"You leavin' already?"

Silver drew in a deep breath as he looked behind him seeing Sonic. There came a smile from the white hedgehog as he took the other. The seven chaos emeralds laid upon the floor around him and Eggman was sitting there grumbling at the destroyed machine that had been dispatched by Silver, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. The silver furred teen stretched his arms in the air, glad that the crisis that would have had the potential to fling his future into rot was taken care of.

"Yeah, I should get home. I have to make sure that everything is ok." The albino looked down at the remains of Eggman's giant mech, sparks were flying out from broken wires and the like. The hedgehog looked back at Sonic, seeing that a few of his friends were beginning to pick up the remaining chaos emeralds that had been left upon the ground. "It was nice seeing you guys again, but I guess I should get going." Silver took a few awkward steps back, taking out a gem of his own, something completely different than a Chaos Emerald. It looked like a moonstone, however, instead of it looking white or blue, it looked like lava itself had been captured within the glass. It took form in the shape of a toothpick, it fit in Silver's hand perfectly.

Silver closed his eyes, focusing on the stone within his hands. Eventually it started to float, spinning at a slow and steady speed. At the same moment the chaos emeralds that have been on the ground or being held by the others slowly began to lift from the ground. They began to circle around Silver, much to his own confusion, however it was dully ignored as his focus came to being returned home to his rightful point in time. Be this was accidental, a few of the people surrounding him were shouting the words stop. Yet, to Silver's, he thought that they were all shouting at something else entirely. The emeralds also began to shift around Silver, like a clockwork, and although Sonic attempted to snatch one or two of them out of this clock, it rejected him by sending a current through him as if a force field were preventing him from grabbing one.

"Silver!" shouted someone. It was this that Silver's eyes opened slightly, seeing that the Chaos Emeralds have made him the center of this clock. A look of dread was on everyone's faces, and before Silver could stop himself, there was a brilliant flash of white, then nothing.

Silver came to, snow was falling lightly upon his face. Lightly, he pressed his palm against his forehead and he felt as if something was pounding against his skull. Some deal amount of snow had fallen on him, covering parts of his body with whiteness (yet it didn't look that much had changed since the whole of body was grey-white). Slowly, Silver sat upright, shaking some snow off of him. Casually he sniffed the air, and the welcoming smell of his home flooded him, however it was only slightly different.

"Finally, you're awake. I was just about ready to leave ya there," came a familiar voice. The hedgehog's ears perked up, and then he turned to see a shivering Sonic and Tails. "Mind if you tell us where we're at?" A look of dread covered Silver's face as if his heart had stopped beating. It felt as if his stomach was in his throat and his heart was at the very bottom of the Earth itself as he looked at the two people that stood there freezing. "Hey, you frozen stiff there?" Sonic bent over and poked the poor young hedgehog's forehead.

Silver shook his head, slapping the prodding hand away from him. "N-No, I..." The words couldn't come out of his mouth and it almost sounded as if they were slurring. "You're in the future." He set those words on the table heavily and one might have heard a needle drop from the ARK when he said that. They looked at him in disbelief first, then they began to think. Tails seemed to have a look of concern whilst Sonic tried to keep a cool collected face, seemingly uncaring for what Silver just said to him.

Tails was the first to speak, "So we're in the future?" Silver nodded as the fox tried to wrap this around his head.

Before Silver could open his mouth to explain the situation in detail, Sonic spoke, "Can't you just transport us back?"

The albino shook his head. "Time travel isn't that easy. The timestone I use to get around the place can only transport one person at a time and I'm too inexperienced with my powers to actually shift through time without that help." Silver played around with his thumbs, giving a sigh. "We need to get the chaos emeralds and the timestone."

"Well, I guess we can talk about it later." The blue blur shrugged, "Can we just get out of this snow? My quills are going to freeze off."

Silver nodded his head, getting up from the snow, shaking off whatever was on him. He motioned them to follow, "This way. Luckily we were transported near my home- well, if its even still there." Perhaps it might have seemed odd at first that Silver lived somewhere as this place, however it was understandable. As he was not affected by time, it was best to live out of the way as possible in case anything should happen in the past that affected his present. It made his life easier, be it a bit lonely. It was just something he got use to, besides, the snow was lovely out here.

"You live out here in the middle of no where? Jeez, I thought you would live in some huge palace or something." Perhaps a big huge palace was something Silver deserved after all that he had done for his time, but it didn't matter much to him. He was content.

A small laughter escaped him however. "Maybe, but this is my home. Anyway one of the largest cities on the planet is not too far from my home, so it's not that bad." Undoubtedly, this made Sonic and Tails even more confused. One of the largest cities? Then wouldn't there be more houses lying about, or even large structures? All that surrounded them was icy cliffs towering over them, and even more steep ledges spiraling downward into the earth. It, somehow, amused Silver to see everyone's confused faces. Perhaps it be later that he would show them, but now it was to get to warmth. Besides, he wasn't too sure that such structures even existed anymore seeing that Sonic and Tails were here, and probably many more of his friends. The future (or rather present) would change to that. "Here."

They came to a crack in the floor. It broke apart in a V shape way, on the opposite cliff, 10 meters down, was a small metallic door. Near the door was a flat ledge, perfect for a group of people to stand. "When I said you lived in the middle of nowhere I didn't think it was really in the middle of nowhere," Sonic commented. Silver merely rolled his eyes. Without warning, Silver used his powers to pick Sonic up and make him float over to the ledge, letting him land, not so gracefully, on his rump.

"Was that necessary?" Tails whispered.

"No, but he kinda deserved it." The fox pup silently agreed. Together, Tails and Silver flew down at the ledge. Sonic, whom as rubbing his sore spot shot a not-so-dirty look at Silver who was facing the door now. The metallic door was in a triangle. It had no hinges nor did it have a knob. In the middle of the door was a triangular light which lightly shown red. Two dirty grey glass panels lied on each side of the metallic door. Tails was inspecting the oddly shaped door when suddenly the light turned green. The door then proceeded to split in two, however the left side didn't open all the way and stopped a quarter way due to the ice that had frozen it.

The time traveler was actually shocked to see that this structure was still standing as the future had been altered yet again since Sonic and his friends were here, then again, this abandoned place had always been here even after the numerous changes Silver made in the past, which was one of the reasons why he always stayed here. For now, Silver would worry about that issue later. The group all entered the structure, coming into a long narrow hallway. Snow covered a small bit of it near the doorway that they had entered through. The hallway was also made of metal, and it went on for a few meters until it came to another door. It looked the same as the last door, however there was no light flashing at all, it was just grey and dead.

The white hedgehog made an annoyed look. "The power's out," he thought to himself. "I'll have to fix it later." Giving a sigh, Silver looked at Sonic. "Can you help me open this?" asked he. Sonic nodded and rushed toward the door.

His hands dragged across the flat surface, finding no friction on it at all. "Hey if I'm gonna help open this I need something to grab onto!" The blue hedgehog smirked at the white one and the white one frowned at the other. "Try to get it a little open with your powers then you pull the left side and I'll pull the right. Try not to smash my fingers." At this Silver agreed. Using his powers he forced the two panels apart, making the metal give an unpleasant noise. After there was enough room for Sonic to grab onto, he too tried to shove the door back, and eventually Tails went and helped, meanwhile Silver shoved the other panel back. After about a minute the panels fell into place. Sonic made a low whistle, peering into the room that they had just opened. It was dark with just a small bit of light shining into the room due to the emergency lighting. "Nice place you got there, Silv."

The white hedgehog rubbed the back of his head, almost embarrassed. "It's pretty old, but it will keep us sheltered from the storms. Let me turn on the power, I'll be back in a few minutes. Make yourself at home I guess." As Silver ran off somewhere in the back of the seemingly abandoned house, Sonic silently looked about the place while Tails gawked at the technology. The room had a small couch, a desk, and a few other knacks. There was a table in front of the couch, it was large and rectangular, having a light blue top to it. It didn't look like it was something for dining. On the walls was nothing but a screen or two. Shoved in the corner were boxes filled with junk, however Tails found himself looking through the boxes, finding it all so amazing. The place looked as if it hadn't been touched for hundreds of years, which that probably was the case. In some areas rust was crawling all over the place, snow was in certain areas, and although they were out of the 'heat' of the environment the place was still freezing. After a minute or so, the lights suddenly flashed on and the door that the group had entered through slipped shut. Silver soon returned from the journey, carrying an empty glass box which he threw into the boxes of junk. Sonic was found lying across the couch, to which Silver wasn't pleased at. "H-Hey! Feet off the couch."

Sonic gave a look at Silver, rolled his eyes, then set his feet onto the floor. "So about being in the future and all. As much as I would like to stay, I've got some stuff to handle back at home." Silver's ears drooped slightly, feeling guilty. Tails made his way to the front of the couch and sat down, holding a piece of metal that he grabbed from the box.

"Like I said, I can't send you home without the chaos emeralds and the time stone."

"Can't we just use the chaos emeralds in this timeline to go home, and aren't there other time stones?" Tails asked.

Silver shook his head and gave a sigh, "There are two possible outcomes of the transportation. One is that I transported both the chaos emeralds and the time stone with us and they're thrown haphazardly across the land or they were left in the past and they're now with whoever they're with. So yes, I can, if the latter applies but there's a possibility that those chaos emeralds would transport back into the past and then you would have duplicate chaps emeralds which would make everything become unstable mess everything up. Just having you all here in the present is creating issues!"

"You mean having us here in the future is creating issues..." Sonic commented. Silver looked at Sonic with a piercing gaze. Before Silver had time to speak, the television turned on its own. It gave everyone in the room a small scare, and they all turned to look at it. Flat on the screen was none other than Eggman. "I guess we're not the only ones who joined the party."

Silver stood still, watching as how Eggman managed to take control of the television systems. He looked toward Sonic, "How long was I passed out?" Sonic shrugged.

"I found Sonic first, and I was wandering around for maybe an hour. We found you maybe 30 minutes later. We could have been out for a day at least," Tails answered. Silver frowned, obviously angry at himself for making this mess. They all looked at the screen, waiting for Eggman to make his big announcement.

It was nothing too out of the ordinary for Eggman at least. The talk of world domination and the like. Sonic didn't look all too concerned for the talk that Eggman was giving since it was all just talk to him. Meanwhile with Silver, there was an actual look of concern. Fear was hiding beneath his breath, not only fear, but also shame. "If I had been more careful..." he thought over and over to himself.

Silver followed close attention at the video, more than anything, of course Eggman made no hint for attacking anyone, it was merely just a airing of how great and powerful he was and how he would take over the world. To be fair, Silver doubted that since it was that the past's technology was barely even up to par with the present's technology. In fact, the first time Silver had come to the past he found the technology was so inoperable compared to the future that he merely scoffed at the idea of ever using something as old as that. When the airing ended, the television shut off, the light faded away and all that was left was the metal upon the wall that created the image of light. Silence ensued.

"I guess it's only a matter of time before Eggman actually strikes," said Sonic nonchalantly.

Angrily, Silver turned to the blue hedgehog. "You act so calm about this situation! Do you know what this could do to my home? It could destroy it! Even if I send you all back it would still alter my time for the better or for worst!" The time traveler clenched his fists, absolutely fuming with anger. "Not only do I have to worry about Nega, but I also have to worry about Eggman destroying everything! What's worst is that if they band together my problems will increase ten fold!" Sonic didn't say anything, his eyes were closed, the smile had long faded away and turned into a small frown. "I would appreciate it if you cared, or at least helped! But if you won't then you can leave! I'm not going to baby someone who won't help me save my home, let alone their own home!" With a scowl, Silver was about to stomp out but before that Sonic's eyes opened.

The two stared at each other. Silver seemingly ready to crush Sonic into the ground with his powers, while Sonic looked at Silver almost as if nothing had happened. "You don't have to get all angry. I want to get home as much as you want to kick me out of this house right now. I just see no issue worrying about everything now when you don't even know what exactly happened." Sonic shrugged, "Besides, it's not my fault that we're in this mess." Silver mentally flinched. He had a point. It wasn't Sonic's fault, it was his own fault that this had happened (be that it was mostly his fault or not). Sonic did manage to calm Silver down, be as it was a little bit.

Eyes looked off to the side, to something that was seemingly much more interesting. "I guess you're right..." Silver whispered, "I'm sorry this is just happening so fast." There was a pause, Tails started to get up from the floor, abandoning the piece of metal that he had been holding. "I'm just scared," came a even smaller whisper.

Sonic gave a smile, waving a finger in front of him. "Just smile. Keep your head up high, and run." The words he said felt awfully familiar, like a sort of dejavu. Silver looked from the wall and back to Sonic. There was some confusion on his face, but after awhile, Silver nodded, a smile brimming his face eventually. He turned away from Sonic and to the table.

"I guess we can call it a night for now. Tomorrow I need to head to the city for supplies (if there even is a city here now), you all can come with, in case anything should turn up." Lightly, Silver placed his hands on the table. It emitted an ominous glow. Tails perked up from this, hurrying over to the table, and Sonic's curiosity was also somehow perked. They all looked at the contraption, finding it all so incredible.

"What is this?" Tails asked.

"It's a hologram table." A light grid eventually appeared from the top, and soon rising from it came a map of the entirety of the building that was Silver's home. Taking a closer look, it didn't even look like a home, it looked more like a research lab that was abandoned long ago. "This hologram table is pretty old though, the newer ones are made from entirely metal, some of them from pure light." Silver observed the hologram for a few minutes, finding that some areas were blinking red. Some small pop up windows were appearing, signaling if something needed repair, was damage, or if the door was simply locked. Sonic gave a good look at the map also, and so did Tails, they all studied it intently as Silver played with the hologram, typing in codes, unlocking doors, locking doors, and omitted warnings. "There. Everything looks fine. Later I'll show you where you can sleep, I hope you don't mind going to sleep with an empty stomach." Before Silver could press the panel to make the map fall apart the hologram started to fizz and glitch. It scared Tails slightly, and Silver sighed under his breath.

Tails looked at Silver, "What's wrong with it."

"Probably just old. Sometimes when I come here after time travel its completely destroyed." He waved his hand, "That pile of junk probably has something that could be useful for fixing it-" Before Silver could say more Tails went to the boxes and started to fish around for things that could be useful, or even looked useful. Tails then came over, carrying over some items, Sonic merely snickered, and Silver looked slightly embarrassed.

Tails knelled down on the floor, looking at the few panels, then looked at Silver. "Could you help me? I don't know about any of this technology." Silver nodded. Using his powers he pulled off a panel then placed it against a wall, and knelled down with Tails. They spend some time working on fixing the table before Tails began to ask him questions. "Silver, how do you know that this place is here? Wouldn't have this timeline changed when you transported us here?"

Silver glanced from the wires to Tails. "Uh, yeah you're right. This place is always here, I don't know why but it just is." Silver took a wire and plugged it into a socket, "I guess that this place predates everything which is why its always here. I like it here anyway, its really nice, plus there's heat." Tails giggled a little bit as his focus returned to fixing the table. Silver gave a mental sigh, either all of this could go really well, or everything about time was going to change, and he really didn't want to have to kill anybody anymore.

EDIT 3-19-16: Minor grammatical changes, added detail, and dialogue/narration fixes and additions to fill in plot holes