She lands with a soft thud and a big smile. Grabbing the outreached hand of a handsome Dauntless man, she easily rolls from the net, sending the boy a sly wink over her shoulder. Four, clearly surprised, actually chuckles. The girl jogs over to the group of other Dauntless initiates and high fives a few people before turning to watch the next person jump.
I raise a ringed eyebrow from the shadows. All I can see from where I hide is a flash of Erudite clothing, and a blush rise into Four's cheeks. Generally, the middle jumpers aren't anything special but anyone who can catch my adversary so off-guard is worthy of my interest. And an Erudite girl… intriguing. I start to shift my position slightly, still not willing to alert the others of my presence, but intent on seeing this transfer's face.
As I slide around the room, another Erudite transfer lands and I manage to catch a glimpse of his face. I vaguely recognize him and have to stop to try and recall the name. Will, was it? His sister Cara was in my classes at school, but we never got along. She was the epitome of Erudite; incredibly intelligent, but also brash and some would say, kind of a bitch. I worry for a moment that he might recognize me but the fear lasts only a second; my appearance has changed so drastically since I left my old faction that there hasn't been a transfer yet to make the connection.
A few minutes later, the last transfer lands and I find that I've reached the end of my safety net of shadows, still unsuccessful at discovering the identity of the Four-blush-inducing girl. I lean back against the stone, surveying the profiles of my new initiates. Twenty. Not bad. Out of habit I scan the clothing of the transfers. Four from Erudite stand out in their blue clothing. I'm honestly not sure why I still care; I knew two transfers last year but we never got along before Dauntless so I chose to ignore them. Hell, I'll probably do the same to these four.
I run a hand through my hair and quickly find the exit before the crowd turns to leave, making my way up to Max's office to await his arrival.
By the time I leave Max's I am furious. I come to get a report on the new initiates that I am overseeing and all he can do is talk about Four. Stupid fucking Four. Who gives a fuck if Four hasn't been around? I'm here, aren't I? I'm the one taking the initiative, making connections, working my networking skills, building my way up the Dauntless leadership ladder. And here this little asswipe is, getting fawned on by every Dauntless leader like he's our little golden boy.
I crack my neck from side to side to release some of the tension and actually take a deep breath before entering the cafeteria. I have to learn to keep my emotions under control or else they're going to fuck me over.
Nothing makes me feel better than the hush that follows whenever I enter a room. I feel empowered. I pretend to ignore the sideways glances and whispers but I am reveling in it. I spot Four quickly, sitting at a table with a group of initiates. Jesus, he is too soft for this job. I take a deep breath and plaster that smile I know makes others uncomfortable. At least I can toy with the new initiates soon, that'll take some of the stress off.
I plop down next to him and my heart skips a beat. The Erudite girl; I do know her. I recover quickly. "Well, aren't you going to introduce me?" I ask Four, trying my best to be nonchalant.
"This is Tris and Christina," he responds, nodding to the two girls beside him.
No you fucktard, I'm talking about the blonde bombshell across the table from you, obviously. As the thought runs through my head, she seems to sense my look and turns to catch me staring at her. Inwardly, I freeze, but she only keeps my gaze for a moment before going back to her conversation.
Of course she doesn't recognize me, why would she? I release the breath I didn't realize I was holding and turn back to the two girls next to Four, who look absolutely terrified of me. A Stiff. Awesome. She's going to be fun to break.
Soon after my conversation with Four, I'm winding my way through the Dauntless hallways with a flock of transfers at my heels. They don't even know me yet and they're already too afraid to speak in my presence. The thought actually makes me smile. When I finally turn to face them with their dormitory door behind me, almost every eye glances away. Good. Tris, the Stiff, is staring intently at her feet. A large kid I don't yet know is looking at the back of another initiate's head. Even Peter, a mean-looking boy in Candor clothing is staring just over my shoulder to avoid making eye contact. And then there's the Erudite girl. Glaring at me with a small curve on her lips and boredom in her eyes. She once again catches me off guard.
As I discuss the dorm, rules, and rankings, I try my best to act as uninterested in the initiates as I actually am, picking at my nails and doing my best "cold-death-stare" whenever one of them braves a glance in my direction. I'm almost giddy with power. By the time that dumb-ass Molly opens her mouth to protest our unfairness, I've almost completely forgotten about the Erudite. My eyes linger on her for just a moment as they file past me into the dorm.
I turn quickly on my heels and head directly to Max's office. I have been jumping at the bit to get to him the second I sat down at Four's table and noticed those striking blue eyes staring back at me.
Shut up, Eric! I scold myself. Now is not the time to get caught up in old memories.
When I finally reach the top of the stairs, I'm faintly out of breath. Even someone in the best of shape gets a little winded running around this place. I push his door open without knocking and interrupt him in what looks like a serious conversation with Four.
"Get out," I order, glaring at my nemesis.
He rolls his eyes at me, but stands to leave, unwilling to start a fight. Max stands too, irritated at my outburst. "Eric. Four and I were in the middle of something."
"This is more important, I guarantee," I respond, tapping my foot impatiently.
"And what's so important that it can't wait for us to finish this conversation?"
"It's about the new initiates. A transfer."
Four raises and eyebrow. Crap. Of course he's going to be interested now. "If it's about my new initiates, then maybe it's something I should know."
I seriously thought I could burn a hole right through him with the stare I send in his direction. He regards me coolly, completely unfazed by my scare tactics.
Max actually has the gall to laugh. "Ok, put the rulers away you two." Four flinches. That damn Abnegation frigidness never really left him. I smirk.
"Fine, whatever, I don't give a fuck." I throw my hands up in exasperation to further my point. Four sits down again and stares at me expectantly. I pace momentarily. Maybe I shouldn't bring this up. I stop suddenly. "I think we have a problem with one of the transfers," I start, considering the best way to phrase this.
"Which one?" Four asks, picking at a hole in his pants.
"Cassidy Matthews, Jeanine Matthews daughter."