"She is growing paler each day, what is wrong with her!" A soft, but angry voice roared from a distance.

I feel like two tons of bricks befell my body. It aches terribly and seemingly I feel cold. My eyes open to a dreary sight, everything was hazy and unclear. My mouth felt dry as I open my mouth to speak nothing.

It was quite an internal struggle, until a blurry form of Bash appeared before me. He cupped my face, with agonizing pain in his eyes, "She's awake, I think."

His announcement brought upon Nostradamus and Francis, whose voices I've heard arguing in the back of my head. I see them all with the same face as Bash.

"Felicity, how do you feel?" Francis rushed, pulling a blanket on my form. I tried to move to a sitting position but his hand brought me back easily, "You mustn't move. You're ill."

"Fran-francis…" I spoke softly, "I need- I need an audience with Nostradamus and Bash privately."

My comment struck him odd and surprising. His face contorted with confusion as he try to formulate what on earth I could possibly hide from him. He looked at Bash for clues but even Bash didn't know what to say. Dejectedly, he gritted his teeth, muttering, "Send a guard when you're ready to talk to me."

We all waited until he was out of the door before I breathed a sigh of relief and clutched Bash's hand for dear life, "What I must tell you need to stay between this room, Sebastian."

His eyes searched mine for clarity as his confusion with the situation took over, "I swear."

Looking at Nostradamus, "You know of Nostradamus' certain…abilities." I stated. I've known Nostradamus all my life and not once had he called it gifts. He tells me how it terrifies him, the things he sees.

"I've heard hearsays about it, yes." Bash responded.

"And you know of my love for Francis and my quest to protect him from all harm."

Bash chuckled, sitting on the bed I'm laid in, "There isn't a living person in this castle that does not know that."

I know I could very well trust Bash with anything, even my life. So my decision to tell him so late about my knowledge of the future was not because I lack trust, but merely because I lacked time. My stubbornness to ask for help had driven me to my almost death and I see that it is now time for reinforcements, "Nostradamus had seen a life I have with Francis in the future - a married life."

Bash took both my hands into his, "That is great news, Fee. Francis will be a ruler someday but that does not mean he cannot follow his heart. I'm sure there will be a better agreement between Scotland and France. You need not worry so much."

My face was stoic; I've heard all these thoughts before. I used to think that way, looking at the mirror and telling myself the same things Bash is uttering to make myself feel better. But time had gotten me cold to the thought, I must get used to having who I love so close yet so difficult to achieve, "It will be a married life devoted with caring for a sick Francis as he slowly but painfully die at a very young age."

Bash was taken a back, an extreme surprise to the bastard that loves his brother deeply. He looked at Nostradamus and received a nod, claiming my words to be true. Bash shook his head, looking between me and nothing, "It can't be."

"It will be. For a while, Nostradamus had given me a potion that would keep my feelings at bay. Francis relies on my action; if I give him hope, he jumps for it. But if I treat him like a brother, he knows how to stay in his place."

"A potion? Fee, feelings cannot be dictated by science!" Bash uttered. "This potion…is it causing you ill?"

Nostradamus answered, "Yes. It curbs the feelings but it must replenish some other way. She's been losing some of her senses day to day as she persistently takes it. I've made her a stronger one and I presume is the reason why she has lost her energy."

"Why have you been allowing this to happen!" Bash roared, standing up against Nostradamus.

I pulled his hand, "It was my choice. I've been cornering Nostradamus to help me. It isn't his fault."

"And you haven't told Francis this?"

I shook my head, "He doesn't believe in this. He will fight his fate."

"And what are we to do? Marry him to Mary?" He yelled, angrily pacing.

I narrowed his eyes at him, of all people who I thought would understand, Bash is making it difficult, "With or without Nostradamus' vision, he would've been married to Mary regardless. Have you forgotten the agreement between Scotland and France?"

I gave my all to be able to stand up and face Bash. He's acting a bit weird, angry and all the time pacing. He growled, "Things can change, Felicity!"

I gasped, "You fancy her, you fancy Mary."

Nostradamus timidly mumbled, "I'll give you two some privacy."

"Lady Felicity! Lady Felicity!" the living, breathing, embodiment of my annoyance called. Queen Mary dismissed her ladies as she howled towards me with a smile of kindness. "I'm so glad you're doing better. Did Nostradamus say what it was about?"

"Fatigue." I gritted my teeth.

"Oh," Mary answered, "It must be from the battle. You had the whole castle worried! If not for Catherine's persistence, the King would've sent numerous physicians to treat you."

I sighed, "May I be bold, Your Majesty?"

Her shoulders squared and she looks more like a queen, "Of course."

I took another step closer to her, a whisper I've never thought would ever come out from my lips, "You are betrothed to the Dauphin; respect your treaties or Bash might end up paying the price," Mary's face looked stunned, her eyes calculating how much I know as her lips quiver in fear, "I love Francis and I love France, but Bash is my brother, too. I will die for my brothers."

I turned to leave a stunned Queen. I know naught to keep Bash from doing something, but Mary, however, is different. A call hindered me from leaving, "We have a plan."

It was a foolish call. A woman's mind tucked under the layer of love and comfort of the heart - Mary, a young, naïve, heart driven queen. Her love for Sebastian might be pure and true, but her love for her country should've amounted to something more - that is what rulers are supposed to do. Even Francis, who's always trying to separate the crown from his life, knew that this is the way a royal must live. I turned to Mary and saw a desperate girl, a girl filled with love and heartache both at once. She is the kind of girl I should be and I'm one she should be. I was raised to conceal, while she to give. Her eyes bore tears, tears that spoke of her love for Bash.

I grabbed the Queen and dragged her to my chambers. Among the flight of stairs, my mind raced with worry.

A plan?

"Of all people you could love…" I slammed my chamber door, dismissing the guards that could easily overhear, "You do not get to choose who to love, Mary, Queen of Scots. You were betrothed and must honor it!"

"Don't you think I know that?" She cried, "Night and Day I pray to God to give me a different fate: one where I can serve my country and my heart!"

I slammed my hands on my desk, anger seeping through my veins, "Your love for Bash will kill him! It won't just be a matter of adultery; nobles will say he's seizing the crown. They will call him usurper!"

Mary shook her head, "No, no…he doesn't want anything to do with the crown."

"I know that!" I yelled, "But anyone who tries a hand at you is trying for the crown. You are engaged to a dauphin, not to a servant. You-you do not get to choose who to love, who to be with. You will marry Francis, you will be a good wife and you will be loyal!"

"You do not get to raise your voice to me! I am the Queen of Scotland!"

"And in this country, in this court, I am above you, Your Majesty." I answered, bowing to her and leaving my chambers in haste. Mary is similarly like Bash – both stubborn, both fearless. I worry for the fate of my brother. How far we've come and how slowly we seem to burn.

As French court goes, whispers of my illness purged across and had some whispering pregnancy as the culprit. I, a virgin, nonetheless must be some sort of miraculous woman to conceive a child! I despise these gossiping women.

"You think it's from Francis?"

"Well if you see the way Bash lingers at her…"

"Has she been with both of them?"

My mouth turns upward at their stupidity. However, my short mood of happiness churned when none other than Francis was standing at the entrance of the hall talking to one of the soldiers. His eyes turned to mine and a gasp of breath emerged from his lips. I see him dismiss the soldier as he waits for my presence.

"Have you heard the latest, my dear?" I asked, trying my best not to sound so frail with guilt.

He shook his head, "Apparently you're with child. Is that true?" For a mild second I thought he was serious, until a burst of laughter came. We both chuckled with his hand leading me inside the hall. Preparations of another party were booming, "We have a guest arriving."

I groaned, "That must mean I have to put on heavy jewels again?"

He smiled at my rapport, "I'm afraid so. It seems the Prince of Portugal is visiting. Mother requires we are all in our best behavior."

I twiddled my thumbs, a habit I've picked up since I was a child, mischievousness dripping through my voice, "Our best behavior, eh?"

"Oh god helps us all!" Francis laughed.

We sampled some of the pastries lying on the table and picked up a couple of wine here and there. It was a comfortable feeling, being with him. I thought he'd take it to heart what happened earlier today, but it seems Francis had been forgiving. I see some reservations in his eyes, but a joyous feel overcomes.

This is the kind of Dauphin I'd like to see. A happy, living one.

"Felicity, are you all right?" His tone concerned. I blinked my eyes, coming back from the reality and suddenly Francis pulls me to a wall, away from prying ears. "Felicity…"

I touched his chest, "Francis, please do not ask me that. I am okay, I am happy. You are happy."

He cupped my face, checking for temperature, "You worry me too much."

"You need not worry about me. I can withstand battles; this is not but a small fever. I will be back to normal in due time."

"And your conversation with Bash?"

I bit my lip, "Francis…there are things I confide in Bash that I simply…"

"Could not with me?" His eyes bore hurt, "Do you…do you fancy Bash?"

I shook my head vigorously, "No, that's not it…it's just…"


I threw myself to him, hugging him dearly, "Please, if you value our friendship, you must leave it alone."

He cupped my face, "Do not ask me to do that because anything that threatens you, threatens me. Trust me, Felicity. I beg of you."