Told You So.
First ever published fanfiction, please be gentle with me. I hope someone enjoys it.
It was Scott who noticed it first; the way that Lydia's heart sped up when Stiles smiled at her. He also noticed the way Stiles' slowed down when Lydia placed a calming hand on his arm. He always bit back a smile as Stiles would magically appear at Lydia's locker every morning, waiting patiently for her; always asking if she slept okay the night before. When Lydia would nod her head and offer Stiles half of her bagel to make sure he ate, Scott would walk away, shaking his head. They interacted seamlessly with each other, as if their lives had always been that way. They were two halves of a whole and they needed each other to work, to function.
Scott knew, their hearts had said so.
Allison noticed it when Lydia chose to sit next to Stiles in chemistry, almost guiltily walking past her usual seat. Allison didn't mind, especially when she watched with a smile as Stiles face lit up and Lydia blushed. Their knees knocked together under the desk and every now and then Lydia's arm would gently brush against his. Allison even noticed the tiny hairs on their arms stiffen as goosebumps grew with their proximity to each other. Stiles and Lydia gravitated towards each other by unseen force, a tether. They needed each other to stay calm, to remember to breathe.
They were two teenagers, oblivious to the obvious.
Allison knew, their body language said so.
Isaac was slumped against the wall, waiting on Stiles after class when he noticed it. He observed a nervous Lydia, wringing her hands as she stalked up and down the school corridor. As the door opened and Stiles appeared, he smiled as he heard her heart stutter before calming at the sight of him. Stiles eyes grew worried as Lydia frantically explained that she was hearing voices again, whispers. Isaac watched as she tried to play it off as nothing, she was overreacting – despite the tears in her eyes that threatened to fall. Her rambling was cut off as the boy pulled her into him arms, a delicate hand gently rubbing soothing circles on her lower back.
Isaac listened as her heart almost stopped. Stiles and Lydia were bound to each other; they sought each other out in their most desperate of times. They needed each other to be told that everything was alright, to be calmed and soothed.
Isaac knew, their actions told him so.
Sheriff Stilinski noticed it when he came home late one night from the office. He walked quietly into his home to find chemistry papers and math textbooks strewn across the kitchen table. He saw two pairs of shoes and sodden jumpers lying by a slowly dying fire. He followed the trail of popcorn kernels to the sofa where a lump of covers, pillows and limbs greeted him. He watched with a small, contented smile as a sleeping Lydia burrowed her head deeper into the crook of his son's neck. Her small fingers were curled tightly into his sleep creased t-shirt and her legs were entwined with Stiles' much longer ones. The sheriff sighed and smiled at his son, who looked back with a hint of sheepishness at his dad. Nevertheless, his hand continued to caress the long strawberry blonde locks and hold the sleeping girl closer to his own body. His father crept out the room, happy for his son. Happy because he knew Stiles and Lydia were meant for each other, they completed each other and that was that. They made the other a better person and they made each other happier than anyone else had ever seen them.
The sheriff knew, because well – the evidence on his couch had told him so.