"Idiot. I said he was gonna die, but I meant of old age." She snapped her fingers and the darkness vanished, revealing the blue skies of Nerima. Down on the ground, there was the empty lot where Ranma had opened the box. Akane still seemed to be in shock.
"Now, since I made you lose your boyfriend, a compensation is in order." The youko snapped her fingers again. Akane walked away like nothing had happened, feeling confused but also confident in herself.
"Demon!" yelled a pink haired woman with long white bunny ears over the top of her head. She had blue eyes and was wearing a pink kimono and sitting over an old blue British police-box. The bunny-girl seemed angry with the girl with the floating mailbox.
"Still a fan of the Doctor uh? And you are late, the deal has been sealed and the affected parties compensated." The youko winked at the girl with pink hair "Plus, I didn't get his soul or anything... not that my boss would let me, but ya know, old habits die hard."
"You... What did you do? And what kind of compensation?" The pink haired girl looked confused
"From now on, Akane Tendo is the heir of the schools like she wanted."
"WHAT? You can't honesty think Akane Tendo has what is needed to stop Saffron."
"Now she does, did I forgot to mention that I also made her and her sisters half-youko?"
"No, no no, no. That would mean..."
"Yes dear Hare, I changed history so I became the Tendo sisters biological mother. What, jealous?"
"But, but... this messed up everything! The council cannot have approved this!"
"Let's just say my boss was bored. And you know how dangerous that can that be, right? Also Ranma Saotome owed my boss a favor from being saved from death more than once."
"Tsuki... even if... this insanity won't be undone. You... you have daughters on Earth now so that means..."
"Ah yes, I will make a family visit soon. Ranma might or not cross paths with Akane again. But the weirdness of Ranma Saotome's life now has been transferred to my youngest daughter. Is gonna be fun to watch."
Hare looked angry at the youko, because she knew that if Tsuki went to stay in Nerima, then her bosses would make her go too to keep the chaotic youko in check. Also, this had been such a outrageous manipulation of loopholes that it looked like they would have to add yet another damn rule to the rule book, like that thing wasn't huge enough already!
***Slayers' World, dark forest***
Hours later, Ranma woke up in a forest clearing, his head hurt, and he had no clue where he was, but that wasn't what was worrying the martial artist.
"What? I am a girl? But I didn't feel like being hit by cool water!" Ranma looked herself over, she failed to notice her ears where now pointed and looking elven. What she did notice was that she was naked, looking around, she did not have time to panic thinking about how things usually went bad when she was both naked and, as she heard some noise behind her.
"Oh, what we have here? A beautiful maiden missing their clothes!" said a rough male voice, Ranma turned around and saw what she guessed were a group of bandits. They where dressed in dirty looking clothes, some of the clothes even had a few holes in them. They were armed with rusty looking swords. Ranma stood up and looked at them defiantly, as if daring them to come closer.
Less than a minute later, the bandits were unconscious, thanks to the redhead having given them a good beating. She felt strangely satisfied, having caused them pain, even if it was justified because of what those guys planed to do to them. Noticing that she was still naked, Ranma robbed the bandits of their clothes, just leaving the underwear because she didn't dare to touch that. Didn't these guys know of something called hygiene? Probably not. She then noticed that the bandits had some small pouches with what she assumed were coins. She took those too. Then rummaged around the clothes finding what would fit her,. Once she was dressed, she picked all coins and put them in a big sack the bandits had. Then tied the sack to her waist and just ran away a few miles inside the forest, even getting into a river she found to lose her trail. Once she felt safe, she sat down next to a tree, and just sat down to rest and clear her head. Ranma wondered why she had also taken the money, but didn't actually feel bad about doing it.
"They were bandits, and it is not like I killed them. Uh... maybe I should have gotten rid of those swords, but I was kind in a hurry." Now that the adrenaline rush was over, she felt tired, strangely tired, in fact she was pretty sure that if she hsd need naked and facing banditsshe would have felt tired when she appeared in this forest. She looked at her arm, where the stupid bracelet was stuck, that thing had caused all this! Ranma tried to remove it and throw it away in frustration, but found that she couldn't no matter how hard she tried.
"Just great... at least there doesn't seem to be any uncute tomboys or fiancees here." Ranma then looked around, fearing saying that would summon Akane or the others, but as minutes passed and nothing happened, she relaxed. What should she do now? Remembering her days of wandering with the damn panda, she should look for a a path in the forest that looked it was heavily traveled. No matter where she was, if there was money there was bound to be some place to expend it buying food, and maybe also a place where she could rest and take a bath.
Ranma-chan looked somewhat incredulous at the small town in which she just arrived, because all of the buildings looked like something out of a western fairy tales book illustration. The people moving up and down the stone street were dressed in strange clothing, like out from some anime set in the European middle ages and carts drawn by both people and animals clattered by. The air was clean, too clean in fact. There wasn't any smoke coming from factories or cars. Something Ranma heard watching a movie on television once seemed fairy appropriate "Looks like we aren't in Kansai anymore, Toto." People barely paid any attention to her. Well, she could worry where the heck she was later, first things first, find a place to stay and buy clothes for herself.
Meanwhile, not too far away a lone figure moved through the dark forest Ranma had left not long ago., she was a short girl about fifteen years old with long red hair that reached her shoulders. The girl wore a black and red cape and over-sized shoulder plates. Her tunic and pants were red and a strip of yellow cloth stretched across her chest and at her side swung a small sword. While she didn't look like much, all that was needed was her releasing a simple over sized fireball spell for people to get scared and run for their lives. Because the girl, who was shorter than Ranma's female form, was the infamous Lina Inverse. And she wasn't having a good day, it had only been a short while since she and the annoying sorceress called Naga the Serpent had parted ways, and she was already starting to regret it. Not because she was fond of Naga, or because of that stupid thing called friendship, but because being a lone traveler made her a target, and even Lina inverse had a limit on how many spells she could cast before fainting in exhaustion. She would have tried to stay in a town for a while, doing odd magic jobs, but no one wanted to hire her, and it was way easier just to steal from bandits anyway. Worse, her quest for an ultimate offensive spell had been a total failure, yes she had found a spell that was supposed to even be able to destroy a high ranking mazoku, but if done wrong, the spell was also supposed to end with the destruction of the world. She knew it was only a matter of time until she found an enemy that even the Dragon Slave won't be able to defeat, and for some reason or another, it seemed demons wanted to kill her. Sure, so far it haven't been something personal, but it was only a matter of time.
***Ranma's World, after alternation of reality***
Seven years ago...
When her mother died, Akane watched her daddy change from a man she was proud off, into a crying wreck. After a month, bills started to pile up, and they where lacking food. It was Nabiki, the middle sister, who saved the family.
"Akane, Kasumi, we need to talk, at this rate they are gonna take us away." Said the ten year old Nabiki Tendo.
"Take us away?" Asked a confused Akane, nine years old.
"Oh my!" Said Kasumi Tendo, eleven years old, unlike Akane she understood what it meant.
"Yes. But I got a plan, Akane, you are very strong right?" Nabiki asked
"Yes, why?" Akane was proud of being only nine, being able to break bricks with her fists, not the big constructions ones, but the small orange ones, she was only nine after all.
"I will get some loser to challenge the Dojo in a few days, one that looks tough, but is a a wuss, then I will take bets, everyone will think you will lose because you are just a little girl. And that way we will get money to pay the bills so we don't lose everything and take us away."
"But isn't that illegal? And we are just kids, what if they don't want to pay you once they lose?" Kasumi asked
"If anyone tries to not pay me, I will point out my little sister just beat up a grow up man." Nabiki smiled, it was a somewhat cold and scary smile.
"I dunno... mommy always said gambling was bad..," Akane and her sisters looked down, all trying their best to not cry, eventually Akane have up first and started to cry, Kasumi hugged her, then the three sisters where joined in a group hug.
"Mommy isn't here any more, we have to be strong, or they will separate us, we have to be strong so we can stay together." Surprisingly, it was Kasumi the one who said these words.
"Yes, you are right." Akane said, drying her tears up, we have to be strong, lets do this."
PS: So any comments, reviews, recommendations, critics? Sorry to not have updated earlier -_-