Disclaimer: I don't own the plot, characters, dialogue, setting etc. of D. Gray-Man, it all belongs to Katsura Hoshino, I only own my original character(s). This disclaimer applies to all chapters that are posted in the future.

You know that split feeling you get in some situations? Like when you really feel like getting a bucket of ice cream and eating the whole thing by yourself, but know it will most likely not end well? Well, it's that kind of situation I was currently finding myself in.

"S-sorry…?" I mumbled, pausing the music on my iPhone and pulling off my headphones, my mind exploding with thoughts, yet blank at the same time.

I continued to just stare at the cloaked man, the thought of the entire situation being a dream crossing my mind. I mean who in the bloody hell comes across a man hiding under a black cloak in the middle of the forest, in the twenty-first century? I also would like to point out that this is Denmark, the most boring, normal country in the world with a murder rate at 25 people pr. year.

Which is why I refused to believe that what was currently happening was not real.

"Your name is Annabella Kathrine Morrison, correct?" It was a dark, rough voice coming from the person underneath the cloak, pretty obviously a man. There was a slight accent in his English that I couldn't quite put a finger on…

I simply nodded in answer to the question, not even bothering to ask how in the hell he knew what my name was. All I wanted was to take a walk in the forest, and then this happens…

"Do you wish for a more exciting life?"

Okay, so basically what just happened was this: I was out walking by myself in the forest, minding my own boring business, as I suddenly realized this creepy-looking hoodie-man was standing and watching me in-between some of the trees (not gonna lie, I nearly had a heart-attack). So I tried to ignore him, turned the other way and went back the same way I came… that was what I should have done at least. Curiosity getting the better of me, I ended up just standing in the middle of the small path having an extremely awkward staring contest with the dude (I obviously wasn't able to see his eyes – but oh well…).

Eventually it got a bit too weird and uncomfortable for me, meaning I turned around to walk away – only the guy was suddenly standing right in front of me (teleporting bastard! I pretty obviously screamed – who wouldn't, right?).

At this point I was about ready to either go in total flee-mode and sprint the opposite direction, or just freaking tackle the guy, hopefully remembering some of the techniques I learned a few years back when I did martial arts (karate to be exact).

And that's when he asked if I wanted to leave this boring world behind and go live in the world of D. Gray-man as an exorcist – literally not joking!

Usually I would have started laughing if somebody asked me that, but I was too stunned to do anything.

"Do you?" The cloaked man asked again, cocking his head to the side and ripping me out of my own hurricane of thoughts. Okay, I get it. There are two different people in this kind of situation: the rational person that just turns and walks away, and the stupid person that immediately yells, "Yes!" and then hugs the guy or something. Not gonna lie, usually I would be the second one (the stupid one) and just go with the flow, but this time, the teeny tiny rational part of my mind was telling me that this was just too weirdand I should probably leave.

But I couldn't.

That's where my stupid and naïve brain-part comes into action and says, "what if he is serious…?" What if he is serious? Those five words kept playing over and over in my mind like a broken cd player.

Let me tell you a little secret – I love Anime (surprise, right?). And above that I absolutely love D. Gray-Man, and I cannot count how many times I have asked myself the exact same question Mr. Cloak-dude just asked me. What if I could escape this world and be an exorcist?

And just before y'all start jumping to conclusions about me having had a terrible life, never knowing my parents and living with abusive foster parents that hit me all the time and tried to starve me to death – I'm gonna have to say NO! I had not had a terrible life, okay? I had had a perfectly normal life, with loving parents, a cute younger sister, friends, school, sports and so on.

But that was the problem. I didn't want to live a normal life. I didn't feel like growing up and working in an office – heck, I was already fed up with school and I was only 17! Which is why I loved watching anime, reading manga and fictional books. They allowed me to live that life through fantasy.

But now, this cloaked weirdo had suddenly appeared, babbling on about sending me into a fictional universe (logic, please?).

"Yes." I suddenly answered his question, surprising myself. Well, all right then. The atmosphere around the cloaked man suddenly changes into a somewhat satisfied energy, and something told me that if I could see his face, he would be grinning.

"I can give you that."

At this point I had just decided to say screw logic and play along. My curiosity had gotten the better of me and I could already feel my hopes jumping sky-high. Calm down. Think this through.

"What's the catch?" I asked, trying to look as serious as possible.

"Catch?" He repeated, cocking his cloaked head to the side. I definitely detected an eerie grin in his voice.

"There is always a catch to stuff like this." Trust me, I have watched enough movies and read enough books to know. Mr. cloak-dude simply laughed.

"It's a simple offer. Take it or leave it."

There was something about his voice – his words – that just sounded so…convincing. I couldn't quite put a finger to it.

"Why do you ask me this?" That's actually a pretty good question, Bella. I was as boringly ordinary as any other average teenage girl on this planet. The guy simply laughed again, seeming to be pulling something out from underneath his dark cloak. Following the movement very carefully with my blue eyes, I ended up gasping a bit too loud at the object in his outstretched hands. Two Japanese war fans.

I grabbed one of them from his hands, inspecting it thoroughly.

The outer cover was made of completely glassy-black metal as well as the ribs. The lacquered paper running over the ribs was white, almost silver-looking, and had a black plant-like design across it. I knew for a fact that the other fan was the exact same. Why did I know this?

Because I was the one who created them.

Technically I guess. I used to draw sketches of how I wanted my Innocence (or Anti-Akuma weapon) to look like, just for the fun of it (though it was some pretty damn detailed sketches.)

Yes, I was a nerd.

"How did you…?" I began, but stopped myself, as I didn't know how to finish the sentence. I never showed those sketches to anyone; accept for my two best friends Ingrid and Karen.

"The real question is; do you accept my offer?" Mr. cloak-dude chuckled, stretching forth his hands with the other fan; offering me to take both the fan and what is to follow.

You know what? Screw logic.

Having made up my mind, I grabbed the other fan quickly, as if my life depended on it. And then my surroundings disappeared into a vortex of blackness…

Only for a few minutes though (which I of course spend having a major heart attack). Just like my previous surroundings disappeared; new surroundings slowly began to take form around me, first starting as a blur, but then gradually clearing out.

"What…?" I whispered, feeling as if all of the air in my lungs were just punched out. I was sitting in the middle of a blind alley, on some pretty damn cold rocks. Behind me, people were buzzing back and forth the alley, not even noticing my presence in the slightest. Also, the people here were wearing some really old-styled clothes; the women wearing long dresses and most of the men were wearing black suits and hats. What!? It also smelled kind of weird here.

"Where am I…?" I murmured softly, getting up from the cold ground and dusting off my pants. Besides from a slight headache, I felt just fine. For some reason, I had managed to hold a tight grip around the two fans I got from–"

"Oh shit – Hey cloak man!" I yelled, feeling myself slowly start to panic. Did he just leave me?

"You know where you are, Annabella." I heard his raspy voice say, making me instantly turn around to find him standing a little further down the closed part of the alley. I felt myself calm down.

"Am I seriously…? I mean did you…?" I fumbled a bit around with the words, getting more and more frustrated with myself. "No way did you just send me into the universe of D. Gray-Man! It's fictional! Isn't it…?"

I didn't even know anymore. I was seriously and utterly confused. Unless... was it possible to knock a person out, drag them to some foreign, odd-smelling place, and then have the whole population dress as if they were from the... uh... I don't know, I was never good at history! To have the whole population dress as if they weren't from the twenty-first century - only to mess around with some random teenage girl?

"Why don't you let 'that' answer your question?" Mr. cloak-dude suggested, nodding his hidden face toward the fans in my hands.

As if on cue, a soft green light shot out from both fans, illuminating the dark alley for a few seconds before dying down again. The heck…? Come to think of it, I had been feeling some kind of warm, almost alive, sensation from the fans ever since I got here. No way…

"Am I seriously in the D. Gray-man universe right now." I whispered. How on earth is that even possible? I mean, it's a fictional story for Pete's sake! Instead of answering my question, the cloaked man threw a bag toward me, landing right by my feet.

"I thought you might want some of your personal belongings with you."

Squatting down and zipping the large bag open, I saw to my surprise most of my clothes and toiletry in it. He even put in a small wallet with some (hopefully) 19th century British pound for me to use.

"Just remember, this weapon is solely made from your memories. It is made out of your own ideas on how you have always wanted it to function. Look deep inside your mind and remember what your own thoughts were of this Innocence. Now, I transported you to the center of London," the guy explained, while I continued to look through the bag: trousers, shorts, skirts, shirts, t-shirts, pajamas, socks, panties and bras (seriously? pervert), my favorite book, my sketchbook, necessary toiletries (as well as tampons…awkward, reeeal awkward) – he seriously remembered everything! Finally, lying in a small envelope was a couple of pictures of my family, friends, classmates and me…

"What about my family and friends?" I asked, suddenly remembering the funny detail about me being in another universe.

"Just don't worry about them." I heard him answer as I packed all of the stuff into the bag again, including the fans with (I guess) Innocence in them.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" I hissed, getting real tired of his shitty way of avoiding questions all the time. I looked up from the bag to give him a glare, only to find that he was…


"Hey!" I exclaimed, getting up from the ground to get a better look of my surroundings. "What do you mean I shouldn't worry about them?!"

I got nothing but silence in response.

"Asshole." I mumbled, picking up the bag and throwing the strap over my shoulder. Couldn't he at least have super-transported me all the way to the Black Order? How the hell was I supposed to find that place in a foreign country, in the 19th century – in a fictional universe!?

"Okay, take a deep breath Bella."

I did as I just told myself, taking a long breath and shutting my eyes, running a hand through my hair in a vain attempt to calm down. He just said I was in the center of London. I remembered reading somewhere that the Black Order was placed near London.



No need to panic.

I just needed to get to the outskirts of London and then search for the place.


"Fuuuuuuuck! How do I do that?!"

Okay, so after being on the verge of tears, I bought a map and a compass from an old British man that ran his own shop. I was not exactly a professional at using a map and compass, but I did prize myself with a good sense of direction, so by the end of the day I actually covered quite a large distance of London's streets.

While doing this I also made sure to try out my Innocence, activating and deactivating it whenever no one was around. Now, my thoughts when creating the fans was to use them as a sort of boomerang, so I also ran around and threw with them (whenever I was alone of course), which turned out to be a bit difficult. It was actually surprisingly hard to control them, so while looking for the Order, I would have to practice with my weapon as much as possible to get the hang of it.

That night before going to bed I ran around in my room, jumping up and down and fangirling like a madman. I had also finally gotten the chance to look myself in the mirror for the first time, since being transported here. I currently stood rooted in front of a large mirror, feeling completely stunned.

Holy -

I blinked, rubbed my eyes, and blinked again.

There I was, clear as day, in the mirror's reflection.

Except it wasn't me, I mean it was, it had to be, but it still wasn't.

Just like everything else here, the city, the people - even nature itself - was animated, I was too. It made sense, if I wanted to live in an animated world, I had to be animated myself to be a part of it. But it was so weird seeing myself like this.

I involuntarily lifted up my hair and picked at my clothes, turning at a 360-degree angle in order to see myself from all possible sides.

My hair was still the same golden-brown color as it always had been, and it still ran down to the middle of my back in soft waves. I still had the same blue eyes, except they were slightly larger than usual, like real actual anime eyes. I was anime all over, from head to toe I tell you. Every color was defined, every line smooth, yet to me in 3-D.


This was going to be one heck of an adventure.

A/N: Hi~ welcome to my very first story here! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am about finally posting the first chapter of my story. It was mainly just an introduction of Annabella, and the real fun will start next chapter when she joins the Black Order. I really hope you all enjoyed the prologue and thank you so much for taking the time to read it, comments are very appreciated - be it long, short, ideas, constructive criticism and so on, I'm happy just hearing from you guys :)

I hope you liked it!