname?"

The smile faded as he gulp. He needs to be careful with his answer. With a soft voice, he whispered "I-Ib, I think that's not possible..."

The brunette looked down, uttering "Not possible? So I can't use Kurosawa as my surname..?" Suddenly, tears start to fall from the young girl's eyes.

"D-Don't cry!" He exclaimed, fluttering his hands. Customers are starting to look at the scene, making Garry more nervous. He takes a deep breath, wiping the little girl's eyes. "Shh. I'll marry you when you get older okay? And you'll be finally addressed as 'Mrs. Ib Kurosawa'. So don't cry, alright?" In a whispering manner he told the little girl.

"Is that a promise?" She stated, beaming faintly.

Garry nods with a grin, hoisting his palm. "Promise! But for now, you shouldn't think of that yet."

"But why?"

"You're too young."

"So when will you marry me?"

"I told you, you shouldn't think of that yet."

"Eh?" She pursed her lips, forming a pout.

"I don't know the exact date, okay? But I will I guess..."

Ib stood up, saying "Let's go."

"Huh?" He also did the action as he ask. "To where?"

"To your house."

"What? N-No, let's go somewhere else!"

"Let's go please~" She pleaded, tugging Garry's coat.

"Shouldn't you go with your parents instead?"

"I want to go there alone. Ne, I want to check your ho— your ro— Oh? I want to check something there. So let's go."

He sighs and nods, saying "Alright. But you should ask permission from your mom and dad first!"

"Ah, okay. I can get your phone." She slips her hand into the pocket of Garry's coat, getting his phone.

"Hey!" The young man tries to to grab the phone and actually made it. "I'll call them." He declared, dialing the number of Ib's mom. After a few rings, the woman finally answered the call. "Yes, hello? This is Garry. Okay... Wait what? Alright, alright. Goodbye." The call was dropped, a sigh exiting his mouth as he look at the little girl.

Ib looked up to him, asking "Now what? Did they let me?"

"Mama and Papa... are going somewhere so they'll leave you to me for a few hours." Garry explained, putting his phone back on his pocket.

"Only for a few hours?" She whispered, looking down. "Okay, let's go."

He grabs Ib's palm with a grin. "Let's go!" Despite of the smile he is showing, he's actually not willing to take the young girl to his house. He opens the door as they exit, dragging her to his apartment.

"Okay." The girl smiled, blushing softly.

After some few steps, they finally reached Garry's house.

"Here we are." He opens the door for Ib, revealing scattered art materials on the floor. "Welcome to my not-so-clean house!"

Ib entered the house and looked around. But then, she looked at Garry again, saying "I want to know what you typically do, so do whatever you want to do."

"Err..." He scratches his cheek, thinking what to say. "First, I need to do the laundry. But I guess I should take a bath first." Smelling himself, he released a chuckle. "What would you like to do while I'm busy doing those?"

"Watch you."

Garry stopped for a while. He chuckled nervously after a moment, beads of sweat dripping down his cheeks. "W-Would you like to eat cookies? Or macarons! You haven't tasted it yet, right?"


"...Okay what?"

"Go ahead and take a bath, but before that give me your coat."

"My coat? I'm going to wash it now. I mean, I'll put it in the washing machine & while it's turned on, I'll take a quick bath."

"Yes your coat. Hmm~ Take a bath now!" She giggled as she open his closet.

"Oi, don't open my closet!" The young man rushes to his wardrobe, closing it tightly. "I can't take a bath if you're acting like that."

"Okay as you're acting like my dad who doesn't want his things to be touched." The brunette stated, sitting at the edge of his bed.

Garry just frowned at the girl . His frown faded away after a second as he take his coat off, throwing it at Ib's head reluctantly. "Here."

She stood up and pushed Garry towards the bathroom and pushed him inside. "Bye!" The gal closed the door and go somewhere near the washing machine. "So now how am I going to wash this?" She thought.

The male goes directly at the bathroom, exclaiming "Hey! At least throw me a towel!"

"How will I? Where is it?" Ib sighed, looking for the item.

"It's somewhere near somewhere! Just look for it!"

"Found it!" She then placed the towel on the bathroom's door knob before going back to the washing machine. After putting the coat in the machine, she turned it on which made a loud noise. She also made sure that Garry's phone is with her.

Garry starts to wash himself when he realized that Ib already delivered the towel to him. "Well thanks?" He grinned a bit but it faded when he heard a strange noise. "Ib? What's going on there?" He exclaimed, hurriedly rinsing himself.

"Nothing! Don't mind it!" Ib answered, continuing what she is doing.

The older male opens the door slightly, grabbing the towel and wrapping it on his waist. Hurriedly, he runs towards Ib, not minding his raiment anymore. "Ib! What did you do?"

The young girl turns the machine off. "Done. Oh? Gar...ry." She simply stared at him, blinking twice.

Garry puts his hand on his waist, faking a frown. "The clothes aren't done yet. I told you to stay there and wait for me, right?"

"And, so you aren't wearing a shirt yet."

His eyes widen due to sudden realization. He covers the little girl's eyes with his hand in embarrassment. "I'm... sorry. Please don't look." The male commanded, rushing back to his room with crimson red cheeks.

She rubs her eyes and goes into a corner. After a while, the girl fell asleep.

Garry changes his clothes. A green shirt and jersey shorts. He exits the room, saying "Ib, I'm really sorry for— " His lone eye sees the sleepng girl, making him sigh. "How dare you sleep on me?" The young man knelt to carry Ib to his bed. "Ah, this kid..."

When Ib felt the presence of the man who's carrying her, her heart beats a bit faster than usual.

After entering his room, he puts her to his bed and covers her with his blanket. "She must be exhausted..." He uttered to himself, swiping the girl's bangs. Garry stared at her face but stood up after a while. "Oh!" He rushes outside upon realizing something.

Ib takes a peek at his room. "His bed is so comfty. Wait, where is Garry?" She whispers to herself, slowly sitting and standing up. The brunette took the blanket with her as she goes out of the room.

Outside, Garry can be seen in the kitchen. "Hey, Ib!" He called as he wave using his left hand, for his other hand is occupied with the frying pan. "Your parents haven't called me yet so... I'm making omelets for you. I know it's already 'dinner' but I thought you'd like some omelets?" The young man explained, chuckling nervously.

"You know how to cook?" The gal, a bit shocked asked. "And wait, o-omelets?" Her eyes sparkled in joy as she walks toward the table.

"Of course! I'm living here alone, so I had to learn how to cook." Garry switched the stove off, transferring the omelets to a clean plate. "Let's eat?" He then walks towards the dining table, placing the plate near Ib. Before sitting down, he takes the apron off, throwing it near the sink.

She sat down, getting a small piece of omelet, tasting it. "This actually tastes good. You can now marry me~"


"Nevermind~" She stated, pouting as she wraps herself with the blanket.

"Ib, put that blanket away. We're going to eat."

Ib simply shook her head. "I don't want."

He snorts saying, "Sure. just make sure to not stain it with anything." The lavender-haired finally takes a small piece of his omelet. "Still, I don't have plans on getting married yet."

"But you have plans to marry me, right?"

"...We shouldn't talk about that, Ib."


"Because... we shouldn't talk about that."

Her eyes were narrowed as she looks at him. Quickly, she stood up and tripped, making her fall.

"Oi!" He called, immediately going near the girl. "Hey, are you alright?" Garry queried, helping the girl.

She didn't respond, in any case she rolled.

"What are you doing? I just washed that blanket... C'mon, stand up."

She continued rolling, not listening to the man. "I can't~"

"Why not? Are you hurt?"

"I can't move nor stand."

The male hoists the girl's body to make her stand. "There."

She managed to stand, yet she fell down again. "Ouch." She impassively uttered.

He sighs, unwrapping the blanket from the girl.

"Thank you!" She said, bowing.

He then stands up, chuckling. "Why so formal? And may I know if you're already done with your food?"

"Yes. Can I take some home?"

"Sure..? I'll get some container." A grin was seen in the man's face as he go towards a nearby cupboard to get the said thing. "Anyway, you should go home already. It's getting late."

"Did my parents called you? Did they told you to bring me home?"

"Not yet." He answered briefly, transferring the omelet to the container. "But a young lady like you shouldn't stay in someone else's house this late." Giving the container to Ib, he smiled.

"But why?" She queried, getting the container. "Ah, thank you~"

"Because a young lady like you shoudn't stay in someone else's house this late. Now, let's go." Garry said, going straight to the door.

"Eh? But I don't want to go home yet."

"You need to go home already. Ib don't be a hard-headed child and obey me."

"Let me stay here for an hour again. Just please, I don't want to go home. I want to stay with Garry a bit longer."

"Ib." He called, walking towards the little girl. The young man kneels down in front of her, sighing. "I'll ask your parents next time if you could stay here longer. But for now, you need to head back home. Understood?"

"Okay then I'll go home." The brunette stated, walking towards the door. She went outside, carrying the container with her.

He releases a sigh of relief, tapping his shorts. "Ib's parents must have—"

His phone isn't there.

"Where's my phone?"

NOTE: The surnames of the two characters were not their real surname we (the writers) just randomly picked and used those as their surname. Kouri-sama didn't mention any surname so yes.

Thanks for reading. Next chapter will be published soon. ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ