"I thought you said you would leave me alone," there came a couple of blinks from the hedgehog as he slowly became accustomed to the darkness. He was laying on the couch in the main living space having fallen asleep after Tails left to venture into the labs to see what could be scavenged. Though Silver wasn't sure what time it was he could tell that everyone was either asleep or still looking through the labs due to the silence and the now dimmed lights. Now having been shaken from his slumber and golden eyes opening to reveal Shadow kneeling by the couch Silver's mood had dropped rather considerably. It was in that moment that he contemplated on turning around to face the cushions and attempt to go back to sleep or at least feign such.

"I have more questions," Shadow replied plainly. It was almost painfully obvious he was letting on more than what he would say but still Silver was still quite upset over what had transpired a couple of hours ago.

Silver's eyes narrowed in turn with a grimace appearing upon his lips. "Where is everyone else?" Slowly the hedgehog began to sit up from his laying position and gave a stretch.

"Deeper in the labs," the black hedgehog stood up from his kneeling position not considering in taking a seat besides Silver. "Let's talk someplace else, somewhere more private." He moved away from Silver which in turn earned Shadow a rather curious look from the younger one. Brow became raised and cautiously the hedgehog got up from the couch looking round the place as if he had gone to a place unknown to him with the nap he had taken.

There was a turn of his wrists as he looked at Shadow who was now moving towards the door to the outside. "Why? I really doubt that the others would care about what you want to ask me if they walk in." He stayed planted near the couch as the door slid open to the hallway and there came a glance from the elder hedgehog.

"Because these questions are between me and you." Heart began to race in Silver's chest. The hand upon his cuff grew greater and it seemed that he was about to cut off the circulation to his hand. Nervousness was setting in the child but he played it off as if nothing happened and began to move towards Shadow following him. Mind raced to try and figure out what such questions the hedgehog wanted him to answer, many of which were idiotic questions that Silver doubted Shadow wanted to even know about. Part of him figured that they were questions about amnesia or these were questions about what became of Shadow in the future, nonetheless there was still that slight bit of panic concerning Silver's origins. Did he know?

Regardless Silver followed closely by Shadow. When they had gotten to the cliff the child offered to float him up to the surface but the other declined and opted to jump up there by himself. It impressed Silver to no end that Shadow had such strength but it was expected considering that Shadow was built for such actions. They ventured deeper into the snow before Shadow began to finally talk at last. "You mentioned to Amy that there was a city here."

Ears perked at the sudden question and Silver's mind was pulled away from his previous thoughts. "Huh? Yeah there is. One of the entrances should be around here but I don't think they would let us in anyway." Silver moved towards one of the cliffs that was by the side of them and placed his hand upon it. "I could try to warp us on one of the buildings since it shouldn't be that far from where we're standing."

There was a huff from Shadow and Silver wasn't quite sure if it was a snort or a laugh. "No, it's fine." There was a pause as he looked from Silver towards the landscape around them. The younger hedgehog looked at Shadow expecting questions but instead the hedgehog began to walk again to which Silver made a slight jog to catch up with him.

It was only after a couple more minutes of walking that Silver broke the ice. He came to a slow stop and placed a hand upon his hipped almost annoyed. "What did you want to ask me? I think we're far enough away from them so no one can hear us." Shadow in turn slowly stopped also, he didn't even bother to turn to look at the younger child.

"How much have I told you?"

Truthfully, the question confused Silver. Narrowed eyes and a tip of his head as mind searched for the meaning of what Shadow had asked. It took him a couple of seconds for the revelation to dawn on Silver. Shadow had been asking about Silver's future endeavours, he knew that Silver had met Shadow in the future and that they had discussed things that this present Shadow couldn't share so easily. The minute pause felt to have lasted an hour and Silver began to shake as his mouth became parch.

"Enough," was his response as eyes fell downward to the snowy earth. "The ARK, Black Arms." There was another pause as his voice became lower, "Maria." Shadow had now turned round to face Silver full on. Expression had not changed however within his eyes questions still burned deep within.

"I see," it was apparent that Shadow wasn't so interested in learning of what Silver knew of him. He stared at Silver for a time as the younger hedgehog obviously had something he wanted to say. Mouth was open just enough for the words to barely fall out and Shadow gave Silver a look. "Out with it!" he commanded but Silver shook his head in turn.

"No, it's nothing. Nothing you need to know." He turned one of his cuffs and slowly wrapped that hand round his arm. Nails began to dig into his skin. Nervousness set in. "I'm guessing this isn't all you want to know," he gestured towards nothing finally letting go of his arm. Shoulders began to feel heavy with his lies.

A small huff. "You're right, what I want to know is more delicate." Red eyes looked to behind Silver and the hedgehog soon became confused. Golden ones turned to stare behind him as Shadow began once more, "You can come out Tails, I'm done with my questions." Furrowed brows as the fox slowly made his way out from behind the snow covered rock donning a scarf and mittens.

"Tails? What are you doing here?" Silver turned towards Shadow, "How did you know he was here?"

"I invited him," Shadow replied giving a small nod at Tails. An even more confused look came upon the hedgehog. "There are memories we keep having that we know never happened."

"This seems really fishy to me," was his cautious reply. "Why keep this from the others?" it was a question directed more or less at Tails.

"I wanted to ask you them in front of everyone but these memories are a little too private for us to discuss in public." Tails looked down at the snowy floor as if ashamed of keeping secrets from Sonic. "And I don't really want Sonic to know about them."

There was a long drawn out breath as Silver looked between Tails and Shadow. He trusted the two of them, however he felt this was all too sudden for his liking. "Alright," he spoke carefully. "I'll try to answer the best of my ability. I'm not an expert on it but you guys are really are making me curious as to what these memories are. Tails?"

A pause before Tails began, it was obvious the child was steeling himself for what he was about to talk about. "I first had those memories when we got captured by that giant leech. I told Sonic that I had a dream I was drowning but that wasn't true." He shook his head feeling guilty, "In reality I had a dream that felt like a vision of the past. You were trying to kill Sonic, you were about to impale him." Silver suddenly began to look pale, dark skin took a turn to look more white than ever. He gulped, "I know you tried to kill him before but it wasn't the same. You were just trying to get rid of us, drive us away. This time you really looked as if you were trying to kill him." The fox glanced towards Shadow who kept his blank stare though behind those eyes he could see his own memories beginning to fester.

A second pause before Silver gathered the courage to speak. "Do you know why I was trying to kill him?" he already knew the answer.

"Something about him ruining the future," Tails replied carefully. A small scoff came from Silver as if his fears were confirmed. "What is it?"

"Nothing, at least not yet. I just need to think that over for a bit." Golden eyes turned to stare at the icy cliff for a second before Silver turned towards Shadow. "You?"

A shake of the head was given in reply at first, "The same as Tails. Only I saved Sonic from you choking him to death. We fought, you almost killed me, but the memory stops short after I induce a chaos control." It was like Shadow to keep things so plain and simple, it almost spooked other two by how plain the explanation was.

"More detail would help," the child spoke waving his hand in a motion for the other to go on.

Shadow sighed a deep sigh as he stared elsewhere as if he himself were trying to repress these visions. "You called me Mephiles, I don't know if that means anything to you but it does to me." Silver looked bitter at the name Mephiles being spoken, it was almost as if he took a sip of rotten beer. "Know what that is?"

"Yes," came a sigh then a pause. "Fuck!" Hands placed themselves upon his forehead as he began to curse at nothing. The hedgehog had tried so hard to bury this part of the past and with so many accusations it was impossible to hide it any longer. Secrets could not be kept any longer with such visions being presented to him, still Silver was quite surprised no one else felt the same as the three. Part of him was thankful but another thought that the others were trying their hardest to repress it.

"Are you ok?" Tails asked walking up to Silver putting a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine." It was a lie and they all knew it still they kept silent as Silver went on to explain his fear. Lowering his hands he gave a deep inhale and began his story. "The visions you explained to me- they're not just visions. Those are memories of a time that was destroyed. You all lived through it, I was born into it." It was hard to reveal so many things about himself so suddenly but this was something he needed. Still he could not help but feel sick to his stomach at the truth behind it all. "When the timeline was destroyed your memories and existence ceased to exist, I escaped from it somehow. What you're seeing are just memories of that time. I don't know why they're manifesting but it might be because of time travel. Though those memories were suppose to be destroyed they still live on the waves of time. They could have just found you when travelling from past to present."

The hedgehog shook his head with a heavy burden, ears shifting as Shadow took in a deep breath taking it all in. "And what about memories we lost that are coming back to us not related to that incident?"

"They too would return. Memories don't die, they pool together until someone takes a sip." Silver took his hand to press his quills down and gave a drawn out sigh.

"That sip is time travelling, right?" Tails continued Silver's thought. He was interested in the mechanism of time and yet he could hear the fear beginning to settle in the child's stomach. The most terrifying of things had not even happened yet, what the two thought was enough was the mere beginning of time travel. "What about the amnesia?"

"Time is vengeful. It takes and gives what it wants. Sometimes you're lucky and it takes nothing, other times it wants everything you own." Silver's voice is bitter. The taste on his tongue tastes like oil and the cold he had become so accustomed to makes him shiver. Time had taken everything away from him and practically owned his entire life. Twas a topic that he kept mostly to himself yet it seemed he could not avoid such prying questions. Depression began to crawl up his spine but he did his best to keep his feelings under check. Pain grabbed his heart and began to pluck at the strings. "We should get back, we've been out here for awhile and the others might be looking for us." Without waiting for confirmation Silver turned to leave. He was fleeing from his feelings, from loneliness and despair. No one made a move to stop him except Tails who merely lifted his hand up to halt the moving hedgehog but lowered it at Shadow's shake of his head.

Once Silver was out of hearing range Tails gave a sigh then looked at Shadow. "It sounds terrible."

"Do you think he's telling the truth?" Shadow asked almost in a whispered grunt. Arms had now since crossed over his chest and gaze we left to look at the now fading hedgehog.

"Of course he is, I don't think anyone would make that sort of stuff up." Tails reply was almost like a snap. Brows furrowing just slightly to give Shadow an annoyed look. "Besides, didn't you hear his voice? It almost sounded-"

"Lost. I know." Shadow finished Tails' sentence. Face twisted slightly to give a melancholic look. The voice he knew was akin to the voice he had after being untangled from the Dark Arms. The vacant feeling of being lost and not knowing where to go, for having been owned for so long and let go to do as one pleased. It was an odd fluster of emotions that couldn't be well described as all of them contradicted each other yet still had their own presence within one's self. Shadow still felt them at times, they were terrible and struck at him without any prior feeling. Those times were dreaded and it made him feel hollow. "I know how he feels." Before long Shadow unfolded his arms and began to walk back towards their 'house'. He had contemplated before after asking Silver all the questions he needed to return back and travel the realm to find the chaos emeralds himself yet now with all his queries answered he wasn't so sure. Though he worked terribly in groups he couldn't stop himself but feel pity for Silver and for the situation he had gotten themselves into. Damn himself for these retched thoughts, but the least he could do was help; or at least leave the emerald he had found to them.

Tomorrow he would make his decision, but for now he would listen to their next course of action.