I should really stop writing Pan fics... But I seriously can't help it... Ah well, Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Burning Embers

If you are interested in stories with happy endings, then you might as well stop reading.

Not only is there no happy ending in this story, there isn't a happy beginning either and very few happy things occur in between.

Because, very few happy things happened in the life of Lily Rose Peters.

Before her troubles began, Lily was never afraid of being herself, but that soon changed.

The people who knew her before her life completely changed admired her looks and personality.

You may think that this is a fairytale, another story about a damsel in distress waiting to get rescued by a heroic prince.

But unfortunately, there's none of that in this story either, well at least not for Lily.

This story starts with a tragic event, where our young little damsel becomes an orphan.

In a town, far from wherever you are now.

Somewhere you will never go, or ever end up.

Well, unless a certain demon wants to take you away, that is.

It's a mystery, you might say, somewhere magic is found around every corner.

A town, where burning embers caught the villager's eyes.

Sky like eyes flew open at a strange cackling sound coming from outside her bedroom door.

She could smell something unusual, but at first she couldn't make out what it was.

Her heart beat accelerated when realized it was smoke: the house was burning.

"Papa… PAPA!" She yelled, fear causing her stomach to churn uncomfortably.

The ten year old rushed out of her small room and looked around.

Orange flames crawled over everything in sight, destroying pictures, priceless objects and happy memories.

Everything was disappearing, she knew there wasn't much time left and her suspicions were confirmed as a chunk of wood came crashing down, leaving a large hole in the hall.

She took a step back towards the stairs, but the flames seared in front of her as if to drive her back, as if someone was controlling them.

You never know, maybe someone had been controlling them.

Strange things like that happen all the time in this little world.

Looking behind her, she saw her only means of escape, the bedroom window.

It opened as she tugged harshly on its handle and climbed outside, looking one last time at the memorable scene behind her.

Her room with the small but comfy bed with the pale rose colored duvets, the small drawings on her wall, the desk her father had built for her... And so much more, it was unthinkable.

The embers had made their way into her room and were approaching her fast.

After a deep breath, she closed her pale eyes, and just like that, she jumped.

Right as she hit the grass on her back a sudden pain rushed through her.

The flames crashed through the window with an explosion of heat.

"FATHER!" She screamed, as the house came crashing down.

For a moment, she could've sworn someone had spoken from behind her. "I will get you," It whispered darkly. "I always get what I want."

Before she could turn around, a pair of arms grabbed her and held her back. "Lily, it's OK, you're safe now." It was a man's voice.

"NO!" She cried, sinking to the floor as people from the village poured buckets of water from the lake on the flames. "Where's my father!" She sobbed. "He's alive! He has to be!"

She was turned on the spot, now facing an old looking man.

The first thing she noticed was his large, white and permed mustache and strangely thick, gray eyebrows.

"I'm afraid he didn't make it." He said slowly, making sure she heard him.

"No… No…"

Lily pulled away from him and ran as fast as she could towards the river.

A tear slipped down her cheek and she sat there in silence for a while and calmed herself down. "Why? Why did you have to leave me, papa? Why?" She wept. "All the things we had planned… You promised."

After a while, she calmed down, but the paleness in her cheeks made her look like a ghost.

She laid on the floor, staring up at the stars and made a vow. "I will never stop singing for you, papa… I promise."

One week before Lily's birth, her mother had become ill and her father called for a fairy.

Her powers were well known in the Enchanted Forest and he needed her help.

She helped them, and when the child was born, the blue fairy gave her three gifts:

The voice of an angel singing, the looks of a siren smiling, and the heart of a dreamer shining.

Since the day Lily began to talk, she knew how to sing.

After an hour, the old man returned to her. "The orphanage is expecting you,"

She gasped. "But, I-"

"Now, now…. It'll be alright. I promise." He gently took her hand and led her back into the village.

A horse and carriage awaiting for them.

Lily slowly sat down inside and looked out of her window, where her house now lay n a pile of burnt wood and ashes. "Papa..."

Six years later, nothing much had changed.

The streets of the town still looked old and boring.

But people did change, physically and mentally.

Lily became even more beautiful as time went by.

A small, light boned girl of quiet beauty.

Dark mahogany hair, blue eyes and a slender shaped body would normally ensure that plenty of men would take a second look at her, but she acted so meek that most don't even notice her existence.

However, she had gotten used to being ignored.

The only people who didn't ignore her were the women who took care of her.

Of course, they didn't only look after her, there was also the girls from the orphanage.

There was one girl, Aidia who would let Lily sing, play, talk, and sometimes dance with her.

Aidia was a beautiful child. Her hair was the color of raspberries and always tied in plaits.

But her eyes were very unusual, they were golden almost, and sparkled whenever the sun shone on them.

One thing that most people disapproved of was how often Lily would venture into the forest whenever she could.

Acting as though she had no responsibilities, or cared about her life.

She had to admit that sometimes, she didn't care about anything.

At times, the only thing that got her through the day was Aidia.

As, Lily came to the end of the trees, which led back towards the village, her eyes brightened up at the sight of the lake.

The air had always felt warmer there, the sound of insects were almost too loud.

The lake itself seemed like a black void, the sun bouncing off its surface.

Lily sat down on the edge of the water and peered into its depths, she could only see the plants and small insects at first.

But if she remained still the water somehow became apparent, so she could see the small fish darting about in random directions.

The dragonflies always caught her attention, she lifted her gaze for a moment to see them in their metallic blue finery.

Lily remembered how her father used to bring her there and taught her things that women shouldn't know.

Such as climbing trees, shooting arrows with a bow. But the favorite thing he taught her was music.

She smiled slowly at the memories she held deep within her heart.

"If you were with me now

I'd find myself in you

If you were with me now

You're the only one who knew

All the things we planned to do."

She sang to herself as she let a stray tear fall down her face, knowing that even if she did get adopted, no one would be able to replace her dear Papa.

Her mother, Milah had left four years before her father had passed away.

Apparently, she had been married with a man called Rumpelstiltskin and had a child who was only a year older than Lily was.

Had Lily know she had a half-brother she would be out there searching for him.

But alas, the only thing she knew was how her mother just disappeared.

Lily's father, whose name was Jack had looked after Lily for four years until he died.

She would give anything to see him again, and have the life he said she'd have.

"I want to live my life

The way you said I would

With courage as my light

Fighting for what's right

Like you made me believe I could."

I will fly on my father's wings

To places I have never been

There is so much I've never seen

And I can feel his heartbeat still

And I will do great things

On my father's wings"

She jumped on a stone, poking out of the water, and giggled when a flock of birds whooshed past her, almost making her fall in.

Her mahogany hair billowing behind her in flawless waves.

"But I will fly on my father's wings

To places I have never been

There is so much I've never seen

And I can feel his heartbeat still

And I will do great things

On my father's wings,

Someday with his spirit to guide me

And his memory beside me

I will be free to fly on my father's wings

To places I have never been

There is so much I've never seen

And I can feel his heartbeat still

And I will do great things

On my father's wings

On my father's wings."

Lily sighed slowly as she sat back on the bank.

"I should get home." She whispered to herself.

A chuckled came from behind her. "Home?"

Lily tensed slightly and turned around. "Who are you?" She asked.

He smirked. "Oh… Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

Lily frowned slightly, she had heard that name before. "Well, it was… nice meeting you… Peter Pan… Now… If you don't mind, I should be getting back home."

He raised an eyebrow. "Home?" He repeated. "You don't have a home." He stated.

Lily's stomach churned ever so slightly. How could a complete stranger know that? "H-how do you know?"

"Let's just say I know a lot of things." He replied mysteriously, causing her to narrow her eyes. "Oh, and might I add what a beautiful voice you have."

She backed away from him. "Y-you've been w-watching me?"

"You know, for quite some time now… I've been looking for something…. Or rather someone. " He started to walk closer to her,

Lily stared desperately at him, wide eyed. "Who?"

He laughed. "You."


Peter smirked. "You'll find out soon enough."

She tensed again, this time receiving goose bumps. "Listen, I-I really have to go, they won't let me out again if I-"

He cut her off. "Either way, it doesn't matter." He smirked. "I've found what I was looking for."

Lily shook her head. "No."

He sighed. "I will get you, Lily. You cannot hide from me." He told her darkly, almost daring her to try. "Whether it takes days, weeks or even months… I will have you."

Before she knew what was happening, he kissed her cheek and vanished before she could say. "There's a first time for everything."

That's when she darted back into the forest then back to the orphanage.

"Where have you been!?" Madame yelled at her.

Lily never found out her real name, she had only ever called her 'Madame' and she knew it'd always be that way.

The clock read ten past nine o' clock. "Madame, I-I'm only t-ten minutes late." She stated, out of breath.

Madame was an old strict woman, whose husband, the man who had bought her to the orphanage in the first place, had been murdered two years ago.

Ever since then, she had been impossible to live with.

But Lily was kindhearted and couldn't help but pity her.

"Only ten minutes?" Madame yelled. "Anything could have happened! You could've died! You could have been -!"

Lily's eyes widened slightly. "Madame, please. I'm fine." She said slowly. "Nothing happened."

And she was grateful. That boy had scared her, he could've done anything t her in the middle of the forest.

Madame walked over to her and gave her a stern look. "You're not to go out again, not unless the others are there to look after you. At least they're responsible." She hissed.

"But I-!"

"Of to bed with ya'!" She stormed away, back to the main room where a warm fire and calico cat awaited her.

Lily walked somberly back to her chambers, opened the door to find all the girls chatting away.

But when they saw her, they ceased talking.

"Hi." Lily greeted. "C-can I talk to you…?"

She had never been close to any of them, she felt invisible around them most of the time, but she really had no one else to turn to.

Aidia was too young to understand her situation.

"What is it?" One of the oldest ones asked. "Need help making your bed?"

Elena had always been mean towards her.

She had blond curly locks that went down to her shoulders, with a pink ribbon tied in a bow behind.

She was a pretty face, but she had an awful personality which somehow made her popular.

The others laughed with her, Lily sighed deeply. "No… I-It's a boy."

That caught their interest. "Oh! A boyfriend?"

Jasmine was always the romantic one.

Lily's eyes widened at that. "No! He… um… H-he th-threatened me."


Lily explained what had happened. "Who was he? Did you know him?"

She sighed. "H-he said his name was Peter Pan."

The twins, Rosalie and Julia, two black haired girls with matching eyes, put their hands to their chests. "Oh, my god!' They exclaimed. "You stay away from him, Lily. We've heard stories about him."

Lily was surprised how much they were all starting to get interested in her for once. "H-he said I c-couldn't hide from him."

"We'll help you." Jasmine promised, as she started braiding her auburn hair.

Elena frowned. "Are you lot mental?! She's lying!" She yelled. "She's only doing this for attention."

"I'm not!" Lily shouted.

Aidia tugged on Lily's arm. "I believe her."

"Yeah. We believe her too." The others agreed.

That's when Lily felt a chill.