Emma stared over the water at the docks. The wind blew through her golden mane as she inhaled he smells of the fresh water and sand. A smile appeared on her chapped lips, she never realized how much she missed being near water. It had been 2 weeks since she had gotten back to storybrook, with no leads yet as to why or how her parents and the rest of the town reappeared. Or even how killian found her for that matter. Her thoughts traveled to killian and she sighed inwardly. Since his return to her, she has yet to find a peaceful night without thoughts of him creeping into her dreams. Sometimes she didn't mind so much but other times she'd stay awake for hours on end.

Deep down emma knew why she was so cautious around the pirate. The last time she felt this way, she was abandonded. It had torn her heart to shreds, leaving behind missing pieces and thick heavy walls. She needed to protect herself. Especially because she knew that even though, killian was showing signs of changing, there was still the fact he was a pirate And he was unpredictable in that way. Emma shuddered at the thought. She had lost Neal once before, and because of his departure she found herself gaurded. But loosing killian? She didn't know if she could live through that. She pulled her red leather jacket tighter to her chest as the wind kicked up.

" Surprised to see you here swan," Emma jumped and turned on her heel to see killian walking up next to her. He gave her a side smile and eyed her curiously. She merrily matched his smile and turned back to the water.

" Yeah, just needed a bit of fresh air I guess." She whispered pushing the hair from her face.

"Aye, I find myself out here a lot as well. This is going to sound mad, but the sounds of the waves put my anxieties at ease.." he said softly closing his eyes and letting the breeze caress his cheeks.

"You are such a pirate." She joked as he laughed lightly.

" Aye lass, that I am." He said running a hand through his hair. " So where is our anastasia?" Emma knew that question was going to be brought up.

"Didn't you hear? I've already aranged her marriage and sent her off to a new kingdom." Emma said sarcastically. Killian barked out a laugh and shook his head.

" Gods swan, let the lady learn to speak words before betrothing her to a future king." He said slyly back. His smirk was decorating his lips as he turned to emma, who was trying to hold back a smile. She'd die before she let him know he had a giddy, school-girl crush effect on her.

"Whats the matter swan? Does my sense of humor not cope well with you all of a sudden?" he mocked a frown as he came inches to her face. Her breath hitched in her throat and she could feel her palms start to coat with sweat. He was centimeters from her before licking his thick red lips with the tip of his tongue.

"N-no I just..." her words trailed off as she felt the back of his fingers graze the side of her face. Suddenly she pulled away and inhaled deeply.

"Sorry love I didn't mean to -"

" I want to go back to new york." she spat out quickly. Killian froze and furrowed his brows In confusion.

"Sorry swan what was that?" His voice hardened, knowing he had heard right but he asked anyway.

"After we figure out what happened, I want to go back to new york." Her words were thick and heavy in her mouth. But she knew how this worked. Nothing stayed this peaceful forever. And she wasn't about to bring her new born into this world full of vial villans.

" Funny emma, but have you even thouroughly thought this through? What are you to tell your parents, or your friends you have just reunited with? Or how about your boy? I don't think its going to go over well with him especially-" Killian walked up to her, challenging her decision.

" He's a kid-"

" No lass, he's old enough to comprehend something of this sort." Killian narrowed his eyes as emma clenched her jaw, anger rising up within her.

" IM not going to subdue my daughter to this world full of fairytales and villians-"

" There you go again Emma. You keep insinuating that Anastasia is simply just YOUR daughter. Face the truth love, she is OUR daughter. It took us both to create her, and ill be damned to see the day you attempt to take her from me." His eyes were beginig to gloss over. She could see the blue reflecting from behind his tears. He wasn't going anywhere. He wasn't about to leave her. " If that means following your arse, back to that place, then you can bet ill be there right behind you swan." Killian leaned forward towards her again. There lips mere inches apart. She could feel his hot breath against her mouth.

"i can't bring myself to stay here killian..." She whispered softly ,her eyes dropping. He sighed.

" Swan, what exactly are you afraid of?" He placed his hook under the crook of her chin and lifted it up to look at him.

"Im not afraid." She said sternly.

"Oh for fuck sake emma, must you be so stubborn." He said exasperated, turning on his heel in anger. She stayed put, her emerald orbs following his pacing back and forth.

" Stubborn? Do you honestly believe this is the best setting to raise a child in? Come on killian I know your not that stupid." She argued back.

"What is it about being here thats got you so on edge? Its home emma! Your parents are here. Your family is here..." He trailed off looking slightly defeated before finishing his statement. " Im here.." She tensed up at his words.

" Im not on edge, I want my-Our daughter. I want our daughter to grow up in a normal world... with normal ways of life. Not having to worry about the next curse or villian thats going to chase after us-"

" But living in that dreadful place was safe?"

" SAFER THEN HERE- YES!" She snapped at him. He shook his head in disbelief. How could she be looking to go back to NY when she just reunited with everyone.

"Thats not home emma. That was a false hope you were subjected to-"

" It was real to me-"

" Bullocks. It was a fiction life made up by regina."

" It was good. It was safe and predictable-"

" IT WAS A LIE!" Killian growled and walked up to her, searching her eyes for some form of recognition to his words. "Emma. This..." he gestured around him. " this is real. This is your home." She frowned deeper and he could see her holding back her tears.

"N-no. Im going back to NY after this.. you can either follow me or you can stay." she pulled her jacket close to her as the sky casted over above them. They felt the wind pick up as emma stormed down the dock and back into town. Killian looked after her sadly, his heart wrenching with each step she took. He looked up at the sky curiously, previously recalling how mere minutes ago it was a cloudless clear blue. The water began to crash harder against the docks, signaling an on coming storm.

Mary margret rocked Anastasia back and forth in her arms, smiling warmly as the baby cooed in delight. She couldn't wait till her baby was born, in a few weeks she'd get to hold them just like this.

" You are so lucky to have so many people that love you little one." Mary margret whispered softly. Ana gripped her pinky and mary margret laughed lightly.

" She looks so much like emma," David said walking up to his wife and sliding an arm around her waist.

" I think she looks more like daddy," Mary margret wiggled her finger and anna smiled. " Oh yeah, thats daddy's devilish grin for sure." David rolled his eyes.

" She's got emma's eyes." Mary margret looked up at him then back to the baby. Her head tilted slightly and shook her head.

" No david, those are definitely hooks eyes." Her husband snorted and walked away. " You know your going to have to accept him no matter what. He is family now." her eyes went back to anna as she bounced her up and down soothingly.

" I don't have to accept anything. He impregnated my daughter and ran for the hills-"

"No charming. Him and emma spent a night together and emma ended up pregnant. Besides you heard him, he would have never left her had he known..." Mary margret looked up and frowned a bit. " David, he went back for her when none of us even bothered to try."

" Because regina wiped her memory clean-"

" no because we thought we could move on." her frowned deepened. " I let her go again. And now... she found us."

" No hook found her."

" Exactly david, he found her and brought her back. He convinced her to come back."

"Thats because she inherited your stubborn- I mean... she's stubborn." David quickly corrected himself, giving his wife a loving smile. She rolled her eyes and walked up to him.

" As much as you dislike him right now, he saved your life. And.." She laid anastasia in david's arms gently and she immediately smiled up at him. His expression turned from anger to love, as he held his grandaughter against his chest. " He gave us this." Mary margret kissed davids cheek before disappearing into there room.