
Frozen the Dragon Princess

The end is also the beginning.

Anna was restless. When they had gotten back Ursa and Borealis had greeted Ventia and Aqurarus with the happiness of old friends. Anna had immediately asked about the heart and Borealis had laughed gleefully, a sound that almost shocked her.

"Do not worry. We shall re-assemble the stone but it will take some time to do it right" Borealis said, causing Anna to sigh

"I've waited most of my life, I can wait a little bit longer" Anna said.

"Not for much longer. We are as intent on reforming the gem as you are" He said. So for the next few weeks Anna was at loose ends trying to keep busy. She read both normal books and her magic book, practiced her magic, even snuck out of the castle to fly invisible over the Fjords and farms of their kingdom. It was during one of her flights that she saw what she could only describe as an Armada sailing straight for Arendelle she flew low to see who they were, and saw the flag of the Duchy of Weselton. Now she always had trouble with the diplomatic part of her education, but she knew that Weselton had been one of Arendell's oldest trading partners, so why they were attacking now was a complete mystery. Thinking quickly she stayed invisible and transformed back to land on the deck of lead battle ship. She crept quietly into the captain's cabin to find the man, a tall broad shouldered man dressed in the deep crimson of Weselton. She snuck up behind him and calling on her earthen strength grabbed the man by the neck and slammed his head onto the desk holding it there.

"Scream and you die" She hissed at the man.

"What are you?" the man growled.

"Arendell's guardian dragon. Why are you sailing to my home ready for war?" She hissed and pressed the man so hard into the desk both the wood and the man's bones creaked.

"Well?" She asked.

"I'll tell you nothing" the man growled. Swallowing back her bile and disgust, she heated the hand that had a grip on the man's neck until he began moaning.

"Unless you want me to set your head on fire, tell me why you are sailing for war against Arendelle!" Anna hissed.

"The northern kingdoms, they are worried about the closed gates. Rumor has spread that the king has come into possession of powerful dark magic, a spell that can freeze anything he wishes" The captain gasped. Ice surged through her veins but she kept the man pressed to the desk.

"Turn this fleet around. If you don't you won't find ice, but fire waiting for you" She hissed in his ear and released him, moving away as he surged up, drawing his sword in a swipe. She raced out of the captain's cabin and back onto the deck and transforming took wing.

Elsa was taking a peaceful walk around the grounds when she heard a strange thumping sound. She looked around but didn't see anything as a warm wind that smelled of cinnamon and spice.

"Hello?" She asked as she inhaled the scent.

"Anna?" she asked as she stood in the middle of the dissipating warmth.

"This is her scent" Elsa knew from the long ago days when she was able to hug her little sister. She would never forget that sweet warm scent as long as she lived.

Anna raced through the halls of the palace.

"What I do? Borealis and the others are busy with the stone, and even if they weren't I can't ask them to fight for us. I have to tell mom and dad" She concluded as she stopped dead.

"Even if I told them, would they even listen?" She wondered clenching her fists.

"Anna?" Elsa asked from behind her. She whirled around and saw her older sister looking at her, her blue dress emasculate, those infernal gloves on her hand.

"Anna what are you wearing?" Elsa asked quirking on eyebrow. She looked down at herself and saw she was still wearing her pants and shirt, with Ask strapped to her waist.

"What are you doing, playing soldier?" Elsa asked smirking slightly. Though Elsa wouldn't admit it, she thought Anna looked adorable in the leather breeches shirt and boots, with a sword at her waist.

"I hope that's pig iron" She thought. Anna stared at her, and Elsa saw her sisters eyes go hard with resolve, and she felt a strange thrill go up her spine as her sister turned and strode away.

"Anna wait" Elsa said walking after her. Anna rounded a corner and Elsa followed right behind her. She rounded the corner to find Anna was gone.

"Impossible" Elsa thought as she looked around, then froze as a whiff of her sister's scent entered her nose.

"Anna" She called, but no one answered her.

"I'm sorry Elsa, but with as much trouble as you have with your powers, I can't risk dragging you into this fight, and I can't risk dragging anyone else into it either" Anna thought as she walked by her sister invisibly a tear tracing its way down her cheek. Over the next few days she kept an eye on the fleet from the air, but they didn't stop their advance on Arendelle. The third day she felt the tension in the castle as her father was notified of the fleet. That was how she found herself standing in front of her father's office, using her dragon hearing and a simple wind spell to listen to the conversation as if she were standing in the room.

"Is there not any way we can talk to them, asking them why they are doing this?" Elsa asked, causing Anna's mouth to twist sourly.

"They locked us up in here, terrified of Elsa's powers, yet they still trust her more than me" She thought viscously, then immediately regretted it.

"It's not Elsa's fault, it's mine" She reminded herself

"Even if we did send them a message it would be half way there as the fleet reached out shores" her father said.

"Why are you lurking about a bout out here?" Borealis asked.

"How's the stone coming?" Anna asked excitedly.

"We will be ready for the final ceremony soon. I hear there is a fleet of ships sailing for the kingdom" he said and she nodded.

"And you are waiting out here why?"

"Listening to what my parents will do, and since they won't let me in" Anna said as she sneezed suddenly as the crisp cold scent of Elsa's magic filled her nose.

"Elsa please" Her mother said tiredly

"I'm sorry" Elsa mumbled hopelessly.

"Can't they see Elsa's terrified, and being scared of her powers doesn't help" She thought savagely as she turned and slammed her fist into the door. There was a bang like thunder up and down the hall as she felt the door almost buckle under her closed fist. She stepped back and turned invisible as the door was thrown open and her mother stared out. She looked around and saw Borealis smirking at her.

"Did you do this?" Idunn asked.

"You're youngest did this, out of frustration" Borealis said.

"Anna was here?" She asked.

"She is still here" Borealis said. Idunn's eyes widened as she looked around.

"Mother, what's going on?" Elsa asked from behind her, and her mother almost leapt out of the door as a sheet of ice crept out from underneath it.

"Elsa" Idunn hissed. Without thinking Anna stepped forward and raising her foot stomped down on the ice, sending her power outward. A bright flash of orange and gold spread from her foot into the room, earning a gasp from the two people inside, then Anna was gone racing down the hallway.

"Idunn, what happened, what was that?" Agdar asked racing out of the room. Idunn looked at him her face pale as Elsa emerged as well.

"Mother?" She asked shaken, her face hopeful and her very soul still tingling from the sudden burst of heat and warmth that had surged into the room. Borealis grunted in disgust before walking away.

Anna flew over the entrance to the fjord of Arendelle where a small group of ships had been called up to help oppose the fleet from Weselton. Seeing the ships of her people gathering for war, a slow anger began to boil.

"These men don't even know what they're fighting for, just like the idiots from Weselton don't know what they're fighting against. No one knows anything because of my parent's fear" She realized. Hovering over the ocean, she made her decision, even though the thought of the destruction and death it would cause broke her heart. She climbed into the clouds and set to work. It wasn't too hard considering the storm season was coming. Using every ounce of storm magic she knew, she increased the water in the air, compressing and manipulating it, while simultaneously harnessing it to follow her orders as she pumped heat into the clouds. They slowly puffed up, turned grey then black with lightning crackling within them. Finally it was ready, a storm that would follow her directions and rage for three days around the circumference of Arendelle. She barely had the strength to glide back to land, a small stretch of beach near the entrance to the fjord. She transformed back and collapsed on the beach as she saw the lightning flash and thunder roar, and the seas begin to swell in a thin stretch of ocean, no more than a mile wide, but so savage that any ship that sailed into it was doomed. Anna put her head over her face as tears fell down her cheeks.

"I hate this" She thought as she wept.

"There you are" a warm familiar voice said. Anna sat up wiping her tears as Ventia came up to her.

"Well, that is impressive" Ventia said looking out at the storm that was whipping the waves up to ten feet high.

"I hate it" Anna growled.

"I know. You hate using you're magic to hurt others" Ventia said taking a sandwich out of her satchel and handing it to Anna. The girl took it without complaint and wolfed it down.

"You know you could try a little harder to learn proper manners" Ventia scolded gently as she watched the girl lick her fingers.

"Why, if my parents have their way Elsa and I won't ever have any use for them, so why bother?" Anna asked.

"You never know what the future holds" Ventia said.

"I just spent the summer in the future" Anna said air quoting future.

"You know what It was the mean. It is the reason you were taught not to travel into your own future or past" Ventia said. All Anna did was shrug.

"People don't really care about the spare anyway" Was all she said.

"We should be getting back" Ventia said, a pained look on her face Anna didn't understand. They flew back to the castle where Anna saw Elsa talking to their etiquette teacher. As usual the old spinster was gushing over Elsa's comportment, dress and grace. The old woman's eyes lit on her and she saw the flash of disappointment and disgust that many of the other tutors had when they looked at her. Anna scowled back as Elsa turned and saw her as well.

"Princess Anna, so good to finally see you. You missed our lesson" She said and Anna could almost hear the contempt in her voice.

"Useless clumsy spoiled brat" she almost heard the thought going through the woman's mind. It wasn't the worst thing she heard from her normal tutors whispered from behind her back or more often than not to her face when her parents and sister weren't around.




"Worthless spare"

The words rattled around in her brain as her fist clenched.

"I do not understand you child." The woman continued.

"Do you not realize that you are privileged beyond most girl's dreams, and with that privilege comes certain obligations? Really, when will you stop embarrassing you're poor suffering parents and you're dear sister?" the woman said waspishly. Anna gritted her teeth and looked to Elsa pleadingly, only to see her staring off in the opposite direction.

"That is enough" Ventia said, making everyone jump.

"Do not forget you're place woman. You are a tutor, nothing more. Whether the princess desired to learn her lessons or not is the king and queens responsibility, not yours" Ventia said in such a stern imperious tone that even Anna was shocked. The woman looked at Ventia, her eyes almost bulging before she curtsied.

"As you say my lady" She said tightly and turning stalked off. Anna looked at the woman, her eyes almost tearing in gratitude at being defended by her. She looked back at Elsa who had tuned to walk away as well.

"Elsa" Anna thought sadly. She was hurt at her sister for not coming to her defense, but not really angry and she understood.

"Don't worry Elsa, it won't be long before things are different" Anna thought to herself.

Elsa shut the door and slid to the ground weeping in anger at herself, frost shooting up the walls.

"You pathetic cretin. How could you just stand there and let that horrible woman abuse Anna like that?" She berated herself.

"Come to think of it, when is the last time you ever said a word in her defense to your tutors or to mama and papa?" She accused herself. She heard the whispers behind her sisters back and the scolding's when their tutors thought no one else was around.





She had heard the tutors berate her sister for not being a "proper" princess, of being as graceful, intelligent and "perfect" as Elsa and had never stood up for her once. She knew her parents thought the same thing of as the tutors despite Elsa's problems.

"You worthless monster. You're very presence makes Anna suffer in every way" Elsa berated herself as the ice thickened.

"What do you mean the stone isn't working?" Anna demanded.

"We can access the power of the stones individually, but we can't get them to fuse. It's like there is still something missing" Borealis said tersely, and Anna could almost feel the anger and frustration coming off him.

"That is because there is still something missing" Aquarius said.

"What?" Borealis asked.

"Come brother, have your wits been so addled by your long sleep?" the man asked.

"Aqurarus" Ventia said tersely.

"There are not four basic elements to our magic, there are five" Aqurarus said. At this statement Ventia's mouth thinned down to a line, Ursa blanched, and even Borealis growled.

"Wait what?" Anna asked.

"There are two missing stones, a stone of light and a stone of darkness" Aqurarus said.

"Wait if there are really light and dark magic's, then why haven't you taught me them?" Anna asked.

"Because they are very dangerous magic's both of them" Ventia explained with distaste.

"Light magic requires courage and a pure heart. If you waver even for a second, even the simplest light spell can injure or even kill you" Borealis explained.

"Dark magic, or shadow magic is even more dangerous. If you do not have the resolved to master it then it will corrupt and twist you beyond recognition" Ursa added almost spitting.

"So, how do we find the last two stones?" Anna asked. They all looked at each other with varying degrees of despair.

"I have no idea" Borealis said.

"Then we'll find a way" Anna said determined, causing them all to look at her.

Quietly awakening...

I always, always wish

that these fleeting thoughts

Would reach you...

"I've spent my life looking for the queen's heart so I could erase what I did to Elsa. I've come so far and learned so much that I just can't give up now" Anna said forcefully.

Unable to move forward across "just a little more" distance
The way I see before me is always blocked
Every time the days I want to see you but can't pile up,
My strong heartbeat turns into heartbreak.

"I agree. We've all come so far, we have to try and go the rest of the way" Ursa said and all the others nodded.

If there is such a thing as "eternity,"
I want to believe, even if I have to take the long way.
Although I know that I've been hurt before because I'm clumsy
I won't stop; I won't give in to anyone.

Anna left them talking about how to find the last two stones and wandered around the castle to clear her head. She looked out the window and saw the storm she created in the distance, lightning crackling and flashing.

I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...

Elsa was looking out her window as well, wondering about the strange storm that didn't seem to move from its spot. Word had come that it covered a small stretch of ocean, making it impassable.

"So many strange things are happening lately. Mother and father tell me not to worry about it, to focus controlling my powers, but still…" She thought as she opened her hand allowing a blue snowflake to form.

I've known all too well about pretending to be strong.
But since then, my doubts have vanished.

There's definitely things I want to show you
And so many words I want to hear
I want to see all sides of you, when you laugh and cry
So I'll stop waiting
and seize my "chance."

Anna found herself outside her sister's door, and resisted the urge to walk in and tell her sister that she knew about her powers, that she would like to try to help her. She knew that would be bad, that the fear and control that their parents imposed would cause any attempts for her to help too end in disaster. They might even try to drag her back to the trolls to erase her memory again.

I think of you,
and I feel like that alone is enough
to make my heart grow stronger.
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...

I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
My distant voice can't reach you now, but so that someday
it definitely will...
Believe. la la la la la la...
Believe. la la la la la la...
Believe. la la la la la la...

That was why she would keep to her plan, her plan to fix what she had done, to give her sister the happiness she deserved, give Elsa back the life Anna had stolen no matter the cost to her.

Sorry for the late update, but as always life gets in the way, as well as lack of inspiration, and I'd rather wait until inspiration hits than put out something bad. In this chapter I'm trying to balance Anna's sweet gentle nature with her can do attitude. If she can climb a frozen mountain in a ball gown, I don't think she's afraid to get her hands dirty to protect her family and kingdom. Finally, this is the last chapter of my Dragon Princess story. The next one will be my second story Frozen: the dragon knight about Anna's continuing adventures as she searches for the last two stones. The song at the end is "my will" from Inuyasha.