While on their way back to the house Goten said to niece," Pan I swear to God I will end Trunk's life if he says anything else about you." The teen said," Be my guest Uncle." When they were in the house her Uncle went back to his room to finish what he started with his fiancée. On Pan's way back to her bedroom she giggled as she heard her soon to be Aunt Michelle scream in pleasure. Finally back in her room the teen dried off and put her pajamas on and fell asleep in bed.

The next morning the teen woke up and started packing some of her things to take with her to her dorm for college. Her Uncle said," I can't believe it sweetie, you're all grown up and beautiful; I remember when you were just born like it was yesterday." Pan giggled and said," Well better believe it or not Uncle Goten." Her Uncle said," Well baby-girl you ready for me to drop you off?" The teen nodded her head and soon they were headed towards the college. Once they were at the college they met with the head master of the college who was none other than Michelle. To Pan and Goten's surprise they had forgotten that Michelle was the head master of the college.

Michelle looked at her soon to be niece and said," If you have any questions, Pan you know you can stop by and ask me okay?" The teen nodded her head and followed Michelle to where the dorms were. While they were walking Michelle said," Okay here's the dorms." While they were standing by the dorms Michelle took a key out of her pocket and unlocked the door showing Pan and her boyfriend the dorm. When they stepped inside Pan said," This dorm is sure big for 2 people." Michelle smiled and said," Oh no it's not for two people Pan." Confused for the first time that day Pan said," Uhm Auntie Michelle what do you mean it's not for two people?"

Michelle said," Pan this dorm is meant for one person only because roommates would cause nothing but drama for one another, so I had the dorms made specifically for just one person to fit their needs." Pan said," Wow, but it is so loft-like Aunt Michelle." The woman smiled in agreement and said," I know I had that part specifically made to fit everyone's comfort, now this dorm in particular is yours." The teen thanked her Aunt and told her she will cherish the dorm.

The girl's Uncle went to the car and grabbed her things and put them in the dorm and arranged them how Pan told him to put them. Hours later the dorm was clean and straight. Finally the Uncle said to his fiancée," Hey babe where's the car dealership located at?" Michelle said," Oh the car dealership is next door." Confused again Pan said," Why did you ask where a car dealership was Uncle?" Goten said," Because the next thing you need to get around town is a car Pan." His niece blushed and said," Oh yeah I forgot about that." The girl said goodbye to her Uncle and walked next door to the car dealer ship and looked around at the cars, until a salesman said," How can I help you today miss?"

Pan said," Yes I was looking for a car that is in between $10,000-20,000 and the car has to run good." The salesman said," What kind of car do you want?" The teen said," For now I want a car that has enough room for me to move in." The man said," Well how about our Mercedes Benz that is a two seater." The girl said," What color is the car in?" The man said," We have the color red, black, cherry red, dark red, midnight blue, and twilight purple." The girl said," I want the car in midnight blue please." The man walked over to the car and saw the price say $15,000. He smiled and said," Well my dear since you told me specifically what kind of car you want I am going to lower the price of the car just for $11,000."

Pan thanked the man and paid him and once everything was signed and dated the man said," Please wait one moment miss." The process took only a minuet and soon everything was done. Stapling the receipt and papers that featured with the car, the salesman cleared his throat to get Pan's attention. The teen looked at the man and the man said," Okay everything is completed and is finalized Miss Son, so here is your receipt and a paper to show you what features your car has." He gave Pan the keys to the car and asked Pan did she need help with anything else and Pan asked the man to help her set her phone, her iPod, and radio up in the car and soon that was taken care of.

Driving off the car lot Pan beeped her car horn in thanks to the salesman and drove to the college where the students could park their cars. She got out her car and walked towards the main building. Once in the main building the teen showed her Aunt the car she bought.

Her Aunt was impressed by how the car looked and how much the car cost. Michelle was impressed by her niece for getting the car for low as much as up to $11,000. Michelle told her niece since Pan had one of the nicer dorms, that they have a lot where the students kept their cars parked in. After everything was taken care of the teen went to the grocery store to buy some groceries and supplies. From the grocery store the teen went back to her dorm loft apartment. The teen put all the groceries away and had made herself a chicken salad sandwich and paired it up with a bag of chips with a cold bottle of water. From eating to washing her dishes she walked in her room to take a nap.

At 2:00 pm in the afternoon she woke up and went to the mall which was across the street from the college. While in the mall she saw her Uncle's ex-friends. Making a detour to avoid them Pan ended up in Hollister. The teen bought skinny jeans, tank tops, and pull over sweaters from Hollister. Pan finally found her way out of Hollister and walked to the next shopping store that was in the mall. She walked inside to Forever 21 and bought some cute tops, and pants. She paid the cashier and walked out Forever 21 and walked to the next store in the mall. The teen walked inside to Wet Seal and bought some professional clothes for different events. Eventually the teen had to go to Victoria's Secret to buy herself some more underwear and bras. While in Victoria's Secret the teen bought another robe and more silk pajamas.

Pan went to a store and bought some shoes and another pair of Ugg boots. Finally the teen walked out the mall and took all her purchases to her car and drove back across the street to the college. She had to make a couple of trips back to her car to get the rest of her things.