Stas: Alright guys I know what you're going to say. Just don't say it! I've been busy with college and I've lost interest in certain things but it will all come back to me... eventually. I've been on a Marvel and DC kick lately. Man I've been craving to put this story up for MONTHS, but I said NO, not until I have a few chapters to work with. I have 4 chapters of it complete and there was no way I was going to post one at a time. I am not amazing like some authors on here with such dedication. Pfft I see a butterfly out of nowhere and I lose interest! Also if you're wondering, NO Damian will not be in this fanfic, unless I cave in but for now, I'm working with plenty of characters and I do have an idea behind my madness, but it won't show up until Chapter 5... which I am steadily working on. Check out my favorite authors. I was inspired by them and of course comics. I don't want to list them all but if something sounds familiar in here, give those amazing authors that credit, not me. i'm just in my own little world.

I'm a fan of Timmy on here to the extreme. He reminds me of me so much its sickening. Even though I'm a woman, I am crazy with technology, and am one of the few athletic people in my group of friends. I can see my biceps! Yay!

I own NOTHING, unless you count the computer I'm typing this on :D

I haven't re-edited this chapter, so it probably starts off a bit shaky, bear with me on that I have been juggling schoolwork on the side, so if it sounds more like documentation instead of a story, feel free to hurl explosives at me.

As for all you nitpick people out there (if any), this is AU and I have read the older comics as well as the New 52. I prefer the older ones, but I think what I hate most is how the New 52 turned Starfire so sleazy, INCLUDING her personality. It's disturbing! They did that to other girl character too, bunch of pigs. Sorry had to rant.

Enjoy, or flame for your life!

Dick: 19

Jason: 15

Timmy: 9

Chapter 1

The Boy was being cast into a deep sleep, the autumn chill lingering over his body. His breath was shone in the crisp cold, his hearts weak pulse lulling him to sleep until a vociferous cough would jolt him back awake. He had dark circles under his eyes, shaded over by his dark bangs. There was no memory of who he was, no other thoughts except that he was alone. The child seemed to be alone for so long... too long... He could only remember waking up along the streets of who

knows where. His one arm was hugging his freezing frame, locking in what warmth he could with the thin jacket he had on. Once clean jeans were now torn and worn, leaving pale thin legs exposed to the bitter cold. It looked like there was scorches from the fabric being burned brutally. Only torn and dirty socks covered his tiny feet as he tried with little luck to keep them from freezing in the chilly snow. For some reason his left arm was hurting him. It was hanging limp by his side. Heheld in his pain the best he could.

From what he could remember, the sun has set and rose roughly set twice, how many days was that? About 2 or maybe 3 days. His mind had clouded over too much for him to process it. The boy was too tired to move, too tired to care, as his sleepy eyes began to close. The drowsiness was so overpowering, making it more difficult for his mind to focus. He tried hastily with what energy he had, to stifle his coughs, but it caused him to only choke more. Feeling faint, his head lightly fell back against the wall. He had hurt it earlier from something but he couldn't remember. Blood was on the back of his hand from holding his open head wound before pulling his hood over himself, covering the sting from the cold.

Where was he? How did he end up here? The boy assumed he had a home, parents, or a guardian even, but his mind was fogged over, preventing him from recalling.

"Is someone there?" a voice called out, getting the boys attention a little as he struggled lifting his head up a little. Footsteps echoed through the ally, coming closer to the corner where the child was huddled helplessly. 'Sleep, they won't see you, just sleep,' the boy silently insisted to himself as he went limp against the wall, his eyes fluttered closed from under his hood.

Dick had almost given up hope of finding his little brother. Everyone else insisted little Timmy had died in the fire three days ago, but Dick didn't believe it. Okay, so he wasn't his blood related brother, but he was still very close and much like a sibling to Dick.

Dick was adopted by the richest man in the city, Bruce Wayne. Bruce was also certain Timmy was still out there. It just seemed too suspicious that there was never another body recovered. Bruce was going to adopt Tim as well. Tim's parents were having it rough and they had asked Bruce earlier that year to care for their son, whom they knew was being neglected by them as parents due to their work spent over seas. He got along well with the Drakes and they really wanted their son to have the best. So Timmy had moved to the Wayne manor and was there for almost a year. Timmy spent his days with Dick mostly, and they both had endless adventures together in the mansion.

Before the papers went thru for the final adopting, a fire spread throughout the Drakes house, and Timmy was visiting his parents that day. By the time the fire-department arrived, it was too late and there was nothing left to the house. Only two bodies were recovered.

11 miles away from where the fire took place, Dick was coming back from his later patrol, as well as searching for his brother. He was just having that instinctive gut feeling that something was not only very wrong, but that there was also that fluttery feeling in his chest that he couldn't brush away. It was a sense of hope he felt, and hearing that familiar cough not too far away made goosebumps appear rapidly on Dick's arms even though he felt completely fine earlier in his warm jacket.

"Is someone there?" he called out, almost in a desperate tone as he headed on towards the sound. Dick nearly tripped on a small figure just around the corner. Catching his breath, Dick's bright blue eyes widened as he saw the familiar blue hoodie. He went down on his knees and pulled the hood gently off the boys head. Timmy. He was fast asleep. Damn, he looked horrible. There was dry blood on the back of Tim's head, clotted over and bruised. But he was still alive, perhaps barely... but how? This was Gotham after all, surely someone would have saw or recognized him as Tim Drake, his parents were almost as wealthy as Bruce. Feeling Tim's forehead gently with the back of his hand, it was burning up as he pulled his hand back hastily, taking his own jacket off and wrapping the boy's limp figure in it. Tim let out a faint groan.

"Timmy? Tim!" Dick lightly shook the boy, but was getting no response. He was still breathing, but Dick was getting a weak pulse. It was too faint. After letting go of Timmy's wrist, Dick scooped him carefully in his arms. He wasn't as heavy as he used to be, only adding to his worry, as he struggled to dial the manors number with his free hand on his cellphone.

A warmth like no other gently lapped around Timmy. He felt like he was floating, but that sleepy, exhausting feeling was still with him as his eyes cracked open a little. His head was throbbing painfully. Numb, that's all he seemed to be experiencing everywhere else, aside from the vague warmth surrounding him.

"Tim?! Oh thank gawd!" Dick sighed heavily as he hugged little Timmy closer. As Tim's eyes adjusted, they focused on a young man looking down at him. His vibrantly stunning blue eyes were full of so much worry, and was it relief? "We're almost there, just hang on a bit longer," coaxed the older boy as he kept Tim close against his chest, lightly stroking his bangs. They were in a car of some kind. The words Tim couldn't seem to process coming from the other boy, but for once he felt safe.

The heat was so inviting. He felt a chill run down his spine as a cool hand pressed against his flushed forehead, but relaxed as his eyes fogged over more. "He's burning up, Alfred," Dick said quietly as he could tell Tim was going to either fall asleep or faint at any moment. "Timmy, stay awake, please," Dick practically begged as he had Timmy look up into his eyes. A weak, forced voice broke the stillness as Tim's head tilted a little, his eyes still hazy as he repeatedly blinked, his eyes becoming more difficult to keep open..

"Who... who are, you?" Timmy asked drowsily in his weak quiet voice, barely a whisper from his light blue lips as his breathing slowed more while Dick held him and lightly pat his head.

"I'm a friend Timmy, we'll take care of you," promised Dick gently. He didn't know how else to react at the boys state of confusion, so the best thing he could do was be there for him. Tim's eyelids began to droop more as the image of the other boy began to fizz out. He could feel his body going slack. The sounds around him becoming more distant.

"Okay, sir," Timmy slurred weakly as his body seemed to flop forward, his eyes almost completely closed. It surely had to be time for bed. He felt like he hadn't slept in days. Perhaps he didn't.

"Timmy?! No no, you can't fall asleep!" Dick insisted as he sat Tim up more in his lap, keeping his freehand on Tim's forehead to cool him. He still had his own coat shrouded on the boy, keeping him as warm as he could.

"We're almost there, Master Richard," came a smooth sounding voice that seemed to rouse Tim a little. It sounded a little familiar, but the boy couldn't process who the other voice belonged to either. He began to feel really lightheaded, his head slumping him forward more as his eyes seemed to roll into the back of his head.

"Timmy!" panicked Dick as he gathered the boy in his arms lifting him up like the child he was. He wanted to cry right then and there. Tim's body was much too exhausted to be able to handle being so ill. Who knows when the last time was he ate or even slept. It was a miracle in itself that he was alive in his arms after being missing in a chaotic city. Dick was more worried at how blue Tim's lips were looking. He tried to keep Timmy conscious, but the boy was fading too fast, the warmth of his body aside from the fever seeping out of him, leaving him colder. "Please Timmy, please!" Dick pleaded as he hugged the small boy closer, up to his chest, ruffling his hair. Before Tim lost consciousness, he let out a content sigh, almost thinking to himself.


Is that... my name?

Sorry, it popped into my head! So far behind on other stories including a book I'm writing! No OC's included in this one, so, yay?! Also, Jason will be in it later, but I didn't want to throw too much at you. Also I apologize for my layout. I am working with OpenOffice but when i get to school I will redo it so its easier to read. I prefer double spacing so if the formatting threw you off I'm sorry about that! My eyes are aching from reading it like that too.