AN: Hey guys, AuraStormMaster here with the third part of Naruto Uzumaki: The Summoner of Legends. This marks the end of Part I and it has been a hell of a lot of fun writing this. While this may be the last part of this fic, it doesn't mean that this universe will fade away. There is a poll on my profile that will decide whether or not the Shippūden half of Naruto will get its own spin of the SOL universe. All this lies in the hands of you guys. Anyway, on with the show!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Naruto and I only have a few Godzilla DVD's.

"Hey!" – Speech
"Hey!" – Thought/Jutsu
"Hey!" – Demon Speech/Monster Roar
"Hey!" – Demon thought /Monster Speech (Telepathy)

Act III: Sasuke's Retrieval! Deadly Rose!

Sasuke growled as he sat in the gloom of the Head Uchiha Household, exactly where he witnessed the slaughter of his parents. How dare that Senju bitch refuse his demand that Naruto hand over his Summoning contract! Do these fools fail to understand that he needed to gain power so as to kill him? A contract of that magnitude shouldn't be held in the hands of that Dead Last loser Naruto; it should be wielded by him: the Uchiha Elite. His face contorted in rage as the memory of the meeting replayed in his head.

*Ninja Art! Flashback Jutsu!*

Tsunade sat at the Hokage's desk, working her way through a mountain of paperwork that she was sure hadn't been there a minute ago. She had just lowered her hand to grab a bottle from her stash when the door to her office banged open. Snapping her head up, she scowled when Sasuke strode in, arrogance and confidence rolling of him in waves.

"Who the hell do you think you are, barging into my office like that Genin! If you wish to speak with the Hokage you make an appointment, regardless of who you are." Sasuke frowned.

"I am an Uchiha, I don't need an appointment. Anyway, we have business to discuss."

Tsunade glared at the Uchiha Survivor, dismissing him as she turned her attention back to her paper work.

"I don't have time for this, leave your issue with Shizune and I'll take a look at it when I have time."

"I demand you have the loser turn his contract over to me!"

Tsunade froze, processing what she had just heard over a few times in her head before scowling at the smug look on the boy's face.

"What did you just say!" she snarled as she leapt to her feet, anger filling her. How dare he try to steal another clan's property! The smug look seemed to grow even wider.

"You heard me; I want you to tell the loser to hand over his Summoning Contract. Power like that belongs in the hands of an Uchiha elite, not some clanless loser."

Tsunade opened her mouth, intending to rip the Uchiha brat a new one when a sudden thought struck her. An evil smile crossed her face as she signed for an ANBU to fetch Naruto. Sitting back in her seat, she faced Sasuke, the evil smirk still on her face. Two minutes later, a certain blonde summoner leapt in through the window.

"Something wrong Granny?"

Sasuke smirked at his teammate before gesturing towards the Hokage.

"I came here to the Hokage to have you hand over your summoning contract."

Naruto glared at the raven-haired teen before rounding on the last Senju.

"And you're giving into his demands! Granny, you of all people should know that clan artefacts remain with the clan members!" Sasuke scoffed.

"Tch, you don't have a clan loser. Just hand over the scroll." It was at this point that Tsunade spoke up.

"Hem hem, actually Naruto, I brought you here to inform you that with your ascension to the rank of chunin, by orders of the Third Hokage you are to become head of your clan."

"What!" cried both Naruto and Sasuke, although both for different reasons.

"That means, genin Uchiha, that the Uzumaki summoning contract remains within the Uzumaki clan. Now if you will excuse yourself from my office, I have some paperwork for Naruto to sign."

*Ninja Art! End Flashback Jutsu!*

How dare they fail to see the greatness that is the Uchiha clan! First the Dead Last managed to hold his own in a fight against him, then his Jutsu turned out to be even more powerful than the Chidori and now they wouldn't hand over his scroll. A scroll which should belong to HIM! It was obvious that the Hidden Leaf wasn't taking him seriously. Touching the mark on his neck, he came to a decision: He would leave this Kami forsaken village and seek out Orochimaru for training. Once he had learned everything he could from the snake, he would kill him before hunting down Itachi.

Ten minutes later, he had packed up all his belongings and made his way to the village gates. To his surprise, Sakura was standing next to the gates. Almost as if she knew he would leave.


The rosette's head perked up as the Uchiha heir stopped just feet in front of her. She took a tentative step forward.

"Sasuke, what-" The no longer-loyal Uchiha cut her off.

"What do you want Sakura?"

The rosette stared at her brooding crush, chewing on her lip nervously.

"Sasuke...where are you going?"

"Away from this pathetic village. It has done nothing but hold me back, even the dead last has gotten stronger. I am an Uchiha! I deserve more power but these fools fail to see my potential."

"And you're willing to abandon those that care for you! I love you Sasuke, I won't let you leave the village. Unless..." she trailed off, shame shining in her eyes as the idea flashed in her mind.

"What?" Sasuke, while amused at the very idea that she thought she could stop him, was curious as to what her condition was. Gulping down her disgust, the rosette looked the no longer last-loyal Uchiha in the eye.

"Unless you take me with you."

Sasuke stared at his ex-teammate incredulously, before scoffing.

"Not a chance." He sneered as he walked by the trembling Haruno.

"If you try, I'll scream!"

Sakura's world blacked out as she crumpled to the ground, Sasuke having quickly chopped the back of her neck. Sighing, he made to continue to the gate but stopped. Turning, he couldn't help but stare at the downed form of Sakura. A dark smile spread across his pale face.

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"I'm gonna kill'em, I'm gonna kill'em, I'm gonna kill'em" Naruto muttered as he staggered towards the door of the Namikaze estate. The door in question was currently being rapped continuously until, snarling, Naruto wrenched it open.

"What!" He snapped, rubbing his eyes in order to rub the sleep out of them. An ANBU stood outside his door, an eagle mask covering their face.

"Naruto Uzumaki, the Lady Hokage has summoned you to her office. You have ten minutes to get ready." He frowned as he took in the ANBU's body language, he noticed it seemed to be coiled in rage. Nodding, he disappeared back into the manor and retuned just as the tenth minute ended, fully geared up.

"Let's go." The ANBU muttered as the both vanished in a Body Flicker.

Arriving in Tsunade's office, Naruto barely had anytime to regain his bearings before a pink and red blur slammed into his chest.

"Oof!" He groaned, channelling chakra into his feet to stop himself from falling over. Glancing down, he was surprised to see an inconsolable Sakura sobbing into his t-shirt.

"Sakura? What...what's wrong?"

"Tokubetsu Jonin Uzumaki..."

Naruto snapped his head in the direction of the Hokage, confused at the official-sounding tone of her voice. What he saw, disturbed him somewhat.

Her hazel eyes burned with sheer hatred and rage, while a twisted snarl marred her usually beautiful features.

"I am charging you with taking a small squad to head after missing-nin: Sasuke Uchiha. Search and Destroy."

Stunned, it took the young Uzumaki a moment to find his voice.

"The charges?"

"Desertion of the village and the...assault...of Genin Sakura Haruno."

At that statement, Naruto's blood ran cold as his eyes drifted down to the girl currently sobbing in his arms. With a blank expression, he stared directly into Tsunade's eyes.

"By assault, you mean..." He trailed off, not once breaking eye contact with his 'distant' family member.

She nodded.

"The fucker's dead."

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"Damn blonde, how do you have so much energy?"

Naruto smirked at his pineapple-haired friend as he leant against the village gates, his arms crossed over his black-clothed chest.

"What can I say, it's part of my Uzumaki charm. Although, I'm not the only 'energetic' blonde-"

"Please, don't go any further!" Shikamaru pleaded, stuffing his fingers in his ears.

"I really don't want to hear what you get up to in your spare time."

Smirk widening, Naruto turned his gaze up to the clear blue skies above them, mentally preparing himself for the mission ahead.

"The rest of the squad should be here soon."

"Troublesome, any reason why we can't pick people we know as our teammates?"

"Dear Kami and you're supposed to be a genius. Orochimaru isn't going to be sending genin to chunin levelled shinobi to escort the Uchiha to the Sound village. The man is a genius, only an idiot would make such a mistake."

*Hidden Sound Village*

"AACHOOOOOOOOO! Ah bastard fuck! Oh Kami that stung like a bitch, sweet sage-"

An overweight shinobi stared in horror at his leader while a certain red-haired kunoichi was scribbling down some of the curses she had never heard. In her head, she thanked Kami for whoever was talking about her village's leader.

*Back in the Hidden Leaf*

Before Naruto could retort, four figures Body Flickered next to the two old friends, snapping off a salute in Naruto's direction.

"Naruto Uzumaki: Hidako, Inawa, Watanabe and Ruzoya reporting for duty."

Entering his, as Pervy Sage called it, 'Minato Mode', Naruto looked over his squad.

"Right, our mission is to eliminate our target: Sasuke Uchiha. He has abandoned our village in order to gain power from rogue ninja Orochimaru of the Sannin. Our intelligence, provided by Jiraiya, tells us the Orochimaru is most likely to send his personal guard, consisting of four members. Let's go!"

With that, the six shinobi took off with a burst of chakra.

What they didn't know was that at that moment, something was born in the Hidden Sound.

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Hidden Sound: Present time

In a hidden lab, Kabuto smirked at the girl currently strapped to a stained operating table. The girl looked to be around the age of nine or ten, but that wasn't important to Orochimaru's apprentice. What was important was that she was one of the few survivors of one of Lord Orochimaru's greatest experiments.

The Wood Release experiment.

"You should be honoured Erika." Kabuto said, his voice silky as he scanned the row of test tubes in front of him, "You are doing both Lord Orochimaru and our village a great favour." A nasty grin spread across his face as he found the vial he was searching for.

"P-p-please m-m-is-s-ter Kab-b-buto, I don-n't w-w-want to b-b-be h-h-here!" Erika chocked out, tears streaming down her pale cheeks.

"Now, now," The silver haired teen whispered soothingly "It'll all be over in a second. I'm just going to give you an injection."

The girl flinched as she noticed the needle in his left hand, it glowed a venomous green.

"This will make you strong, cells obtained from that monster that appeared six months ago. You'll be as strong as it was."

He jabbed the needle into the girl's neck, causing her to scream out in pain. Ignoring her cries, the traitor pushed the plunger, emptying the needles contents into Erika's bloodstream.

The effects were instantaneous.

The girl began to glow a horribly vivid green as vines sprouted from her body. Small jaws grew from the end of the vines, snapping at Kabuto, who backed away in shock. Bolting to the door, the teen's last glimpse of the room left his horrified to the core.

The girl had begun to transform into some plant like being, which was quickly growing in size. The girl's head disappearing amongst the petals of a ruby red rose.

Hurtling through the numerous dank and twisting corridors, Kabuto burst through the doors leading to his master's chambers.

"Kabuto!" hissed the Snake Sannin, his arms still wrapped in bloody bandages "What is the meaning of this-"

"Lord Orochimaru!" he interrupted, his face bloodless, "There's a problem with one of the experiments."

"Then deal with it, you f-"

He was once again interrupted, this time by a blood-curdling roar sound from deep within the base.

"What in the sage's name was that!"

Kabuto began to shake slightly as he looked into Orochimaru's wide eyes.

"My Lord, I injected the cells into the girls like you commanded. The cells, they seemed to have reacted with the Wood chakra she holds."

The room rumbled as cracks began to creep up the walls, flytrap-headed vines slithering in.

"Dammit, Kabuto. We're leaving, I will send word to the Sound Four to escort Sasuke to our base on the north-west border of the Land of Hot Water.'"

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru"

Within minutes, the pair could be seen fleeing the base, but just as the Hidden Sound was just in eyesight, they turned around.

The sight that greeted them, filled them with terror.

A writhing mass of tentacle-like vines with a massive, mysterious rose sat in the heart of the now former village. As they fled their ears rang with the sound of a roar, one filled with rage and hatred, for those that had done it wrong.

That had done her wrong.

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Timeskip: Two hours since mission start/Sound incident

"Naruto, I'll deal with the Kaguya. You go deal with the target."

The blonde nodded, internally glad that his former sensei had turned up. While the other members of the 'Sound Five' seemed (to him at least) to be lacking in power, this new arrival seemed to radiate it in sheer waves.

As he darted through the trees, he cast his mind back to when Sasuke's dark actions first began to crop up. All because of Orochimaru and that Kami-damned seal he wore so proudly upon his neck.

"Once Sasuke is dealt with, I'm coming for you, you Snake bastard!"

However, he knew that he also had played a part in Sasuke's anger. While not consciously, he had caused Sasuke's inferiority complex to go into overdrive once he had begun training with the Kaiju. Tsunade's refusal to have him hand Sasuke the contract seemed to have been the final straw.

He was drawn out of his musings once he reached a large crevice. He smirked at the irony of the location. The Valley of the End: the result of the battle between Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. Statues of the two combatants stood facing each other: Senju with his back towards the Hidden Leaf and Uchiha with his back to the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Sound. Channelling chakra into his legs, he leapt atop Hashirama's head, staring at the unmoving figure of his target, who stood atop his own ancestor's head.

"So you came, Naruto."

"Sasuke Uchiha: by order of the Fifth Hokage, you are to be destroyed." Sasuke giggled madly.

"And you think a loser like you could lay a scratch on me, let alone kill me." Naruto smirked.

"Well I was kicking your ass back at the hospital, wasn't I, Dead Last."

Snarling, the no longer loyal-Uchiha leapt at his ex-teammate, his Curse Mark flaring up. Without even blinking, Naruto flashed forward, sinking his fist into the traitor's exposed stomach. Not expecting the blonde's speed, Sasuke vomited up a mixture of blood and saliva, only to then be hurled into the river below. He collided with the water's surface with a sickening BOOM, only to burst out with his hands flying through hand seals.

"Fire Style! Grand Fireball Jutsu!"

Naruto's eyes widened as, boosted by the Curse Mark, Sasuke spat out a ball of flames in his direction, the ball's size rivalling the size of the statue's heads. Thinking fast, he ran through his own sequence of hand seals, finishing on the snake seal.

"Atomic Style! Pressure Breech!"

Filling his lungs with Radiation chakra, he exhaled a high pressured cloud of nuclear energy. The cloud collided with the fireball, which ignited the gas cloud, resulting in a tremendous explosion. Both teens were sent hurtling onto both banks of the river. Recovering quickly, the both kicked off towards each other. Soon they met in the middle, exchanging punch after punch and kick after kick. While Naruto's natural speed made him untouchable, Sasuke's Sharingan even the tides. After dodging a particularly vicious haymaker, the Uchiha whipped out a kunai and launched it from point blank range. Cursing, the blonde jinchuriki could only angle his body so as to lessen the damage, leaving him open to Sasuke's chakra-powered roundhouse kick.

"First blood's mine, Naruto!" he taunted, watching as his ex-teammate merely tore the kunai from his side.

"First blood's been mine since I sent your ass into the river, dumbass!" Naruto yelled back at the onyx-eyed teen, who glared at his blonde rival. Forming more hand seals, he blew onto the blade before leaping into the air and hurling the blade at the smirking Uchiha. Ducking, the raven haired teen was surprised when he felt something slash his cheek.

"What the hell! I dodged that."

"Wind chakra, bitch!"

Stunned, Sasuke looked up to see Naruto rapidly falling towards him, kunai in hand. Channelling his chakra into his arms, he back flipped out of the way, quickly hurling a handful of shuriken at the falling Uzumaki, who immediately burst into smoke. Swearing loudly, he raised his left arm to block the incoming kick, only to be sent skidding back due to the strength of the kick.

"Tell me loser, what is Atomic Style? Who taught you such power?"

"Sorry Dead Last, exclusive to the Uzumaki clan only."

Snarling, Sasuke ran through a familiar set of hand seals before cupping his hand, a loud screeching noise filling the air as blue arcs of lightning danced in his palms.

"Damn you, NARUTO!" he screamed as he sped towards the blonde, Sharingan eyes blazing. Naruto sped towards the enraged Uchiha, conjuring a ball of swirling chakra in his hand. Both former teammates thrust their attacks at the other, leading to a colossal explosion of power. Both shoved their respective jutsu into the other's, trying to overpower each other.



What they didn't expect was a powerful vine to swing down out of nowhere and slam into the pair, sending them tumbling through the air.

They landed against the valley wall, and stared up at what could only be described as a monstrosity.

The creature's body was made up of plant-like, meaty flesh with vines crisscrossing over its central glowing sac. Numerous other vines waved snakelike around its body, vicious flytrap heads and sharp spear like ends decorating their tips. A head reminiscent of a crocodile stared down at the pair, it jaw filled with dagger sharp teeth. Six tusks, three at each side, glimmered malevolently.

"What the fuck is that!" Sasuke yelled, his eyes locking onto one of the creature's vines. From somewhere in his mind, he heard the familiar silky voice whisper "My mistake, I call it: Biollante!"

Instead of answering, Naruto simply flashed through the familiar hand seals of his other signature jutsu and slammed his now bloody palm onto the surface of the water.

"Summoning Jutsu!"


In a puff of smoke, the scaly visage of Zilla appeared, bellowing a roar of challenge to the sky. Immediately, he locked on to the presence of the plant creature and snorted.

"So, this is what you call the Knight of the Monsters for?"

"'Knight of the Monsters'?" asked Naruto, staring at his familiar incredulously.

"Yeah, Big G is 'King' while Little G is the 'Prince', therefore, I was given the title of Knight."

"Whatever, I need you to take on plant-head-"

"Biollante." Murmured Sasuke, as he stared at the new Kaiju. Naruto gave the teen an odd stare before turning back to Zilla, who had also stared at Sasuke.

"Fine, I need you to take on 'Biollante' over there while I deal with emo boy."

"Done," He stared at the now christened Biollante and roared "GET OVER HERE!"

While his familiar launched himself at the new Kaiju, Naruto ducked the sucker punch aimed at his throat. Snarling, he lashed out with a powerful kick to the Uchiha's ribs.

"So...Biollante, huh? Where'd you get that name?"

"I can talk with Orochimaru via the seal, dead last. He created it."

"Motherfucker, Atomic Style! Nuclear Mist!"

Letting out a yelp, the raven haired boy dove out of the way as a cloud of venomous green mist hurtled towards him. He ran towards the waterfall, Naruto hot on his heels.

"This is the end Sasuke: one of us will not be walking away alive!"

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"You are one ugly sonova bitch, ya know that?"

Instead of answering, Biollante simply spat out a corrosive substance that splashed into the wall behind Zilla, the Kaiju having dodged the attack effortlessly.

"Wow, I almost had to actually make an effort there. My turn."

The grey Kaiju's dorsal fins shone a luminous emerald, before he launched his signature Atomic Flare attack. Biollante let out a horrible screeching-wail of agony as the emerald flames licked and burnt her fleshy-plant body.

Zilla was forced to duck and dodge as Biollante launched tendril, after tendril, after tendril in an attempt to latch onto the much faster Kaiju.

"Really though, there is no need for name calling like that. Mine was true, your one was just plain mean."

Ducking under yet another vine, Zilla quickly burrowed into the cliff side to his left. Biollante's whip attack came to a halt, as the Rose Kaiju became still, as though trying to sense where he foe had went.

Suddenly, Zilla leapt of the top of the cliff he had dug into, having burrowed his way up to the surface.

"SURPRISE MUTHA-FUCKA!" He roared, whipping his powerful tail at Biollante's 'head'. The sudden attack left the Godzilla/Plant/Human hybrid no time to react, meaning that she was slammed viciously into wall of the valley.

"Really though, I'd get more of a challenge fighting Titanosaurus." Zilla taunted as he flexed his claws.

While Biollante had no clue who Titanosaurus was, she understood an insult when she heard one. With speed that should have been impossible for a monster of her bulk, she whipped around to face her foe and spat three rapid streams of acid.

"Oh crap!" Yelped Naruto's familiar, as one of the acid streams got a little too close for comfort.

"That all yo-"


One of Biollante's tendrils had found its target, resulting in Zilla receiving a brutal slam upside his head. Staggering back, the nuclear Kaiju couldn't do anything as more tendrils landed their attacks, beating his head brutally and violently. After a particularly nasty hit, in which one of the tendrils that had a head managed to sink its fangs into his leg, Zilla let out an earth-shaking roar as his dorsal spines shone blindingly bright.

"I'm done PLAYING!" He roared, before firing a much larger torrent of emerald flames than he had previously.

Biollante stood no chance against the intense attack, and after a few minutes of non-stop burning, Biollante was soon reduced to a charred corpse that soon sank into the dark depths of the river below.

Panting slightly, Zilla shook his head before tossing his head back and bellowing out a roar of victory


Finished, the scaly Kaiju turned his attention in the direction of his summoner's fight.

"Let's see how Naruto's doing. Probably kicking ass, as usual."

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As the Kaiju's battle raged further down the valley, the two teenage shinobi launched themselves at each other, kunai flashing. Landing a roundhouse kick on his enemy's jaw, Sasuke leapt into the air as he flashed through hand seals.

"Fire Style! Grand Fireball Jutsu!"

A massive fireball was spat from Sasuke's mouth, flying towards the blonde Uzumaki at insane speeds. Smirking, Naruto quickly Body Flicker'd out of the way, flashing through his own seals.

"Wind Style! Great Breakthrough!"

A powerful gust of wind was blasted from Naruto's hands, sending Sasuke hurtling into the cliff wall behind him. With amazing reaction time, the Uchiha was barely able to use a Replacement jutsu to save himself from becoming a smear.

It could not save him, however, from Naruto's rapidly approaching haymaker. Which connected solidly with his jaw, sending him skidding across the river the stood on.

"Enough!" Sasuke roared, his curse seal flaring up as black, flame-like tattoos began to spread over his body. Naruto smirked.

"Oh, you wanna cheat then." He closed his eyes for the briefest of seconds, before opening them, revealing crimson-slit pupilled orbs of sheer hatred.

"Let's cheat then Asshole."

The pair vanished is twin blurs as flashes of red and purple chakra appeared rapidly and randomly across the river and valley walls. Fists and feet flew while kunai and shuriken were flung as the two engaged in an intense Taijutsu battle.

Sasuke growled as he was constantly pushed on the defensive. When a kunai managed to cut his cheek, he lost it.

With a scream of rage, Sasuke gave in to the power of the curse seal. In an explosion of polluted, purple chakra, Naruto was sent speeding down towards the river, breaching its glowing surface. Rapidly resurfacing, Naruto stared in disgust as Sasuke's appearance warped and became demonic.

His black hair grew down to the small of his black and turned a dark purple, while his skin became ash-grey. His sclera became a deep obsidian colour, all the while a black cross-shaped mark appeared over the bridge of his nose. Two hand-shaped ripped out his back as Sasuke cackled madly in the air.

"That was fucking disgusting." Naruto spat, staring at Sasuke's wings in revulsion.

"You're not the only one with special powers Naruto. But mine are stronger!"

"Yeah, cause the chakra of a creepy paedophile clearly beats that of an immortal demon fox made entirely of chakra." Naruto stated, sarcasm thick in his tone.

Sasuke snarled as he dove down at his ex-teammate, a clawed hand raised high.

"Atomic Style! Atomic Blade!"

Sasuke roared in pain, as a light-blue plasma-like blade slashed at his arm wildly. Not taking any chances, Naruto summoned a chakra-cloak made purely from Nine-Tails chakra. Ignoring the burning of his skin, Naruto charged a Rasengan in each of his hands before leaping after the airborne Uchiha.

"TWIN RASENGAN!" He bellowed, slamming the two vermillion-coloured orbs into Sasuke's wings, sending him crashing into the statue of Madara.

As Sasuke pushed himself shakily to his feet, Zilla appeared at Naruto's side.

"Piece of cake boss." The iguana-like Kaiju boasted with a clear smirk. Naruto smirked back at him as he cast a sideways look towards his current opponent.

"Good, I'm nearly done here anyway bud. You go on home."

Zilla just nodded before vanishing in a large cloud of smoke. With a glare clear on his face, Naruto unconsciously began to channel his Radiation chakra as well as the Nine-Tails' chakra, resulting in his eyes taking on a red/orange hue. Channelling chakra to his legs, Naruto leapt up towards the ledge opposite Sasuke, allowing the two to have one more standoff.

Naruto growled, his burning orange and red eyes glaring at his former teammate. Slowly, his Nine-Tails chakra cloak faded away, leaving him only with his Radiation chakra pumping away at his chakra system.

"Losing your power already, eh Naruto?" Sneered Sasuke, his Sharingan eyes burning in their black sockets. A harsh screech filled the air as the Uchiha heir activated the Chidori, which was soon corrupted by the tainted chakra of the curse seal, becoming as black as night.

"I'd prefer to finish this fight with my OWN power Uchiha." Naruto taunted, summoning the familiar spinning orb of chakra. However, unlike the usual sky-blue chakra that usually composed the Fourth Hokage's jutsu, Naruto had created the Rasengan from his Radiation chakra, resulting in a crystal-blue chakra sphere.

The two teens stared at each other silently for a few seconds, the only noise filling the valley being the waterfall. And then they leapt at each other.



As the drew closer, both shinobi refused to break eye contact. Next second, their attacks collided in a swirl of chakra.


A powerful shockwave erupted from their joined attack, carving thick scars into the valley walls. Black chakra swirled violently around the pair before condensing into a large sphere, which vanished as fast as it had appeared...revealing the winner of the duel.

"AARGGHH!" Screamed Sasuke, as Naruto's Attack burrowed deeply into his shoulder. The pair slammed onto the bank of the river, with Naruto flipping away as soon as Sasuke had landed. The Uchiha heir rolled on the wet bank, screaming madly as he clutched his shoulder.

Naruto stared at the teen in surprise, did his jutsu really hurt that much? Suddenly, he realised what was happening. That Rasengan was made of pure Radiation chakra, something only the Uzumaki could use. And according to Godzilla, it was deadly to normal humans.

"It's like a poison, burning through your body."

Sasuke glared at the blonde amongst his screams, his thrashes becoming more sporadic by the second.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" He roared, his curse seal fading, as though it realised what was happening.

"You wanted to know what my Atomic Style was, this is it. It's a death sentence, for those who aren't able to use it. What you feel now, is radiation poisoning. You'll be dead soon Sasuke, all because you wanted power."

"I HATE YOU NARUTO!" Sasuke screamed, his body practically vibrating with how much the boy was shaking. Naruto only stared at the Uchiha heir with emotionless eyes.

"Be grateful, you're pain will end. What you did to Sakura...she will have to carry that for the rest of her life."

By the time Kakashi and the rest of the squad had arrived, they found only a solemn Naruto and a dead Sasuke. As Naruto turned to leave with the rest of his squad, Kakashi cast a mournful gaze upon the deceased Uchiha.

"Obito...forgive my failure."

He flashed through several hand seals before finishing on a tiger seal.

"Fire Style! Fireball Jutsu!"

He spat a large fireball at Sasuke's corpse, which was soon reduced to ashes under Kakashi's watchful gaze.

"Goodbye...Sasuke Uchiha."

SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL SotL

Naruto stood by the village gates, his pack strapped tightly to his back. It had been a whole month since Sasuke had abandoned the village, since Naruto himself had killed Sasuke. Jiraiya-sensei had decided to take him on a three-year training trip, so that he could properly prepare for the Akatsuki.

As he gazed out at the highly wooded area that dominated the Land of Fire, he thought over everything that had happened after he had returned.

*Ninja Art! Flashback Jutsu!*

It was a silent Naruto and Kakashi who entered the office of the Fifth Hokage. As soon as she laid eyes on her blonde teammate, Sakura once again latched onto him, with Naruto gently rubbing her back.

"Report." Tsunade asked, worry filling her being at the deadened look in Naruto's eyes.

"Mission...Accomplished, Lady Tsunade." Naruto droned, still hearing Sasuke's screams playing in his ears.

"And Sasuke Uchiha-"

"Dead by my hand." Naruto interrupted, looking down at the hand which wielded the Rasengan. Tsunade stared at him sadly, before clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry Naruto, but I must ask that you tell me how the Uchiha was terminated."

All eyes turned to the blonde, who remained silent for a moment, before casting his gaze down to the top of Sakura's hair.

"We had a final clash, his Chidori, which had been mutated by the curse seal, and a variation of my Rasengan: Atomic Style! Rasengan! This Rasengan is fuelled purely with my Radiation chakra. We clashed, and I won. Drove my Rasengan right into his chest. What I forgot though, is that Radiation chakra is deadly to non-Uzumaki."

Naruto finally looked up, and both Tsunade and Shizune were horrified by the haunted look that filled his once bright cerulean eyes.

"His screaming, I can still hear it Granny. He just kept screaming."

Tears had begun to leak from his eyes as Sasuke's dying screams grew louder in his mind. A soft thumb smoothed away a tear, causing him to look down and see the worried emerald orbs of his rosette teammate. The two embraced each other tightly, both now scarred emotionally by their now deceased ex-teammate.

*Ninja Art! End Flashback Jutsu!*

Sakura was now seeing a therapist to stop the re-occurring nightmares that had begun to plague her. The rosette was currently staying with Naruto at his apartment, as she tended to freak out unless he was nearby. Oh the irony...


Surprised, Naruto jolted slightly before turning around. His eyes widened in shock as what looked like the WHOLE village had turned up to say goodbye to the boy they had once hated. And at the front of the crowd were Jiraiya, Tsunade, Shizune, Sakura, Kakashi and Iruka.

"Guys..." Naruto muttered, stunned at the sheer number of people who had came to see him off.

"You didn't think we'd let you go without saying goodbye, did you?" Sakura teased, pulling the blonde into a strong hug. Smiling, Naruto patted her returned the hug warmly before pulling away.

"That reminds me," He muttered, pulling a scroll from his pocket and handing it to the rosette girl.

"Here, if you ever need to talk to me to help, I've sealed one hundred Shadow clones in there."

Sakura smiled tearfully before backing off to let the others say hello. One by one, the villagers and ninja of the Hidden Leaf village offered their 'goodbye's and 'good luck's to the blonde-haired shinobi. The last people to say goodbye, were Kakashi and Tsunade.

Kakashi walked forwards and offered his hand to the Uzumaki.

"Good luck out there Naruto, and I'll guess we'll be equals when you return, or you might be even stronger than me by that point." Kakashi chuckled, shaking hands with his sensei's son. A sad look then filled his lone visible eye as he pulled out a scroll from his back pouch.

"I know I was a terrible sensei to you and Sakura, Naruto. And it will be a long time before I can fully fix that. I hope this will help start it though."

He handed the scroll to the whiskered-blonde, who stared at it curiously.

"It's the Fourth's other signature jutsu."

Naruto's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates at that, as he stared at Kakashi in disbelief. The masked jonin merely offered one of his signature 'eye-smiles' before stepping back to allow Tsunade to step forth.

"Naruto," She smiled, pulling the boy into a loving hug. "When we first met, you were a brat. A mature brat, but a brat all the same. I am proud of the the young man you have grown up to be. And I know your parents would be too."

"Thank you..." Naruto breathed, before raising his lips up next to the Sannin's ear.


Tears filled Tsunade's eyes as she tightened her grip on the boy she had came to see like a son, before she had to let go. She cast a stern glare at the white-haired sage who stood behind the blonde.

"If he comes back a pervert, I will kill you." She said simply, before moving back to become part of the crowd. With one last wave, both master and student began their long journey ahead.

"So, where to first Jiraiya-Sensei?"

The Toad-Sage offered the teen a small smile as he pulled out a small map.

"To a place, that you have long deserved to go kid. First stop, the Hidden Whirlpool village: Home of the Uzumaki."

AN: Holy shit this took forever. Not as long as the last chapter, but I think because this one focussed more on action, I can let that slide. I want to thank everyone who followed/favourite/reviewed this fic for supporting me, and I hope to keep you entertained in the long run.
I've put a poll up on my profile to let you guys decide whether or not I continue onto Part II of the anime, which will be vastly different than canon.
Make sure to leave a review telling me what you thought about the chapter or even the series as a whole. Also, favourite or follow if you're new to the story, and if you're interested check out my profile for my other works.
This is AuraStormMaster, signing off.