They had had her in a chair for hours. It seemed like pure hell what they were putting her through. Making each and every inch of her hair curl, painting her nails and toes, and not to mention that they had painted her face up as well. Pepper and Natasha had been working on her for what seemed like days and yet Robin knew that James was still most likely in bed, Steve, Sam and some of the other avengers had took him all around New York for his bachelor party two nights ago, James was still recovering in their apartment. But Pepper had insisted that they have a wedding and then made sure that Robin was not going to jump out of bed, put on some make-up, and show up to her wedding. No, Robin had to look perfect on her wedding day, from head to toe, Pepper was going to make sure that this was a day to remember. She had someone come in and give all of Robin's side of the wedding parts nails, even Cecilia got to get her nails done a dark blue color. James and Robin had been able to choose the colors, the date, where they were going to hold the reception and after party, and Robin got to choose the dress. But Pepper did most of the planning for the whole thing, from the wedding invitations to the meals, it was all Pepper. Robin trusted Pepper, she was one of the only few people who could say that she had the trust of Robin, so she knew that Pepper would not betray the trust and do something that the girl would hate.

Cecilia had been twirling around in her flower girls dress the whole time, her basket on the table with little blue Hydrangea flowers in them. Robin curled her toes up, she could feel the chill from the outside that she would be stepping into. They had chosen winter for their wedding, a play on words really and a play on one another, the Winter Soldier's wedding should be in winter and everyone knew that Robin was not too keen about winter, so Robin thought that she needed something to look forward to in winter. It was a New Years Eve wedding. Robin didn't know who had suggested a winter wedding, or who had thought ti would be a good idea to have an outdoor wedding, but Robin just rolled with it, she wouldn't care if she would have gotten married to James in an alleyway, just as long as she was getting married to him. Robin had been told by everyone that she was too young, she still had her whole life ahead of her but she would tell them that she wanted to spend her whole life with him. There was no one besides James that she wanted to spend the rest of time with, he was her solider from the past, he was becoming her everything with each day into the present. But she was still nervous, Robin felt like that was normal, she was about to vow that she was going to spend the rest of her life with one man, the man that she loved and trusted with her life, it wasn't like she did not want to spend the rest of her life with him, she was just nervous. Nervous that she would mess something up, that she would trip and fall or drop the rings or mess up her vows, those were the things that she was scared of.

When they were all done, they had gotten her into her dress and shoes, Robin was stunned in the way that she looked. First, she looked like her mother, the beauty and the grace that she had, it was stunning and could stop any man in their tracks. Second, she looked like an angel, she looked sweet and kind and like something that would come out of a persons dreams. Her hair curled perfect to frame her face which was drawn instantly to her eyes. Her lips were the next thing people would be drawn to, they were bright red, the perfect lipstick color for her face. She looked older and yet somehow at the same time she looked innocent, but only Robin could see the nervousness that was in her own eyes. But then again, when she smiled, she could feel the excitement and the anticipation of getting married. Robin had never believed that someone would come along who understood that she had to take care of two kids and would not run away when he heard it, let alone have a man understand and want to marry her.

Her dress was stunning. Robin had nearly dropped when she had seen it, it just called to her, told her to buy it, so she did. It hugged every curve of her body in just the right ways, from the way that the strapless top held onto her dress to the way that it flared off at the bottom. At her bust, the lace was light blue that just faded into the white beading on her torso. There was small flower on the side of the dress, nothing too fancy or too popping. At her waist, the blue lace came back in and it was darker, it looked like it had been stained in, but she liked the way that it rolled down to her hips before it faded off once again. The skirt part of the dress flared off and away from her body, it felt like it was made of silk- or so Cecilia said-, and at the edges of the dress, once again, the blue could be found coming up the dress like vines on a plant. The blue went all the way to the back of her dress and town her small train that she had. Her veil hung from the back of her head and wet to the swell in her back. The edges were made of the same lace as her dress, so the same blue hung around her face. She had chosen a pair of blue high heels to go with her gown, a pair that made it so that she would not have to pull James down and he would not have to lean for them to kiss. Robin felt a little happy when they placed her bouquet in her hands, tiger lilies and lilacs representing Robin, roses and babies breath representing James, one iris to represent Cecilia, a tulip for Simon, and aster to represent Steve. James and Robin and all of their siblings in one flower bouquet. Yeah, it was a colorful mess, but she still loved it.

As Robin, Pepper, Cecilia, and Natasha got into the elevator to go all the way up to the top floor, Robin felt a little bit existed. A lot of people had come out of the wood work when she had been shot, some of them she had expected, other she had thought had been dead for a long time. So when Agent Phil Coulson showed up at Stark Tower, asking where his wedding invitations was, she nearly tackled him down in a hug. She had chose him to walk her down the isle, since there was no one else that she could have thought of that her father would have agreed to have walk his first baby down the isle, Phil would do for her. He had been a good family friend and he had been there for Robin since she had been a baby, making sure that she did not teeth on a gun or fall off a helicopter when her parents were flying it. From the look on his face and the way that he had to hide the fact that he was tearing up, Robin could tell that he thought that she looked beautiful.

" Oh and someone by the title Malinda May had joined the list of people at both the wedding and the party." Pepper said as she picked up her bridesmaids bouquet.

" Holy shit, the Calvary?" Robin asked looking from Phil to Pepper.

" I'm guessing that you know her then?" Pepper said with a smile.

" She saved my parents life, twice. She is like their ages Black Widow, she is one of the best of the best. It's an honor to have her at my wedding." Robin said as Pepper just smiled, shaking her head.

" I hope you don't mind, my team decided to come and see me walk someone down the isle, not believing that I was even going to a wedding." Phil said as Robin just smiled.

" Hey, any friend of yours. . . or a team member of yours, is welcome." Robin smiled to him, as Steve and Sam walked into the room.

" Oh my." Steve said as he came over to the girl and looked her over. " You look stunning." He whispered to her.

" She looks more than just stunnin' you look. . . well you look like the most gorgeous bride that I have ever seen, you look better than that even!" Sam said as he came over and gave the girl a tight hug. " Now remember, if you fall, it's your day so blame it on this guy." Sam said as he pointed to Phil.

" I second that, he allowed everyone to think that he was dead for awhile, blame everything on him." Steve added.

" I third that." Natasha added with a glare towards Phil.

" I fourth that." Pepper said. " And Tony fifths that." She added.

" I think you kind of pissed off the Avengers with that stunt you did." Robin smiled towards the man who just looked to his shoes, he had heard this all many times before. " I get it though." Robin added as everyone started to get in line.

" You do?" Phil questioned.

" Yeah, you do it to keep the ones that you love safe. But if I ever hear about anyone else coming back from the dead, they wont be undead for very long. That's for damn sure." Robin said as she started to hear the music play and she could feel her stomach turn in knots.

Sam and Natasha went out first, she could see people taking pictures and that was about it. Her and Phil were pretty hidden, just the way that Pepper had told them to be do that when the brides music played they would move in and do their walk. Pepper and Steve went next, Pepper giving a hopeful smile back to Robin, who could feel herself shaking, before she started her walk out. The Cecilia just bounded out, throwing flowers in every which direction she went, they had not really practiced how many flowers to throw and where, so Robin just chuckled, knowing that people were going to have flowers in their hair. Before Cecilia went out of view, she could see her little sister gasp and wave up to James, smiling and bouncing her way up there. Then the brides music played and Robin took in a long, sow breath before she and Phil just walked right out to the light and for a moment Robin could feel the icy chill of the winter before she looked up from her bouquet and saw James standing there, for his his mouth dropped to the ground, as she smiled and started walking towards him.

She could only see him, it was like everything else just vanished into thin air. The cold that had bothered her before, she did not feel anything but a small smolder in her body. Robin could feel herself smile and blush when she saw the tears coming to James's eyes, he looked at her as if she was the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen and he was going to spend the rest of his life with her. Robin could feel the tears coming to her eyes as well as she just wiped them away lightly. The nerves that she had had before, they all faded away into pure excitement and happiness with each and every step that she got closer and closer to James. He just kept starring at her, a smile on his face that she had never seen before one that made her blush and even giggle a bit, it was his, it was Bucky's smile and Robin could not have ever felt happier about seeing that side of him. Robin thought for a moment that he was just going to run down to her and pull her towards the front and do their marriage for them, whispering something to Steve that made the man chuckle. But there was a voice, a voice that she had never heard before that made her snap out of her wedding trance.

" Oh look! There Phil is, he looks dashing!" A girl with auburn hair said as another girl hit hit. The Calvary rolling her eyes as she just smiled towards Robin. Those people were Phil's, those were the only people that he could trust, seeing as Grant had been in his team. There were two men with them as well, one looked pretty tough and the other looked like a nerd.

" She looks stunning." The other girl said. " Just like the picture we had of her mother."

" I'll hit them later." Phil said as Robin tried to hold in a smile as they got to the front of the small group of people, James lending out his hand as Phil took Robin's hand and placed it into James's. Robin smiled as she felt the chill of his metal hand wrapping around her left hand.

" You still on for this?" Robin whispered as James just chuckled a they walked up to the minister.

They had chosen to keep it short and sweet, it was too cold and people would freeze to death in the winter nights out on the top floor of Rockefeller Center. Everything that a normal wedding would have, Robin and James had just decided that they would have it during the party if it was really needed, or if it was something that they really wanted to have. They started out with the minister talking about love which went on for about a minute, maybe two, then it was time to tell one another their own vows. Robin had thought about each and every word that she was going to say, she was worried that they would not come out correctly or that she would mess up on something, but she had decided that she was going to go first, that she was going to see the way that he looked at her, the way that he smiled to her, and that it would make it all better. As Robin took a deep breath in, holding onto both of James's hands, she just looked up at him and smiled.

" If first time that I met you, it was in the rain, our romance started in the rain with you saving my life. You did not have any fear for your own life, you just wanted to save a girl that needed to be saved. I don't know about you, but I fell in love with you at that exact moment, though it took me awhile to figure it out. I would have never thought in a million years that I would be able to meet someone who is as sweet, kind, and loving as I have found in you and I know that I will never find it again. You started to protect me the minute that you met and have not stopped since. I vow that from this moment on, I will protect you from anything and anyone who tried to harm you, even if its just throwing a shoe at them as you run us away." Robin could hear Steve chuckle at this. " I vow that I will allow you to wake me up in the middle of the night to tell me your memories, I will always have an open ear to listen to you, even when I get old and cannot hear anymore. I vow that I will allow you stay in bed with me, even when you snore. I vow that I will make you breakfast most mornings and then have flour fights with you in the afternoons. I vow that I will love you, through your best moments and your worst, when we are being chased by insane people and when we are dancing through the nights. I vow to love you long after I die, through sickness and in health, through the poorest that we can be and the richest that we will be, for better or for worst, I will love you through it all. You, James Buchanan Barnes, I will love you through it all and I am honored to be your wife." Robin said as she could feel herself tearing up as she looked to James, who wiped the tears away from her eyes as Simon came over with one of the rings, giving it to Robin. She could only feel herself smiling as she placed it onto James's finger.

" Robin, you were the first person that gave me a chance in this world. You did not judge me, you did not think of me any differently. I think that it was the first time that you smiled to me, in that elevator going up to your apartment, that I fell in love with you. Robin you are the sunlight to my never ending days. You are the one thing take makes me get up in the mornings, to keep me away from my nightmares of the past. You are my saving grace. I vow to always protect you, your siblings, and our family. I vow that I will be there for you in every step of your life. I vow to love, honor, and respect you with each and every choice that you make. You were the first person that I fell in love with and you are the last person that I ever want to be in love with. You are the one thing that keeps me grounded to the earth and I would not have it any other way. You, Robin Alexandra Blake, are the only woman I would ever want to be married to." James said to the girl as he had to wipe more tears away from her eyes before taking the ring and placing it onto her finger.

" So, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride." The minister told them as Robin smiled, moving inwards James, pressing her lips against his before he wrapped his arm around her body and doing the typical spin and drop that she had seen a weddings before bringing her back to her feet, Robin giggling against his lips. " Ladies and gentlemen, may I now introduce, Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan Barnes." He said as Robin finally noticed how many people were there, how many cameras were around, as they all started to clap and cheer for them.

They had pictures taken right out in the gardens, that's when the snow started to fall on them, it was only a little flurry, but once some of the main pictures were done, James wrapped his jacket around her body, making sure to keep her warm and Robin thought that the photographer had gotten a picture of that as well. Right before midnight they were going to bring the whole party out here to watch the fireworks and the ball drop, Robin had made sure to get a picture of her and James kissing in an area where the ball could be seen behind them. When she had gotten picture with just about everyone, they went into the party and had the time of their lives with one another. It was the start of a new era with one another, the man out of time and the girl who never thought of having love, were finally married. It ended on a clear night. It was one of those beautiful nights where, even in the city, you could see some of the main stars, the kind of night where you would want to be with the one that you loved just starring up into the night. The kind of night where fireworks were shot into the sky and lucky enough for Robin, when midnight hit, she had someone to kiss. And this time when she felt the fireworks, there were some behind her as well.

The End.

Its been an honor you guys, really. You've made it amazing to write this story! Thank you.