Hello everyone, angel here!

Sorry to all of you who were hoping for a new chapter, but this is also kinda important.

Anyhow, I'm aware that it's been almost FOREVER since I last updated this story, but fret not! The story's not dead (yet). I'm currently stating my second semester at college so I'm REALLY busy at the moment. I've also experienced a temporary loss of inspiration for this story, but that's nothing a month of vacation, rereading the book and re-watching the show won't fix.

I went through the story a few days ago and I was unpleasantly surprised at how bad my writing was back then. This prompted me to rewrite the whole story from the beginning. I might scrap some of my old OCs and add in some new ones. I'm also planning on broadening up the Manalis family history, so that's gonna take a while as well. All in all, you should be expecting a reworked story around August. It would also mean a lot to me if you'd leave reviews on the revised chapters so that I know whether I've improved them or not.

One more thing before I go and that's fanart.

What I want to know is how you see some of the characters in this story. I'll understand if you don't want to do this but I implore you to give it all a chance. Here's the deal: I was thinking of making a small fanart contest for this story. Basically, like I already said, I want to know how you see the Manalis family. You can send me your works via tumblr and DeviantArt (my username is the same on both of them) or to my pen name gmail account (if this is the method you've chosen, PM me and I'll send you the mail).

I think that's all I had to say for now.

Love you all,

angel 333