Okay, so I'ma rewriting this! I hope you enjoy!
Amy47101 does not own pokémon.
The Jade and Onyx Arc
Part One
The Rebellion
By order of the New Order, and the Great Wind- The One Who is The Leader- let it be known, as of now, at this precise moment, or twelve 'o clock midnight, whichever shall arrive first, following the swift triumph of the order of The Ones Who Protect, who have obliterated dumb and blind forces of passivity and complacency plaguing the world.
All citizens of the Tolerin Region must, will, and shall abide the five ORDERS OF ORDER:
1)All behaviors NOT in keeping with New Order law, logic, order, and science(including but not limited to theology, philosophy, and IN PARTICULAR the creative and dark arts, as well as those of pokémon coordinating, battling, ect.) are hereby ABOLISHED.
2)ALL persons under eighteen years of age will be evaluated for ORDERLINESS and MUST COMPLY with prescribed corrective actions.
3)ALL persons who are a part of the former 'Pokémon League'(including gym leaders, elite four members, and the champion) will be EXECUTED ON SIGHT.
4)ALL persons who own a pokémon without the proper papers will be tried and/or jailed/executed.
5)The One who is THE LEADER grants, appoints, decides, seizes, and executes ANYONE or ANYTHING at will. All NOT complying shall be SEIZED and/or EXECUTED.
-As declared by The One Who Writes Degrees
Chapter One
"Can you see the light, Yellow?" the voice echoed around her, enveloping her in warmth. It was a males voice, she could tell, but yet saw nothing. Vaguely, she was aware that she was in a grassy field, wearing a sundress.
"Where is the source of you power?" a female's voice asked. She seemed a little younger than the male, though her voice bounced with anticipation, like she was ready to get up and do a mile run for the heck of it.
"Are you a friend or foe?" another male, his voice smooth and calming. Yellow could imagine an arrogant smile.
"Will you help us?" this female's cold voice sliced through her mind like a knife. It was almost as if she was challenging her...
Yellow blinked herself awake, aware that she had some sort of strange dream, though could not quite piece together the sequence of the dream. Voices, very different voices. She glanced at the clock, realizing with a groan that it was five thirty in the morning. Not even pokémon were up at this hour. She rolled over, trying to get into the comfortable faze of in-between sleep, but ultimately failed as her mind began to run a mile a minute.
Groaning, she got up from the comfort of her bed, arching her back in a stretch as she set to get ready for the day.
"First thing's first," Yellow decided, moving to her bedroom window and flinging it open. Immediately, she was greeted by the cool morning air and the smell and taste of summer in the Viridian Forest. Closing her eyes for a few moments of content peace, she moved to get dressed, pulling on a green T-shirt with denim shorts, then running a comb through her long hair to get the snags out.
Finally happy that her hair was snarl-free, she pulled it up into her signature blond ponytail, and went downstairs to greet the day.
Flinging open her door, she stretched again, yawning with her eyes shut and her right hand covering her mouth. Maybe she was still tired...
"Oomph!" Yellow jumped back when she bumped into something, or rather, someone. She looked up, feeling her face heat up as she realized that Red was standing right at her door, picking up envelopes. He stood up, and grinned. "Hey, Yellow!" he greeted, raising his hand in a half-wave.
"G-good morning Red." she responded.
"Little early, don't you think?" he teased.
"Had a weird dream and I couldn't get to sleep. What about you?" she glanced at one of the envelopes, recognize Blue's curled handwriting. "What is Blue planning this time?"
"Dexholder Reunion." Red responded simply, holding up an envelope with her name on it. "We've got more juniors."
"More?" Yellow responded, taking the envelope and carefully tearing it open. She pulled out the invitation, glancing over the words.
"Yeah, three from Sinnoh, and two from Unova." Red replied.
"I'm excited to meet them," Yellow said. "But it says 'formal wear' and that 'the bringing of a date would be appreciated'." Red widened his eyes. "And, um, anyone who does not have a date will have to be Blue's personal slave for the day."
"Really?!" he exclaimed. Yellow blinked.
"You're delivering them, but you didn't even read yours?" Yellow asked with a laugh. Red looked over her shoulder, as if to see if her words were true. He groaned, resting his forehead on her shoulder in defeat.
"This is not good." he said. "I can see it now, Blue's tricking Green into asking her, Crystal's waiting for Gold to ask, Sapphire and Ruby will have a bet that will eventually end in them going together..."
"What about Silver? Or Emerald?" Yellow asked with a small chuckle.
"They're screwed." Red mumbled. Yellow blinked as Red lifted his head and began to walk dejectedly down the steps. "And so am I." Yellow blinked again.
"Um..." she started, twirling a piece of hair around her finger. Red paused. "How about you... and me... go together?" Yellow mentally backhanded herself. She sounded so stupid just then! How bold was that, anyways? She could barely talk to Red without a stutter, and here she was, asking him to the reunion. Her face heated up in mortified embarrassment.
"Would you really," Red asked, turning fully to look at her. "Do that for me?" Yellow grinned, hoping the smile was enough to hide her reddening cheeks.
"Of course! I have yet to get a date either, so this way neither of us will be subjected to the torment of being her personal slave for a day!" Yellow joked. Red bounded up the steps, and lifted her off the ground in a hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." he said repeatedly. "Thank you."
"I get it, you're grateful!" Yellow laughed, kicking her legs slightly to get him to put her down. "Put me down, please?"
"Oh! Sorry!" he exclaimed, putting her down. "Now about this formal wear..."
"You don't own a suit, do you?" Red grinned sheepishly at this.
"I have one, but I haven't worn it since that big celebration after we defeated the Ice Mask. It's to short now." Yellow laughed to herself, imagining Red in a suit where the legs and arms were to short. It was a humorous thought.
"We'll have to go shopping tomorrow, then." she said. "I don't own a dress either, and so, before Blue can drag me on some trip, let's go tomorrow."
"So we can avoid another day of torture!" Red said, high-fiving her. "Has anyone ever told you that you were a genius?"
"Nope." Yellow laughed. "Who else do you have to deliver these too?"
"Um," Red looked at the letters, then grinned. "I just gotta send these to the new juniors, and we'll be good. I'll do it via PC at the pokémon center. "
"I'll go with you." Yellow said, running inside to slip on some sandals and to grab her belt that held her pokéballs. "Hopefully Blue was a little kinder on them," Yellow said, buckling the belt. "Because imagine what they would think if they read the letter we received!"
"They'll find out sooner or later," Red chuckled. He glanced at his watch, and widened his eyes. "Wow. It's close to seven. Did you know that?"
"Nope." Yellow laughed as she walked beside him. "Time flies, I guess." there was a pause, nothing but the sound of the forest pokémon beginning to awaken.
"So... what'd you dream about?"
"Huh?" Yellow asked stupidly. She had been so intent on hearing the noises of the awakening forest she kinda tuned out everything else, including the young man beside her.
"You said you had a strange dream, and that's why you were up so early. What'd you dream about?"
"Oh, I was sitting in a field, wearing a sundress, and then I was hearing voices." Yellow responded, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "I can't recall who they belonged to, nor did I actually recognize the voices. I just remember them being really different and asking weird questions."
"What'd they ask?" Red asked her. Yellow thought for a moment, then shook her head and laughed.
"I don't remember!" she exclaimed with a laugh. "I guess it wasn't important."
"Yeah," Red replied. "I guess not."
It's out of my control. How am I to know what the future holds for me?
So What
April Lockhart
And thus the Jade and Onyx Arc, rewritten, begins! Hope you enjoy!
Amy47101 signing off! ^.^