A/N: And here is the primarily fluff filled epilogue I promised, enjoy!

Also I'm a sucker for circular narratives so if the first part of this epilogue seems familiar it's because I definitely had the first chapter in mind when I wrote it.

This is set 4 years after the events of the last chapter.

Her footsteps echoed ominously throughout the alleyway and though he scrambled to gain purchase against the slippery wall he knew he was trapped. Like a rat he had been caught by the beautiful blonde with a dazzling smile that twisted into something more unsettling as she approached him.

The rain pattered against the stone of the street and the glistening puddles that boots scattered with sure, confident strides. He gave up escaping and raised his chin to meet his fate.

"You're coming with me buddy."

"You're no police officer." He sneered, failing to hide his wobbling voice.

"That's right, you've been a very bad boy. I'm only hired for special cases like you." There was something inherently seductive in the low purr of her voice and her eyes, a deep magenta in the night.

This woman exuded an air of intoxicating danger all wrapped up in a toned, curvy figure and masses of golden hair. When he had first seen her she had seemed young, beautiful and most likely dense however he could see much more in the telling light of the broken moon as it illuminated the glint in her mesmerising eyes.

She was older than he had originally presumed and there was pain there under the person she pretended to be, an intimidation technique that he had to admit was impressive.

She had seen things that had fashioned her into the beast that stood before him.

When he drew the dust powered pistol from his jacket he knew this was not going to be an easy fight and from the way her grin widened it seemed she enjoyed the stakes of their encounter suddenly heightening to a life-threatening level.

He had nothing left to lose.

He fired at the seemingly defenceless woman.

A flash of yellow appeared before her as she lifted her wrist to block the bullet. When his ears ceased ringing from the gunshot he could hear light giggles erupting from the blonde's mouth.

A voice, monotonous- as if this occurrence was common- came from behind him, "Yang, what have I said about playing around with targets?"

"Awww." The blonde replied as she pouted, "you always spoil my fun Blakey."

The man between them let out a yelp and backed away, furiously pointing his gun at first one woman then the other, not able to decide on a target.

"No more games Yang." Something in that tone, in the look the two then shared, left the man with no doubt that this newcomer seemed able to tame the blonde beast. She stepped closer to him, her face a mask of indifference, as he took in the monochromic clothing scheme, sparkling, piercing, yellow eyes and the two triangular ears nestled into her raven coloured hair. He barely blinked before he was disarmed and knocked to the ground, gasping in pain as his arms were twisted behind his back. "Handcuffs please."

The blonde, Yang, let out a giggle and stepped closer before speaking in a low tone, "thought you'd never ask."

"Who are you people?" He couldn't help questioning the couple who seemed to be so entirely different but somehow working in harmony.

"We're your worst nightmare." Yang replied, a wide grin paired with a challenging flash in her violet eyes.

"Don't engage the target in conversation." The one referred to as 'Blakey' scolded.

"Alright but only 'cause I've got another pair of these handcuffs for later." She winked then and cold metal clamped around the restrained man's wrists but he barely registered them as he continued to stare at Yang, his mouth agape.

"Let's go." He was roughly pulled to his feet and guided towards the exit of the alleyway he had been tracked down to, wondering how it was possible that he had let himself be caught by such a peculiar duo.

"Let's get pizza after this!" Yang excitedly babbled as they trudged towards the police headquarters.

"We had pizza on Saturday."

"But we have to celebrate finally catching this dude." A heavy hand slapped against his back and made him stumble.

"Sure." Yellow eyes were rolled but a small smirk quirked up one corner of the faunus' lips.

"I can't stand this anymore, Blake I need you to help me." Weiss put every pleading note she knew into her tone as she spoke down her cell.

"What's wrong?"

"We've purchased a selection of furniture and of course Ruby had to get things which need assembling at home. She's attempting to do that right now but I'm struggling to prevent myself from wringing her neck."

"I thought Ruby was talented at building functional objects, she designed and forged Crescent Rose."

"Her talents are brilliant if you want a rocket launcher on your wardrobe!" A very rare laugh sounded down the phone from the faunus.

"I'm sure she is simply upgrading the minimal designs."

"I'm not opposed to certain upgrades but heavy weaponry is not suitable for safe, everyday living conditions."

"Have you told her this?"



"I tried to but she umm…" Weiss was certain she had never been so ineloquent in her life.

"She did what?"

"She did that thing where she gets really excited about her ideas and I just couldn't shoot her down when she was so happy."

"I see."

"You do?"

"Yes. It seems you want me to be the awful spoil sport in order to save you from doing it yourself."

"Well when you say it like that it sounds cowardly but… I suppose you're right."

"I always am."

"Annoyingly so you are often correct. I suppose it is my responsibility to prevent Ruby from making our apartment a literal death trap."

"If you rang me for advice then I will simply state that a compromise is necessary here."

"Thank you Blake, are the plans still on for his evening?"

"Yes. Yang is going to take Ruby out whilst we can both stay home and do some important work. Ruby can stay with us overnight and we'll all come visit yours tomorrow."

"You're staying home too?" Weiss chewed on her lip as she processed the information.

"I have a book that needs finishing, I'm sure they're old enough to look after themselves by now."

"It's not their health I'm worried about, its other people that may offend them."

"Ruby has gotten more responsible since her promotion."

"She has. Anyway I should start utilising your advice and discuss a compromise with her, I'll see you tomorrow."

"You will, goodbye Weiss." The noise that sounded the end of the call came through the headset and Weiss straightened her back and rose her chin. She strode towards her bedroom door and back into their newly acquired living room.

Various tools and building materials were strewn across the laminate flooring and in the centre of this terrifying pile was Ruby Rose, muttering under her breath and scrawling notes onto a piece of paper as Weiss coughed to announce her interruption.

"Oh hey Weiss! Do you want to see what I've come up with? It's not finished yet but I've thought of a few super cool things to add and they can get better and maybe you have some ideas too we could-"

"Ruby." Weiss cut off what was surely going to be a drawn out ramble but felt a twist in her stomach at the bright, hopeful silver eyes that looked her way.

"What is it?" When the businesswoman didn't immediately reply Ruby's face twisted into one of worry and she leaped up from her designs to zip across the room, standing before Weiss in seconds. "Are you okay? D-do you not want to build them? I should have stopped when you said you wanted already built furniture, I'm sorry, we can take it back if you want?" Ruby's insecurity never failed to stir up a sadness in Weiss' chest.

"No. Ruby listen, I love your enthusiasm and I'd really like to build them together. I never did any of this with my other houses or anyone else I've lived with but I need to establish some ground rules. I am not opposed to upgrades but they need to be practical and necessary."

"You don't want a cup holder on the drawers then? Or a knife storage compartment in the coffee table?" Weiss thought she could see a hint of impish mischief in those silver eyes now and almost smiled at the suggestions.

"No, I think we should assemble the furniture first and once we have begun using it in everyday life we can then recognise which upgrades would be suitable. Does that sound fair?"

"Yeah, I can get carried away with my designs. Let's just do this together as new housemates first, that's what's most important! Team Iceflower go!" With that odd declaration Ruby dived into the pile of unmade flat-pack furniture, presumably to seek out the instructions.

"What? 'Iceflower'? That's an awful name!" Weiss complained as she approached the mountainous task that she was certain would keep them pre-occupied for hours to come.

Her entire left side was sore but she could hardly complain when it was self-inflicted.

"Yaaaaaang." Ruby whined, disregarding her 'no complaining'. "It really hurts!"

"Don't worry Rubes, it'll feel better in a bit maybe you should put some ice on it? Or when we get to yours some Weiss on it. Eh? …Guys?" Yang looked hopefully at the other two people in the car and received a sigh from the faunus driver and a dismayed groan from her sister in the back.

"This is all your fault! Weiss is going to kill me, then kill you, then probably me again."

"Yeah. You might be right about that but hey it was an awesome night!"

"I can't even remember half of it."

"Do you remember when you claimed that you could open a bottle of beer with Crescent Rose and ended up sawing a bar in half?"

"No! Did I pay for repairs?!"

"Yeah and what about when you went into that bakery that claimed it sold 'the best cookies in Remnant' and you challenged it to prove its claim by letting you taste all of their stock?"

"I remember visiting a bakery, how many cookies did I eat? And how did I afford that?!"

"You pretty much ate every cookie on site and then told them to send the bill to, I'll quote you directly here, 'my super-hot business lady girlfriend who's short but likes to pretend she's tall' and you then wrote down Weiss' details."

"She really is going to murder me."

"We've had a good few years together." Yang sighed wistfully.

"I'm sure Weiss will forgive you Ruby." Blake reassured her.

"But Blakey! You haven't heard about the tattoos yet." Yang gleefully announced, hopping in her seat.

"Tattoos?" Wide amber eyes glanced away from the road to survey Yang who immediately gasped and covered her mouth.

"Uh no. I didn't say that…"

"Yang…" The silence was laden with menace as Blake's knuckles whitened against the black of the steering wheel.

"So we may have… uh… gotten-tattoos-last-night." Lilac eyes closed as Yang leaned away from the driver, a grimace marring her usually confident features.

A pause.

"Let me see." The reply was resigned and paired with a knowing sigh.

"It's only a little one."

"Let me see it Yang." In response the blonde rolled up her shirt to reveal her shoulders and her symbol which was now inked onto her right shoulder blade.

"It looks good right?"

"You're an idiot."

"No but I kinda can't see it properly so you have to tell me if it's actually my symbol or not." She admitted sheepishly whilst Ruby finally found a reason to smile from her seat in the back.

"It looks like your symbol Yang."

"So… do ya like it?"

"It…" Blake seemed to consider her words carefully. "Isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be."

"Yay! Ha! I'm not gonna get killed! Sorry Ruby but it looks like you're the one who has it hard."

"Yang! Thanks for the support." Ruby whined at her gloating sister's face.

"Don't worry, if Weiss kicks you out you can come stay with us. It'll be just like old times."

"I don't want to hear what you two get up to at night thank you."

"It's not just at night-" Yang began before Blake hastily cut her off.

"We're here."

Yang had to carry Ruby up to the apartment, a terrific feat since Ruby had grown to be only slightly shorter than the blonde herself and Blake knocked on the door, hearing the call, "it's open" from inside.

"You can do this Ruby." Yang encouraged as she set her sister's feet back onto the carpeted floor and pushed her through the door.

Whatever was cooking smelt delightful and immediately set Ruby at ease as she took familiar motions to see Weiss in her light blue apron gliding around the kitchen with a grace Ruby could never muster herself but adored in her partner. Rubbing her forehead, as if that would rid her of the headache that resided there, Ruby swallowed thickly and stepped up behind Weiss, placing her arms around Weiss' petite body. Ruby rested her head on the shoulder before her and hummed contentedly.

"Heya Wiess. What're you cooking? It smells delicious." She could hear Yang barely concealing her laughter from behind them and knew that her attempts at flattery were perhaps only thinly concealed.

Weiss appreciated the compliments though and turned her head to peck lightly at a rosy cheek before answering, "thank you, you'll have to wait and see. How was your night out?"


"Ruby?" Moving her attention from the pan Weiss turned around in Ruby's arms to look up at shifting silver eyes. "Are you okay?"

Feeling guilty at the unnecessary worry she was putting her girlfriend through Ruby decided to get the confession out. "It was a fun night but me-and-Yang-may-have-gotten-tattoos." In a rush she finally explained what she was most nervous about and sighed at the feeling of having a great weight taken off her chest.

"Tattoos?" It was said as if Weiss had never heard of the concept and was coupled with her freezing in place.

"…Weiss?" Ruby rubbed the back under her hands, as if that would loosen Weiss' muscles, and stared pleadingly at her. "Do you… want to see it?"

"That's right princess! You're dating someone with a tattoo! Bet you never thought that would happen!" Yang shouted up whilst Ruby turned her head to send her sister a 'that isn't helping' look.

When Ruby twisted her head to look at Weiss her jaw dropped. The shoulders she had her arms around were shaking with adorable giggles that bubbled up Weiss' throat and made Ruby smile in turn.

"So you aren't mad?"

"I should have known something like this would happen, please tell me it's something tasteful and not offensive or ridiculous."

"It's my symbol, here I'll show you." Ruby stepped back and removed her hoodie, a slither of black visible under the short sleeve of her t-shirt. She held up the sleeve to reveal her symbol at the top of her bicep and smiled hopefully, watching the eyes she loved scan the tattoo with precision.

"I actually like it." Weiss admitted, smirking as she leaned up to Ruby's ear and whispered, "I think I know where I'd like you to get my symbol."

"Hey! I heard that!" Apparently Weiss hadn't whispered quietly enough as Yang almost growled, "that's my little sister you're talking to Schnee."

"Your little sister who's twenty-two." Weiss replied, taking Ruby's hands in her own and rubbing her thumbs across the knuckles in motions that never failed to soothe Ruby.

"She's too innocent for that kind of talk."

"Yang, we've been dating for four years." Ruby stated not bothering to look at her sister but instead bending down to kiss Weiss.

"We're going to let you two lovebirds catch up after the whole night you spent away from each other." Yang spoke up before taking Blake's hand and walking towards the living room.

"I missed youuuuu." Ruby sang as she swayed them from side to side, her spirits bolstered by the lack of disapproval that she had prepared herself for.

"I'm sure I was with you in spirit, perhaps purchasing cookies for you?" Weiss raised an eyebrow and Ruby froze.

"Uh…I don't remember that but I suppose you got the bill?" Her cheeks turned crimson as she cast her eyes to the floor and shuffled her feet.

"Yes a lovely young man called this morning to inform me that someone had bought all of his cookies and footed me, their 'super-hot business lady girlfriend who's short but likes to pretend she's tall', with the costs."

"Sorry Weiss! I'll pay you back! Ozpin is sorting through my promotion bonus so I'll have more money soon."

"I'd like it if the new chief of police would take me on an expensive holiday with their bonus money."

"Sure! Where do you wanna go? Oh this holiday is gonna be so great!"

"We'll discuss details later, let's eat for now."

"I love you so much Weiss!" Ruby said it because she was always so honest and good feelings had to be shared, they filled her to the brim and flowed over until Weiss could reach up and feel the adoration that rolled off Ruby's skin as they kissed again.

"I love you too Ruby." They would have argued until their throats were sore that the other's smile was the most beautiful thing in existence but sometimes three words were just about enough to explain and encompass all of the kisses, the caring looks and time they spent together.

Weiss knew she had never felt so content and disconnected from her old self, from the Weiss who knew only loneliness, and she spent every moment trying to convey that to Ruby.

Sat around the dining table, reminiscent of their time planning to destroy the White Fang, they ate and laughed.

Blake was rolling her eyes at a lame joke but affectionately touching Yang's thigh under the table when the blonde said something that made the entire group pause. In fact Ruby had her fork in mid-air halfway to her mouth.

"I think I'd like to have a baby." Yang said it matter-of-factly as if she had given it serious thought and was the most natural thing in the world, perhaps to Yang it was Blake mused.

"Babies are soooooo cute!" Ruby replied as her eyes began sparkling at the mere thought.

Blake and Weiss shared a look across the table that needed no words to convey their thoughts, they both knew that having miniature versions of their respective partners would be both terrifying and rewarding. They smiled at each other, knowing that there were more trials to come for all of them in their future, and re-joined the conversation.

"No Yang we couldn't call our baby 'The Death Slayer' or 'Gambol Celica'." Blake said as she laughed at the look of indignation she received.

"You're not even going to consider them?!"

"Clearly Ruby would be better suited to motherhood." Weiss quipped as she turned to the younger of the two sisters at the table.

"Yeah I'm going to raise 'Crescent Rose Junior' right." Ruby replied, not hearing the sigh of exasperation from Weiss over Yang's explosive laughter.

A/N: I had to give them a happy ending.

Ruby is working closely with Ozpin as head of all law enforcement in Vale whilst Weiss continues to run Schnee Dust Company legally.

Blake is getting her first romance novel published whilst working at the library and with Yang part-time. Yang is still for hire (usually by Ruby or Ozpin) to find and capture the most dangerous criminals in Vale.

Team JNPR are all still working in criminal justice in their own unit.

Of course there's still inequality but Weiss has spearheaded the new law to make sure faunus get fair pay for their work whilst Ruby has begun to enforce multiple laws to protect faunus citizens from discrimination (Blake over-looked the writing of these laws of course).

Thanks for everyone who has followed this project! It became a lot bigger than I planned or expected but all your support and comments have kept me going. Check out my profile for other projects if you're interested, I hope this entertained you for a while and thanks again!