Today was the day where I had to read my paper out to the whole school. I can't do it. I'm nervous. I just can't do it. I kept thinking. My palms were sweating. Mr. Gaylordson was waiting for me in the office and he was holding my paper out to me. Oh god why?
"Now Stan you have to read it word for word. Got it?" I groaned but nodded nonetheless. Mr. Gaylordson left, heading back to class. It couldn't get any worse. Could it? Just then Kenny walked into the office, handing the lady at the front desk a huge stack of papers to sign. He waved at me and I gulped. Waving wearily back. Here goes nothing. I turned on the mic to the PA system and read the paper. With a shaky breath I began to read.
When I look at you it's like my heart goes into overdrive. It feels like I just got shot with adrenaline and drank three cans of Red Bull. When I'm with you I just smile for stupid reasons. Sometimes because of your crude humor, or your downright cute face. I just can't fight this feeling anymore. I think I've liked you for a while now. Sometimes all I think about is your wonderful smile and those baby blues. I like you just the way you are.
You should take your hood of more often though. Your blonde hair looks so soft, I just want to run my fingers through it. Your skin looks soft too, despite the scratches that graze it. You're one of my best friends, but I can't help but wish we could be more than that. I wish I could just go up to your face and tell you how I feel. You, the boy with the orange parka. I don't really know what else to say. Words can't really express how much I feel for you. Even though I just told you the reasons why I like you so much. Wow this is sounding a lot girly than I thought. But hey while I'm still writing about you. Would you by any chance want to go to prom with me?
I finished reading. Why Mr. Gaylordson picked my paper I'll never know. I felt strange, like someone was watching me. Looking up from my paper I saw that Kenny was looking straight at me. Kenny was a pretty smart guy and I knew he figured out that my paper was about him. A blank expression adorned his features. I immediately assumed the worst and thought he didn't return my feelings. I was losing hope and fast. That was until he smiled at me. Kenny walked up to me and I could feel my face start to heat up.
"Boop!" he exclaimed as he just booped me on the nose. His face was heating up as well. "I'd love to go to prom with you." I felt ecstatic, I could kiss him right now. But I tried my best to push down my excitement and remained cool.
"That's great." I smiled down at him. I was actually about to change my mind and kiss him, until the door suddenly opened. My raging ex-girlfriend storming up to the two of us.
"Stanley Marsh. Why did you write about some guy and not me?" She demanded. "I thought you of all people were straight."
"Wendy you're delusional."
"Looks who's talking Marsh. There's only one person here in this entire school that wears an orange parka. And that's the man whore himself." She said pointing an accusing finger at Kenny. "Bitch you stole him from me!"
"Whoa there, I did nothing of the sort." He stated putting his hands up in defense. Wendy's rage changed to what looked like confusion? Something like that. But she face me again.
"Stan, please tell me this is some sort of elaborate joke to make me jealous because it's working." She said batting her eyelashes at me. They weren't as near as long Kenny's. I grabbed Wendy gently by the shoulders. She must have thought that I was making a move to kiss her because she started to pucker her lips.
"Wendy, I know you're a smart girl. Somewhere out there is someone for you. But turns out I'm not that someone." I reasoned. She ceased puckering her lips and looked at me. Eyes hard, she was judging me so hard.
"Is that really how you feel Stan?"
"Yes." I finally thought she understood. But was wrong.
"Fuck you Stan. Fuck you and your little man slut. Mark my words you'll come crawling back to me." She stated and stormed off. Leaving the two of us alone. Three if you counted the lady at the front desk, who was too busy playing crossy road to pay attention to us. She didn't even interfere when Wendy and I were having our little banter.
"Sorry about that…" I apologized to Kenny, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. He just smiled while punching me in the shoulder.
"Not your fault you happened to date a clingy psycho."
"But she wasn't always like that. She used to be so...not psychotic."
"Girls are weird man. But you gotta admit...she had a pretty decent stack."
"Sorry, I just call it as I see it." Right I almost forgot that Kenny was into major boobage. I sighed but ruffled his hair smiling all the while. He laughed and I was definitely on cloud 9.