Rain is pouring in Starling City as goodbyes are said in the house. Lyla is hugging Felicity thigh not wanting her to go far away as Oliver is holding a tight grip on Maria who is not happy about returning back to London and Robin who has a sad smile on her face while she is looking at the scene. They all exchanged their goodbyes as Liz hugs her mother tight around the waist not wanting her to live the house but knowing that she will do it anyway.

Oliver pats Maria's hair as she looks up form him then towards her mother and Liz who are hugging. Felicity strokes Liz's cheeks as the little girl wipes away the tears from her eyes.

Marin and Chantal are in a tight embrace as they promise each other that they will see each other for Christmas. In that moment Liz walks up to Maria and the girls hug tightly not wanting to let go as Liz whispers to Maria that they will see each other on Thanksgiving Day. Maria nods her head in to her sister's shoulder. As they part Liz takes a umbrella from the stand next to the door walking outside hand in hand with Maria and they are followed by Chantal and Martin and Robin who follows closely behind getting in to the car. The girls hug one more time as Maria walks in to the car and Martin is still spending the last few moments with Chantal as Felicity walks up to Oliver.

"Take care of yourself." He tells her as he pulls he in a sort hug and kisses her cheek and she pulls away

"I will. You too." She tells him as she takes and umbrella out of a stand and opens it looking back at Oliver while saying "Bye." She walks out on the rain to the car she hugs Liz one more time before getting in as Martin gives Chantal a kiss and a hug before getting. Both Chantal and Liz walk back to the house towards Oliver to watch them live the Queen Mansion once again.

They are joined by the rest of the family as Oliver exhales and walks in to the house taking his phone out and is scrawling throe his contacts and press the call button. Liz turns around and looks at him wondering what and to who he is talking to.

"Hey Jennet." He says and Maria is confused. Jennet is grandmas name "It's Oliver." He said "Yes Oliver Queen." He smiles at the person on the other end of the conversation "Listen Jennet how soon can you be here in Staring?" he asks listening "Well that's great. No she hasn't I'm on my way to stop her from getting on that plane right now." He explains and Liz catches on as everybody is confused and Chantal walks up to Liz asking

"He is talking to your grandmother in London isn't he?" Liz just nods her head as Oliver finishes his conversation he looks over at Liz

"Liz get your hamlet we are going to the airport." He said getting the key's of his bike and Liz asks

"Was that grandma Jennet?" she asks as Oliver nods his head and Moira and Thea cut in

"What are you going to do?" They both asked him as Oliver smiled and said

"I'm going to go take a ride." He said sarcastically as Chantal laughed at that "I'm going to go get my wife and kid if you don't mind." Liz smiled at him as Sarah passed her, her helmet and Oliver said "Let's go." Liz followed him to the garage as all of the others exchanged looks

"I think we should follow." Tommy said with a smile looking at Laurel and they were all on their way.

Maria was looking throe the window while they were making their way to the airport to go back to London. She exhaled as Felicity looked at her holding her necklace and toying with it in her hands. She knew that her daughter was hurt and Martin was ignoring her.

When they arrived at the airport they were informed that their flight was going to be thirty minutes late so they took a seat in the waiting aria and Felicity looked at Maria who was putting on a brave face.

"Honey I know that…" Felicity began but Maria stopped her

"Mom dad is still in love with you why won't you give him a chance?" Maria asked as Felicity exhaled

"It's complicated." She said and Maria and Martin rolled their eyes at her answer as Robin smirks at that response.

On the other end on the airport Oliver and Maria were rushing to the info desk for the information as they got to their turn the girl behind the desk asked

"How can I help you?" she smiled sweetly at them as Oliver asked

"Has the flight 447 for London at one left the airport?" he was anxious that they arrived soon but still he was not sure that the flight has not arrived sooner than expected as the girl told him

"Let me check." She said to him as she punched in a few keys and said "The plane was delayed it is living in thirty minutes." The girl said with as smile as Oliver thanked her and him and Liz ran off looking for Felicity and Maria as the rest of the family just arrived at the airport and noticed Oliver and Liz running

"I know where the kid has the straight but him how can he ran this fast is beyond me." Tommy said as Laurel laughed at her husband

"Well we can walk if that will make you feel better." Sarah said as they started walking in to the direction where Oliver and Liz had disappeared off to.

Oliver is looking around as Liz gets up on one of the chairs sat up in the witting room looking around the crowed of people to notice Felicity, Martin and Maria sitting in complete silence on the other side of the waiting room and she yells out

"Dad!" Oliver turns around and looks at Liz who is pointing in to the direction of Felicity and he runs up to her taking her hand and leading her towards her mother and sister

Felicity was deep in thought when she heard Liz say

"Hi mom." Felicity looked at the direction of the voice and saw Olive and Liz standing in front of her as Maria asked

"What are you doing here?" she was smiling and so was Martin

"It took us around thirty seconds after you left to realize we didn't want to lose you two again." Liz answered as Felicity looked at Oliver who has let go of Liz's hand and is walking up to her

"I made the mistake of not coming after you once, I'm not making that mistake again ... no matter how brave you are." Oliver tells her as Felicity is a little shaken and says

"And I suppose you just expect me to go week at my knees and fall down in to your arms and cry hysterically and say well figure this whole thing out a by continental relationship. My mom is in London…" Oliver walks closer to her and says

"I called her she should be here soon enough." Felicity just continued

"My office is there the whole company…" she stops and looks at Oliver saying "You called my mother?" she questions as he smiles

"Don't be surprised I'd do even more if I needed to keep you here. So please stay." He tells Felicity as she is about to cry

"What do you expect Oliver that we will fall back where we left of and live happily ever after, grow old together." She says and now she is Crying a little as Oliver cups her face and the rest of the family has cough up to them and is watching them

"Yes to all of the above." Oliver tells her smilingly and ads "Except you don't have to cry hysterically." Hi is now so close to her she can feel him breathing as she says

"Yes I do." Felicity says as they kiss and the girls have wide smiles on their faces.

"You girls actually pulled this one off." Roy says as the girls smile at him saying

"We are daughters of a genius and a vigilante after all." Thea and Sarah laugh at this

"You sure are girls." Chantal says as she walks to wrap her arms around Martin giving him a kiss as the girls giggle.

It has been a few months Felicity has moved in to the Queen mansion back with her mother who has arrived the same day she was supposed to leave. Oliver could not be happier about her decision and tonight he was going to ask her what he has been waiting to asks for some time now.

He had taken her to dinner and now they were at the top of the roof of the Queen mansion the sky was clear and Oliver was glad that there were not clouds in the sky.

"So why are we here?" Felicity asked looking at Oliver who started his speech at which he has been thinking about for some time

"When we met the first time I didn't know what to expect. You were nothing like other woman I met, you didn't buy my charms. And when I showed you who I was as the hood you didn't call me killer the only thing you thought of me was that I was a hero and I become one thanks to you." Felicity smiled at his word "And I know I asked this already and you will think it is stupid but…" he got on one knee and held a red box with a ring inside it "Will you marry me… again?" he asked as felicity took his hand and pulled him up kissing him "I'll take that as a yes." He said as she laughed

"You better."

Their wedding day was on the ground opposite to their first one. The girls were the bridesmaids and their grandmothers could not be happier and with the news that they would be welcoming a new member of the family in nine months.

This is it it's over and I want to cry. It's been fun to write this story I will soon update a new Olicity story don't worry I will still write Arrow fanfiction because I'm a huge fun. I love that you guys enjoyed this story I hope we will see each other in my next story I love you guys so comment what you think of the ending xoxo :)