Part One

"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust"


A Cruel Saukerl and a Cowardly Saumemsch – Greif and Laughter – The Standover Man 2

The Silver Eyed German Solider vs. The Lemon Haired German "Jesse Owens"

Chapter One:

"A Cruel Saukerl and a Cowardly Saumemsch "

I'm not cruel. I'm not! I don't like my job, but when you're me and no one else but the dead can hear you and talk to you, you don't have too many options. In all honestly, I don't want to take Rudy Steiner. He has a charm and skill too great and lovable to take away and more tragically he never got his kiss, though the book thief had thought she had given him one, as a farewell gesture, that wasn't Rudy. Don't get me wrong. It was Rudy Steiner, the young Jesse Owens boy, who had been pursuing that kiss since she's arrived on Munich Street. That was Rudy, but now it's just a shell. A shell with bombed poisoned lips and grime stained lemon hair. It looked like Rudy but it wasn't Rudy. Not anymore.

No. I don't want to do it. I know it isn't right, but it's my job.

Rudy Steiner, the real Rudy Steiner, not the shell, was in my arms. He was a sleeping soul and I was ready to take him to the rest of the sleeping souls just waiting to wake up. At least physically I was ready, but mentally, emotionally. This isn't right. I knew it wasn't right. It's not his time. He's early.

I know what I have to do. Though I'm not su- I've never done this before. I've heard of others like me who just didn't have the heart to take premature deaths. It's definitely going to get me in trouble. I just hope this kid appreciates it.

Liesel Steiner. That doesn't sound half bad. Even for a saumemsch.

For some reason those were the boy's thoughts before his eyes open, and the darkness faded into a world of blurry shapes and color, which were bright and almost blinding, and Rudy couldn't help but feel like something had happened, something bad, and everything was alright now.

He felt lighter, more at peace, and...

"Rudy," she sobbed, "wake up..."

Meminger? He knew that voice anywhere. It was the beautiful, reckless, book theif with the voice that would always put a smile on his face. That saumemsch. She sounded sad, but what could she be crying about? He felt her grab him by his shirt and give him a disbelieving shake. "Wake up, Rudy." Funny. He thought he was awake. His eyes are open. He see's her shaking him like a mad woman, and her streaming eyes wetting his face. How can he see all of this with his eyes closed. "Rudy, please."

He wanted to move, but for some reason he couldn't. He wanted to yell, "Shut up Saumemsch! I'm awake! Are you stupid or something!?" but nothing came. No movement or sound and then he thought, "Did I die? Am I dead?"

No. He's not dead. Atleast not anymore, but Rudy's body was unresponsive and it frustrated him. Liesel's cries were frustating him, her pleas for him to wake up. It was maddening because he knew she thought he was dead, and he so desperately wanted to show her he wasn't. He was far from it!

"Rudy, please, wake up, Goddamn it, wake up, I love you. Come on, Rudy, come on Jesse Owens, don't you know I love you, wake up, wake up, wake up..."

For the first time in his life, Rudy had no idea what to say. Even if his body would respond to his will, Rudy would have froze. The words "I love you." He'd never thought he would ever hear such words if it didn't come from anyone related to him and it kept him almost wanting more. He wanted to hear more of what she has to say, he craved it more than any apple or share of mixed candy and almost as desperately, he wanted to say it back, but he also wasn't sure. What would it mean if he said it to her, what would it bind him to? Would saying it be like signing your soul away? Would it tie her to him? Would Mr. Hubberman go after him with chaos in his eyes? What did it mean and what would it do, if he told her he loves her back?

"Come on, Jesse Owens–"

Rudy would smile if he could. She called him Jesse Owens. He knew she was into atheletes. All girls are.

She buried her head into his chest and he wanted so desperately to wrap his arms around her, but still he couldn't. The frustration grew, like a long lasting green mold and he wanted to scream. This is when it happened. The reason I kept him alive. "God, Rudy..."

Her words trailed off and she leaned down. Rudy watched in silence as he whitnessed Liesel Meminger, the book theif, the boxing champion, the saumemsch from next door, his best friend, lean down and kiss him, soft and true on his lips. It was that kiss which truely brought him back to life. It was the kiss which gave him strenght in his muscles and great joy.

For as long as he knew her, he wanted that kiss. His father told him to not hold his breath but I guess he did, because he exhaled. Rudy Steiner exhaled as if he had been holding his breath ever since. Liesel pulled back, for she felt the hot air on her lips and it shocked her. "Rudy?" she called out, clinging on what little hope she still owns and Rudy smiled. His eyes were still closed and his body was still weak, but he smiled his large, goofy, boyish grin.

His eyes opened too, still sky blue and filled with michief. He threw up his arms in great victory screaming "YES! YESS! I GOT IT! I GOT LIESEL MEMINGER TO KISS ME!"

"SAUKERL!" Liesel screamed at him in horror. The tears still fell, and she stared at him with hot flashes of anger and betrayal. She thought he had played her, fooled her into thinking he was dead so she would kiss him and it did look that way. Jumping to her feet, Rudy watched very seriously as Liesel ran off, but she couldn't out run him. He was Jesse Owens for God's sake and once he was on his feet and running, he could catch up with her no matter how far away she was and that's what he was going to do.

Though jumping to his feet wasn't as easy he assumed it would be. His knees wobbled and banged together. It was like he didn't know how to walk at all and the slower he was to just stand, the farther the saumemsch got from him. "Saumemsch!" he screamed to her, but she didn't turn. She kept running untill she disapeared in the brown and grey fog. He shook his head blankly. Why would she run? He's alive. He's here. She thinks he was a cruel saukerl and he thought she was a cowardly Saumemsch. What a perfect couple, soon to be. Hopefully it would last.


What do you think? I mean really? Some of it, I admit, I took straight from the book (the dialogue) but the rest is mine. I'm kind of proud of this, but I REALLY want to know what you think, and I know I'm not the greatest writer in the world, so please tell me!