Disclaimer: I don't own anything. You could try and sue me, but I'm broke

Author's Note: No mention of our lovely Basco in this chapter.. but there will be.

FeedBack: puhlease..?!

"But mooom" Casey whined from the backseat, "why not?"
"Because I said no, grandma's visiting tomorrow" Jeanne Evans spoke from the front seat, glancing in the rearview.
"But it's only till tomorrow"
"And I said no Casey, that's the end of it"
"It's just a sleep-"
"No!" Jeanne yelled, forgetting about watching the road and twisting her neck to look at her only daughter.
She failed to see the brake lights in front of her.

Tatum watched out the window of her moms car at all the passing traffic. Her friend Casey was in her mom's car up ahead, going home as well, probably trying to convince her mom to let her stay at Casey's place tonight.
"Why don't you get in to the right lane mom" she asked, looking at her mother.
"Because I'm in this lane already Tatum, and there's too many cars"
"My stomach hurts"
"We're almost home, sweetie, Andy's at our place to watch you until I get home from work"
"What about daddy?"
"What about your dad?" Mrs. Castler asked sharply.
"Where is he?"
"Working, Tatum"
"Oh, when will you be home?"
"By eleven, but you'll be in bed by then"
"You want me to do laundry?"
Mrs. Castler looked at her daughter, wondering when she got so grown up. Tatum had always been smart, in fact early testing showed her to have an above average intellect. Actually, her eleven year old already knew what she was going to be, knew it. She wanted to be a doctor, even begun reading up on it. Tatum was only 11. "No baby, Mom will do it when she gets home"
Tatum swithed her views and looked out the front window, she could feel her mom's eyes on her still. She saw the brake lights of a car up a few, "mom, brakes" Tatum said.
The car didn't stop fast enough, instead it swung sideways, striking the back end of the car in front on the driver's side.
Tatum was shaken back and forth as cars from other lanes hit the front and tail end of their car, horns blaring and brakes squealing.
She closed her eyes.

When she opened them, all Tatum saw was... wreckage. Dust, smoke. She could smell burnt rubber, and could see... a lot of cars misshapen, flipped or squashed together. All she could do was sit there, taking it all in, then she looked at her mother.
"Mom?" Tatum asked, taking off her seatbelt and leaning over.
"Mom!?" she shook her softly, opening her eye lid with her thumb and looking. Her eyes had rolled up in to her head.
Dreading it, the young girl reached up to her mother's neck, feeling for a pulse. This was when her mother's head slumped on to the steering wheel, covering the now deflated air bag in blood. There was no pulse.
Frantically Tatum dug around for her mom's car phone, finding it on the floor she flipped it open and dialed 911.
"911, can I get your emergency?"
"My name is Tatum Castler and.. there's a multi-vehicle accident on Symington Avenue, heading North... I need Ambulances.. and fire I think, maybe police -"
"Honey how old are you?"
"Eleven" Tatum replied, looking around still. A few people were getting out of their cars, wandering around looking lost.
"Okay sweetie, are you hurt?"
"Alright honey, don't get out of the car okay, you put on that seat belt and stay in the car, it's the safest place to be"
"But all these people are hurt"
"Ambulances are on their way okay, can you stay on the phone with me?"

Tatum hung up.