Two of a Kind


The small pond was frozen completely due to the last stormy winter. Small powder of snow landed on the frozen liquid and underneath a body trapped within the ice. Suddenly visible cracks snaked across the pond followed by many more. The person sat up and inhaled his first constricted breath as he looked at the mess of cracked ice chunks he had made. Surprised that he was in such a cold and horrendous position he stood up on his frost covered feet. The emerged figure was a male teen with sparkling flourescent dark blue eyes and silver-white hair. He pulled out the wooden staff which was beautifully crafted with ancient marks. Balancing the somehow familiar object in his hand he flinched when frost covered the place where his staff touched. Amazed by his new found power he sketched a rough swirl of frost as he balanced and skated across the frozen pond. Unnoticed by him the moon was watching the male teen who tested the air thermals before leaping into the air currents. His name was Jack Frost...






This is it.

Today is the day when the curtains open and the gates reveal the long yearned sunlight that everyone had waited for. Well except for her.

Staring at her reflection the maiden breathed deeply and opened the window for the first time. "Open the gate!" The guards obeyed and the large grand gate of the Arendell castle opened. The townspeople flooded inside admiring every inch of everything before their eager eyes. Clattering noises and stumbling noises followed by apologies could be only made by her clumsy and naive little sister Princess Anna. The brand new Queen turned around and stared coldly at the icicles hanging from the ceiling. Her room had snowy patterns of ice and sharp shards of shattered ice littered on the floor. Nothing in the room was warm or even pleasant. A small bed was tucked roughly to the left side of the room also half-frozen like the other objects in the room. She was forever trapped in her prison and restricted from even wondering the castle halls. in her room she stayed curling up into a tight ball as the dark thoughts whizzed passed by her head. But today it was all going to end.

All hail queen Elsa of Arendelle.