"Cough it up, Sakura." Kakashi walked over to the female and waited.

"Fine," She dug into her pocket handed money.


"Ugh, take it!



"Okay..." The jounin sighed. "Now that I got your money, we can begin our mission."

"How is taking our money helping us?!" Naruto shouted.

"Naruto, you're clueless." Ino rolled her eyes.

"...Anyway... Sasuke, Hinata, and Shikamaru. I need you three for something."

Neji gasped, "Why Hina-?!" before TenTen elbowed him in the gut. "..sama..." he weakly said.

Kakashi blinked, "...Errr.. You three are going to school!" He smiled.

"WHAT?!" Sasuke and Shikamaru jumped up and started to shout and argue. "HELL NO!"

"I specifically chose you three for reasons. Shikamaru's brains, Sasuke's fighting skills, and Hinata's Byakugan."

"But-" Hinata began.

"No buts. Tomorrow you're going to Karakura High School!"

Everybody started to laugh.

"Don't worry, kids!" Guy appeared. "I have plans for you!"

"Really." Sasuke's face was flat. He felt tight in these pants. He was wearing a tie? Kami help us all.

"This...This is quite a change.." Hinata smiled sheepishly, trying to make the atmosphere lighter.

"Yeah... I know we aren't the best team.. But... orders are orders.." Shikamaru stated.

"Especially since you sent an entire army to look for me." Sasuke muttered.

Shikamaru sighed and rolled his eyes, leaning on a wall. "You're still on that?"

The Uchiha threw his arms, "Of course!"

"Even if we weren't successful, you were planning on coming back."


"Did that Kabuto guy give you drugs?"

"Guys!" Hinata whined. She put a finger on her lips to make the two hush. Her head pointed to the left, and talking was heard in the distance.

"Rukia left last night, why?"

"Just asking. Were there any hollows though?"

"Yeah, but we wiped them out quicky. What's with all the questions, anyway?"

"Because... I feel a great pressure nearby. And its no hollow. Tell me you feel it, Ichigo."

A thick silence fell into the air. Sasuke didn't seem interested, but he remembered the Nine-Tailed Fox. A gasp escaped out of him, quickly and his mouth was covered by his own hand. Shikamaru quicky pushed him and he bumped into somebody.

"Dammit, Shikamaru!" Sasuke said, fist in the air and his face red. "Uh, my bad?" He turned to the kid he made contact with.

"Yeah..." The male said awkwardly, as if he couldn't speak to Sasuke. He was stiff. Sasuke took a few steps back and turned his head, Shikamaru left and Hinata was on the wall.

"Hey!" Ichigo shouted. "Didn't I see you yesterday? With that kid..."

"Ugh.." Sasuke curved his upper lip as his turned again.

"Was his name, Naruko? Or Nauru? Wait! Naraka!"

"...If you're talking about the blonde idiot with the whiskers, his name is Naruto."

"Oh! Right... I was close... Right, Uryu?" He grinned at him.

"You did the same thing with Uryu's name, Ichigo!" A giggle was heard behind Ichigo. He turned around and saw Orihime, a girl who's slender yet busty.

Uryu pushed his glasses up.

"Nice friends ya got there." Sasuke commented.

"I'm forced to socialize with them... But they're good people."

Orihime spotted Sasuke, and her eyes widen. "Hi~!" She smiled. "Who are you? Oh, I'm Orihime!"

The Uchiha can't help but to think the girl is another empty-headed clutz. "I'm Sasuke.." Dammit, Hinata, hurry up.

"Sasuke-kun! I found you!" Hinata smiled as she tapped his shoulder. "I got lost..." Her eyes observed the three new people. Uryu with his glasses, Ichigo's odd orange hair, and Orihime's bust. "Hi...! I'm Hinata!"

"Well, Hinata, I suppose we should get going. Where is Shikamaru?"

"Forgive me, Sasuke, but he just trailed off... I think I saw him talk to a... girl?"

Sasuke nodded. "Okay. Let's go."

"Wait!" Ichigo shouted. Sasuke rolled his eyes and forced a smile. "You're new?"


"Cool, I can show you your classes."

Orihime gasped, "Maybe we have the same class!"

"I don't think-"

Hinata smiled, "We'd loved to... Sasuke, let's go." She began to walk, and Sasuke followed.

"Hmm.." Ichigo said. "We do have the same class."

"Crap." Sasuke thought.

The rest of the walk had Hinata and Sasuke silently talking, since the three stooges (as Sasuke called them) were too busy being loud.

Shikamaru was seen entering the class and Hinata ran up to him. She was more free and not scared, and Sasuke definitely noticed that. He made eye contact with Uryu, a quick glance made a short stare. Onyx eyes met blue. He sighed and walked away, without saying anything.

"He's a bit rude!" Orihime said.

"Reminds me of Uryu." Ichigo sneered.

"Sh-Shut up!"