Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or any of its characters though I really wish I did… sad face. I do own my people though, hee hee. It seems that using Japanese prefixes and whatnot is too complicated for me, so I'm just going to address people as we do in America.

A/N: Hiiiiii… I'm alive. I've been so lazy. Sorry… Thank you so much foxxery and CrimsonNight41! And hello very recent guest! You motivated me to get off my lazy bottom! Thanks! You guys are all awesome!

Byakuya walked down the corridors of the barracks.

"What do you want from me?"Byakuya asked as he turned to glare at Captain Gin Ichimaru and Captain Kenpachi Zaraki.

"After hearing that your sister will be executed, is the Captain of the Sixth Division sad and depressed?" Gin taunted.

"This has nothing to do with you guys."Byakuya calmly retorted.

Byakuya knew why Gin was being such a nuisance. Since they had both suffered a Chloe misadventure, somehow that gave Gin the right to tease him to no end.

Byakuya painfully remembered that day…

"You have two options. Option number one is that you go with me and Rangiku to buy clothes and to treat us to unlimited amounts of food. You're rich anyway. Option two is to not do that and then face having your pimply made up face printed on the front page of the Seireitei newspaper." Chloe grinned from ear to ear.

Byakuya's eyes widened in horror as Chloe dangled a photo of his sleeping face in front of him.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!" Byakuya demanded.

"Oh… I just randomly walked into the bathes to get my discarded robes. I just saw you lying on a table in there, and I took a picture of you." Chloe looked at Byakuya innocently.

As she finished her sentence, Byakuya used his sword to slice the picture into shreds.

"Silly Kiwi! I obviously made copies!" Chloe giggled and started pulling more photos out of her robes and skipped around, throwing them like confetti at Byakuya.

"Fine." Byakuya snarled in frustration.

Chloe did her victory dance and spun around Byakuya. "Yay, yay, YAY!"

In the human world

"I cannot believe that you managed to get him to do this! I mean it's already crazy that he agreed to buy clothes for us but to actually convince him to let us go shopping in the human world?! Truly amazing." Rangiku whispered into Chloe's ear. Byakuya and Gin were trailing behind them.

"Are you saying that you doubted my awesomeness? How could you?" Chloe gasped and flipped her hair.

"Wait that shop is perfect!" Rangiku exclaimed as she pointed to the Victoria's Secret sign. She dragged Chloe into the shop.

"Where'd they go?" Gin asked Byakuya. Byakuya closed his eyes rubbed his temples.

"…I sense their reiatsus in…THAT shop." Byakuya was appalled to see that his finger was pointing toward the bra store.

"Try these ones on." Rangiku handed a frilly bra with matching underwear to Chloe. She pushed Chloe into the closest dressing room. "I'll wait out here." Rangiku leaned against the wall with her arms folded.

"How does it look?" Chloe emerged from the room and turned to face Rangiku.

A mischievous grin appeared on Rangiku's face. "Maybe you should ask Byakuya if it's appropriate to wear in the manor. I know his parents are more on the conservative side."

"Okay. Let me take it off first, so I can show it to him." Chloe quickly walked back into the room and reached to unlatch the buckles.

"NO!" Rangiku yelled. "I mean. Just ask him to look at you right now. As a Kuchiki, he should know what clothes you can wear. Make sure to walk like a model and ask him if you're boobs have grown. It will help your relationship with him. Trust me."

"Okay." Chloe strode confidently around the store to find Byakuya and Gin. Rangiku giggled as she walked behind Chloe.

Meanwhile, Byakuya was facing the most humiliating experience of his life. The clerks kept following him around, asking him if he wanted to buy bras for a special someone. Gin watched in amusement at Byakuya's distress.

"Hey, look at these!" Gin pointed to J-cup sized bras on one of the mannequins and snickered. Byakuya facepalmed.

"Would you like to touch it? This one is softer, but this one has more lace." The female clerk approached them, smiling knowingly.


"Well let me know if you need any help. I can also help you measure your size." The woman noted and looked down at Byakuya's chest.

Byakuya also looked down at his flat chest in confusion, while Gin turned around to hide his laughing face. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN GET ME FITTED?! I'M A GUY!" Byakuya seethed.

"Oh my! I'm sorry! I thought you were a girl trying to cosplay for a male anime character!" She covered her mouth in shock.

"See ya! We're going to wait outside the store." Gin said to the woman as he started to pull a fuming Byakuya out of Victoria's Secret.

"Byakuya, are these suitable undergarments to wear at the Kuchiki Manor?" Chloe asked boldly before the two managed to get out of the store.

Byakuya and Gin looked up in shock to see a scantily clad Chloe. Gin glanced at Rangiku and made eye contact with her. Both tried to hold in their laughter, failing miserably.

"Well? What do you think? And, hey, do you think my boobs have grown?" Chloe squeezed her boobs for emphasis, just as Rangiku taught her.

"WHAT?! NO! That is NOT acceptable! Put on clothes! Go back in there!" Byakuya pushed a startled Chloe back into the dressing rooms shut the door behind her.

He sprinted out of the store and found a bench outside the shop and sat down with a huff, folding his arms and blushing furiously.

"So…did you like what you saw?" Gin teased as he sat next to Byakuya.

"Shut up!" Byakuya looked in a different direction.

"Byakuya! Can you give me your wallet?" Chloe asked. She had changed back into her normal clothes to the relief of the young noble.

"No, I don't trust you and your stupid antics." Byakuya glowered.

"Are you sure? I don't think you want to walk back in there?" Chloe gestured toward the bra shop.

Byakuya grumbled and handed her a wad of twenty dollar bills. Gin chuckled, while Rangiku sat down next to him.

"Oh, Chloe, remember to get the bras that I left in the dressing room, while you were trying on yours!" Rangiku shouted. Chloe nodded as she reentered the store.

"Is that all you want for today? Your little group is so cute! Were you guys dressing up for the Anime Expo?" The cashier gushed.

Chloe gave her a puzzled look for several seconds.

"Nevermind. There you go! Thank you for coming today!" the woman yelled at Chloe.

Seeing Chloe exit the store, Byakuya used his flash steps to get out of the revolting commoner mall. Once she and the others had caught up to him, Byakuya stated, "Next time, if you want clothes, just ask the tailors at the mansion. Such places like these are so distasteful." Byakuya scrunched his nose in disgust.

"Okay!" Chloe happily replied. "Don't mind if I do!"

The four Shinigami were going back to the portal to get back to the Seireitei. Chloe's stomach grumbled. "Byakuya…" She pulled the sleeve of his robe.

"What?!" Byakuya answered back in annoyance and yanked his sleeve out of Chloe's grasp.

"I'm hungry. Could we please go to one of the restaurants in the Seiteirei to get some food?" Chloe pleaded.

"Fine, but don't do anything stupid!" Byakuya yelled.

"Okay!" Chloe smiled. Gin and Rangiku exchanged amused looks.

"Let's go to this place! It looks new! The Golden Dragon Restaurant." Chloe read the sign and skipped happily towards it and dragged a Rangiku with her.

Byakuya shook his head and sighed. Gin opened the gold restaurant door for the young Kuchiki "After you." Byakuya walked in with Gin following in suit.

"Give me ramen. Lots of ramen. All the different types of sushi you sell here. Oh and ten gallons of ice cream." Chloe ordered the waiter.

"Dried persimmons and sake." Rangiku smiled.

"Same." Gin said.

"I refuse to eat peasant food." Byakuya stated.

Chloe frowned. "He wants bananas and the spiciest item you have on your menu."

"Is that all for today?" The waiter asked politely.

"Yeah!" Chloe smiled.

"I will not pay for this food." Byakuya said obstinately. Chloe frowned and gave him a depressed look. "I don't care." Byakuya looked away.

Chloe glanced over at Rangiku and mouthed "Plan B" at her. Rangiku gave her a thumbs up. Gin just smiled.

The waiter started placing several bottles of sake, dried persimmons, and ice cream in front of the teenagers. Chloe grabbed a gallon and started eating it. The other three Shinigami watched in awe as Chloe finished the carton and grabbed the next one. "What?" Chloe asked between swallows.

When the sushi came out, Chloe snatched each piece and placed a spoonful of ice cream on it before eating it. She sipped some of the sake.

"Hey Gin, wanna tell me all the bad things about Rangiku?" Chloe asked

"I want to hear this too." Rangiku glared at Gin.

"First, she drinks and eats too much. It's lucky that she isn't fat either. She's too lazy. She takes advantage of others to get what she wants. You shouldn't be around gals like her." Gin smiled.

Chloe laughed and choked on her food.

"How dare you say that?! I thought you were always going to stick by my side no matter what, but you just made fun of me!" Rangiku pointed her fork at Gin and started chugging a bottle of sake. "And Chloe! I thought we were friends! Why'd you betray meeeee?" Rangiku slammed the empty sake bottle onto the table and opened a new one.

"Byakuya! Tell us all the bad things Chloe has done." Rangiku yelled. Byakuya raised his eyebrow. "That annoying and disgusting commoner has no manners. She is a useless creature living in my manor. She uses underhanded methods to get what she wants including blackmailing someone who has graciously offered her some hospitality and –"

"HEY! It wasn't you who invited me to live here! It was your father! And I don't think you own the manor. Do you pay taxes?" Chloe interjected and started drinking more sake.

"The Kuchiki property will be mine. I will inherit it." Byakuya stated.

"How pathetic. You nobles can just flick your finger, and you'll get whatever you want. You don't need to work hard or go through hardship to get what you want. You people make me sick. Then nobles are too wimpy to do anything unless their parents force them. They're lazy people whose existences should be wiped off the face of the Seireitei." Chloe said disdainfully. "I bet you can't even drink an entire bottle of sake, because your parents told you not to."

"I will show you, you ungrateful wretch!" Byakuya shouted and grabbed a bottle from the table.

"Gin! How could you? I thought you loved me!" Rangiku raised her sake bottle and attempted to hit Gin with it. Gin dodged, while the shattered pieces of glass fell on the ground. Rangiku grabbed some of the sushi and threw it at Chloe. "Traitor! You're not my friend!"

Chloe jumped and caught the pieces in her mouth and spit them at Byakuya who was wiped out from trying to drink the entire bottle of sake.

People left their tables to avoid the chaos, while the restaurant manager paled at the sight of seeing his customers abandoning their food to avoid the fight between the raucous teenagers.

"You wanna go? You WANNA GO?!" Chloe challenged Rangiku.

Rangiku giggled. "With you? Hahahahahahahaha! Please, I bet your little fists won't even touch me. Ready? Rock, paper, scissors!" Rangiku chose rock, while Chloe put out paper.

"Why you!" Rangiku seethed. "HA! I will win at a game of rock-paper-scissors any day!" Chloe yelled and ran out of the restaurant. "That is, if you can catch me!"

Rangiku sprinted out of the restaurant. "Sorry, I need to make sure they don't cause any trouble in the Seireitei, since they're both so drunk." Gin said to a waitress and carried the unconscious Byakuya out of the building.

Chloe and Rangiku panted in the meadows of the third district. They looked at each other and giggled. "Wow Chloe! Plan B worked out really well! We didn't have to pay for the food at all!"

"My uncle taught me his tactics in case me and my friends didn't have enough money to pay the bill." Chloe scratched her head and smiled.

Gin appeared over a hill carrying Byakuya on his back. "Ew, he reeks of sake." Chloe pinched her nose.

Kuchiki Manors

"C-Chloe? What happened?!" Lady Kuchiki screamed. The robes of the four teenagers were in tatters.

"Byakuya was so brave. There were these thugs that confronted us when we were in the Rukongai, and they threatened to beat us up unless we had a drinking contest with them. Of course, Byakuya won, so they let us go." Chloe said guiltily.

"My Byakuya?" Lady Kuchiki asked in shock.

"Yeah, please don't punish him. He saved us all." Chloe pleaded and put her hands together. Rangiku and Gin nodded behind her.

"I never knew my son was that selfless. I'm so proud. Next time, you guys need to be more careful. You never know who you'll meet in the Rukongai. Chloe, you and Byakuya are to not go to the Rukongai for the rest of the week." The woman lightly reprimanded. "Before that let the servants replace all of your clothes.

"Okay!" Chloe grinned.

One week later

"The newly opened restaurant The Golden Dragon, owned by the Minamoto family, has been shut down. According to the manager, after a brawl occurred in the restaurant, customers stopped dining at The Golden Dragon, because they feared their safety. Local Shinigami have also offered poor reviews of the restaurant, saying that all their food tasted like sushi and sake."

Chloe smirked at the Seireitei newspaper. She had gotten the ultimate revenge on her lovely cousin, Kiyomi Minamoto.